Hackers On Steroids About to Blow the Lid Off 9/11


They visited us earlier today to answer questions and shitpost for a while.

Their first post on 4/pol/: boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/198358308

Their AMA thread: boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/198364116

Tweet confirming it was them, not a LARPer: twitter.com/tdo_h4ck3rs/status/1079952190830039040


Attached: IMG_0485.PNG (946x877, 58.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, could someone please copypasta my op to 4/pol/ to get more eyes on this, I've copped a bullshit ban


Yeah ok.

Here's the thread. I am not going to monitor that.

Thanks user, I appreciate it

So… this is gonna prove that 9/11 was an inside job?

I don't get it, what's the big deal here?

Attached: 1437352352742.jpg (436x402, 32.48K)

It's an advertisement for the tracking site known as 4chan.

Fuck off with that shit. If you have potential to hurt the kikes release it immediately before they have a chance to prepare a spin or have you suicided. Dumbass motherfuckers don't even want to expose the truth if they're pulling this.

Not sure what exactly they plan to prove, but they have a history of actually delivering on promises so it has the potential to be real big happening. Look them up, they made a name for themselves when they leaked a heap of Netflix shows early two years ago when they were extorting them.


Read their ama, they're black hats, not whistleblowers. They're in it for money.

I do completely agree with this though, this happened so many times with Seth Rich revelations. Retards would announce; "I have hot dirt on the Seth Rich murder and will release it in exactly 3 weeks" and by the time it rolled around their name had been ran through the mud across the media and they were shut down.

Hannity and Kim Dotcom were the worst example, I actually believe Kim was sincere but they completely botched it by giving the enemy a heads up and bitching out on going on tv.

This is cool if true. Most of the evidence would have been reviewed in private otherwise.

Not like there's not enough out there…

What's wrong with demanding money? That's all the Jew feels, user.

So they're fucking useless to us and are helping the kikes by not releasing this information.

Not entirely. Things like this create smoke, which clues people in to the possibility of there being a fire. Heres a good example of this related to the Clinton foundation.

They're chaotic neutral, they're out to help themselves

I don't get it either. We've known that 9/11 was an inside job for at least 15 years. Might be a bunch of glow-in-the-darks trying to push the old "Plot twist! It was the Saudis all along!!!"

Attached: Larry_Silverstein.jpg (1400x931, 110.3K)

I read the memorandums. I don't get what this all is.

i disagree.
- the kikes pay, which mean info is legit, and they are going to try to milk them as much as possible.
- or the kike doesn't pay which means
– info is a dud, but it will still bring more eyes in a situation they allways had problem to control (2 planes yet 3 towers fall, etc)
– or info is correct but hope that by not paying it will be believed to be a dud by goyim as the jew didn't pay (which will lead to more targetted digging)
in all cases it's a variant degree of bad for jews.
expect massive amount of tinfoil shitposting as attempt to pollute, which can be exploited to point out the feverishness of jews (and henceforth their tacit guilt).
prudent but enthusiastic hype, anything more is probably fools and potential fudgers, anything less would be shills and d&c.

Well unlike you, they've caused kvetching among jew lawyers, the dirtiest people of all time. Give it time, see what happens.

From insurance cases?

I doubt a law firm would have any pertinent details. I'll be surprised if anything comes out of this, even like the firms clients mysteriously dying or walking away from their suit.

Read their press release for more info/context: pastebin.com/4F5R8QyQ

If this was real why wouldn't they release it right away?

There's nothing they can release that will jeopardize our current operations. I'm really confused as to what game they're playing here.

Attached: 49098474_359892044811145_3946363165863837696_n.png.jpg (700x483, 17.47K)

Even if this were to be released, the mainstream media could be ordered to follow a blackout reporting on this, stopping the spread of this knowledge through ear unless its done through alternate means. And what then? What will it change but the public's already shaky trust for their government?

a Panama Papers-tier limited hangout, methinks

Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 4.53K)

For money. We wouldn't know about this, except Hiscox decided to go to the FBI instead of pay. Apparently.


Looks like Larry on got a little over $6million
Poor Larry

Attached: 1546321455742.png (715x951, 161.72K)

Yeah this won't ever happen now.
Stupid faggots should have just dumped it for the fame and glory.

Any fucktard can do that with simple high school physics.
This is about the money trail.

Anyone know why?
Looks like the sub total boxes have been whited out..


from their ama

A: You're the smart one here, asking the right questions. We'd say it's a 7.5, all things considered. Snowden may have been a 5.5, maybe a 6. More people care about 911 than USA spying. Now, our next release about UFOs, yeah, that's a 10 mate, but it's going to wait until we're done here. If you'd like to buy 911 documents from us, read the answers above.

These guys just want money and are not interested in whisteblowing, I'm pretty confident that they'll get their cash so that they don't release the info.

what do you want to bet it's a MOSSAD hacker group that will release documents proving it was either Sadam Hussein or the Saudis?

Twitter Account was made Dec 27th 2018.
So far, that's the only verification of the legitimacy of the Release and subsequent AMA.
So the question: Is the Twitter account legit?


dunno, and I'm too lazy to find out after partying for new years. Hopefully this'll lead to smth.. If not we still can focus on the ongoing protests in France and Europe.

Attached: Psycho.jpg (400x289, 17.07K)


I've been checking it out too. They're a Reinsurance company. I just found the name to sound ominous. I don't think it will lead to anything spectuclar, but I could be illiterate too and not seeing it.

Obviously that is all well known by anyone that's half awake.
This seems to be some hackers wanting sheckels to STFU, in return they will dump financial info which would be quite juicy indeed and may have some kike connections.

Is that photoshopped?

Attached: motherofgod.png (128x105, 23.97K)

user.. merchants aren't just a meme based on fiction.

It depends entirely on what (((their))) angle is. I mean, if this is a (((hacker group))) and it's not a load of bullshit, then they could "release" documents implicating almost anyone, and jews would benefit from it. Remember, jews have artificially divided themselves into opposing camps (jewish mitosis), so they can use almost any situation to their advantage depending on what they are trying to achieve.

Attached: lucille-portable.gif (640x357, 3.04M)

this is the only viable option

Attached: jew.jpg (505x326, 24.69K)

Problem is they have a history of delivering so wouldn't want to tarnish that by double crossing.. they get no sheckels then.



Ok. Enjoy the disinfo then

Attached: topic_dilution.png (891x506, 15.25K)

That read tongue in cheek to me, don't think they're actually claiming to have alien shit just shitposting

>Their first post on 4/pol/: boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/198358308
Because OP is a glownigger
who can't make a proper thread on a botnet board:
The real Overloard post link is: typos are intentional, what is opS3c faggot?

Cuckchan thread discussing their p0st:
archive.fo/5BKGe (will need updating later, obviously)

Pastybin of their release:

Full message of pastebin the glownigger OP put in a useless image:
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256 4chan, We're thedarkoverlord and we're here to tell you that it's true we have the files, and we're releasing a few now, for you to scrutinise with your sleuthing abilities. For the keen amongst you, you can see this is PGP signed and you can verify using our PGP key that you can find on our Twitter. Many of you are asking why we're not releasing it all at once: we're seeking money as we're financially motivated. We escalate these situations in a tiered manner that allows us to squeeze our targets for every coin we can get. This is going to top Edward Snowden's NSA leaks. We love you Zig Forums so we're choosing this as our first public release location. Enjoy the filth, you wankers. These are randomly chosen. It's only to serve as a Proof-of-Concept that there's no fuckery or magick going on. Press Release: https'':''//pastebin.com/4F5R8QyQLINK: https'':''//anonfiles.com/U714sep7b8/release_01_zip Your friends,thedarkoverlord (@tdo_h4ck3rs)Professional Adversarial Threat Group P.S. A message to USA LE, you're fucked, lads. We're about to give you a proper shafting.-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- 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dq9A-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
codemonkey is obviously a monkey so the http links get filtered&f*ckd, so correct as needed.

Bongland glowniggers are pissed off about pending releases showing how they were backstabbing so want to give us blue balls by telling us shit we already knew or making up a cover story about ebil h@x0rz.'''
Obligatory reminder - when Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails, the DNC leaked them afterwards and claimed they were 'hacked by Russians' as a cover story.

You can tell this shit is disinfo. They would have been banned already if they were legit.

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

I figured just putting the post number at the end of that link would work, didn't actually realize it didn't. Thanks for the archiving and shit, but I'm no glownig I just enjoy a potential happening.

Everybody that doesn't want to be murdered by the kikes pretends they don't know it.
Good or bad, this is a necessary advancement. We need undeniable proof that comes from people who sat on this information for years. Hopefully from a source the left trusts deeply.

If they actually had some interesting documents they probably wouldn't be such attention whoring faggots.

ayy lmao

It's obvious you're on the clock or you'd still be lurking another two years.

Attached: PresSaysJewsDid9_11.jpg (660x436, 85.3K)

If this is real, they'll most likely get the money then still release it.

Quote’s a fake. There’s no source. Fuck off.


Source: anonfiles.com/U714sep7b8/release_01_zip
File: 00036826.pdf
Unprecedented levels of Jewry
As far as I understand from this, the Airline (air carrier) (American Airlines, United, jetBlue, etc) are, according to the law, the sole responsible for screening passengers, even though the ones who control the screening apparatus and are actually doing it are the Airport Operators (LaGuardia Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, etc), those have suffer no liability for doing a bad job
So doing these kinds of attack is extremely simple and safe. You just sack any of the airlines and get the job done

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (690x481, 111.33K)

The fact that they were announcing anything at all seems retarded. Anyone with evidence or statements that even contradicted the narrative a bit got suicided really quickly. Even if you had serious security, it's still stupid to brag or announce anything, as it gives you no benefit. And hackers want money? They can engage in all sorts of rackets to just steal it that wouldn't draw attention. I don't think this adds up.

And that's the other thing. Knowing about 9/11 is far more elementary than National Socialism. Probably half the US knows unless they're really fucking old and would have supported World War Jew.

3 new tweets: twitter.com/tdo_h4ck3rs

One is listing a pastebin URL
Which in turn is listing user files (same dump site used as those Raven breads btw)

They want money to not release the files, but claim the files will change the world more than Snowden's leaks.
So in the event they get paid, which is what they want, then clearly their info won't have any impact.

How much are they asking for?

From cuckchan it seems whatever they can fleece from those willing to pay, whether it's the owners, or news people willing pony up the dough.

I make no claims toward the validity of your statement, but Lucky Larry also has a 100M contract for a 100B property, and he got the goyim to pay for it. Go ahead and calculate what revenue 1WTC should have been able to earn the port authority and the American people over the next 88 years (don't forget the various taxes, the anticompetitive practices whereby Larry can easily undercut any competitors as he sees fit, etc.), and then calculate how many orders of magnitude less Larry is paying.

Earlier in 2018, there was a fantastic and very brief article that was published about a global insurer being hacked. The hackers weren't named and the story fell to the darkness shortly after it came about. No further mentions were made. You might guess who these hackers were. Hello world! What was that story? It was this one: globallegalpost.com/big-stories/us-law-firm-hack-hits-global-insurer-15490236/

What's the takeaway? We hacked Hiscox Syndicates Ltd.

And why didn't Hiscox Syndicates Ltd make this more public? Well, keep reading on to find out! It wasn't just Hiscox Syndicates Ltd that was put at risk, it was Lloyds of London as well as others. Another entity unnamed in this article is Lloyds of London and who we'll attribute as also being involved. Hiscox Syndicates Ltd and Lloyds of London are some of the biggest insurers on the planet insuring everything from the smallest policies to some of the largest policies on the planet, and who even insured structures such as the World Trade Centers. At this point, the keen amongst you may finally be drawing conclusions at this point, but you'll still be astonished at what's to come. Keep reading. This also means that Silverstein Properties is involved, doesn't it? Now things are getting more interesting. Most of you readers will not be privy to the processes and methods utilised by Fortune 500s to litigate high-impact cases, but we are, and thankfully for us, we're going to let you in on this process. When major incidents like the WTC 911 incident happen, part of the litigation must involve SSI (Sensitive Security Information) and SCI (Special Compartment Information) from the likes of the FBI, CIA, TSA, FAA, DOD, and others being introduced into evidence, but of course this can't become public, for fear of compromising a nation's security, so they temporarily release these materials to the solicitor firms involved in the litigation with the strict demand they're destroyed after their use and that remain highly protected and confidential to only be used behind closed doors. However, humans aren't perfect and many of these documents don't become destroyed, and when thedarkoverlord comes along hacking all these solicitor firms, investment banks, and global insurers, we stumble upon the juiciest secrets a government has to offer.

What's the takeaway? We hacked Lloyds of London and Silverstein Properties.

This release of 911 Litigation Documents is highly exclusive and only available from thedarkoverlord! For a limited time only, we're leaking the first few documents as proof of our trove on the famous dark web hacker forum 'KickAss'. For those of you who are most interested in acquiring the entire set of documents, which counts at over 18.000 documents, to include .doc, .pdf, .ppt, .xls, .tif, .msg, and many other interesting formats (or just to acquire the most highly secret and confidential documents), the good news for you is that we'll be selling these documents for a limited time. If you're a terrorist organisation such as ISIS/ISIL, Al-Qaeda, or a competing nation state of the USA such as China or Russia, you're welcome to purchase our trove of documents. You can easily contact us on the dark web hacker forum 'KickAss' or by e-mailing us at the e-mail found below. We'll also sign our PGP key into this message so that you may use our PGP key to contact us if you prefer to be more discreet.

What we'll be releasing is the truth. The truth about one of the most recognisable incidents in recent history and one which is shrouded in mystery with little transparency and not many answers. What we're offering to the world is the truth, exclusively from us, one of the planets premier hacking organisations dedicated to breaching leading targets and acquiring the most scandalous materials that we may use in our systematic extortion campaigns.

If a full public release happens in the near future, we'll guarantee that we're going to withhold only the most highly confidential and sensitive documents for private sale. For the rest of you: don't worry, there's thousands of documents still to go around.

If you're one of the dozens of solicitor firms who was involved in the litigation, a politician who was involved in the case, a law enforcement agency who was involved in the investigations, a property management firm, an investment bank, a client of a client, a reference of a reference, a global insurer, or whoever else, you're welcome to contact our e-mail below and make a request to formally have your documents and materials withdrawn from any eventual public release of the materials. However, you'll be paying us.

If you're a member of the press and would like to make an enquiry, you may do so at our press e-mail which is well known by members of the press. You may acquire this from any reporters who've published our quotes, as they all have it and will accept this signed announcement as permission to share our press e-mail address with you.

We've linked below sixteen images from a very few of the documents from the legal firm Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin, who is now Husch Blackwell. More details and files are available on the KickAss dark web hacker forum.


We're also releasing a small part of the larger archive of the 911 World Trade Center Litigation documents publicly. There's thousands of files included in the archive. Everyone can freely have a copy of the archive and we would encourage it. However, the archive is completely encrypted using a very strong AES encryption and very strong master keys that will prevent anyone from decrypting the veracrypt containers until we publicly release the keys for each layer. The archive is split between five layers. Layer 1 being the most modest, and Layer 5 containing the most heavy hitting and impactful documents, with Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 containing ever-increasingly scandalous materials. We encourage everyone to obtain a copy of all five archives. As time goes on, we may publicly release keys for each of these containers if our requests from the involved companies are not met. The link to download the 10 GB archive is below. Stay tuned for the possible release of decryption keys. We may release these keys on our new official Twitter page (@tdo_h4ck3rs) and/or on the dark web hacker forum 'KickAss'.

Below is the link to the torrent file to download the archive. The magnet URL follows the PGP at the end of this release.

LINK: anonfiles.com/6fx7q6pfb6/911_Archive.zip_torrent
SHA1 HASH: F4C18CF980648E9FBDAC55952F5F3485DBBA95F9

And finally, a message to the companies directly involved to include the airlines, government agencies, the dozens of solicitor firms, the insurers, and the many others, this is a message directly to you: pay the fuck up, or we're going to bury you with this. If you continue to fail us, we'll escalate these releases by releasing the keys, each time a Layer is opened, a new wave of liability will fall upon you. You know our contact details.

You're welcome, heathens and what's the final lesson? When you're a client of ours and you've accepted an agreement of ours: follow it to the letter. We're not motivated by any political thoughts. We're not hacktivists. We're motivated only by our pursuit of internet money (Bitcoin).

This is a distinct possibility.

I hope they find this jackass and skin him alive on national television.

ummm, ok

Well what a cohencidence!
Latest tweet:
>We're going to top the Panama Paper leaks! We hacked a major and very dodgy offshore investment bank advantagelife.com Read more here: pastebin.com/kjzX26AT

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (938x667, 235.56K)

even cuckchan has now written it off as a larp.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1153x261, 136.17K)

More horse shit. If they had the info they would release the info, not do a press junket to build a buzz about their bullshit fake event.

read the pdf
its a defense statement for the Airports, explaining how the hijacking was not the fault of the airport, because the Goverment does not require them to check the passangers.

btw, I would be suprised if something incremintationg is in those documents. Law firms will try to protect their clients


If it's big, they'll probably take all the money and then release it anyhow.

White Fat Kimmy, not to be confused with Gook Fat Kim, is actually pretty cool from what I've heard. eh, a friend of mine I used to talk with a lot, used to game with him constantly and was a black hat hacker, they seemed to get along. Though he needs the iron pill something serious, given that physique. Thinking about it though, he probably has a lot in common with Gook Fat Kim.

No shit it was the (((Saudis))) along with (((Mossad))) and the (((Deep State))).

Doesn't that depend on how many shekels they can get out of the kikes first?

That's a pretty good point. It's also surprising that the cuckchan threads aren't getting deleted immediately, as they usually would be.
This is something… the airlines should be liable for damages, but it's been thrown out? Is this a smoking gun here? The airlines were paid off?

So they're in this thread?

9/11 was a horrendous affair, you ungrateful edgy children deserve to get killed.

perfectly safe like the earlier drop a few hours ago?

No. It proves Zig Forums is always right. No exceptions.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1440x2560, 295.6K)

learn how to use an imageboard or go the fuck back to reddit.>>12624925


Keek you should be on reddit or cuckchan sweetie.

no, the airport controllers should be, they are the ones doing the screening of passengers (afaik)
well, whomever is doing the screening should be the one liable, but it seems it's not how it's happening right now

Links with files? Release the damn information or stfu.

Reported for zero effort spam.

you were told to lurk faggot

anonfiles.com/62H9vap9b6Documents.zip$file *|sort1 DEDUCTIBLES 2 19 15 (2).pdf: PDF document, version 1.5Abigail Godinez.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Alison Cowan roth ira replacement.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Carolina Menendez life app.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Francisco Ibarra.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Fred Krenek.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Freyja Gilliam.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Guillermo Arenas Elite 5 403b app pkg Salinas UHSD.pdf: PDF document, version 1.3Kimesha Young.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7MGrunthaner457B2016pdf.pdf: PDF document, version 1.3Patricia Roman Life App.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Patrick Carpenter.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Santosh Kumari 403b Elite 5 app pkg.pdf: PDF document, version 1.3streampdf2_002.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Thy Dam.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7VHothur403B2106.pdf: PDF document, version 1.3Virginia Hollis.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7Viva Cotton.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7All the files date from 2015-2017 except for one:3.8M Nov 29 14:52 1 DEDUCTIBLES 2 19 15 (2).pdfWhich suggests they touched it. Nothing of note readily jumps out from string info either.

why would we care then? also 9/11 is 17 years old so most people are not going to look back into anything and change their mind about the event. and of course NO ONE WILL BE PROSECUTED because israel did 9/11.

is the dark overlord a boomer?

they'll feel murder

Don't expect anything to come from this. They're looking to make shekels, and the "people" who did 9/11 just happen to control the majority of the planet's wealth.

Attached: 911.jpg (1754x1240, 1.38M)

9/11 isn't a "conspiracy", stop spreading your anti-american bullshit. Iraq caused thousands of beautiful Americans to die and should've had their entire country nuked.

How many levels of irony are you on right now my man?

Eighty eight levels, it seems.

The whole board is filling up with garbage like this at the moment. Somebody just posted a whole paragraph (from TOR no less) about how Zig Forums itself is a shill operation.


Why would our strongest ally attack us? stop and think before you post.

Real black hat hackers don't talk about work.

*for long

Do we even know if it's /ourguy/ or not?

“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God
and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” - Benjamin Netanyahu

No. Never heard of them. They claim to love us, so maybe they're new or just formerly devout lurkers.

Airport security in 2000
Pic 1 knife I carried all over the US and deposited it into the basket b4 walking through the metal detector then collected and returned to my pocket.
Pic 2 similar knife to what my buddy carried on his belt and held his arm over as he walked through the metal detector.
Prior to 911 security only looked for guns for boarding and we never had a plane blow up in the sky like Locherbie so I have no idea what the look for bombs plan entailed.
Bottom line and every serious user on the board knows the level of fuckery carried out on 911 far exceeded what anyone ever dreamt was possible.
The 19 Lee Harvey bin Ladens that got blamed for the buildings blowing up in NYC was just more hysteria to add to the fire.
Hopefully some of you younger anons will some day get closer to the truth, but alas I have a feeling I have already figured out everything I will ever understand about it.

Attached: WolfTac_Black_Open__51415.1425419955.jpg (706x702 38.3 KB, 354.89K)