Freemasony and the Celts


So apparently it was the Mason guilds that were the earliest army of the Vatican when it came to destroying pagan temples and our culture in Gaul. By building expensive Christian churches and free schools with big Roman money to bluepill the Gauls into veneration of Rabbi Yeshua. At the same time they were the most aggressive at burning down the competition.

Mind you their guilds lived in a Empire sponsored Communist society (free free free for the goy who kneels)!

250AD and Freemasonry was still the source of cucking our traditions for the Jew World Order.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Druid/pol may attack thread but I've seen his youtube "Celtic Sanctuary" and he's a Leaf-Jew who hates Germanic-Celtic-Gaul culture and "white supremacy" and says you can't define "who is white?".

Just ignore him

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fuck off filthy kikerat

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Can someone redpill me on the freemasons?

This is how Zig Forums dies: with a LARPagan/christcuck D&C thread every day forever

Any source for that? As far as I know there did indeed exist anti pagan communities when the Romans converted to Christianity who would bash pagan ideas. However there wasn't really a distinct mention of masonry their frat didn't really exist since around the 1600-1700s.

It's symbolic since it's how many in Europe died for centuries (over Christianity).

There have been enough threads about them on this board, but to really grasp their ideas you need to read some books regarding metaphysics, hermetic stuff. Also reading through some of their ritual books you can make the links which make such a ritual esoteric in nature and can grasp references on why the rituals they perform are of some kind of importance. Most of these rituals tie back into Jewish kaballah. Conspiracies surrounding them come from the fact that there are many high class / status people involved into them and the fact they regard each other as brothers suggests preferential treatment towards others in the fraternity. And there have been many documentations that this also happens, the secrecy involved in it makes it a perfect cover for high status people to discuss fraudulent or criminal schemes.

There is no actual evidence of any key "Alt-Right" figures being Freemasons, but there's a fuckton of evidence they work for intelligence agencies.

Hey, user?

You know James Bond? It stands for Jachin Boaz.


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>“I loved it, but didn’t see it as a Bond film to be honest,” he says. “Where was Q? Where is the martini, the catchphrase?”

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OP didn't say the frat of Scotish Freemasonry. It says the Masons guilds of Rome went into Gaul and created Communes (with Roman funds) that built schools and churches and then attack pagan buildings as they grew in power.

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I am not certain any of this is as important as 'what they want' and I strongly doubt 'what they want' is the same thing as 'what you all think they want'…if any of you can answer me with true clarity 'what they want'…without bullshitting, (highly unlikely) then we might actually get somewhere…otherwise I will figure it out on my own. I actually want some clarity about what the 'God of this world' desires. Everything people have ever told me was a bunch of bullshit and lies. I know that now that I am focusing and examining 'the contenders to power'.

Alright user, god damn it. Since you asked desperatly I'll type it out. It will get screaming hate from alt-kike monitors and Druid/pol/ Jew but here we go.

1. The Alexandrian culture had NeoPlatonist schools. Christians became a popular radical mob movement and NeoPlatonists called them out. So Christians groups (not Jesus but groups that came after Paul made it a popular universal religion) begin to create their own competing philosophy based on corrupting and stealing NeoPlatonism. It was called "knowing" or "gnosis".

2. Philosophy is banned as witch craft in Rome for a few hundred years, and gnostics are chased out of the Empire. They go West into Gaul/Celt territory and attempt to subvert an already destroyed Druid culture. Celtic writings towards the end begin to include gods like Lugus and Jesus having some relationship.
Mason guilds that begin to build communes of churches/schools in Gaul around 250BC with sponsorship from Rome to convert the Gauls. Eventually that began to attack pagan temples, burn them, the build over them. Within these guilds I'm sure that the hidden ("occult") gnostic groups infiltrated or work together to convert "pagan" Celtic-Gauls.

3. Flash forward and you have a medley of occult (hidden) traditions some call the "esoteric" or "magic" (a Aryan/Persian/Median term for "skilled") traditions.
So the Templars invade Jerusalem. The founder is a son of a Muslim Sufi (esoteric Islam) and they take a vow of abstinence (code for homosexuals). The create a huge money scheme of Temple usury coins in order to move gold back to Europe… pic related.
France owed them real gold for using their fake money so the King went to the Pope and asked to shut it down.
The Pope said OK because they're a bunch of occult fags anyways and we can steal their gold from the Templar bank in France. So he breaks up the groups into the Knights Hospitalers and another group…
But a huge group of the Templars say fuck off and move to Scotland because they are invited by The Bruce (se Brave Heart movie) because he wants to beat the English and crown himself King of Scotland.

4. The Templars relax in Scotland and joint he Masons guilds. This, plus the early church mason traditions of gnosticism in Britain unites into the Freemasons.

5. At first it's just 3 degrees like most guilds but then they start to sell more for money. The added degrees means added teachings and it become darker and more crazy over time (sex magic, spirits, general mind control faggotry).

6. America starts its own branch without asking permission so is essentially a rebellious order from the start in the late 1600s.

7. Middle Masons (what I call them) appear during the Enlightenment. They are Deists who unlike the gnostic fags don't demonize Plato's Demiurge. In fact they say he is the big "G":
The goal of the Deists (mainly Americas) was to understand God's creation through study of nature, math, so on… That science and philosophy were more important than spiritual crap or even the bible. Hence Jefferson's bible where he takes out the miracles and considers Jesus as a Stoic teacher.

8. The New Masons:
The Rothschild's create a Confederate Civil War in America to finally install central banks owned by them (Federal Reserve, Templar coins). One of their head Freemasonic agents is Albert Pike.
The New Masons are like the original gnostic creepy faggot groups in that they want a NWO and are into escapism, spiritualism, bullshit artists.
Although Pike wasn't that bad, he was followed up by some real fucking creepy occult teachings that became the New Age. Confederates lose but over time the City of London wins (Woodrow Wilson).

9. The New Ageism:
Blavatsky was an anti-Aryan feminist who taught mankind must evolve into a state of A-sexual non-birth creatures. But to do this we must first kill all the white men and become trannies (not even joking). Her teachings had a huge influence on spiritual readings (gypsy shit) and popular mysticism sold to housewives and morons.
Aleistor Crowley starts his own Freemason occult group trying to reach the Gnostic stage of the Abyss by destroying his brain. This inspires intelligence agencies to use it on elite families to control them.
And then we end with Zig Forums, the short period of time when we had real free speech and research. Our kids wont have this, it's a short golden age of revolution like the American Revolution.

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10. Lastly the NWO will rebuild the Jew Temple and enact total government and kill most of us off. Rebuilding the Temple has been the goal since the Templars. This will be the new center of the NWO, a Vatican for the world.

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Wallace here, fuck this templar sack of shit. Pro Libertate, your crowns mark you as targets for our arrows.

All you need to know is that they are obsessed with Solomon's temple

So was St. Terry yet we venerate Him. That's not all there is to it I'm afraid.

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A medieval commune was not a communist society,

I bet you think they're referring to modern corporations when they mention that too.

The Freemasons are a cult that want to bring back the antichrist due to their obsession with the third temple.
Terry created an Operating System build as God's third temple. The prospect that the temple is not located at the physical location of Solomon's temple means that it is an invitation to the holiness of Christ consciousness, as opposed to a physical incarnation of an antichrist,

if your dick bends upwards in a 30 degree angle in the middle of the shaft YOU HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM

Fuck off back to reddit, yid.

That's a popular term among Satanists, you know. Goes with the whole 'i am le god' spiel.

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FREEMASONS, n. An order with secret rites, grotesque ceremonies and fantastic costumes, which, originating in the reign of Charles II, among working artisans of London, has been joined successively by the dead of past centuries in unbroken retrogression until now it embraces all the generations of man on the hither side of Adam and is drumming up distinguished recruits among the pre-Creational inhabitants of Chaos and Formless Void. The order was founded at different times by Charlemagne, Julius Caesar, Cyrus, Solomon, Zoroaster, Confucius, Thothmes, and Buddha. Its emblems and symbols have been found in the Catacombs of Paris and Rome, on the stones of the Parthenon and the Chinese Great Wall, among the temples of Karnak and Palmyra and in the Egyptian Pyramids — always by a Freemason.

What's stopping Zig Forums from founding it again without the cuckoldry?

Well who do you stand with, user (out of the groups)?
I can't stand Paul.
Ok so I align more with the 'Middle Masons' than anything else…so Middle Masons are basically like the old jews?
You told me how, but you glossed over "why"?
And despite everything it is not nearly as 'simple' as people make it out to be. There is a concerted effort to castrate Gods underway and attempts to murder Oroborus that run through all the mystery school teachings and ritual human sacrifice.

I really feel like I need to get SOME UNDERSTANDING of the NeoPlatonists. Got a recommendation? I swear I have run up against this before, people keep mentioning it to me, but I just haven't had time.

You are a whale.

I would back this idea.

Solomon's temple is not a physical temple either, it's a symbol.

In the beginning there were no freemasons, only masons. Only later did they have the brilliant idea to create yet another outer circle and allow every dick, joe and harry to join to spread their weave their web of lies and deceit in the remotest and secluded corners of the world.

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wtf?! based masons at it again :D

basically just a bunch of based stonemasons


As a Flemming fan, that assertion is offensively stupid.

Best threads always slide here for the shitty cult and pop-cult freaks who love wollowing in their shit.

Watch video, learn the path.

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t. druid/pol/ jews


Jews infiltrate good orginatiins to use for their own benefit. =All Mason's are jews.

Wow logic just really isn't necessary anymore huh Kamala?

Who are you even talking to? Because you're not talking to the subject of OP.

Plato and the NeoPlatonists.

Like you , just shouting into the void

Clever. Thank you.

(((OP))) got the first post and masonic digits. Thread discarded.
Almost like a kike deflection; the whole point of fagmasonry in present day.

Samefagging the second post, pathetic. The Druid/pol/ OP posted a selfie which looks nothing like the leafnigger you speak of. Also, said leaf speaks out fervently against the migrant crisis, the destruction of Celtic culture, and white apologists.


Well this is about the history of Celtic-Gaul which and the intergation of Roman Christianity. So if there are still anons on here who are interested in history and culture, then it's a thread for them rather than you who just shitposts and prefers maybe news threads.

NPC reaction post. It's still apart of the culture where Jews ended up taking full control - a foreign people.

Yeah, most Jews trying to control the Nationalist movement or cultural movement do. It's how they infiltrate. He also says that Germanic culture, or the Germanic homelands of the Celtic culture (aka Gaul) isn't Celtic. He's a fucking Canadian Jew and he doesn't get to decide that because he's obessed with British-Israelite fusion with Celtic culture. He also has fucking videos talking about seeing angels so he's fully mentally ill.

There is a full on attack on Zig Forums of gnostic types who are the deep state pushing esotericism and are very anti-history, anti-nature, and want to turn NatSoc into occultism (hidden christian-jew mental wackiness). There is nothing hidden about NatSoc.

Also mr. "Celtic Sanctuary" I don't know why you hate Germanic culture but it came out of Celtic culture and you should chill the fuck out.

I’ve mentioned this repeatedly that Rome during its expansion mainly in regards to Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar’s Rome required insane amounts of money to field their armies. Julius Caesar was groomed for his position and it should be no surprise to anybody that one of his biggest financial backers was Crassus who spent his time conquering the Levant in the name of Rome. I wonder what kind of (((friends))) Crassus could have made in the Levant that made him so incredibly rich?
This is just one of my points of interests in the latinization of Europe by Rome which of course lead directly to christianization and then to our modern day circumstance. It seems that culture has always been the death of the European tribes. Who ever touchs the poison semitic wealth eventually loses everything.

>I wonder what kind of (((friends))) Crassus could have made in the Levant that made him so incredibly rich?
I'd love to see a thread and maybe a video on this. You should invest in that (please)! It would take a long time but would be worth it for the history of the parasite.

Also, Caeser destroyed the Celtic peoples for their gold coins which had Celtic hereos printed on it. Historians never mention this.

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Why? 007 supposedly comes from John Dee.

It's already been displayed

All things hierarchical are easy to subvert. It starts by getting somebody in middle management to delay things forever. Eventually somebody higher-up will get blamed and replaced by somebody who appears to be "loyal".

t. Marxist understanding of hierarchy.

Crassus made his fortunes speculating in Roman real estate. No doubt a man that rich had Jewish cohorts, however

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A way to pretend you are somehow an edgy dissident when all your attacks are on "old white men"

Traitor to Rome…a man cannot serve two masters.

Old white men should show some fucking loyalty to their people then instead of trying to build a Jew World Order.

They are owned by jews, subverted now to the jew world order cause…

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It could be argued that the Republic was already dead when Crassus, Pompey and Caesar controlled virtually all of Roman politics according to their will. If Caesar had not become dictator, surely Pompey or Crassus would have become dictator in his stead.

Definition of insanity:
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Greed and lust Trump any loyalty to kin in the new age just look at your average commoner you can see this ideal from top to bottom.

That is only because there is no 'nobility' or Aryan strain in their DNA any longer…they polluted themselves and their children forever with semitic mongrel DNA for 'money'.

Stop the tucking larp aaaaas

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Hmm Le thinky emoji

Interesting… the original reasoning behind opening a Celtic front was to bleed resources away from the traditional targeting of Germanics. It appears this strategy has worked amazingly in the short time that it has been deployed. We've been observing the reactionary programs and narratives as a response to this new Celtic front development. The word 'Celtic' by itself appears to be an incredibility triggering marker among individuals of talmudic imperialism. These events are ongoing, monitored and contentiously studied.

Particularly, the phrase 'Celtic-Gaul' (see exhibit: pic related) was deployed by anons at 4chan weeks ago in relation to the Yellow Vest Uprising against Macron in France. We looked at the data over the following weeks and observed a dramatic up-tick is the word 'Celtic' being posted from Israeli sources. There is scientific evidence and analytical data to conclude the word 'Celtic' (as a reaction to the original deployment) has been entered into a "action-response" global network of individuals who are now attacking 'Celts'. We have monitored the creation of two new meme campaign called "Norf FC", the other being 2-to-3 dozen crudely drawn Celtic male figures with deformed heads and unshapely bodies usually aside a mocking quote in textual format. Within two-weeks time around 40 of these memes have been created and distributed across the chans, post-Yellow Vest Uprising.

It appears the "Celtic-Gaul" bait has been an absolute 100% success at unveiling the fragility and weakness of their organized entity. A lot of data has been collected. We have data on individuals, locations, patterns, response-times, behaviors, vulnerabilities and internal philosophical leanings, now. This Celtic-Gaul bait even has the power to expose hidden eCeleb ulterior motives and double-agents. Toward the end, I suspect the Celtic-Gaul bait will perhaps be one of the most successful innovated developments to come along in generations. The interesting aspect, is knowing this will do little, if, nothing at all to dimension the potency and effectiveness. The more, Celtic-Gaul bait that anons go fishing with, the more self-defeating reactionary data will be collected. When and if they choose to ignore the bait –let's say they read this–… the bait simply morphs itself into a RedPill that in turn again morphs into a new-adversary. In other words, there is no possible win by either attacking, or, ignoring the Celtic-Gaul bait. Absolutely remarkable invention. Further yet, this global network reduces it's own optical credibility by engaging in frantic attacks aimed and literally…. everyone. The data is showing that outside observers respond in an opposite pattern than the one the attacker is attempting to coerce the observer into.

It is further advised, the "Celtic-Gaul' bait be replicated and branched off into multiple other identical baits. This works as a type of "historic shitpost" flooding into their network. A type of hybrid shitpost that can neither be attacked, or, ignored without eating away the framework.

To date, four, rather popular ecelebs have shown vulnerabilities to the Celtic-Gaul bait.

Attached: Celtic-Gaul-Is-Risen.jpg (850x567, 276.03K)

What an interesting and clever operation…you really need to make an OP on this.

I've not come across his channel. Will take a peek at it tonight. Apparently the owner of the channel is a Canadian. This location matches up with some of the analytical data collected as a result of the "Celtic-Gaul" deployment. Looking at the data, both Toronto, Canada and London, England have shown high-volumes of hostility with the word "Celt" and "Celtic-Gaul" following original deployment. A further look at the data unmask a much smaller group acting as the intelligent-nucleus inner-core attacking the Celtic-Gaul bait. The work of this select few is very bad and incredibly half-assed, many times opting to simply reverse post or previous assumptions in the perceived public space. The nature of the topic will attract an additional collection of random hooligan type individuals, however these people are inconsequential and come with the territory.

Particular ecelebs that show vulnerabilities to the Celtic-Gaul bait themselves originate out of Canada. These developments are interesting and exciting.

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Holy shit. OP here.
I love your posts, lol. Make more analytical data posts. It's either a great larp or a great intimidation tactic but I loved it.

I used the word Gaul and Celt together because of the specific tradition of pre-Germanic culture of the 200sBCE. But also because I'm sick of these new "Celt" shills saying Celtic culture wasn't once centered in Europe, but rather a British Isles culture. And even more specific the new Celt shills are a type of non-Christian British-Israelitism – a type of neo-gnostic agenda.

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I wonder if groups think they invent everything because they get the idea from chans then deploy the idea even though the idea is already naturally deployed? Sort of like a marketing team taking credit for a break dancing in the 1980s.

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that is the most retarded shit i've seen since it gives the impression that celts were somehow a cohesive and collective group that all worked together. celts are just umbrella term in the same way germans encompass bavarians, prussians, saxons & austrians. i shouldn't need to tell you they fought each other all the fucking time

celtiberians specifically were far different from gallic(french) celts, whom were different from brittanic, whom were different from celts residing in cisalpine gaul, and those in belgica(belgium). one key difference was that celtiberians had system of city states, influenced by greeks and carthaginians while gallic celts used oppidum system of centralisation. for celtiberians this meant large range of tribes and smaller but more vicious war fought. being influenced by greeks and carthaginians though some obviously facilitated trade, which offered some tribes wealth unknown even to gallic celts. this kind of setup also made it difficult for romans to conquer, since celtiberians had been practicing guerilla warfare that romans hated. consequences for gallic celts though meant larger realms or broader lands, with more things coming under the yolk of what was usually a tribal conglomeration and more power being put to the king. but also larger wars fought, and more struggle for political power. this is actually what made it so easy to conquer, since gauls liked a lot of roman goods (it was policy for rome to set up merchant colonies everywhere they planned to conquer years beforehand, to introduce and cultivate a positive view of romans in local population) and it was already divided and the political climate disorganised in a lot of tribes, also the fact that celts were only just starting to understand forms of organised warfare. a great deal of celtic nobles, of all types, spoke latin so when the romans came many changed their celtic clothes for roman garb. not to mention celtic religious societies had authority over speech and language essentially, so celts traditionally eschewed the practice of writing even for nobles, since it was thought that non-druids would sully and debase the language made and tailored specifically for the religion, and what was told of celtic religion was told by memory, speech and legends. so its most likely a lot of celtic nobles saw an increase to their own power knowing how to speak latin, and advocated pro roman positions for their own benefit. the words said by Caesar, "I came, I saw, I conquered" (mistranslated btw), were not a chronological retelling of his conquest, but a reference and indication of how speedy it was to pacify gaul.

britons had most dispersed living of all, and just as celtiberians the britons owed a great deal of whatever remained of their independence after conquest (and of modern celtic language) to the principles of guerilla warfare, and tribal independence as well as unique geographical position.

Oldest churches in Western Europe Franco-Gaul 380AD and Teir Germany 340AD (a castle…castles were designed to protect Roman taxation barons stealing from the locals who might want to kill them). The oldest are in Egypt and Ethiopia.

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I'm not reading all that. They were a confederacy of tribes that had a common culture, Druidic law (later called Germanic Common Law which influences European law today) and DNA.
It's like saying the European Empire, yes, incorrect but that's what the maps wrote.
They also fought together as invaders or hired soldiers in places like Egypt for example. The Gauls sent representatives (collectively) to Babylon when Alexander the Great took over and had a diplomatic meeting with the known world. And their trade extended all the way to India, not just Greece. You druid/pol/ fags let one gnostic-Jew influence your entire concept because you're NPC followers.

Celt = European Confederacy before Rome took over.

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Ok, but maybe that is the proper way for government to function…a seething mass of competing ideologies and genetics rather than a monotonous EMPIRE lead by semites.

I still think it is valid to call it an empire since it was a genetic and tribal continuity.

Really great summary. My only criticism is that if one is are unaware of the history one might assume that ALL Christians were 'gnostics', when it was actually a small group of 'un-orthodox Christians' who were declared heretics, hence them fleeing from Rome (the heart of Christianity).

The Orthodox stance of the 'larger' groups of Christians has always been that 'occultism' is bad as this is explicitly stated in the Bible, as well as lots of more 'loose' denunciations regarding telling the truth being more important than dying and all that sort of thing. Christianity as understand it was not a means of exerting control over the masses; it was specific cults that portrayed themselves as Christian sects that did this. If anything the existence of Orthodox Christianity allowed for the powers of these subversives to be limited, although as we know today they have managed to worm their way into the highest positions in near enough every nation. Still we have a great many moments in European history where they were butchered; either by 'nationalist' (not quite the term, but close enough) nobility or by plebeian revolt. We've done it before and we can do it again. (Also remember that Masonry is just Judaism is goys, they are all related and do not think that the jews are innocent or have no part in this).

I think that's pretty standard knowledge since the Vatican and Orthodoxy are the exoteric churches that defined Christianity post-Paul.

The problem is that within the religion that kills faggots and has Preists that can't marry you end up with insider (game theory) groups that eventually over decades or even hundreds of years take over… add that to the pedos, the war campagins, and gnostic alternatives and you have the backdrop for two versions of Catholicism.

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does 8/pol/tards consist solely of teenbros and boomers who's thought cycle consist of 2013 infographs memes

Remider that (((druid/pol/))) is run by a Leaf youtube schizo Jew who sees "angels", and has a board on 8ch so he can ban threads and anchor you.

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What's worst is they can actually get threads taken down here.

this is really sad because often knowledge was hidden in the construction of buildings, through images and proportions

Yeah but nobody on Zig Forums cares about thier history so it's not suprising. Druid/pol/ larping posts lots of MTV videos and they talk about contacting spirits and shit, so larping gnosticism still works even today.

Whites need history but all they want is larping.

David Duke is a Freemason of the Order of the (((Illuminated))) KKK. They've been doing this since fucking 250AD

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I am going to guess it has been ongoing for 2000 years before that…

Jews are a larp that came out of Christian Rome. The original Judeans would of stoned them.

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Haha, yeah in sense. But it was always Jewish just like ISIS and Siege are.

Fucking normalfags


Church is like the only reason people even worship a Jew

Greater Gaul.
From Iberia to Siberia.

Nope. We are all the same. Paleo-europeans + Indo-europeans. Have been since the end of the last Ice Age. Southern Europeans are more Indo-european and Northern Europeans are more Paleo-european. Look at all the Haak data.

When it took hundreds of years of failure until Gaius thought to assimilate instead of conquer. Do you even lift, bro ?

Fucking hell fuck off back to kikechan you obvious shill, you better have the fear of the All Mighty and Jesus Christ because posting this shit is a serious moral crime

Whats wrong with 40k? Just because you paste soy themed memes over a photo, doesnt actually make it so you know. All I see is xmas gifts and anons congratulating each other on the things their families bought them. What is "soy" about that? I dont see any nintendo switches or gaping mouthed bugmen (apart from the ones pasted on)

What? How?

Why? They never bother anybody outside their general and seem pretty welcoming.

Wrong. As correctly points out, its a totally different person.

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I'm with you.
Those are uk anons, so they can't post pictures of their knives or guns, since GSCB will know in seconds. At least 40k means friends and planned warfare practice, and the rest means family. Kids. And that's primary action in the race war.
Beats half the faggots here who've only seen pussy on their screens.

Wise digits of truth there - amen to that user.

oops GCHQ

Looks like a big toe. Who here has a jointed dick? Is it prehensile too?

I sort of hope that someone has a jointed dick, my God imagine what something like that could do on the inside (G spot) if it was functional. That thing would have to be classified as a deadly weapon (or at least a weapon women would fight to the death to possess).

They attack everything thread with (((esoteric))) shitposting and it's run by a Leaf Jew who never leaves this place.
