Alright user, god damn it. Since you asked desperatly I'll type it out. It will get screaming hate from alt-kike monitors and Druid/pol/ Jew but here we go.
1. The Alexandrian culture had NeoPlatonist schools. Christians became a popular radical mob movement and NeoPlatonists called them out. So Christians groups (not Jesus but groups that came after Paul made it a popular universal religion) begin to create their own competing philosophy based on corrupting and stealing NeoPlatonism. It was called "knowing" or "gnosis".
2. Philosophy is banned as witch craft in Rome for a few hundred years, and gnostics are chased out of the Empire. They go West into Gaul/Celt territory and attempt to subvert an already destroyed Druid culture. Celtic writings towards the end begin to include gods like Lugus and Jesus having some relationship.
Mason guilds that begin to build communes of churches/schools in Gaul around 250BC with sponsorship from Rome to convert the Gauls. Eventually that began to attack pagan temples, burn them, the build over them. Within these guilds I'm sure that the hidden ("occult") gnostic groups infiltrated or work together to convert "pagan" Celtic-Gauls.
3. Flash forward and you have a medley of occult (hidden) traditions some call the "esoteric" or "magic" (a Aryan/Persian/Median term for "skilled") traditions.
So the Templars invade Jerusalem. The founder is a son of a Muslim Sufi (esoteric Islam) and they take a vow of abstinence (code for homosexuals). The create a huge money scheme of Temple usury coins in order to move gold back to Europe… pic related.
France owed them real gold for using their fake money so the King went to the Pope and asked to shut it down.
The Pope said OK because they're a bunch of occult fags anyways and we can steal their gold from the Templar bank in France. So he breaks up the groups into the Knights Hospitalers and another group…
But a huge group of the Templars say fuck off and move to Scotland because they are invited by The Bruce (se Brave Heart movie) because he wants to beat the English and crown himself King of Scotland.
4. The Templars relax in Scotland and joint he Masons guilds. This, plus the early church mason traditions of gnosticism in Britain unites into the Freemasons.
5. At first it's just 3 degrees like most guilds but then they start to sell more for money. The added degrees means added teachings and it become darker and more crazy over time (sex magic, spirits, general mind control faggotry).
6. America starts its own branch without asking permission so is essentially a rebellious order from the start in the late 1600s.
7. Middle Masons (what I call them) appear during the Enlightenment. They are Deists who unlike the gnostic fags don't demonize Plato's Demiurge. In fact they say he is the big "G":
The goal of the Deists (mainly Americas) was to understand God's creation through study of nature, math, so on… That science and philosophy were more important than spiritual crap or even the bible. Hence Jefferson's bible where he takes out the miracles and considers Jesus as a Stoic teacher.
8. The New Masons:
The Rothschild's create a Confederate Civil War in America to finally install central banks owned by them (Federal Reserve, Templar coins). One of their head Freemasonic agents is Albert Pike.
The New Masons are like the original gnostic creepy faggot groups in that they want a NWO and are into escapism, spiritualism, bullshit artists.
Although Pike wasn't that bad, he was followed up by some real fucking creepy occult teachings that became the New Age. Confederates lose but over time the City of London wins (Woodrow Wilson).
9. The New Ageism:
Blavatsky was an anti-Aryan feminist who taught mankind must evolve into a state of A-sexual non-birth creatures. But to do this we must first kill all the white men and become trannies (not even joking). Her teachings had a huge influence on spiritual readings (gypsy shit) and popular mysticism sold to housewives and morons.
Aleistor Crowley starts his own Freemason occult group trying to reach the Gnostic stage of the Abyss by destroying his brain. This inspires intelligence agencies to use it on elite families to control them.
And then we end with Zig Forums, the short period of time when we had real free speech and research. Our kids wont have this, it's a short golden age of revolution like the American Revolution.
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