Louis CK has reinvented himself as your new favorite alt-right comedian


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I remember when I used to enjoy this fat cuck's comedy. Are there any comedians with a set tribally aware whites would enjoy? Probably not, because where would they perform?

Making jokes insulting political correctness doesnt automatically make you part of the aut right.
I wonder how many people will read that article and think they are part of the alt right because they hate political correctness?

Wouldn't be a bad thing.

i watched a movie recently the house that jack built by lars von trier. it details the pyschology of a psychopath during his development and killings. there are scenes where he observes others talking, studies facial expressions and behavioral traits of people consciously creating a false self in order to be able to more effectively kill people. ive seen a couple of this jews stand up skits and you can tell that his charisma is 100 percent manufactured, that his skit and his ability to draw humour from soymen has more to do with his psychopathic study of audiences, something jews excel it which leads them to run their comedy cabal

louis ck is a jew who loves nigger cock

In case anyone thinks these guys are just throwing the word "jew" around willy nilly, from jewpedia: "His paternal grandfather, Dr. Géza Székely Schweiger, was a Hungarian Jewish surgeon"


I posted JIDF's line for them

They'll just say it again after they've distracted people with something else.

Really makes you think.

What do you think will be the lefty spergout consequences of 35c3? Exactly this.

He's still not funny at all. He has absolutely no delivery skill. Stop shilling this fucking cuck

Andrew Lawrence, "outcast comic". There is a documentary that details his 'crimes against multiculturalism' and the responses from his fellow comedians, all lefty cucks…

Imagine being so much of a cuck that you get #metooed without even touching an wymyn.
Is that what stripped him from the soyboy/femicunt crowd that would literally shake for listening how much times he says nigger and the jokes about necropedophilia he got famous for.
What he has for public now?

wtf I love the interracial breeding grounds now

why would such a man be such a degenrate as to hang out in jewish owned comedy clubs and attempt to make a living from telling jokes?
aryans do actual work
not make fart noises on stage, it would give him no satisfaction

the whole idea of commercialising comedy is so fucking jewish
humor is something to enjoy with friends, not something people should pay to see in a passive manner

Very much this.

You have no idea how hard it is to be a stand up comic. You might think you have a good joke or two to write, but standing up on stage and delivering it to a crowd of people you don't know is a whole different situation than reading your joke to yourself or your friends. Bombing on stage is one of the most humiliating things you can do to yourself, but every comic bombs at least once. It is hard work to make your act work, especially if you're international. Now you have to make jokes work in any culture.

To say it's not "real work" is disingenuous. It's not world changing work, but it is work, and it serves a purpose.

Legitimate satire is purposeful.

Going up on stage and speaking power to truth is the act of a degenerate society.


You discredit yourself, faggot.

I didn't mean to imply every comic is useful. Of course some are degenerate, jewish, or both.

Im not sure what 35c3 is (looks like someons ID?) but the lefties will continue to narrow down the accepted definition of being a lefty until only 1 obese trans disabled lesbian of colour actually qualifies.

jews excel at nothing. they cant even lie or cheat or kill without ruining it for all other jews. they fail at everything and rely on other races to survive.

sam hyderson performs novvhere


Actually, Louis is punching up. You don't get deplatformed for insulting whites, straights, and right wingers by corps. You get deplatformed for doing the opposite since that kikes and leftists hold power now.

This the same guy who said Trump is the new Hitler, the trump curse strikes again

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Get this hothead outta here!
It's a hacking conference. Learn about technology, user, instead of mindlessly praising some ded snowniggas who invented the first transistors. They had leftist shits and were waving antifag flags and had a part about muh gommunism.

Waste of quads. Hang yourself.

my favourite altright comedian is the jew owen benjamin
we need better comedians
none of you funny fuckers in the comments got balls to get on stage?

Thanks for explaining.

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Norm macdonald.
Norm is /pol compatible, but he isnt political.

He cucked on television recently, and one of his mainstay bits carry's on the "Hitler bad" lie. He's just another edgy comic who never did any research, and still embodies a lot of (((programming))).

Agreed. Though in his defence - he's old and I don't blame him for saying fuck it whilst being forced to walk on eggshells like everyone in the kiketainment industry. Least he can be genuinely amusing

Yeah that's not very original. I get where he's going though but the jokes I heard from that set are weak and it sounds more like just another old jew complaining about everything then jokes

It's really fucking obvious what (((they))) are doing.

The leaf Communist Broadcasting Corporation had a ten minute report on him last night. Apparently after cucking to feminists he's telling jokes about El Goblina and David Hogg, which is being a very bad goy.


Norm's brother Neil is a pothead cuck on the CBC and part of the fuck drumpf faggottry club.

Doesn't change the fact he cucked out in the first place. Why do you redditors suddenly like the retarded kike all of a sudden?

This is the most obvious staged shit and anyone falling for it needs to be hung along their leftist allies. This is the plan in a nutshell:
> disgraced cuckold (((comedian))) who got #metoo'd inexplicably switches sides to pander to the altright children
Does anyone seriously not see this as the plan? This is so obvious that I'm frankly disappointed how blatant the jews are that this plan can be seen as a mile away.

That's exactly what (((they)))'re using as a basis. It's the same as when (((dicky spencer))) rose to inexplicable fame in 2015. The (((media))) chose him to be the designated leader of the alt-right cucks. Even searching alt-right leader in jewgle gives you him as the first result.

Same shit, same pattern, so obvious.

Louis C. K. rapes kids

And he's a Jew.


This is how these kikes pay their penance when they fuck up publicly.
"I'm one of you now!"
…Months later
"Ha you thought I was a raycis fuck!"
…Rinse and repeat.
Only reason this faggot has a job is because hes a yid. Who the hell gets three cracks at a television show after completely bombing the first two attempts?

So what.

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Brievik talked about this as well. He had to psych himself up and dehumanize to face to bloodshed.

You are a bot.

I like the way you think.

It's Jordan B. Peterson, comedy edition.

Now to talk Tom Green into naming the jew so we can (((rehabilitate))) him as well.

Where else are you going to find reliable coke connections?

Zionists love him, only a real Zionist with balls would attack an anti-Israel nest filled with young people. Also, I like how he managed to blow up a car bomb AND drive unmolested for two hours (a bit better than the anti-Israel hijackers on 911), then go to some island to kill people critical of Israel.

Only a non-white wouldn't love this story. Like Brievik said, Israel is our greatest ally.


St. Anders bombed ZOG offices and shot up an entire communist indoctrination camp, then he proceeded to blame it on the zionist kosher nationalists and has been trolling the liberal Norwegian justice system ever since. And after his plans had succeeded brilliantly and the damage was already done, he openly declared allegiance to Adolf Hitler and came into the court throwing roman salutes.

Go fuck yourself brainlet.

I love this meme. It's going to push fence sitters off to the side.
I know so many normies and left leaning people that think this is ridiculous.

Sounds pretty alt-right to me.

Like it or not comedy is a business and it's not going away any time soon. What you are saying is that only niggers and jews should be in it.

That's who you want to be famous?

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There's a fellow named Guy Earle who was fined by a bunch of dykes who started making out during his set. He did break one of their pairs of glasses but it was "we're oppressed queers and should be able to act out anywhere we want" argument that was mostly why he lost.

Which he couldn't even do properly. It was shoddy damage control for his kosher masters.

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Some of us do. Grueling life on the road

As in nationalist? I'm triggered!


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>That's exactly what (((they)))'re using as a basis. It's the same as when (((dicky spencer))) rose to inexplicable fame in 2015.

That's not the first time they did it either. Remember how we went from a reaction over political correctness in the early 90's to cucks like Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich? Hell, it's like Temple Grandin designed the path we followed, except it was pic related, Cass Sunstein, who I really think is the one behind the Q thing. He shit up Usenet in the 90's the same with spam, FE, HE, and other conspiracy stuff.

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I had to read this twice

And then my response will be

Virtually no one in modern entertainment is on our side.
BASED James Woods starred in one of the first sad violin holocaust movies.
BASED Mel Gibson starred in the anti Afrikaner film Lethal Weapon 2.

No, they hate the EVIL WHITE SUPREMECIST settler regime in Israel.
Anti Zionism is not anti-Semitism, no matter what jews say.


CivNat Quarter jew Owen Benjamin is the closest thing to a pro-white comedian these days. His wife is half beaner and he's a zionist, also friends with Crowder. Other than that he's not bad. Blacklisted by Hollywood, crowd funds his shows.


Brilliant, Louis Cuck King will try to play both sides and get demolished by both.

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Alt right is a slur. No one wants to identify as it by choice.

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is he another jew?

It's a term coined by a Jew, and used by controlled opposition. Anyone using that to describe himself or anyone associating with people who describe themselves unironically as "Alt-Right" should be avoided (and killed)

Well Anders Behring Breivik was a Zionist Freemason that was used in a hoax attack on white young adults (and children). No wonder they support him.

A quarter jew mongrel I recall.

You're right.

Jews are mongrels themselves.

He was LARPING. They revoked it right after the killfest.

I really don't have a position on this because he's obviously a narcissist. If he wanted to kill all the kids on that island, you'd go for poisoning to avoid detection… to fight another day (it's not cowardly in the least).

Call it was it really is:


sorry faggot you had your chance, you don't get to join with us and take our shekels now that you have destroyed your own brand

And this is how you commit career suicide in clown world

Look at this kike trying to kill a world known brand.

There are a lot of things that do not add up to the stories of Anders B. Breivik's murders. For example, in one of the stories he was hailing a cab and in the other he was driving his own car to the island, or when a "survivor" is interviewed he can't keep a consistent story, keeps re-iterating it, and is not possible.
I'll try to find a good video on the subject to red-pill you guys on the Anders B. Breivik hoax.


Yeah… and that's a good thing? Ask any random person how they feel about the alt-Right you retard.

alt-right is not alt-lite or, as you more appropriately call it, aut-kike.
Alt-Right is something that got out of (((their))) control.
(((They))) are trying to abort it faster than a half-nigger hook in Tel Aviv.


no, it's just how 99% of people who don't live on tumblr are.
it's just the jews trying to distantiate themselves from that radioactive mess.
Also him or anyone, agreeing with muh alt-right, muh nazi, muh anything doesn't make it part of any of these groups.
It's just common sense, that many blue pilled faggots have very little of.
Also, i'm still with the idea that the "alt-right" is even a thing at all.
afaic it's nothing but a media fabrication that some people (some idiots, others well intentionned) have picked up.

wait, /trannypol/ is "alt right"?

Yeah, ask them at your job, or doing a door-to-door poll.
Then ask them if they voted for Trump.
You'll get the same blank stares.
Turns out no one voted for him.
It's things people do admit and don't.
They don't admit they're pretty much aligned with Zig Forums values.
90% won't admit that seeing an inter-racial couple causes their immediate reaction to be disgust. They won't tell you that. They do, though.

They are useful idiots and kike playthings so yep

The reason I know you're a kike is because you're literally on a Nazi board talking about a "toxic" brand like the Alt-Right.

Nose-nigger, please. Alt-Right is a candy fluff way of saying Nazi, or CivNat, or WigNat, or Magapede, or Generation Zyklon, or StormWeenie, most of the time it's just a sheep in wolf's clothing.

It's just camouflage. It's an exceptional spin point because you know the first questio-comment will be on racial hatred and not racial awareness.

They'll try and face-fuck you with "you just hate niggers!" and you can immediately weaponize it and ask them why they support continuing to flood the country with spics to replace niggers, or Indians that strip jobs from boomers and combo break them on the first round, putting them on their heels from the start. It's bait.

The slow fuck is you're not even to the white pivot where you can add that to the list and have 2 positions to spring off of (blacks and millennial replacement) to label them anti-American altogether.

Alt-Right as a title is a trap you use against an ignorantly confident opponent.

Jesus fuck did you cunts let Imkikey back with his ignorant fucking censorship? I didn't write "boomer" there I wrote 'm..ille..n.ia.ls'.

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The name Alternative Right isn't awful, as it says what it is on the tin: A rightwing alternative view of politics that isn't cuckservatism or neocon Zionism hiding behind cuckservative talking points. You might even refer to people like Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter as alternative right based on their view—once universal and normal—of America as a nation for Old Stock Anglosaxons and those that assimilated to our way of life (Germans, New York Dutchmen, and other English speakers of NW European descent). On the other hand, there's the problem of certain types trying to use the label as a vector for their own ideas: Gottfried the paleocon Jew, Spencer the enterprising Hitler-wannabe, Dugin the Russian 'Eurasian' imperialist etc. There's also the fact that people like Hillary Clinton gave the word a bad connotation from day one and the news uses it in conjunction with the usual terms of abuse—racist, white supremacist, fascist and on.

My main criticism of the title is that it implies a perpetual minority status politically. We aim to make basic views, like that America (and other European or European-settled nations) are essentially white in identity, mainstream and by calling those views 'alternative' while it may be true currently, in the long term won't bode well. I prefer a term like 'New Right' because it implies that a) we are the rightful claimants to the rightwing mantle, and b) we are going to sweep the neocons, right-lolbergs, and basic bitch cuckservatives under the rug to make room for a more assertive masculine brand of rightwing politics, like CasaPound and Biletsky's Social Nationalist Party.

Have you considered

not typing

like this?

Could be FULL crypto-jew.

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The problem is that "alt" calls to mind faggy shit like "alt rock" and turns everyone who's not a huge faggot away just by that initial impression.

Millennials is an incorrect term in the first place, the correct term has always been Gen Y.

it's imkamphy's job to keep you talking about the latest celeb and eceleb ops instead of stuff like jews doing 911

The catholics of spain forced all jews to take european names, that's why all spanish origin names come up as sephardic/ashkenazic

Look up any spanish surname or last name in sephardim.co and you will say literally every single fucking spanish last name is listed.

He's a nigger

Weekly reminder there is no such thing as alt-right. It started out as "conservative but not establishment conservative" then in a matter of minutes it was smeared into being the stuff of legends with no footing in the mortal world.

That said, Louis CK has always offended people. We Live In A Society that now writes headlines about comedians telling offensive jokes years ago, we should try to be better than that by now making threads about this.

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No, no he was not.

it's ok, it's called manufacturing relatability or pandering.
doesn't necesserally make one a psychopath, just a driven manipulative bastard.

some people have to prostitute themselves.
others enjoy it.
learn to spot the difference.

really got to love the level of retard here.