Foreign Aid

What the fuck? The US actually gave 50 BILLION dollars in foreign aid in 2017. And it looks like that pattern is fairly consistent in previous years. Why the hell is this acceptable? Our budget is in the red, why are we just giving free shit to other countries?

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You gotta pay the prostitute, bro.

I am surprised that Australia and New Zealand didn’t get any.

Gotta keep the great replacement up and running. Don't forget to pay your taxes goyim

There are some big strings tied to that money;

They have to spend it on American food to support big US agribusiness
They have to spend it on US weaponry to support the military industrial complex.

Unless it is for our greatest ally in the ME.
Then all bets are off.

Of course. That goes without saying.

wait what?

Israel gets 3 billion
Filter by continent and select Africa, it's ludicrous


Then why sending money first so they can buy from you, instead of cutting the middle step and send the material directly in the first place?
because if you were to do so, the local "helped" government wouldn't be able to help itself in funnelling a substantial part of that money in personnal slush funds.
In other words, it's essentially corruption money.
Nevertheless OP's point stand, noone should give money to those fucks, they OWE us money for merely existing in our world.

You know why (((they))) do this, user

If you gave it to them directly that would be socialism, and socialism is BAD.
Unless it's $27 trillion for banksters then it's patriotic.

Baste Kiwis

Imagine you're a jew who earns money from lending people money, and you also control the government.
Oy vey whadda ya expect goy?

Imagine graduating from elementary school even and thinking you can borrow money at compound interest to buy shit and then believe it's unfair for you to have to pay it back.


Gee I wonder where that money went.

Attached: abstractursury.jpg (514x571, 41.52K)

I don't think pol is ready for that kind of thinking


Jesus, what free enterprise heaven do you live in?

More like 50%

50 billion is NOTHING, the government spends trillions just to float around military ships.

I wonder who might be behind this post.

It's basically all bribery.

somewhere between 2008 and now we also lost between 8 and 21 trillion dollars. SO honestly 50 billion is just a drop in the bucket.

Its closer to 15 billion.

the highest you get to pay in taxes here is around 39% on the current 7 tier system.

Why does Israel need aid if they give aid?

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For the last time, you're not 'giving' anything. The kikes just take, with or without your permission.

Such is the life of a palestinian in New Israel.

Sponsoring of pro gay groups, and the like. Similar to what the Soviets did to other nations during the cold war, with the intent to create chaos and destabilize regions to subvert. That's likely what a lot of this aid is, under a different name. Just sponsoring of subversive elements, for example during the 70's the US embassy gave some money to Swedish politicians, and in 1975 out of nowhere, and with no mention in the jewish owned media nor debate in parliament, they passed a proposition to make Sweden "multicultural". Now almost the exact same thing is happening in Estonia.

It just sounds more palatable if you call subverting societies, razing nations, and giving money for arms to rebel groups "conflict, peace, and security" or "unallocated/unspecified" and so on.

But the FED can just print more money though?

Attached: gentile money.mp4 (854x480, 5.87M)

Israel isn't "the world*. Israel is a piece of garbage.

meaning they are lending us money so that we can give it to them in aid

That "aid" is only for jews though.
