Where is the best place to live in the USA?

I am currently in Chicago and I am looking for an all-round good place to move to in preparation for the upcoming political/demographic turmoil that will be hitting the USA in the next 30 years.

Idaho/Wyoming/Tennessee/Colorado/Arizona/nNorth Dakota. These are the places I have been checking out. I'm looking for a good place to raise kids and a place with jobs that will have healthy growth in the next 30 years.

Anyone know of any nice (non-tourist) places in the USA?

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For an adult heterosexual male, wherever the highest concentration of women is at.

That would be major liberal cities though

Anywhere but Detroit is better than Chicago

Have you looked into Omaha, user? I've been thinking about moving there, did a recon trip a few months back, and had a very positive impression. They've got a hidden tech industry that's mostly incubators and startups, too.

Fuck off, we’re full.

I've driven through it before, isn't it nigger-infested though?

Somebody made the case that you should really just focus on living in the exurbs around a major city within a hopefully republican state. This is probably the best option given that higher salaries are found in the cities.

Literally anywhere else would be an improvement.

There is a website for these questions located at 4chan.org/pol

You should move back to chinkland

You asked this on Voat and cuckchan, too. We’re not going to tell you the last white refuges on Earth, you subhuman kike.

Any states/cities in mind?

northern New England and West Virginia are the last white areas of the USA

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He wasn't recommending Detroit, idiot. But I will. Keep your somalis out of my nice white town.

Indianapolis Indiana

This. I live in the suburbs near NYC but all the women flock to it, pretty dry here

that is a depressing graph

Texas is not that white??

Hasnt been since like the 90's the fuck have you been? Texas is barely above California in demographics

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They flock to where the concentrations of wealth are at. Liberal cities tend to have greater concentrations of wealth because the banking system is ran by liberals that make fortunes off of the liberalized governments not knowing how to use their resources effectively. The best economies are not the liberalized economies though. They are the economies that don't just throw money around.

I was in Denver a few months ago, and they were paying liberal women to paint murals along the jogging path through the city.

I am not against this personally, but I have to wonder if that money weren't better spent on something else.

I also have noticed, these are also the forced sanctuary cities.

Same with Colorado. If a race war kicked off today CO would be a bloodbath.


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Texas is being invaded by spics and street shitters.
We need a full on purge.
We'll leave the bean to the blacks, but those Indians better be able to run and shit at the same time.

If you aren't straight white and racist, shoot yourself right now.

CO might be in worse shape than CA or TX because the populations are so mixed. In CA the areas of cancer are large enough to have their own economy and they are fairly separate. Alhambra is all gooks, Watts is all nigges, Van Nuys is wetbacks, Santa Monica is mostly white.

But in CO if you go into any grocery store it's going to be 10% gooks, 10% pajeets, 30% spics, 10% arabs, etc. And the whites are particularly cucked because they havn't been suffering from spic politicians the way they have in CA. Stupid fuckers are still adopting nigger babies and other retarded shit.

Saipan nya~

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yeah chocolate cities are totally great places goy.

An oven.

hey user
depends on what you want in life
generally you want to avoid cities so you can avoid the groid
but that might mean limited job prospects
so pick something that you can live close to work but avoid the groid
my home state of indiana isn't a bad move for you, you will still be able to visit family/friends but it will be a nice change of pace - cheaper, better taxes, nicer people… again depends on what you do for work bro

hope this post helps

i just go where the highest % of white people are AND which has the lowest taxes/best gun laws
best gun laws and self defense laws are #1 for me personally
so any of the states touching IL will be an improvement for you in all these areas

If I’m posting on this board I’m clearly a Nazi you fucking retarded faggot

Everyone's a niggerkike.

Poster is literally the niggerjew Spike Lee.

They are also the oldest demographically. Once the VT/NH/MA boomers die off numbers will change insanely fast.

Texans started fucking hispanics or fleeing. They also love cheap immigrant labor and treat spics as equals. A real bunch of faggots who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Now they'll become just like any other South American shithole of brownskins looking back to their glory days of great white men, just like La Gran Colombia.


Urban area of a swing state.

rural my bad.

that's because they're the whitest
MA is Massachusetts. ME is Maine

sounds like a comfy place

You're sliding into a conversation with somebody else and assuming the context of it's character.

The task is to continue the journeys across the continent until the designations are earned.

lol arizona are fucking serious?

If you are a native, stay where your at, I have dealt with the fine people of your city before on many occasions, They are a plague upon this world.

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Anywhere that isn't New Jersey, California, nor New York.

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city-data dot com

the best place is california. everyone on pol should move there

yeah and both of those suck dick
if you want the real answer, it's the south except florida. there you go. not only is it the cheapest place to live and even niggers have mcmansions, it's the most american place left in america. it's still rather white even though there are many black people, they don't mix, and most of the black people that aren't niggery hate the niggers also. very few liberals. except florida

in other words if you move to a nice not metropolitan area in the south you will get an area that is majority white, chrsitian, cheap to live/you will be rich on a 30k a year wage, good economy, red, many police, etc etc. also most american culture and food. everyone has guns, everyone likes barbecue and country livin, shit like that. where i live you can go outside on most days and hear gunshots in the country. just random gunshots. it's the wild west here still. government leaves you alone, police let you do whatever you want if you aren't a criminal, ie you can speed or smoke pot or whatever, stuff like that. real life wild west

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We're congregating in Castle Rock, CO. Just make sure to buy the weapons you need in Wyoming first. Still 90% White and American as fuck.

I'm biased but I'd say a better representation of American culture is the west, the deep south has a poisonous "redneck culture" that kind of sucks. Also Florida, in the panhandle is the deepest of the deep south, don't forget that without that impenetrable red wall Florida would never be a swing state.

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Sadly you see a loooot of White dudes with mexican gfs/wives. It's honestly disgusting.

Go to san francisco since you're an asian-loving queer

Pennsylvania outside of the cities, Alaska, Maine, Idaho, Wyoming North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska - all are pretty good, not perfect, but you'll find good people and good communities there. There's some others like Indiana, Kansas, and white parts of the south where you can find good communities too.

I'm damn tempted to move to Denver. So many cute, pliable teens/20-somethings moving there. Denver is also a really nice city if you can handle pan-handlers. The Mexican community there is nice and mostly keeps to itself- better than the trash being bussed in here in Wisconsin.

We really should take that state back from the commiefornia trash that is infecting it. It's not too late.

What? I grew up in Wisconsin but left about 8 years ago. What's going on there now?

Also, isn't denver already lost?

Literally buses full of niggers being brought in from Chicongo and Minneapolis. We call them the George Soros Party Buses. You see them on I94 all the time, blacked out windows, registered to shell corporations. I can spot them from a mile off. How do you think the super intendant of one of the worse school systems in the country beat the hugely popular incumbent governor? The answer is hundreds of thousands of "immigrants" and large scale vote fraud.

New Richmond is quickly turning from white flight suburbia into another shithole, it even has its' own suburbs now. Milwuakee has become little Chicago, Madison isn't far behind.

In Dunn county, judge Peterson of the Dunn County Circuit Court is quite fond of issuing probation sentences to black drug ponies, users, and dealers, forcing them to live in Dunn County (essentially Menominee) and they even have an entire Social Services staff dedicated to representing, assisting, and accommodating these criminals, even occasionally managing to get them into WITC Stout.

With the exception of the St. Croix Sherrif's department (whom regularly executes drug raids and seldom does traffic enforcement) they all turn a blind eye to the meth epidemic (way way worse than is in any news), instead choosing to spend all of their time and resources harassing everyday people on their way to/from work.

Don't even get me started on the schools and their brainwashing agendas-plural.

As for Denver, there are good paying jobs for trades/stemfags and the cost of living isn't much higher than where I'm at now, plus fantastic infrastructure, the road system there is seriously great compared to the Twin Cities. We just need our own enclaves like the Mexicans have there. Most of your Mexicans there have been there for a long time, and are pretty conservative. (I've chanced to work with and meet a lot of them.)

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Alaska is good but you have to bring your own woman and business

You guys always move there and the whole place is fucked
t. Denver/

That user wasn't very clear. There are a lot of niggers here but races self segregate here for the most part, and as most niggers, confine themselves to urban shitholes.

Out of the places you listed Tennessee is your best bet.
Just don't act like a Yankee faggot.

Kill yourself Rothschild Confederate

northern minnesota

Guantanamo Bay.

If you're from Denver, then what's your take on it? I've only visited there several times, I haven't lived there.

This. Tennessee has no income tax and it's has far less niggers than other Southern states.

Chicago is the way it is because of you Yankees, retard. Had you let the South go Chicago and Detroit would still be majority white. Kill yourself, loser, you fucked up.

Why's Alaska so low?

Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota appear so low because of the "native" Indians. I will say that the red man is preferable to deal with over spics and ferral apes, but they still claim "to be the superior race" over Euros/Euro descendants.

Just stop; look at that map. I said Maine before I saw the map and Maine it is…93.5% white. Go up near the Canadian border and bury yourself as deep in a backwater town as you can find.

It's pretty shitty. Everything costs a fortune, the igloo niggers are just as drunk, violent, and criminal as you heard, plus there is a bunch of surly Russian white trash. The weather is also bullshit 75% of the year. You have to be a gibsnigger or have a few screws loose to live there for more than year.

Stop larping. Op just look at Brazil almost all the white people live in the equivalent of only 2 states. Preview of the US by 2050.

Fuck off, we're full.

Sounds like based Somalia

Based on where people are moving to, Utah and Idaho are both great.

I dont live there but I know people who do. It's a liberal city with horrible assholes and I've been there serveral times. If you're coming from Wisconsin and a Zig Forumslack you're going to regret it over time.
It's essentially Northern California/Portland/Seattle now.

Mormon creepies
depression and mexicans

lol no

I know chyou… ask any Q'uestions.

Password 0d69046309b63d4c

Rural new york is 99% white. As is Massachsuetts, outside of the greater Boston district is 90% white.

Does anyone here have the image where it makes fun of women dream movies being choosing between rich chad and slightly less rich chad, and men dream movies being a cute anime story. I need the name of that anime its been driving me nuts.

There's no such thing as a non-liberal major city.

They needed to build a fucking wall 50 years ago.

Does the name of the anime matter? Just watch all of them.

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Don't encourage the browning of the Hoosier state you nigger. We already have a big problem of the northwest counties being flooded with shitskins from shitcago.

answer my question nigger im not falling for the Fairy Tale bullshit again, worst anime I ever watched looking back on it.