James Watson Won’t Stop Talking About Race
James Watson Won’t Stop Talking About Race
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David Reich, a geneticist at Harvard, has argued that new techniques for studying DNA show that some human populations were geographically separated for long enough that they plausibly could have evolved average genetic differences in cognition and behavior.
Yeah I'm sure a "journalist" knows more about biology/genetics than a geneticist. Makes perfect sense. Oh wait, no.
The older I get, the more disgusted I am with these "people" who lie to themselves and everyone else.
this. Like many people, like Dr. Watson, I dont hate niggers. In fact I feel sorry for them. But they have no business in the white mans lands, and it was a grave mistake to allow them access. They are mentally retarded, and prone to violence, through no real fault of their own. They should all be removed to Africa, and we should all leave Africa alone, no colonies, no mines etc etc. If we want to help niggers thats ok. Those who wish to do so can go to Africa and help niggers, I really dont care. I just dont want them in white mans land anymore. They are never going to become "modern humans',,, it quite simply will never happen. All the current trends are doing is dumbing down the best of the humans, mongrelizing that which was beautiful and brilliant, I cannot fathom how any sane individual would think this course wise.
And filtered.
This could make for top notch propaganda. It would really stress the cognitive dissonance of youth in academe to realize that the man that proved that DNA is a double helix is a race realist and that there's a lot of people talking out of their asses teaching them nonsense.
Why not shut down that racist old white male by publishing a scientific study that disproves his point of view?
Because it's not possible
-(((Zig Forums)))
They would if they could, but they've been worried about us using genetics for at least two years now.
I bet he's doing this because at least one granddaughter burned coal
Great posting, you sure convinced us.
No we shouldn't be helping niggers. At all. Ever. Leave them to fight among themselves on their own continent, and shoot to kill if they attempt to migrate.
Someone post that % of people with Gorilla gene infographic. I can't find it
Rosalind Franklin took a picture. That's it. Watson and Crick spent years of experimentation, theorizing, and Franklin had nothing to do with it. She took a picture, and was credited for it in their work. What's fucking hilarious about when they put forth these amazing stronk female pop science heroes is that when they are demolished by an honest assessment of their contributions (or lack thereof) it makes women as a whole seem really pathetic. The fact that they have to lie about female contribution to science makes them seem way stupider than if they had just stayed mum and said nothing about it at all.
I'd like to have a citation handy for redpilling purposes
WTF is it then?
Here's an entertaining introduction to the facts about just how incompetent women are and how they have to lie about it to feel better. He's a manosphere type but the beginning is about Franklin.
I'm talking about Rosalind Franklin specifically
its a proxy for something that is defined as IQ … its like KFC
KFC is not chicken, "what is it then" … its KFC
Dude, just say thank you and watch the fucking link. Watch the whole thing, it's breddy gud.
What did he mean by this? Schizophrenia is a jewish disease.
Thats some dystopia level of reality denial.
His son has it. Guess he's a Jew too and IQ is confirmed yet again to be a Jewish lie.
p.cute you think anyone's here to educate the two digit IQ brainlets here and not just to ridicule you
It's more common among Jews, but saying that it's a Jewish disease is overdoing it.
How much money would it take to solve the bell curve problem?
Neurosis and delusions of persecution are the root of the jewish psyche. If we lived in an ideal world Schizophrenia would be called "Jew's Disease" or "Jew Brainedness"
How much does VX cost per ton?
Why are (((you))) here?
Was it to be filtered?
If it doesn't come from jews, where does it come from? You think completely different animal species just develop schizophrenia independently of each other and it happens to end up on the same genes?
Not just Watson, but Crick too talks about fundamental differences in the species of humanity. I use them as an example in my book.
Man, a lot of people are wigging out
Which book is that?
hahaha, was this guy an IRL troll?
I think xher is breddy cool.
I'm starting to develop a man-crush
Funny they are using two pop-science nobodies to refute a nobel winner. It is be like referencing neil degrasse tyson to refute heisenberg.
That's wrong though. Unless sub 100 IQ is intelligent.
That's wrong though. China selectively picks their best as the average. I will admit the Chinks make for great biological abacuses.
You know it's true and you're just yiddishly splitting hairs. Mental illness is so prevalent in jews that is both fair and desirable smear them with such a claim. How can you refute your own cancer ridden, shitty genes?
And the two digit IQ Zig Forumstard slept happily that night knowing that science is all a scam and his decision to drop out of highschool was the right one
Don't care, how many of you are actually still pure royal women?
How can you claim that title and hold that status and support Marxism? It baffles my mind how you can hold these two ideas in congruence within your minds.
Pick a side. You're either a European, or you're going Jewish.
This article also claims that someone showed the picture to Watson "without her permission," which is retarded. The picture was shared all over the place. That's how science works. It isn't like she was keeping it hidden.
This ad pops up in the article.
I knew (((Zig Forumsacks))) were retarded but wow
I really don't like when conservatives start virtue signalling us. Yet I'm glad that he hasn't bent over. Perhaps he senses that nobody will care what the libs have to say about his content in the very near future.
You clearly fell for the Jewish trick of science user, see the light and worship our pagan deities!
I see the women posters are out.
You have no idea how genes work, do you?
Mine. I'm writing it. Nearly done. My inspiration was that old screencap where the guy goes, "Look, user, if there was just one singular redpill that exposed everything the jews did with citations, it would quickly spread and that would be the end of their power." I thought to myself, "Okay. I'll do that, then." Come to find out that some of this is hard as fuck to write about in a way that's fluid and ties into everything, but damn if I'm going to give up. I've been staying alive on pure fucking anger for the last 7 years, and it's only getting worse as I keep seeing no one fight back, anywhere. Every statement in the book is fact. I don't exaggerate or aggrandize. It's all cited, too. And I'm making it as an e-book, so there will be parts where there's a highlighted word that you can click to jump somewhere else to learn how X section ties into Y section and how the jews are behind them both, and such. We'll see how it goes. I still need to find a publisher, but I'm thinking about trying to get it on as many e-book stores as I can all at once.
Agree. Any involvement will mean we will need organizations set up to administer that help.
Its easier to commit 100% than 99%. No involvement in shitholes. We don't wipe our feet well enough and then we get shit in our own house.
Godspeed, user. This is a type of work we need right now.
Nationalism is about love for your own people. It's not about hate. It never has been. We just want to be left alone. We don't want to babysit the entire world as everything inevitably goes terribly pear-shaped. When the left accuses us of hate, it's just another clear case of projection. All we want is to be pro-white and put ourselves first. They want to put us last and replace us. They're anti-white. They're the ones who hate. And they've created a network of convoluted language and reasoning using their wizardry to obfuscate that fact. Clown world never ceases to be clown world.
do you have a website for the project?
If you want any help with anything I'm an IQ researcher associated with Richard Lynn. I also have experience with technical editing.
what does he mean by this? Does he mean people with ecological interests or simply people who are ecologists as their occupation?
Hitler was very ecologically/environmentally minded. One of my favorite bits about him.
Fuck, I have another hero.
My contention against darker girls is that I don't want to deal with their families. They will get pissed at me. I already have enough obligations. Don't want to piss off the rest of that tribe.
It's the opposite for me. With women around I work more efficiently. When men are around I simply stop caring.
This man is a hero for all time.
I don't, but I've heard of single-purpose websites like that for books. Do you think it would be worth it?
No shit? I might take you up on that; I believe I cite some of his work. With a book this long (and a memory this bad), it's hard to say. Here's my current ToC. Even this late in I've moved a few bits around recently. In before, "Holy fuck, user; it's too long and covers too much!" because I know that. It's not exhaustive, just informative. It sticks to its three purposes: 1. The exposure of the jewish race, psychology, religion, and beliefs. 2. Explaining how the world used to be, how it is now, and why today is either wrong, bad, or a lie. 3. How the jews, collectively, are primarily responsible for this, explicitly because of their judaism.
From the context of the citation, he's not talking about environmentalists. He's talking about the OTHER definition of 'ecologist', which is someone who studies how humans relate to their surroundings. He's saying that modern ecologists are insane because… they're all just commie multiculturalists who want to pretend that the races aren't different.
Yeah. I'm working on a 1000 study meta analysis of negro IQ right now. My library of studies is massive. I'm more than happy to assist if this is a serious operation you're engaged in.
E-mail sent. Watch as I forget to check that inbox forever. Thanks, though!
Message sent. Will update you in the next few days.
Fucking journalists. Scum of the earth.
You ever feel like you're in a horrible nightmare world, where there is some sort of subconscious hivemind conspiracy that the entire society agrees with wherein making factually true statements is not permitted? And that such statements should be treated with ridicule and derision?
Just read some of the comments in that article about this brilliant man. They all speak about him as if he's dead. Despite all his accomplishments, he has become a non-entity simply for making observable assertions based on data, and the hivemind agreed that he should be deleted. It's the creepiest shit. Left is right and everyone agrees except you.
We should tell them that oxygen is racist.
It will be banned from any normal book store.
Just release it under creative commons license and prohibit any editing.
People will spread it by themselves.
I suggest this because you could sue anyone who spreads distorted versions of the book to either let you look unreliable by adding stuff like flat earth speculations or to sabotage your presentation by removing sources.
Even if you don't want to sue people (and expose your real name), you could use the license to get fake stuff removed.
You could also prohibit any commercial usage of the book. This wouldn't prevent you from working together with likeminded people who have your permission to earn money with your product and you could even tolerate random people who host your stuff and earn ad money.
Reading this article, coupled with my own experiences, makes me so fucking angry that I can hardly contain myself.
I have been fortunate enough to be gifted with a high level of intellect, and as a result, I was able to attend the University of Pennsylvania for my undergraduate degree and Harvard for my graduate degree. During my experiences there, I have interacted at length with some of the most intelligent people around - Nobel prize laureates, prodigies and people with near-superhuman work ethic. Sometimes these people have shone so brightly that even my own accomplishments seemed dim in comparison. Despite all this, the vast majority of these individuals were so blind to the truth, so blind to facts that should be obvious to even an average person, let alone a bonafide genius, that it made me depressed to consider the state of civilized humanity.
I attributed their blindness to a combination of social conditioning and a fear of severe professional repercussions for engaging in wrongthink. I anecdotally confirmed my hypothesis after speaking to a friend of mine who is a professor of philosophy. This professor, at a personal level, is as knowledgeable of the truth as anyone on this board, but like all of us, he has to conduct himself with tact in the workplace. For several semesters, he conducted an experiment where he would teach his students Julius Evola, but they were mostly unaware of Evola's school of philosophy, rather, they were being given passages to read that made no specific mention of it. The students happily accepted the material and the vast majority of them agreed with Evola's thoughts. The sample set of students exposed to Evola must have been over 150, yet he had not received a single complaint from a student or a faculty member.
This confirmed my hypothesis that the conditioning that these students receive only works for specific words or statements, meaning that if you can deliver ideas to them that are subversive to the leftist educational system we find ourselves in without mentioning certain words that they will inevitably have a knee-jerk reaction to, you can plant the seeds of dissent virtually undetected. I have not yet figured out how to market something like this more effectively since we aren't going to have a swarm of Zig Forumslacks picking up philosophy professorships any time soon, but it provides some measure of hope. I think that to some extent, dressing up our ideas in academic jargon and marketing that via Youtube has worked well, and will continue to work well as long as we maintain the proper aesthetics that the brainwashed masses associate with authority figures such as professors. Case in point: The meteoric rise of Jordan Peterson, despite the fact that he is almost certainly a leftist in disguise.
We need more Jared Taylors.
Training since infancy that only the establishment is right and therefore anything in disagreement is wrong. That's why you can give them something like Evola quotes and they won't mind it at all unless they learn that he's a Nazi. I myself do IQ research, specifically meta studies on underperforming minorities. I've already hired a few leftists just to see what would happen and the general reaction is something along the lines of, "well, this would be pretty racist but it is science I guess, hur hur hur".
Look up the work of John Taylor Gatto. All school is from K up is a training institute for making extremely obedient people who addicted to routine and mediocrity.
This is a good start, too:
Normalniggers are dopamine addicted predatory psychopaths by design.
That is the crux of it. Mankind is oppressed by jewish organized crime and they won't accept that this is true, because it would shatter their perception of reality. The entire human history is based on lies and humans who are too afraid to admit it.
all that and you're still dumb
peterson is the pinnacle of modern philosophy
he is an actual intellectual unlike you
You're actually retarded. He's a 117 IQ charlatan. Vox Day has already thoroughly exposed him as being a fraud.
What science even mean to these people?
So it is clear from both of our cases (and a few other anecdotal experiences I can mention) that the vast majority of thinking individuals with IQs above the mean find these realities about race to be self-evident regardless of political ideology, but those that are most strongly conditioned will gravitate towards leftist ideology. I believe that people with higher IQs tend to value fairness and compassion much more, so it only makes sense that when you couple their inherit desire to be a "good person" with a lifetime of brainwashing, this sort of intellectual cognitive dissonance is more commonly found in whites. The fact that whites believe in PC bullshit more than other races is perhaps more of an indicator of their intellect than the lack thereof.
I am familiar with Gatto, but it still strikes me as profoundly upsetting that legitimately intelligent people are unable to see through this hoax that seems so obvious to us. Intellect and education are, or at least should be, entirely separate.
Shattering their carefully constructed reality would probably induce insanity in these people. The question remains: how do we sneak past these mental barriers and deliver the info? I think we need to get to these kids when they're young before the brainwashing fully takes hold.
lurk more
157 IQ here.
This is EXACTLY why I dropped out of high-school and pursues the NEET life.
No self respecting and honest intellectual can survive in today’s climate, doubly so if he’s white and Republican. I’ve seen Jews get lifted to the heavens (Noam Chomsky) for doing a tenth of what gentiles do and receive no praise for. I have written many books that will never be published because of this. Fuck this world.
Either pay check or revenue stream, depending on which side they stand. Science itself is used as a racket to fleece citizens with selling them ideas, while the real scientists are enslaved under non-disclosure agreements, subverted under funding, and their achievements solely confiscated by military intervention. What the regular citizens are actually getting out of science are piecemeal rackets, made out of decade old inventions, carefully trickled down to them.
We don't. Their linchpin has to fall, the Holocaust, after that it's them against mankind in on bloody finale. This was predestined for thousands of years. If you're too afraid to accept this harsh truth, then the only thing you can do is challenge all narratives openly and push the truth without apologizing for anything. Break reality, crash the Matrix!
Life was always intended to be a struggle for us. Use your knowledge to deconstruct the lies in this world. Challenge them to make more and more mistakes, while enticing your brethren to become independent thinkers and doers.
If you would like any help with the style and presentation aspect, I would be happy to help deliver your research in a way that will resonate with readers. Let me know.
Your're missing a key piece to the puzzle: dopamine self-addiction: datapacrat.com
Read the whole thing.
I’ve already influenced beliefs on here more than you can imagine.
I have influenced enough people to personally change the lives of millions and change the world dramatically. I have made over a thousand 300 reply threads on here alone.
And after all that time I realized what I want most is recognition. It is not right that the (((professors))) get to receive praise constantly for their half-truth forever searching bile. The truth is easy to find and blindingly obvious but only if you are willing to accept it.
I’ve spent many nights compiling information about who controls each and every facet of our culture and why they do it. I have studied anthropology and history to the point of madness.
I have dedicated my life to the pursuit of truth and knowledge but what I’ve done will never see the light of day, nor will it benefit me in my lifetime. All because I could not bend the knee and trade my integrity for a flimsy doctorate.
The final redpill as you call it is being able to work yourself into the system and work against it. Something that I failed at out of dogmatic morality. The only way to stop the system is to become the system. A Joseph Stalin of you will.
Don't. He first needs to finish and release the core product undisturbed. Once this is out in the public, we all can chip in with presentation, marketing, spreading, etc. Any interruption beforehand endangers him and the project.
That works out at roughly 1 thread every two days for the last five years. And all got over 300 replies? Bullshit or you're the most autistic person to ever visit this board.
I go through periods where I post nothing and others where I post clusters in hours.
My current thread is this one: 8ch.net
I also cross post on 4chan Zig Forums but they are a bit duller, hate reading too much wordz, and have an overabundance of faggots, bots, and kikes.