This is why I hate niggers

This is exactly why people don't like niggers. Think they can do whatever they want, park on the property that I own then have the balls to call me a white mother fucker and talk about white privilege. What the fuck does that have to do with parking on my property without my permission? Fuck niggers.

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I was very nice to her in this whole process. I didn't say anything out of the ordinary to provoke her other than the fact that she's on my property and she needs to leave. What's so hard to understand about this? Then she keeps talking about the neighbor. What the hell does the neighbor have to do with anything? You are the one parked on my property, not her.

You wasn't Kangz, figure it out!

Upside down princess upgrade plate valence
good doxx snownigger user

And using the word Nigger is about as Jew as one can get. Try being pro White for a change.

Don't use the word much, but this woman earned it because that's exactly what she was.

Besides, I didn't do a fucking thing to deserve the chimp out. Niggers can be niggers elsewhere, not on my property. What's your address? Maybe you want them at your place.

Trying to make white people feel bad for nothing. White people fighting black people for nothing. They all could have had it all but they all worked hard for nothing. What a waste of life.

be aware user, these migitory niggers from northern states are on their winter migration to warmer climes. You're lucky, I had a nigger from Michigan stalking me at a park a couple days ago thinking I may have been a good car jack, or robbery victim, my Glock would have proved them wrong but I had to observe them as if I wasn't observing them for 40 fucking minutes.

Should have recorded it and put it on bitchute.

Keep trying Schlomo.

You failed to read the whole post.

You glow in the dark.

keep in mind, they observed me, not observing them for 40 minutes of wasted time, I was ready to smoke the whole fucking carload of them.

I am glad that I don’t have a nigger in my town.

I was too busy on the phone with the cops to do that. But the stupid nigger bitch was screaming loudly enough that the dispatcher could hear her quite clearly. "White motherfucker! White Privilege!!!" Wtf did I do to deserve that shit tonight?

Yup. I hope I find out where and who she is. My neighbor isn't the problem. But these random ass niggers thinking that they own whatever are.

You could melt ice with that IQ

It is because she is incredibly self entitled selfish racist and hopes to sue you for gibmedats.

Should tell them that they can move it or have it towed. Anything past that point is unneeded. The cops are worthless and won't do anything.

What were you walking in the park and they were thinking they were going to grab your car once you got into it? And you just pretending that you didn't notice them?

Handling this through the police is the wrong way to go about things. What you should have done is pretend to ignore it, then track her car down later and torch it.

They do not respect nor obey the orders user.

The problem is that I didn't know who the fuck it was that was parked there. I didn't know where they were or anything. Yes, I called for a Tow, but the company must be quite busy tonight.

yup, the cops only pick up the pieces after they've fallen. They prey upon people, you'll lucky some jeerkjob didn't come out of the woodwork and shoiot you in the back of the neck for "arguing" with his bitch.

She would be a entrapment for him to get jump on.

That's good for you.
I hate them because they rape and murder women and children, young girls and young women in particular, y'know, the ones that could one day potentially be my wife.
of all the things those filthy niggers could have stolen from me, they took the most precious.
And that is why they will all be impaled on satans cock on the DOTR.

Did you get any insight as to why she did this in the first place?

No, you misunderstand. Do not say anything to the woman. Make a note of the make/model and license number. Do not let on that there is an issue. Do not engage in a conversation, don't tell her to move the car. Then when she has left, track down the car and torch it.

Nice try. And she can believe whatever she wants. Main point is that, this was her Jeep and it was parked on my property without permission. Easy. Has nothing to do with the fact that she was a nigger. Although, leave it to a nigger to park in someone elses property then holler racial shit at me.

But how would I? I have no idea how to track down information on license plates because that's all I have.

whatever you say, kike.

Absolutely none. She was apparently at my neighbors place. And since it's pretty cold she just parked wherever the fuck she wanted, because she could. That's why.

I drive a nice vehicle, niggers would like to drive it for a day or two, maybe as long as possible, they circled me, checked me out, came back and needlessly parked next to me, and kept checking me out, so I stayed there, aware of them through my tint and engine block, and was waiting to get robbed, they were not my friends, Fuckers wasted 40 minutes of my time and then I left when a foot seeker wanted to do a walk by. I hate fucking niggers.

Niggers don’t like white people but want the gibmedats from us because they are stupid. Next time install your security camera on your front and back house.

Follow her when she leaves? Look for the truck around town.

Already got security cams. I confronted the stupid bitch. That's when all the "white motherfucker" came out when I told her she can't park on my property.

I suppose. But wasn't in the mood to chase a nigger around town.

You could have legally broken the fuck out of her car the moment she refused to leave.

Granted it sounds like niggers are a protected class in your city so you'd be fucked regardless of the law.

Hire a private investigator to track her nigga bum down.

You have a point. But unlike her, do have respect for others even when they are in the wrong. Had I known I would have got called all those names, I would have absolutely done it. But I thought that maybe this person just wasn't aware that this was my property.

Your mood isn't really relevant. I'm just commenting on the same dumb pattern of behavior that gets retold in these types of threads. You could take the same template and copy/paste "my wife cheated on me and is taking my money and kids" and it wouldn't change much.

Mealy-mouthed system-reaffirming nonsense.

are you sure she didnt have a gun user? If that person had a gun and started yelling that would have been very dangerous.

If you had a gun , and someone just started yelling at you and then they pointed at you with their gun (or maybe something you think is a gun) then you should defend your life and your kids life.

You are lucky user, next time I suggest you bring protection and if you fell threatened on your property you ensure the safety of you and your kids.

god speed

Actually, the cops did try finding her. They stopped by to tell me that they tried going down the street that she turned onto. This wasn't a black or white thing, this was a person who was up to something and acting crazy.

I got it. You're right.

That was your first mistake.

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Not worried if she had a gun. I am in good shape and am trained to disable threats. Plus the angle that I was at relative to her, the dumb bitch wouldn't have hit anything.

follow and do what … why wait , do what ever the fuck you are going to do right then and there.

stop fucking wait for the "right time"

I've lived her long before the nigger neighbor arrived. And honestly, this lady has been quite nice to me. Mid 40's, looks professional too. Been nice to me, so I will be nice to her. It's these other niggers that keep showing up that I don't like.

sure user, I see you enjoyed having this thing in your drive way and you want to make all the excuses for this thing cause you care about it

I hope everyone in this thread realizes what you are now

so you like some of them?

Whatever brainlet.

If they aren't doing anything that causes trouble, I have no axe to grind. But this shit is getting out of hand.

Don't fall for it user.
That's why.
For every 1 presentable nigger there are hundreds of hood niggers so I guess just niggers.

Put Retractable Vehicle Barriers in your front yard and driveway.

you must be from 4chan or a boomer

Well fix it before you get murder by the nigeress.

Just like says.

Miss 40 something stronk woman may be very nice. But Jamal and Tyrone her deadbeat Nephews show up to stay, etc.

Once one black family moves in a neighborhood is basically shot. This coming from a dixiefag.

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Doesn't matter. Just have it towed. You aren't even under an obligation to notify them.

tbh, you can have someone towed out of their own driveway if you want.

yep, even the most "upstanding" ones have a family of pieces of shit that they accept, defend, and if given the opportunity, would protect at the expense of you and any of your family members.

As grim as those stats are, the reporting is still cucked. Firstly latinos are lumped in with white people very often when crime is reported. Secondly, the statisticians will treat a scuffle where a white guy punches a black guy the same as a black guy mugging a white guy for the purposes of crime reporting.

White people have very similar crime rates across all countries. Violent crime is very rare in our culture.

What a fucking cuck. You deserve this because you perpetuate keeping niggers here. You are the type that say there are black people and then there are niggers to make yourself feel better when the truth is they are all niggers. Go fuck yourself civnat faggot.

We here in Michigan do not want them back.

I had a similar experience with the local wildlife, except that they complained to the police about me after I forcefully dissuaded them from thinking about mugging me.


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This is why I hate you

you failed OP

oh wew go fucking gas yourself you dumb fucking kike

This guy treats 8pol like a subreddit for hating on minorities. Literally comes to whine because his mindless stupor was interrupted by a niggress parked in his driveway. Doesn't care for any suggestions on what to do, or how to avoid situation in the future. Calls cops and is "literally shaking." This is not your racist twitter.

Your pleasantness towards the nigger and willingness to cuck by using the police to solve your problem is the problem. If you were a real man you would have beaten her car with a hockey stick to assert your dominance over your territory and posted a video from your home surveillance to 4pol for other user's entertainment. Instead you're shitting up a board that doesn't give a shit about your petty life.

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Kill yourself, gay retard.

And you can go kys as well.


absolute state of Zig Forums

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This. Winter niggers use their time away from their usual shithole to scout out new areas. A pack of 4 niggers stopped at my town's diner and got themselves kicked out.

this isn't call of d*ty faggot, in the real world if you get shot you die, that red on the screen doesn't fade and your health bar won't go up.
regardless of what "training" you have, the best training for avoiding getting shot is to prevent getting shot at in the first place, as in if you have any inkling of an idea that someone has a gun you don't fuck with them. this isn't a game, you call the cops and let someone whose job it is liquidate people come and handle it.
niggers are violent and unpredictable, if one is near you, the last thing you should be doing is playing chicken with them.
get fucking right faggot, this is your fucking life you are talking about.
ask yourself this question and ponder it good and long "what am I willing to die for/get fucked up over?", if a nigger being a nigger is not one of those things then make your decisions accordingly.


are you lost, stranger? cause you sure sound like a cucked faggot to me.
you shouldn't have respect for niggers unless it's "required", as in concealing your power level so the law doesn't come and fist your tender asshole, but even then, in your mind you shouldn't be content with it.
lurk more faggot.

Niggers are intolerable. Even niggers can't stand to live around other niggers, which is why even though they hate us so much they can't wait to move to a white neighborhood where inevitably they bring more niggers with them. On a side note it's great for the construction industry.

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>On a side note it's great for the construction (((industry))).
it's not so great for everything else

Just an hero already, stupid faggot.

There are cointelpro operations that have morphed into multiple forms of influence racketeering where "they" figure out what tics you off and use it against you to both aggravate you and try to entrap you, probe your defenses, try to program your "trigger points", and basically utilize you as a free-floating psychological warfare experimental guinea pig. Beware, as cellular phone technology is implicated, and multiple DHS-bundled entities are involved.

White flight is a money making machine.

any grown up adult knows this, local park, middle of the week, scouting car after car, looking for victim after victim, any grown adult should know, nigger do not care if they have to do 26 weeks in jail, or 126 weeks in jail, in nigger think that's 26/126 weeks of nigger problems solved, getting real tired of feeling like I need basaltic armor, an AR strapped to my chest and 4 mags for the pistol just to deal with niggers and their fucking mouths. DOTR when???

Clearly I don't. Apparently Minnesota has a "duty to retreat" law.


My issue is with filming it retard. If you can pop the nigger and make the body disappear then go right ahead.

GTFO you hook nosed projectionigger

They do this all the time, user. Call them a nigger because they are not going to respect you…
Niggers don't respect the white man's law. So why play fair with them?

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OP did everything right except create a thread to complain about it.

in her defense, niggers cannot read cursive script

great business model famalam

It makes money in the short term, which is all niggers care about. If they get gibs they vote democrat and if they don't they chimp out so the cuckservatives support this as well.

And then the niggers start to migrate to the new white areas and the hipsters move in and renovate the areas previously wrecked by niggers. It's not my plan it's just the way it be.

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so it's just tolerance and appeasement.
user, sometimes it really does get tiring, going through this life, seeing all the people jewed to death and having their masculinity sapped to the point that they will give everything they have simply to avoid a fight, not realizing that they have more to lose by not doing so.

True. But it will also be fun watching the unprepared cucks being overrun when the war finally comes. I will keep popcorn and a popcorn maker in my BOL.

deep down though I will still be sad because everything aside, they would have been normal white people had they not been jewed since before birth
is that a new term? please explain.

Survival of the fittest. Sad but inevitable.