SNAP EBT to shut down?


Since the Dept. of Agriculture funds SNAP, and that activity is only stated to continue through January, this could quickly lead to epic chimpouts.
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(won't archive)
When these sites go down, it's happening.
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Instead of debating if the shutdown will resolve by the end of the month, this thread is for discussion of what might be done to encourage niggers in the most favorable direction for white people? Waiting in line at the local food pantry zoo to pick up a "harvest box" is not racist.

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How many times has this exact story template been cycled through the news in the last 4-5 years? Has to be half a dozen, at least.

It would be epic if it is hit with EMP. Giant chimpout chimping across USA

That's what I was hoping for when the transformer blew out in New Orleans and New York back to back the other day. You wouldn't even have to nuke this country to be successful just launch a dozen missile strikes on strategic areas of the power grid and watch the flames burn from afar.

That could mean that SNAP is shut down regardless of the federal government shut down.
Maybe this will teach libshits about why states are more important than the federal government. I wonder how many realize that the vast majority of "state issued" welfare benefits come from the pockets of the federal government.

Am I a schizophrenic kike or does anyone else see the BLM overlay of the egg carton cover purple

polite double post/OT sage

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1. We already have a thread.
2. Trump will cuck LONG before that.


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It could also be false flagged, just not sure only a dozen strategic areas would ensure millions of niggers killing each other.

Well user I see a kind of face for the egg carton but you made me see the open mouth with the 3 sharp teeth that scares me now.

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Seems like a mad house over there making demands.

Highly unlikely. What is the percentage of funds in EBT being used on food and not booze? Like 10% at best?

How is it legal to buy alcohol, Soda, or candy with food stamps?
Why isn't the food stamp program limited to store brand bread, store brand milk, store brand eggs, store brand ground beef, store brand chicken, salt, pepper, and cooking oil?

Transitioned more likely, although the libtards will be triggered either way. Maybe something that would help prepare niggers for their coming zoo food baskets, would help stir the kettle.

Or smokes from the local street vendor.

Niggers go to a seedy bodega and buy beer but have the cashier ring it up as something that qualifies like vegetables.

Standard Nigger Appeasement Program

I can't wait;

Yes this would be great. That's why it will never fucking happen. Have a nice discussion.

i also know that power outages of a constant nature in any heavily nog infested city will cause the exact same effect, it doesn't have to be a Gov shut down that nullifies all ebt cards, a well placed bullet or several in a power substation can do the same. the only real question is can the power substation be hit enough times in a several month to create a long term shut off of the cards and all other cards

They won't let it happen

Merchants can process SNAP manually, although it requires filling out a form, making a phone call to check the balance, and obtaining a signature. Still it would encourage chimping.

But niggers won't trust that, even if it's true. There can be opportunity to push this in the right direction, while the fear is still there.


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We can only hope and be prepared.

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Some programs may already be coming to an end. California operates many supplemental programs which run on Federal dollars, and they're not alone. While I'd expect the Federal SNAP and EBT and WIC programs to run at least until the end of January, other (((essential programs))) may be scrambling to get their needed cash. Bear in mind a whole fuck ton of Federal money which was slated to be released to the States on Jan. 1st hasn't come yet. Dem programs are in trouble. The Obamaphones might just stop working except for dialing 911, for example. That's a non-essential Federal gib which I hope goes away forever but I supposed the surveillance state uses for thirty million remote-control niggers which you can steer to any place by popping up a rare Pokemon Go is worth it.

It isnt. They sell them for cash then use that to buy booze or drugs.

Pokemons are transferrable and have a street value? It's the idea of having such nigger control that's worth examining further. Might not be able to require them to random drug test and be RFID chipped to participate in the gibs programs, yet something has to be possible beyond fried chicken.

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How do you think those stores in the ghetto function? And why are they always right next to a liquor store?

No but the former prevalence of violent "flash mobs" arranged over social media exclusively by minorities on their Obamaphones makes you think, or it should.

If you sent a Free Weaves Alert out you could cause chaos in minutes in any enriched urban location in the USA.

They sell the card for half its worth, cash.

They can't sell the actual card any more. It's their own card and the same card gets reloaded with gibs cash every month. What they have to do is cooperate with a friendly retailer in order to make a fake transaction.

The answer is no.

2019 is a farm bill year. That means lots of budget decisions will be made by the congressional and senatorial agriculture committees. Basically, it's more likely that SNAP reforms can happen. Pat Roberts (R) Kansas and Mike Conaway (R) Texas, chair both of these committees. Also more pressure when a year begins unfunded. I say let niggers wait in weekly lines for rations of unprocessed food staples. Every two weeks they can get a $50 prepaid debit card selling blood plasma donations. The more they weigh, the more they can earn. That should make up for any loss of gibs. Niggers trying to scam this twisted business venture more frequently with multiple clinics will learn the hard way or die. That's a win either way.

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It'd be a step up from EBT cards some of which also can be used on anything (cash benefits). But I have a better idea, how about a low-protein bar based food ration which is extremely dense and also has anti-psychotics, hypnotics, and other behavior moderating drugs as well as birth control built in? The ideal supplement would make the user high and immobilize them, while addicting them with all the modern taste enhancers.

You could make this food bar extra dense and simply drive trucks around to dispenser stations located in ghettos and housing projects.

Great idea. Can we put carfentanil in it?

It's just (((media))) fearmongering. They would never actually let that happen

Get comfy.

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The real apocalypse.

Spic and Nigger Appeasement Program

niggers chimping out yet r what?

Yes, they will do what they did after 9/11 and let anyone use any card for any amount since the authorization mechanism is screwed, then quietly reimburse the store vendors who complain. This might work if it was just one neighborhood of a city.

Most SNAP recipients are white, and they work. You illiterate coon.

Friendly reminder that until these programs are hopefully shut down one day, everybody on here should be taking as much back out of them as you can. Right now the money of white tax payers is going to niggers and spics, go and take whatever you can back.

Why don't we make a super ID that has SNAP,EBT,and food stap card function built into it?

That way stamps can't be sold and it would eliminate most argument against ID. Not only that but it could reduce fraud because of the ID picture.

We could also put in a reward for stopping fraud. Say 5000 dollars that way people would double check. Call 911, cops arive, they bust the nigger scum, and the worker gets to fill out paper work. If found guilty the cops could return with a envelope full of cash and a Trump Madelon.

Because das raycis

Can the plan be packaged for Monsanto to implement?

Give them a bit of knowledge that their fate is now being decided by congress, and they should.

we need ape crates
or just let the apes starve
either way i am good

EBT is never going to end as long as the FED can print money.

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Why hasn't the hacker known as 4chan taken down the gibsmedats dispenser yet? It would be the Greatest Chimppening of our time.

i hate to be the one that says it but there's also a shit ton of white people on food stamps, especially in the bible belt, which obviously went for trump.

as this get's closer and more politicized (OMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN), watch the hashtags as these strong independent single mother 400lb white women come out of the shadows and start crying about "muh kids" on twitter.

i think trump might cave before the ebt stops flowing, the democrats are probably planning on it. i hope he doesn't. fuck these people who can't take care of their own children. i have more sympathy for the homeless.

this also doesn't bode well when ivanka starts whining in his ear about the poor women who can't feed their children, and the nigger pandering trump is fond of.

Every time the POTUS shuts down the government it comes up, because gibs don't get got when that happens.

Now ask yourself how many times the POTUS has shut down the government in the last 60 years, and for what reasons.

Most of the U.S. is white, but statistics are hard. Higher percentage of blacks on welfare than whites. Because per capita is hard. Someone need to simplify it all and boil it down to 1:1 for you?

Nigger shill detected. Only boons use 'coon' - white folks just say nigger or shitskin.

All the more reason to take advantage of the moment, when a smaller amount of effort is needed to rattle the cage. The kike media should cooperate here and accelerate fearmongering shortly. Finding a way to leverage that successfully, I think is possible.

nobody cares jew
any white person on welfare for any reason should be publicly flogged

Trump will fold like a pussy and there will be no chimp out. Today there was a meeting at the White Hosue which he called and he was ready to accept even less than 5b for the nigger tier fence. Just one week and he's offering 50% off lol.

If am wrong, it will start with instagram (niggers love that shit because they can't read and write) and twitter videos of coons, 'dining and dashing' followed by 'flashmobs' at convenience stores and small grocers. After that, jews will round up some monkeys and have them protest at some local government offices. A sheboon will come on CNN and talk about how she can't feed her, six baabees n sheeeeeeit. The talking head will ask her their names and she'll get fucked up by the fourth one then call the homo racist for asking what her animated bowel movements names are.

Oh and Kang James, some rappers and other jew pets will buy turkeys for their hood brethren.

Almost wish I owned a store in niggerland.

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This is what I've been saying for a while now.
I've even seen a food stamp card from NY and it had a photo and name, just like regular state-issued ID, so, there's no legitimate reason it can't be done.

That made me laugh way harder than it should have.
Good job, user.

California has it but no photo on the card

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Yes, the left knows exactly when it’s pets will bite, they’ll never cave on the fence, theyll have too many momgrels foaming at the mouth. If it gets to that point, Trump will cave & the left knows it. Would be based if he didn’t tho.

This right here. I've seen that shit done brazenly and in the open back in my poorfag days.

I'm not so sure. If he caves then he's a guaranteed one termer. He's gone to the line this time, if he blinks his administration is over. Plus he has a hell of an ego and he's not likely to back down from Pelosi.

They don't know when they'll stop biting though.

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I wish he would shorten copy right protection to what patents receive, which is 20 years. So any content that's currently 20 years of age or older would become public domain.

Explain to me why a porno deserves more protection than the cure for cancer or a commercial fusion reactor design that works?

Just imagine the nuclear meltdown.


Checked. We need ape crates.


Trump will get his wall funding, he's already threatening to completely shut the border if he doesn't, and the last thing congress needs is a bunch of hungry howler-monkeys burning and looting in the major cities.

If a happening does happen, though…great time for Trump to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, and alter immigration laws with presidential decree.

Shit, he could also eliminate the central bank's charter, and start issuing real federal currency, again.

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brah they come here with or without gibs.

Who cares when do niggers ever do anything of import

Which is hilariously just going to result in them committing more crimes.

He could say that if congress doesn't give him the wall he will let Militias kill them, and he would give out pardons.

Whatever gets the job done.

I see a green cloud with a question mark on the egg carton.


SNAP is funded by the Farm Bill, which already passed back in mid-December. Nigs still gonna get their gibs. Sorry, Zig Forums.

That's a california Medi-cal card, that's only for state insurance, and healthcare/meds, it doesn't cover food. EBT/SNAP/WIC is all different and has different cards, but literally almost 100% of the time if someone has any one of those things they have all of them. But you can't buy food with that card in your pic, doesn't work quite like that.

t. insurance fag

When EBT shuts off all the compassionate Christian churches are going to deplete every last rainy day dollar trying to feed the savages. Because skin color doesn’t matter.

This, spoke to an older Mormon guy the other day about my travels to Europe and Japan. He started blathering on about how great diversity was, making it sound like other cultures were superior to his own. Still don't understand how people can be this deluded.

I wish, would be a perfect opportunity to do it. Sometimes think it would be easier to organize Zig Forums users than to actually get anything done in our current political system.

I hope you’re right.

As if that wasn’t staged and funded by the left

Sorry to be devils advocate here, but he can’t even get a fence built. He’s doing other good things but fucking A the left (((in its entirety))) is unrelenting in every aspect

I've been waiting for this to be honest. My nigger neighbors always boast about selling their foodstamps to the cunt down the street from us. So I can't wait til LaQuisha and her niglets get paywall'd with a useless card.

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Trump signed this Dec. 20th., so yes it does go into effect when the funds are allocated. It still takes a budget agreement to make that happen though. This is because the kikes would sooner confess the holohoax lie, than to admit they create money from nothing.

Of course it was, but that's beside the point. Getting them to chimp on their own is the goal, and reason for the meme.

if youve ever used niggerbux for any reason, you should strongly consider suicide. Not because of muh tax dollars, but the shame of doing what niggers do. Just flat out stealing has more honor.
Also, niggerbux will NEVER shutdown, its just a scare tactic to rile up shitskins and welfare queens against cheeto man. As long as the federal reserve can make up money from nothing and the niggerbux network is still online, the bux will flow, period.
youd have to Fight Club all sorts of server rooms to postpone gibsmedat for maybe a week with only mild Cat 2 chimping.

Would 5000 dollar cash reward for snitch on fraud be worth it if it creates a boogyman effect?

Just think of how much crack that could buy. Enough to OD.

Tell him that you would dump ancchor babies on his child's or grand child's neighborhood.

Trump should load dump trucks full of illegals and have them live in Democrat Politician homes including the RINOs.

I'm sure they would love to have latinos get to know their daughters.

Checked, of course we can. Now.

Real Soylent will be made from niggers.

There's no other economic reason why liquor stores and bodegas thrive in areas with no legitimately spendable cash income.

Obama dumped refugees in white areas, why wouldn't Trump offer tons of Obama-grade gibs to South Africans and put them in Harlem? They're Dutch after all.

NeoCons who are against Food Stamps are going to send voters to Communism.

We gave the invader countries billions of dollars this year, plus Israel, plus Iraq, but can't feed the poor… Not a good idea.

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Most of the white people on food stamps are actual hipsters with Starbucks jobs. In my old city of Portland, OR, the Willamette Week had regular features on how to hook up with gibs for them.

They all have grad degrees so they should transition into full employment no problem especially in this booming economy. Stocks may be down because of hard core Jewing but companies are hiring.

Uh-oh, better implement communism so the communists don't get angry and agitate for communism!


How is feeding the poor not the opposite of Communism? Your (((Libertarian values))) are not going to do anything but create the idea of Nationalism meaning surival of the richest. And we all know more whites recieve food stamps and we want more whites to breed.

You don't like welfare niggers? Get rid of niggers. You don't like Mexicans getting free welfare? Send them back.

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ZERO chance of it habbening. It's not just the welfare rats depending on it. Everyone has the monthly gibs frenzy factored into their business models….grocers to farmers.

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The state feeding the poor is communism. Feeding the poor is the duty of neighbours, not bureaucrats. The state exists to facilitate charity, not assume it. Only a nigger/jew would want to rob whites of the spiritual and cultural gifts of charity.

Under National Socialism the poor were given appropriate jobs and then little children went out in search of pennies for them.

As a proportion of the population, per capita, individual whites are much less likely to receive welfare than spics or niggers or even jews for that matter. Only Asians are less likely to be on the dole.

(respectfully checked)
When two determined drivers play chicken, there's always a non-zero chance of crashing. This doesn't even need to get into February for there to be a chimpening. As it gets closer to the end of the month, and the kike media becomes more and more rabid, it can easily happen earlier than any government resolution. I made this thread for ideas about "brewing". How to push them to protest in their typical manner.

You've evidently never been between jobs nigger. The whole point of foodstamps was literally just a temporary safety net for when you end up losing your job for whatever reason the kikes-in-charge deem. So no, I don't feel shame for using a program for what it was meant for. And as soon as I had another job, I went off it. So go preach your bullshit elsewhere. It's very clear you don't know a god damn thing.

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The jews won't stop feeding their loyal golem until white people have their guns taken away. How long will they extend benefits this time is the interesting question.