According to the US Department of Justice statistics whites commit the majority of crimes

"According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment. In 2013, an estimated 10,076 people died in the U.S. due to drunk driving crashes."

Attached: White-supremacist-allegedly-shoots-police-officer-seven-times-may-have-been-repaying-criminal-debt.jpg (474x317, 27.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice try, FBI
Also, looking by pure "muh numbers bigger" is retarded bugman statistics, which no one does. By proportion niggers kill more per capita, even when mestizos are counted as Hispanic "Whites"

Attached: 1299827572337.jpg (4688x4688, 574.67K)

where's the pic of all the "white" mug shots?

Attached: Brainlet.jpg (558x614, 13.61K)

Funny how they're Hispanic when they're voting or applying for aid, and White when they commit a crime.
Except when they illegally enter the country, of course.

It almost seems like people who are unfriendly to Whites are running the show.

Attached: 112712_DavidAxelrod_905.jpg (768x1152, 312.65K)

They really are sweating blood right about now, judging by the amount of bullshit they dish out. And that's a good thing.

wake up whitey, you're the monster you make others to be.

now I have truly seen it all

No shit, whites do the majority of every activity, because they're the fucking majority. They pay the majority of taxes, represent the majority of deaths in combat, and sign up to become law enforcement officers more than any other race. Fucking retarded leftist boilerplate nonsense.


Attached: black_crime_rates.gif (350x287 551.5 KB, 48.61K)

Attached: Evil.Right.jpg (734x544, 49.46K)

All of that is true, because white people are the MAJORITY.

Blacks however are a minority, yet commit the majority of MURDER.

Learn stats leftypol faggot.



Wonder how many of those whites are named Gonzalez and Rodriguez

If only it were just the beaners they lump in as 'white.' Muslim rapists and criminal offenders are 'white' too. Sage for 0/8 b8 m8ty

shit tier effort leftypol

Attached: 1 in 3.jpg (303x799, 39.11K)

I believe everything the (((media))) tells me. Blacks may be 13 percent of society and commit 50 percent of all violent crimes, but hey, it is whitey all the time. Nice try moishe.
You will stop making up such lies about whites, when your big lie crumbles.
HoloClaus is Fake History


Only whites should be the ones committing crimes. Anybody else committing crimes in America need to be sent back to their continent of origin.
inb4 whites invaded America, no, reservations as the name implies is evidence that the "invasion" was eventually bought and paid for, making it a colonization.

Attached: full-whitemalecriminalsnot-1536325167.jpg (800x448, 52.04K)

Wrong pic

Attached: ''white'' criminals.jpg (1580x3431, 1.97M)

😁 When the political climate shifts right and starts showing factual data about crime statistics regarding Violent crime of non European whites You stop reporting factual crime statistics and cherry pick only whites and the datas so fucky you have to clump light skinned Mexicans in to justify your point across as see whites are just as violent as non whites
Seriously though
This is the type of shit that will and has gotten people Gassed (((supposedly))) Never forget ™the 6 million

them ain't White peoples

per capita
per capita
per capita
per capita
per capita
per capita

Yeah dipshit, because they are 1. the majority of people and 2. Whites live around other whites.

wow, it's almost like hispanics are grouped in with whites and the US is now flooded with beaners. Its almost like they group in obvious non whites with whites to make it seem like whites are just as violent as non whites or something.

Not even "white hispanics" which are such a small minority of hispanics in reality, its straight up brown Mexicans that can be classified as "white" by the FBI. Im surprised they dont just classify everyone as white and then soon say race statistics are pointless and abolish it.

Attached: leftypol.jpeg (400x345, 39.76K)


Look up white-on-black rape statistics.
literally zero

Also fuck off you faggot OP

According to them, non Whites are White.

spics aren't white no matter how many names you give the mullato meztiso wetbacks.

Feminists BTFO

Typical tricks Schlomo

beaners are violent af and are counted as white



Also the FBI

Fuck off, yid.

Mixed-race Eurasians, e.g., Inuit, Mongolian, Mayano, and so on, are not European. They are fucking Asians. Genetically 2/3 Asian or more. Fuck this gay world and fuck you faggot fbi I fucked your qt3.14 in hs and never forget that.

Now that's some weak bait.

We are, but not in the way you think we are. See you soon sweetheart.

Attached: The Lion.webm (305x309 7.64 MB, 13.99K)

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Color me surprised

Disingenuous shill thread.

They are getting more desparate by the day. We could turn this on any of their golems who tries to use it as a talking point soo easily.

That gif is cute as fuck to me for some reason.


Or Sanchez.

Attached: RICKMORTY_39_-_COVER_A_FNL_WEB_1024x1024.jpg (357x661, 106.08K)

Your methodology is tremendously stupid. Non-whites identify as whites to shit on them, but they identify as non-whites to reap benefits. You see this with regards to (((fellow whites))).

This, OP's a fag, do the needful so this garbage doesn't get bumped. There was a time when this type of cuck-chan tier baitposting would catch you a ban.


Whites should commit the majority of crimes you idiot, they are the majority of people.

Imagine there are 10 people.
1 of them is a nigger, one is a spic, 1 is a chink, 1 is a feather nigger and 6 are White humans.
Now imagine that the 1 nigger is responsible for as much violence within the group - 49% - as all 6 of the Whites combined at 51%.
Is the fact that the 6 Whites - 60% of our population - commit 51% (the majority) of violent crimes meaningfully indicative of anything about the Whites, other than that they are UNDER-REPRESENTED in terms of violence within the group?
Is the fact that the 1 nigger - 10% of our population - commits 49% (just shy of the majority) of violent crimes, a DRASTIC OVER-REPRESENTATION, somehow less meaningful?

List of things Leftists don't understand:
1. Evolution
2. Genetics
3. Proportionality ← You are here.

Attached: 'White Hispanics' in One Image.jpg (3856x8736, 4.44M)

lmao most of these people aren't even light skinned. Shit tier bait by OP.

Attached: Do Not Fuck With White People.png (1492x495, 136.99K)

If beaners are white, why the fuck do you want to keep letting more in? Oink oink.

🌮🌮🌮🌮You got to go back🌮🌮🌮🌮
Make America great again

Not even sending their best.

The world sees the crack in their armor and the war in the middle east exposed it.

Well we know "whites" are responsible for the most financial crimes…

Attached: jewish nose.jpg (248x258, 7.64K)

Before we were the world's refugee camp, we had almost the same low crime rate as western Europe.
because a supermajority of our people were from there
Also, mestizos are counted as white, per capita etc

Your stats check out user.

Attached: aec70ce1d55da83b22b019c455a7af7174228df9a032bc2ff76ffa83eb14dc2d.jpg (540x720, 38.13K)

Also the pic of Andrew Anglin

bump because i am seeing a lot of shitlibs trying to bring this up, so i came in here to ammo up

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Note: in the study Korean gangsters were counted as Japanese

this tedium I feel is overwhelming

Why is this thread still here?