How about we take the jew out of our pocket first

Talk of national debt, and indeed repaying any debt under this system is a fools errand because to repay the interest on the initial debt, (there is no principal!) you must use more worthless money (debt) to repay the interest while the debt you are using to repay the interest gains interest for which you must use more debt…you get the idea.
You yourself are the only thing that holds value. Your life. Your energy. Your creativity and ingenuity. These are the harvest of this devils seed that you willingly use and have become a slave to because even the majority of those of us crying out in the wilderness still have not seen a way out from the system of usury that is slowly and surely grinding our nations and their proud people to dust.
It is a fraud. And it is a fraud that works only becuase YOU choose to keep participating.
It will collapse under its own ponzy weight with just 30% non participation, by admission of one of the pursestring holders in the (((Rofschild))) AMA found here. Highly interesting read.
This is something most of us here have felt since a very early age, with our tender child's sensitivity, that something is rotten and something must be done. And we have ended up here, fighting the despair that seeks to creep in every day and crush our last bit of resolve as we struggle with the dissonance between what should be, and what is. Proud hearts dying for an open fight with a foe that remains elusive because of the foul slime of obfuscation he has clothed himself in. This is how you fight, you no longer have an excuse for inaction.
Stop paying income tax
Edward Jay Robin is an outstanding resourse on this with many well researched videos on the subject as well as over 30 years of not paying income tax. I'm at 12 so far. I have written some letters in regards to demands to file etc, and at the time I did not know the details I am aware of now, but I was successful in writing from the heart to the basic effect of, "I am a man of free will created by God and I do not recognize your authority to force me to do anything." I wrote based on feeling and have since filled in some knowledge gaps which has reinforced my faith.
Knowing who you are and who (((their))) laws apply to is a great starting point on how to proceed in your dealings with (((them))) so that you may stand on the feet you were created with and not as a legal represetative of a dead man with no rights.
How to defeat the IRS/CRA with your faith
As to the currency itself, at different points in recent history, both Canada and the US gave up the right to print their own currency to a privately held central bank, of which we are all aware. How this came to be and what happened to the people who opposed it is well documented. However, a choice had to remain in order to avoid karmic repercussions which means that there are still 2 currencies in use in both countries. The difference is between lawful money (backed by gold) and legal tender (the fraud).
You may never hold a physical copy of lawful money in your hand, but that does not mean that you cannot make use of it by intent when you deposit checks into your account.
Short version of how to do this is to stamp your checks to the effect of "Redeemed in lawful money pursuant to title 12 USC 411 True Name dba. LEGAL NAME". Keep your checks so you can prove intent. Lawful money is not taxablew income, you have not endorsed private credit and the bank is unable to fractionally lend against the future interest. You have also just done your part in eliminating the national debt. Long version of instructions as well as a detailed thread on the subject is here:
Link is a good synopsis of the steps to take.

Attached: jesus money changers.jpg (1100x812, 792.2K)

Other urls found in this thread: section:3401 edition:prelim section:1 edition:prelim section:3402 edition:prelim section:7701 edition:prelim

12 USC 411
"federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank."

Added because post too long:
This info is region specific to the US and Canada, being still under common law and subjects of the Queen. I have not researched specifics, but other regions in the world not yet ruled by the gun MUST have similar structures in place, because the Jew has realized that to circumvent the inevitable laws of sewing and reaping/karma/cause and effect, all oppression must be the choice of the oppressed. Unfortunately humanity is easily influenced to believe the choices they make are inevitable because the majority of "sentient" men walking the earth are unable to think critically and can only voice their (((meaningless))) opinion. Because of this, people are HIGHLY suggestible. A fact that the Jews and, by extension, those who serve them, have exploited to great effect.
The root of the oppression, of the beast that has it's claws in the minds of the world is the money system. We deal in worthless currency backed by the work of our hands and our promise to repay (with signatures) this debt created out of thin air with our biological property. Money is nothing. It has no definition or intrinsic value. A dollar is a hundred cents and a hundred cents is a dollar, and all of it only exists to enslave.
Learn who you are. You are created by God, you are not your name, you are a spiritual being of FREE WILL which no one can violate without consequence. This is cosmic law.
You are protected under the Laws of God, you are to follow no Laws of man. Do not add to Gods law or take away from it. Do not walk in the ordinance of the heathen. Any laws that are not from God, that are contrary to natural law, only apply to you if you choose to let them. This is important. Wether you believe in God or not, put it aside for now, because the architects of the fraud very much do, and have gone to great pains to ensure they are technically blameless.
Our countries are still under common Law, and as such are subject to the Queen who has sworn to uphold the Laws of the King James Bible as it pertains to Men created by God. Unfortunately, there are very few men that realize they exist on this spiritual plain, and most live in the world created for them by their would be masters and use a dead name in their daily dealings without knowledge of the consequences.
Your name does not belong to you. It belongs to the Pope from birth, and is the name of a dead man. How can you be sure your name is even who you are? Did you choose it? Were you there when it was given to you, and did you agree to be bound to the laws that affect that name? Or do you just agree to be bound every time you use that name to sign a check, answer a police officer, or answer phone call from the (((IRS)))
This is what we can do. Today. Stop pissing your energy into the wind and live a life where a reasonable ammount of your effort can sustain a comfortable and healthy life for you and your family without your wife having to work. The mother of my children raises my children. I cannot tell you what this means to me and I know I am not alone. Break the yoke of usury based taxation, because that shit doesn't pay for roads. It pays kike faggot interest and sucks your life energy out of you in servitude.

Effort post deserves a bump

How do I do this if I'm a high income earner working at a large corporation?

D'nations goy.

This is another twist on the "legal voodoo" idea that if you find a loophole in the law that the government is compelled to comply. The Government is not compelled to do anything. It will do whatever it's judges and bureaucrats believe is reasonable. None of this sounds reasonable. The IRS doesn't play around. You will go to jail if you're caught.

Don't be a retard. The law isn't magic. It's just a very badly written pile of garbage that is only barely followed and increasingly it's ignored entirely and judges just do whatever they want.


Can you be more specific? If I donate all my money then it kind of defeats the purpose of making it in the first place. There are also limits on how much you can donate and take a deduction for it.

OP was talking about not paying it at all, I'd like to explore what that would actually look like when you're not scraping by on crumbs to begin with and able to fly under the radar.

The guidelines for donations to charity are very clear. To a certain point, you are still liable for a percent of your earnings, but if you donation a certain percentage of your earnings, you tax liability goes to null.

The rich do this constantly. Doesn't matter what the IRS thinks, this has been the standard for everybody, even the mob, since they nailed Capone.

Also, if you channel all of your income through a business, even as a 1099, you can live tax free if your income is below $5000.

The IRS acknowledges all of this as being legal, and it is because (drum roll) every asset including your vehicles are under the control of a legal business. It works even better if you work at your residence as everything there can be counted as a business expense.

Depends on your tax bracket.

You can't be NatSoc if you don't understand bureaucracy.

If anyone works an office job, go to your HR people (or payroll) and ask to update your Form W-4. Increase your number of exemptions up to 8 or 9. While this won't decrease your withholding to $0, it will make a big dent.

Everybody should be doing this now, especially as it's the start of a new year and it is expected.

Don't let them withhold anything. The way the tax system works is you can choose to have them deduct Federal taxes for you, or you can have them not deduct them, which means you either have to pay at the end of that fiscal year. If you manage your taxes and liability properly, you can get away with not paying any taxes whatsoever, as I allude to above.

Being me, and being in wrong star territory. Absolutely wrong. I am not trans you nutcases.

All of this is legal, and you can walk into any licensed CPA's office and they will tell you this.

Those are diamonds on my card, not a star, and the Jews thought it would be funny to put that crap as the security code. I don't enjoy sodomy.

I bet the IRS hired a bunch more people to make sure internet users are properly paying the jews this tax year. Hey I don't want to pay taxes on my business but I know most likely that if I don't or screw with the numbers they'll come after me, ending it all with cops themselves and an arrest warrant. Good luck on all your legal bullshit.

Worried about your host picking you off like a scab, shlomo?

It looks like your checks can get deposited with a demand for Lawful Money instead. That GLP thread is long, but there is a lot of info in there. Haven't found any posts that actually disprove what the op there is saying. Just a lot of shills. Still reading.


Do you even know how audits work? They send you a notice in the mail, and you take it to your CPA. Which is your making as much as the OP, you will already have a CPA on call. The CPA does the work, because the CPA has already done the work for you when you set all of this up.

What does the CPA do then? They run off your taxes records and paperwork for all of the periods in question and send that to the IRS. That's all it involves. If you get a call back, they will probably ask more questions. Otherwise, you're likely never going to hear from them again.

They aren't going to kick in your door. The worst case scenario is that they send a legal team after you to collect. That whole IRS team raiding your base is mostly scare tactics and they wouldn't raid your base unless they have it on good word you're operating an illegal business out of your base and stockpiling undocumented funds.

Otherwise they would be raiding all of the illegals in the country for tax fraud, because almost every single one of them is committing both tax fraud and identification fraud, both of which the IRS has legal authority to go after somebody for.

This should be stickied

So young, so naive. State has no obligation to positively enforce its laws.

The IRS is a sovereign entity. It's like the Federal Reserve. The only thing that ties them to the US government is their paychecks coming from the Treasury.

Go ahead, look into where their headquarters is registered. Keep digging until you find where their pension funds are held.

Go ahead. Dig that hole. I've BTDT already. Even went so far as finding the tax value of my corporate identity. It's in the billions now. I have not single penny to call my own, but I am worth billions to the Fed and US government.

The illegal weed dispensaries in Canada used to hire "volunteers" and pay them in pot, but they just opened themselves up to trafficking charges by trying to save a few tax dollars.

Yes, I do. Most are generated by complaints from the competition. Eg. Joe's Carpet sees Frank's Carpet is selling below cost because Frank was buying rugs off natives.

Word of advice: don't bother trying to claim your setty-key, rather, refer any debts owning to the government to be set off by your trust.

This works well for student loans in Canada.

Well did those files drop Cicada? Do those Anons actually have the dirt, much less the balls to drop them?

I was barred from even accessing it until June. I pissed of NSA goons.

MONSANTO MEGADEATH RELATED: (Weed-Whacking Herbicide Proves Deadly to Human Cells) (Study Confirms Glyphosate Causes Liver and Kidney Failure) (Obama's EPA Colluded With Monsanto To Allow Cancerous Herbicide Roundup) (New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup) (GMO Crops Killing Millions of Kangaroos In Australia) (Brazil Bans GMO Crops: TOXIC) (Russia Bans GMO Crops: TOXIC) (Netherlands Bans GMO Crops: TOXIC) (38+ Countries Have Banned GMO Crops So Far: TOXIC) (64+ Countries Have GMO Warning Labels So Far: TOXIC) (UK Bans Monsanto Roundup, Glyphosate Over Toxicity) (Commiefornia Wine Found Contaminated With Glyphosate) (Monsanto Lied, Bullied Scientists To Hide Cancer Risks) (Brazil Bans Glyphosate Due To Cancer Risks) (Judge Rules Against Monsanto, Ordered To Pay $290 Million For Causing Cancer) (Monsanto's Glyphosate Linked To Global Decline In Honey Bees) (Bayer Pharmaceuticals To Fire 12,000 After Monsanto Legal Troubles)

Get your cheap bitcoins now, faggots. You have a few months to get your fiat in.

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Yes, the guidelines are clear - you may deduct a maximum of up to 50% of your adjusted gross income. This does not reduce your tax liability to 0, and you end up donating more than you save. You can't do this to reduce your liability to 0.

This kind of works but not like you said. First off you have to be taxed as a corporation, 1099 income wont work for this or a sole proprietor. If you set your income to be $5000 you're going to get nailed if you're ever audited. The guidelines say it has to be a reasonable salary or you can get hit with tax fraud. Also you still have to pay tax on the rest, it's just corporate tax and doesn't include the self employment tax.This reduces what you have to pay, but it doesn't get rid of it. Also, you can't just do this with your income from a job where you work for someone else, you do this when you own the business. If you made a fake company to do this with your employment income you would be an idiot because they're already paying the 50% of the self-employment tax you're trying to avoid so you end up taxing yourself twice on the same money.

Yeah they won't take anything out but how are you not going to be investigated the first year when they're expecting $60k from you based on the numbers your employers payroll processor submitted? If you don't own anything and don't make shit they'll ignore it for a few years but if you have assets or a bank account they smack you with a lien as soon as they can push the paperwork through and just take your stuff.

Don't get me wrong guys, I fucking hate taxes and I'd be happy to do backflips to stop funding my demise, but when I started making serious money the first lesson I learned was all the talk about loopholes all the rich know about is bullshit. Kikes do illegal shit to avoid taxes but rich White people are the main ones they want to take money from, so why would there be loopholes for rich White people? The only reason jews can do it is they know somewhere down the line some other kikel will make sure their case gets misfiled or delayed indefinitely so they can avoid the consequences.

$200-300k yearly gross employment income
Some interest + cap gains income too but lets just assume we're only working with the above.

Can we cut the shit please. You haven't impressed me yet and I don't expect you to have any real answers. As far as I can tell so far you're just a high schooler who's never even made enough to live on. I hope I'm wrong but we can stick to specifics and I'll be able to keep up just fine.

Fuck off out of here with your derailment/water muddying, shitkikes.
None of the deduction/audit shit matters because it doesn't apply to living men with free will. Discuss the subject of the op, disprove it with facts, or jump in the oven.

the federal reserve is the root of all of these problems

The answer is no.

It's going to happen. I only have to walk across a few states to do so. Rapaport be be kissing my feet when I get there, right after Matt licks my ass clean, since he keeps fucking flirting with me.

I want to believe, but this all sounds like some sovereign citizen baloney.

I've heard this lawful money point several times, and read a fair amount of libertarian material on it, but am still so confused.
If you've ever done this can you post some proofs? Like show me a real dollar vs a fed note? Show me a bank statement that shows you have real money and not fed notes?

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self check
also depressingly confirming this is all horseshit

Confirming what? You asked a question. What would you consider acceptable proof? Bank statements? Tax returns with zeroes? Your spine seems a little soft for a fight of this magnitude, better go back to your slave wheel like a nigger. Or find out who you really are and the freedom you were born with that you've been cucked out of. Unless of course, when you look in the mirror your nose gets in the way.

More correctly, a materially fraudulent incorporated entity was created ex parte when your birth was registered (except in Quebec and Louisiana, where you are a natural person).

t. licence in mixed case, proud Acadian

Ease up, butthurt friend. Show me some evidence of this working. Like literally anything. I don't even know what it would be. Different dollars like in my original pic related? Different statements? I've read the creature from Jekyl Island, I get it. I just don't know what we do about it. And I'd love to see some evidence of anything working. All I read though is legal magic tricks with no evidence.


Can't speak for the other posts, but stfu while adults are talking. The only thing muddy here is your adolescent brain and lack of experience.

Stop trying to eliminate discussion of financial strategies that might work for Whites who actually have significant income and other resources. We have to talk about this shit, and we can't just pretend not giving a fuck will achieve anything for us. Ever see a video of a libertarian trying to shout about laws and his rights and free will in a courtroom? It doesn't work and he looks like an idiot.

If you can't contribute and don't actually know about this stuff then you need to self-filter because you're just shitting the place up.

This user is purposefully spreading misinformation. I'm actually a bookkeeper and work directly with CPAs during tax season.

Verify everything he says for yourself and you'll quickly see it doesn't line up with the real world. Also look at the weird statements at the bottom of some of his posts that don't have anything to do with the thread.

Also look at his weird response to the one guy who referenced the tax code and talked about the actual process of tax enforcement. And what do we call a poster who shuts down any discussion once it starts to have any substance?

You looking for work? My company needs a bookkeeper (remote work in US) if you have an interest and a secure way for me to reach you.

Lovely user, thanks.

The point is that whites with a modest income can still support their families and raise their children themselves. You have my sincere congratulations if you earn enough money within the current system for your children to be raised by their mother and live healthy, comfortable lives with room for creativity and art as expression. That is not a reality for a large part of the population of honest whites working in labor jobs to feed their kids because of the usury that is bleeding our culture dry. There was a guy once who abolished usury in his country. I think it's referred to as the economic miracle? The YT op posted has some very liberating information, and no one is suggesting shouting in a courtroom. That is admiralty law, and the judge rules supreme as soon as you cross the bar with your name. He is not required to hear you as you are legally dead at that point. Strategies within the system can and do work. What if the system is the loophole? Just because it's all we've ever known does not mean that's all there ever was or will be.

Thanks for the offer but I'm sure you understand why I have to decline. It's money well spent though. If you already have an accountant getting a referral from him is probably the best idea. You don't want your financial advisor and CPA to know each other, but you do want your bookkeeper and CPA to be on the same page.

Go back to the Gold standard other countries are stock piling gold while we print monopoly money.

Attached: Gold-Bars-in-Fort-Knox.jpg (1592x1040, 344.99K)

From the OP (about responding to tax collectors)

That's fine if anyone is discussing the details of strategies. Most of this thread is vague nonsense. Actual steps of what to do with the results are not being articulated. Consequences and how to mitigate them are not being discussed. It's lazy af. It's what children do.

Not insulting you, but you clearly don't which means you're speaking from inexperience. You're the jamaican bobsled team trying to preach about how to win a bobsled race even though you're not in the running. This doesn't mean you shouldn't participate, but it means you do all of us a disservice by arguing with people who are bringing up real points. You're not an equal in these matters and some of what is being said here is very bad advice.

Why our budget is so costly…


Jewish wars that Christians have to fight drain so much money that we don't have anything left for social programs, combined with the mass influx of illegal aliens which cost us even more money.

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This thread is meant to be a discussion on how to step out of the system unless I'm mistaken. I'm sure there are plenty of accountants forums to discuss within (((system))) strategies. Don't worry, you can't insult me.

I figured as much. Thanks for the tips

Is that supposed to be impressive?
Wow come you talk like a fiat flexing kike faggot?
Who gives a fuck about how much money you make. It won't matter if inflation gets fucked by (((them))) and it's the system itself that is the tool of the enemy. Go crawl back to your master, yahood.

I was just looking up my numbers. I think i can manually do this at work myself. Probably gonna do it. I keep telling people income tax is going away soon.

Most people here have little life experience. I don't pay tax on anything I'm not forced to (W2) and I know more than a few people that never have and they're 15 years, or more, older than I am.

But I've made the mistake of thinking you can just show "the gov" they're wrong and walk away. Ever get a customer receive service and material and never pay? Ever sue someone? Ever get a lawyer that blatantly stole your money?

That shit happens every day and there's nothing to protect you. If you can't outspend someone in the DOJ you're not worth protecting in their eyes. I've had lawyers take retainers and disappear, grievance system does nothing. I've had lawyers fuck up cases and say they quit, they're not liable to returning a dime let alone fixing it at their expense.

If you can't get a good lawyer to represent you, you have little chance fighting the system. One they tell the police you're "no good" they can harass you and press your luck until you give up. You don't realize the law is two handed and they work together, once you realize how unAmerican one is you see how they operate and lose all faith in "rights".

With that said how many of you are 1099 contractors or business owners? That's the only way to avoid taxes. Everyone else applying for jobs and filling out W2's are plebs with little chance to survive let alone thrive.

You can get a TID in seconds but doesn't mean you can write off everything. I had my own IT support in my early 20's and I happened to get a judge as a client. He had a NFP he lived off of. NFP just means the company earns no profit so they spend everything every year even if it means buying assets and expanding like cancer. Cars, trips, gold, property, etc.

I tried mostly only accepting cash, offered as discounted service, and just spending that. Keeping it out of your bank is key, banks are rats with a ledger. They're almost like the 3rd hand of the law.


The banks are the law, unless you forgot this line:
"…There will be tansks in the streets."

Guess what my reoccurring dream is. Tanks in the streets rounding up everybody that is self sufficient into camps. I was having this dream in the 90's. Everything I saw in those dreams has happened so far.

You guys call me an idiot, or crazy. You harass me, attack me and blame me for all of this bullshit that I have nothing to do with.

All I ever wanted was to make enough so I wouldn't have to deal with what is coming. In that dream, you guys never ha e to deal with what I will have to deal with.

I don't ask for anything. I know how this is going to play out. I already know how I will die in the end, and I am not talking about my dick blasting seed all over some hot girl's snatch.

Yeah goys lets get locked up for not paying taxes. That will teach them…

He's not wrong. These past few years have made it very clear.


Illegal immigrants largely pay taxes with an ITIN.

This keeps the IRS off bay, they have a shot at fixing their status down the road and they can obtain credit (mostly mortgages).

Yeah, good look at getting a prenup enforced.

Yid judges throw these out so greedy shiksas can financially destroy their white husband and turn him into an alimony slave.

This often ends up in suicide…

Does coinposting still equal ban?

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The idea of national debt is mindboggling to me. Like, how ass-fucking-backwards do you have to be to have a nation that is literally indebted to itself? The more I think about it, the angrier I get. It's the same fucking logic behind "bloodletting" - cutting yourself to lose some blood so you can "get stronger" by making more. Except in this case, it'd be like cutting yourself every single hour and trying to drink the blood to get it back.

Fuck the federal reserve, fuck quantative easing, and fuck every economic policy built around it.

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That's the bonus. The meat of it is that we don't even NEED to borrow money from ANYONE to service ANY debt. How in the hell can the most productive country in the world OWE anyone ANYTHING? It's bullshit from the get go. The debt that would normally exist (between the government and private industry, for any purpose) should be covered by taxes and should not turn a profit. It should be considered a benefit to the country paid back with zero interest, and paid back only in its real value. Especially WAR DEBT. Debts to other countries, if they be truly allies at all, should be paid back the same way, favor for favor in kind. Service to country and between allies in war should not become a fucking business. I could go on and on, but I'll just let the fucking geniuses solve the world's problems, because they want to play god, they just love their fucking internet and psychotronics. They just love playing god over everyone. And they are going to be destroyed along with all the rest of the damned fools on this plane.

Sure. The fed note is the "dollar bill" you know. Pic related is an actual dollar.

All the "money" in a bank account is jewish funny-money. It's all created out of thin air by "fractional reserve banking".

Now, go look up the value of one Troy ounce of .999 fine silver (aka a real Dollar), as in, what this costs if you buy it with jewish fed reserve "dollar" bills.

See the difference? That's how de-valued your currency is by the jew.

Attached: silvereagle_1.jpg (500x500 77.46 KB, 80.13K)

Oh look, a fake jewish dollar is worth a little over 6 cents in real terms.

Attached: Screenshot.png (986x418, 141.77K)

If any (((authority))) comes to get you, kill it.
With enough people refusing to pay any taxes at all, and killing the (((law))) enforcers, all their perceived power will vanish.


All this nonsense. The truth is in the Internal Revenue Code itself. Title 26. However, OP is on the right track as the income tax applies to very few people.
I'll make a big post eventually, but for now here's some information for you to get started. Remember, refunds for withheld earnings are available for 3 years.

26 USC 3401: Definitions §3401. Definitions (a) '''Wages''' For purposes of this chapter, the term "'''wages'''" means all remuneration (other than fees paid to a public official) for services '''performed by an employee for his employer''', (c) '''Employee''' For purposes of this chapter, the term '''"employee"''' includes an '''officer, employee, or elected official of the United States''', a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. The term "employee" also includes '''an officer of a corporation'''. (d) '''Employer''' For purposes of this chapter, the term '''"employer"''' means the person for whom an individual performs or performed any service, of whatever nature, '''as the employee of such person''' section:3401 edition:prelim

1 USC 1: Words denoting number, gender, and so forth §1. Words denoting number, gender, and so forth In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, unless the context indicates otherwise- '''"officer"''' includes '''any person authorized by law to perform the duties of the office'''; section:1 edition:prelim

Public Salary Tax Act of 1939 A "United States '''Corporation'''", defined in Sec. 207 of the Public Salary Tax Act as, "a corporate agency or instrumentality, is one (a) a majority of the stock of which is '''owned by or on behalf of the United States''', or (b) the power to appoint or select a majority of the board of directors of which is exercisabie '''by or on behalf of the United States''',"

26 USC 3402: Income tax collected at source §3402. Income tax collected at source (1) In general Except as otherwise provided in this section, every '''employer''' making payment of '''wages''' shall deduct and withhold upon such '''wages''' a tax determined in accordance with tables or computational procedures prescribed by the Secretary. section:3402 edition:prelim

tl;dr Unless you work for the United States government, you don't have "wages" and thus no income tax. File your 1040 and 4852 (W-2 replacement form for errors) and get back your withheld earnings. File instead a 1040x to correct previous tax filings that were in error of assuming you made "wages".

Here are some more definitions for words that you think mean one thing, but mean something entirely different to the IRS.

IRC Definitions for entire TITLE 26 26 USC 7701: Definitions §7701. Definitions (a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof- (3) Corporation The term "corporation" includes associations, joint-stock companies, and insurance companies. (9) United States The term "United States" when used in a geographical sense includes only the States and the District of Columbia. (10) State The term "State" shall be construed to include the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out provisions of this title. (c) Includes and including The terms "includes" and "including" when used in a definition contained in this title shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined. (14) Taxpayer The term "taxpayer" means any person subject to any internal revenue tax. (26) '''Trade or business''' The term "trade or business" includes''' the performance of the functions of a public office'''. (30) United States person The term "United States person" means- (A) a citizen or resident of the United States, (B) a domestic partnership, (C) a domestic corporation, (D) any estate (other than a foreign estate, within the meaning of paragraph (31)), and (E) any trust if- (i) a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and (ii) one or more United States persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust. (p) Cross references (1) Other definitions For other definitions, see the following sections of Title 1 of the United States Code: (4) Officer, section 1. section:7701 edition:prelim

See the wordplay manifest itself by specifically defining "includes and including" for maximum confusion, and "States" only means D.C., it does not mean the 50 states.