Theoretically how hard would it be to pull of a coup d'etat in some cucked up country e.g Sweden?
Theoretically how hard would it be to pull of a coup d'etat in some cucked up country e.g Sweden?
Theoretically speaking it would be pretty easy. you get control of the TV and radio, remove president / prime ministers from from their access to communications and proclaim bank holiday. of course you have to make sure that army stays in barracks. you can over overwhelm police with work.
this is not a problem. problem starts when neighboring country's start to send reinforcements. NATO and US. then you have to have air domination. you could probably stop their advances on the borders. but if you do not dominate the sky you can not function.
you would need highly mobile troops with high firepower. The "Technical" is a generic name given to make-shift military vehicles crudely developed on the chassis of existing 4x4 all-wheel drive civilian-minded vehicles - typically seen as a flatbed pickup truck whose driving cabin is the only obstruction for any trainable weapon installed over the rear section. Technicals are low-cost options for low-budget militaries and militia groups requiring mobile firepower and provide a fast-attack capability against both established forces and lesser foes. Such vehicles serve well for local intimidation, as reconnaissance mounts, and in the ambush role where their weaponry can be quickly brought to bear on unsuspecting targets. The versatility of the platform is only limited by the imagination of the fighting force and the tolerances of the chassis in play. Throughout history, Technicals have been fitted with an array of light-to-medium-class military hardware - rocket projectors (in the MLRS role), heavy machine guns, medium machine guns, recoilless rifles, and complete Anti-Aircraft (AA) cannon systems being just some examples. The usual inherent four-wheel drive functionality allows for a certain level of off-road performance though this is sometimes hampered by the weight of the combat equipment installed. Additionally, Technicals usually forgo armor protection and supply very little survivability to its crew.
I go to a top Ivy League university and am a top science student here and all my professors are encouraging me to go to graduate school and become a professor. However, I feel like something is big going to be happening soon and I definitely prefer the military environment to academia. I just don't want to have to forgo my studies.
Should I join the military out of undergrad anons?
You'll get SOCOM'd, because NATO is a thing.
A tachanka (Russian: тачанка, Ukrainian: тачанка Polish: taczanka) was a horse-drawn machine gun, usually a cart (such as charabanc) or an open wagon with a heavy machine gun installed in the back. A tachanka could be pulled by two to four horses and required a crew of two or three (one driver and a machine gun crew). A number of sources attribute its invention to Nestor Makhno…..he pickup-truck era of warfare really began on March 22, 1987, when 2,000 Chadian soldiers riding in technicals armed with heavy machine guns, AA guns, MILAN anti-tank missiles and recoilless rifles emerged from desert wadis in the depths of the Sahara and overran the massive Libyan air base at Wadi Doum, Chad in a surprise attack that killed thousands of Libyans, destroyed dozens of tanks and aircraft, and shattered Libyan air power. The Chadians would go on to repeat their success several months later with an attack against the Libyan airbase at Maaten al-Sara, in Libya itself. Again, thousands of fighters in armed pickups crossed the desert to hit with speed and surprise. Libya agreed to a cease-fire six days after Maaten al-Sara fell, bringing the “Toyota War” (so named because Chadian forces were mainly composed of Toyota trucks) to an end. The Chadians had defeated a larger and far better armed Libyan force, holding a well-fortified position, and they couldn’t have done it without their trucks.
Put it this way, if you want to be successful at a coup in any alliance country, you need to court the US SOCOM community. You're never going to have a chance otherwise. Even the Spooks won't test them.
But why? Surely it would be a better idea to smuggle a bunch of guns in and take over the governmental complex/television stations and hold on to them? This is basically the tactic used by the Spartacists in Weimar Germany except that we aren't dirty pinkos and are banking on the absence of any Freikorps (because the actual Freikorps would probably join us instead of fighting for cuckistan).
In this case there is no need for heavy artillery that could cause non-gov civilian casualties.
Depends where you are. If you are one of the countries that routinely fights in Israel's wars, then no. Learn a bunch of skills that will be useful for warfare including cyber warfare and propoganda.
Im sure they would not be fighting at full force.
but it has to spread to other NATO country's. if we take as example france…if there is coup d'etat (theoretically of course) german, UK and other NATO forces would certainly intervene. if not by land based forces then by air force.
Right now the prevailing attitude in the world is against foreign wars thanks to our greatest ally. Do you think opposing ebil right wingers would be popular at home?
It is true that holding onto the country would be the hardest part. Suppose we neutralize all politicians/journalists. I don';t think a military invasion is as much of a threat as a trade embargo. Military intervention carrys negative connotations these days but Congress can pass embargos out like candy and the American people on the whole do not care. Thus I think setting up black market type smuggeling would be necessary to challenge the global order more than even a military.
no. you just have to deny them entery to theater of operations. also, make them busy on other fronts. let us say…home front ?
they work for spooks as black ops personal. where do you think spooks get personal for black ops ?
In theory, it would depend your access to the following… how exposed are the politicians? Do you have any snipers? Explosives experts? Someone who can sabotage air planes, trains, or other modes of mass transport that politicians use, when they are using them? Home addresses of said politicians? Anyone with connections to the media, radio, tv, etc? Military connections? You see, one man, good with a gun, could take out a politician or two, but they would only be replaced. You'd need a way to kill every politician, in such a short amount of time, that every seat was available to be filled at once. Then, have the military come in, and with the right influences, get decent people in their steed.
Don't try it. There's only one way to pull off a coup in any alliance country these days, and I already posted it. SOCOM is it's own command, they fall under only a single guy, and they have massive operational authority.
Meaning they can pull off operations without approval of their boss if the need arrises for them to mobilize quickly.
Let's explain it this way.
Monday morning next week, you and about 500 goons storm the King's palace in Denamrk. Pick a time, doesn't matter.
Within 12 hours you're already surrounded. They will have at least two ODA's working their way through you, and who knows what the Unit and SEALS will be doing to you. That's before they even get Presidential authority, because of those treaties.
Dont try it. You're only going to get your dumb ass killed, even if it's for a good cause. At this point, I can think of a few countries that could use a cleansing, obviously not Denmark. King Frederik is my homie.
you do not have any use of governmental complex/television stations. you need to control them to shut them down. government control / propaganda is spread through TV / radio and command and control canter is governmental complex. If you shut down this then you have effectively shut down government. you are denying (((them))) means for control by shutting this all down. you are not trying to take over control through same means.
I know exactly where they get them.
Good lord that typing
well, first the judges in any nation you want a revolt in have to be killed
Good point about SOCOM. The only way a real coup could be executed in the United States would be through the CIA if we ever saw the emergence of Putin-like CIA directior (I know Putin was only Lt. Colonel)
Reminder that the rules don't even exist anymore.
GUYS big gay doesn't do military invasions and shit against competent countries. They do faggot propoganda, trade embargos and cyber war. These are the fronts that are infinitely more important than having the combined forces of Doomguy and the Ultrasmurfs on our side.
THats why an ambush on the gov't complex while it is in session is the best way, then systematic extermination of the heads of state. I would estimate this could be done with as little as 200 men. However, to hold this is a different question, especially to run govt functions and media.
As much as I like your contribution, your use of ODA reminds me of cuck Wilson talking about infiltrating Trumps. See how that turned out?
Again, I stress that big gay doesn't respond to threats like this. They prefer propaganda -> trade embargo -> cyber war -> military action. As a completely out of my ass guess I would say that there would be 6 months whereby big gay would trot out their media to and sanctions to try and bludgeon the coup into submission before they send in the boys. It's these 6 months that are crucial in order to completely tear down the power structure of the established order and restore basic governmental function including trade networks and foreign relations.
not supposedly. they have to be neutralized immediately. you can expect counter attack in 24 - 48 hours. by that time you either have control or you will be dead. there is a death sentence for this kind of things.
dude, Sweden ? it is not military invasion it is humanitarian mission and anti-terrorist operation.
I'm talking about NATO and big gay responding to the coup with military invasion.
Spooks wouldn't have a chance. The reason they got Obama in was because they promised to expand SOCOM's authority and budget. That's it.
Let me clue you kids in on something. I do a lot of larping here, but I know who act runs this country, and it isn't the Jews. I won't say which unit it is, but it's a unit involved with the Special Forces community.
They run almost everything. They have their own off the books financial operation now, and can pretty much do whatever they want.
The banks run the regular world stuff, these guys run everything else.
this, it has to be done quickly and borders need to be protected against invasion from foreign powers. I mean…from anti-terrorist coalition that is trying to help democratically elected government.
Hi, I'm George Washington.
No, you're a drunk monkey that likes to sodomize handsome men.
This is true. you have to finish and evacute the building in couple of hours. if you are stationary you will be surrounded and
if you want to prevent that you have to be fast and deny SOCOM entry in country or exit from their barracks. or, alternatively keep them busy in this type of situation while starting to surrounde them in much bigger circle.
it can get you killed. but it is not impossible. it has been done. it can be done again.
An example of that said units work. Yes, that's who you think it is. They took down TRS.
(Hey Matt, lick my ass clean)
It can't be done.
You dont have the skillsets, the training, or the expertise. Every piece of tech is designed to give them the advantage. I have already dealt with these organizations myself, directly. I couldn't beat them and I am the smartest guy in the country.
Any books you guys reccomend for those interested in learning about Special Forces, especially the structure and what they do?
it means that we can do business with them. what do you think how much would it cost to remove (((them))) ?
and SOCOM personal is relatively small. there is not enough SOCOM personal to shut down insurrection (i mean freedom fighters) in 2 - 3 country's at the same time. They can do it in one (probably, maybe) but not in 2 or 3.
You know you want to Matt. Come on, it needs a good cleaning.
If you're in US, go through OCS and be an officer. Or Warrant Officer School after serving in a technical MOS
that is just your opinion.
well, you should try traveling to other country's. guess it is boring to be smartest guy in the country all the time. maybe it would expand your views.
There are more operational ODA's now than there were at the height of the last gulf war.
There are even Units that operate exclusively within the US.
SOCOM is huge now.
Do you have the loyalty of several thousand police and military personnel?
That's being more realistic, with police on your side that is. Then it's not a coup anymore, just a regime change, which you'd have to go through the NATO treaties to be sure, but I don't think that would bring mean men in pajamas.
Check out what happened in Russia 1994
special forces and just special because they get specialty training in some area of expertise. but…if things do not go according to plan or training they are not so special any more.
I see a batboy.
My god what the hell is wrong with people in this thread and all the SOCOM dicksucking? Have you people learned nothing from the last decade? A coup has much much much more to fear from Google and George Soros and the rest of big gay then from SOCOM. A crowd of lefty activists mobilizing in your capital will fuck you up faster than a team of dudes with over 300 confirmed kills and expertise in gorilla warfare and shit. Oh wow look a bunch of people can walk against the government and you can't do shit because if you clear them out you are an inhumane monster and lose support and if you let them walk you are weak and lose support. THIS IS WHAT SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON.
Good posts. Suppose 1000 of us anons land on the the Cuckistani coast with a fuckton of armaments and supplies and proceed to take over their govt complex. Would the police (mostly white males) side with us? Not unless we are both quick enough to get the message out that by opposing us they are fighting for all the shit outlined in Zig Forumss cuckistan threads from 1-9001 and also that they are sympathetic with said message. Are these conditions more likely to be met now than 10 years ago? Most definitely yes. Are they likely to happen now? I don't know. Will waiting a few more years increase the likelyhood? These are the important questions and things that need to be discussed.
No you dumb larper. Coup d'etats are velvet affairs. Violent coups are civil wars. If it gets violent, you've fucked up.
Sweden is already occupied by an army which is' only the ready'. The most you could hope to do is fight in a war in which globalist invaders fuck the shit out of the Swedish people.
Is becoming an officer actually worthwhile now though? I'm just worried that I end up stagnant and not able to get promoted high because you seem to only get to move really high in military if there's an active conflict going on like Iraq and early Afghanistan were
yes, this is true i do appreciate they are highly skilled and trained. there is no doubt about it. they are also highly efficient. i am no way or form underestimating them. they are formidable force. but they are on constant rotation, spread really, really thin around whole world and over stretched. US can put some few hundred soldiers in case of emergency but not much more. there is just too many hot spots that need their constant attention.
So you seize the French nukes and threaten to blast the shit out of NATO and the US if they don't stop their invasion.
you do not need police or military. EU military forces are useless. and police are working for money. if you pay them they will work for you. it is a job. they do not give a fuck as long as they get paid.
yes, i am talking about it. also. you can screen ballet on TV. fun fact. TV stations (all of them) were playing The Nutcracker by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky all the time.
The guys on rotation aren't on ODA's they are rotated into the ODB&C's. As in there is always a team on the mat, a team on the console, and a team on rest. The team on rest can be called up whenever possible. That's a team for every ODA that's already on station that can be called to bare arms wherever, and whenever.
This is not counting the Unit guys, the CONUS guys, the Batts, or the other operational units that fall under SOCOM. Also the Marines, because they just have to be snowflakes and have their own things.
Da Google has access to all your phones, as do the rest of the US intelligence apparatus, which includes SOCOM. ;^) Told you, smaetest guy in the country. You can't walk into any NATO country and expect a successful coup. Expect to fail, a d recruit the countries law enforcement.
Study the treaties and find out what will a d will not trigger the hounds of hell to come after you. You don't want to wake up to a pissed off guy in pajamas because you interupted his sweet time with the Fraulines.
Cant think linearly with those guys. It's called asymmetric warfare for a reason.
Exactly. In a successful coup the only people you shoot at are unarmed politicians/people of strategic influence, not other armed personnel who can dwindle your already small occupation force.
Most direct military action can be discouraged by seizing control of nuclear armaments. If big gay thinks someone truly crazy is in power, they will never respond with direct force but instead try methods of soft control. 6 months minimum before any military action is taken against you.
You mean the muds? They are literally too busy pillaging and raping to ever coalesce into a fighting force unless SOCOM deploy Lawrence of Arabia into Malmo. They have no governmental power except through the cucks who already sit there. Remove the cucks, they have nothing.
user, let me preface by revealing the coup d'etats are one of my favourite subjects. Second only to asymmetric warfare organizations.
That's not how you do it, user. First of all, I don't know how long you've been here, but anons are terrified of doing anything irl Especially if it means meeting each other irl.
is what they'll tell you.
Secondly, even if we weren't all spineless cowards quiverring in our boots at the mere mention of the dreaded fbi, and even if we weren't all a bunch of wannabie generals who refuse to work together and would rather fight amongst ourselves over petty differences than fight ZOG, there's no way that you could transport us all to one place at one time. Not realistically.
And what would we be armed with? You are drastically underestimating logistics and overestimating our fighting abilities. Which, again, is hampered by our inability to follow orders. Armies are successful due to superior discipline and logistics. We lack both.
Thirdly, you're confusing a coup with an invasion. Coups are internal affairs usually involving one faction within the ruling elite displacing another. We are outsiders with no power.
Also, most coups are peaceful. I have lived in a country during a military coup. In 2014 the Thai military simply seized control of the government, arrested some dangerous eliments and has rule the country in peace ever since. There was no violence. No shooting. No technicals. Just soldiers everywhere and mostly in the capital.
Later in the night some red shirts came out to protest and they were simply arrested.
Not if we were invaders.
The Thai coup was in my opinion the textbook coup. Everything went swimmingly for the military.
But we are powerless peasants.
So I will give you some advice;
Firstly, study the Russian "coup" of 1993
These poor Russian peasants went for the wrong building first and then got massacred by the KGB when they attempted to storm the media building.
Secondly, forget coups. Only revolution will destroy this evil regime.
I'll be posting another thread about historical terrorist organizations shortly now that my Christmas vacation is over and I have access to internet.
But I'll hang out here since I love talking about hypothetical coup d'etats. I've studied a lot of successful coups ranging from Thailand to Venezuela to Romania.
they would of course need to be neutralized as a threat.
if it is velvet affair then it is gentlemen agreement behind the scenes. And that means there is no day of the rope. in violent coups (civil wars) there is a day of the rope. you think we could come to gentlemen agreement with people running this shit show ?
Fine, pick a country. It can't be Germany or any of the Kingdom of Denmark territories, that would be too obvious.
Oh? So where is your army?
You cannot pay them without control of the treasury.
Then you know what happened to the brave patriots who attempted to storm the media center.
This user gets it.
The trouble is that Sweden (the example OP gave) has no nuclear weapons.
yes. but Sweden does not have nukes.
yes, but we are better in asymmetric warfare then SOCOM if you did not notice. we are winning and we did not even start to shoot. except screw the optics guy. but that was one time.
but it is best for hounds of hell to come after us. if they are terminated (or we are) then there is no more hounds of hell coming after us. and those Fraulines from hounds of hell ? well, they are all alone and unprotected.
Exactly. That is why I said that the OP must abandon the idea of a coup and accept the need for violent revolution.
Sweden is a part of the Kingdom. Don't touch her.
Books on asymmetric warfare?
Books won't help you. Training for it is the only thing that works. The lroblem is that no matter how much training you get, you have to get it right all the time, a d they only to get it right once.
It could be done
We should start with Antarctica and conquer earth from there
easier than you think
"Good news everyone…"
what's the training for asymmetric warfare?
Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought user
Good point, I was trying to somehow get a posse of dudes who can make things happen into the capital armed with guns. There are a huge number of ways to do this that obviously need to be discussed.
Indeed but I think whatever country is targeted would still have a strong fifth column to aid us and I wanted to emphasize that this is an asymmetrical strike against a much more powerful foe rather than military vs military.
I think most anons living in cucked countried would be loath to pick up weapons and fight. I think demoralization of the peopulace in these countries will be the weak point that can be taken advantage of. I don't know much about your country but I am willing to bet you are unable to even comprehend the level of demoralization and rootlessness western people feel in their own countries. We let millions of the unwashed hoard in without a fight, I think most people wouldn't lift a finger against the our little coup.
I will read up about the coups that mentioned.
That is a big big problem. I wonder if some other country might be willing to sell? These would need to be acquired with all due haste.
I am an academic and I can say for certainty that books are not worth shit compared to actually doing something yourself. It's best to first attempt to do something and then when you fail, read how other people succeeded. This actually worked for both Lenin and Hitler as far as I am aware, but of course failure of a coup comes at a very high price.
You can't realistically train for it without resources. Helicopters. Civilian vehicles, flash bangs, etc…
Hitler was a Combat Veteran in one of the bloodiest wars of all time, as well as having survived Weimar Depression which was far worse tban anything any other country outside of the Soviet Union went through
The only Lenin I care about are the sheets I sleep on, but those are linens.
You can't gain real knowledge of this sort of thing from books. You need real world experience with everything from first aid to proper OPSEC and electronic surveillance.
By all means though, go an hero yourselves. I will read the news reports of your massacre.
With groups, the smaller your cells the better. Larger organizations tend to get into confrontations with the military and then lose. Think small. 6 men is all you need to shut down a city the size of new york. Ironically, you need hundreds to control a small town in Montanna.
Cells train other cells.
Trust me, I know understand the toll demoralization has caused. And this is wonderful. But do not underestimate the power of perception of legitimacy.
Belarus. No doubt in the world that Belarusian gangs could do it. They'll sell you anything.
But having an old nuke is worthless without the ability to detonate it.
And then, how does one deliver it?
I think that the threat of radiological warfare in a major city coupled with the threat of shooting down planes in airports coupled with the threat of cells in America knocking out the grid would convince these monsters in power to leave Sweden alone.
They're really cowards, you see.
You're better off using chemical weapons.
Their military is a joke, their police is even worse and what is even their civic masculinity?
Everything with guns and guts can take over this place.
well. you are correct. I should have some super secret anonymous legions that are spread all over the world and can have access to super duper high technology.
or crypto currencies. or gold..or…
they were not successful ?
sun tzu. art of war.
If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
They were slaughtered.
Do you have a larger version of that map, with more detailed site locations in europe? And with some description of sites?
if nukes are seized they better be immediatly deployed in the destruction of our enemies
there is no need for other country's to sell.
there is no need to buy. there is 3 active nuclear power plants. that is enough to produce material for multiple weapons. also. there is a possibility of a threat that one (or all) of the reactors are going to….overheat. think fukushima. that would give some advantage but it is messy and really not worth doing. long term consequences would be high.
fentanyl has potential
it was not organized very well from the beginning. there was not enough will. if you are going for a coup you have to be prepared to go all the way. and no fuck ups.
every country in europe has their own special forces. they are sometimes training with US special forces on training grounds but US special forces are mostly on rest or transfer bases in europe. for example SAS is in Hereford. but most of them are either on assignments or training or on rest. they are not often in barracks. map is from here
but there is samson option. which could be a problem. please take a look at the range for rockets. also, there a probably couple of nuclear weapons that can be used with this rockets.
Get over the idea that this coup is going to be a MUH SUPER SOLDIER SPESSH MEHREENS WILL HOLD DA LINE and much more about the battle for perception and propaganda war. I think the main reason the right has failed is because they fervently believe that a small group of jarheads can OOHRAH their way into power and depose Barack HUSSEIN Obama III themselves through power at arms. This has never worked through History in any situation except when civilisation is non existent.
The perception of legitimacy can be gained through a right of return idea for white people along with the perception of ILLEGITIMACY of the current rulers can, and has been successfully propagated by Zig Forumss very own psychological warfare dept.
Honestly the hardest part about making a nuke is having sufficiently enriched Uranium. As pointed out nuclear power plants can provide this easily enough. The making of the bomb is graduate engineering at most.
And the best part is that, when dealing with a belligerant America, the argument that nukes are to a sovreign nation what an AR is to the free citizen will be extremely persuasive among the people.
We only need ten more years of SOLID propaganda before we can simply be voted into power. The 2030s will be our decade. History repeats in cycles. Hitler was given power in 1933 and joined Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in 1919.
Who will form and lead the "Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" of 2019?
Get your shit together, Zig Forums
Stop masturbating to your Zig Forums fantasies and start pushing out effective memes. This place has been slacking for years
If you're active duty in a technical field, your promotion turnover is on schedule. You will always go from 2nd LT to 1st LT and from 1st LT to CPT at designated times. Your promotion after that is dependent on your performance
I don't think cartoon frog images are going to cut it against people who control finance and the internet, champ.
The best hope is to use a mass protest like in France, and use it as cover for the coup d'etat. In fact, if the true nationalists (deport the invaders types not Front Nationale) in France are not planning to do this the nation of France is doomed. If the Gilet Juanes movement fails to ouster Macroon… the genocide will only accelerate nya~
I believe France and Britain are ripper for a revolution/coup than Sweden and both have nukes nya~
But this place can only weaponize ideas and spread memes. You do what you're most effective at and other unexpected allies show up along the way when the time is right.
The alternative is to take your defeatist, passive approach and do nothing or endlessly masturbate to scenarios no one has the balls to commit to IRL because 'muh FBI' and 'muh honeypot'
Zig Forums is stagnating because of cowards like you. Do something worthwhile and practical for your volk, offer viable, workable ideas and solutions to others, create and spread effective memes or STFU and get out of the way.
The first intelligent armchair general opinion I have read on here in awhile.
Ask the C.I.A