Bre Payton Was Whacked

The Cabal whacked Bre Payton for writing about the 19k text messages destroyed by that faggot Stzork and that cunt Page

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dont snitch.
If you are privileged enough to discover some jewry, take the matter into your own hands.

Swing and a miss.

Literally who


First four posts, and all of them kiked.

You mad? You mad I didn't go queer for you?

sounds like jew money, muzzie/thuggee assassin

Look at this. Low IQ drivel drafted only to inflame somebody. This is not a regular here, this is not an honest man looking for discourse or discussion, this is a kike shill. Pray to your God that I never find you, because I will kill you.



Oh, this is that person thefederalist has like six new articles about, isn't it?

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Do we know cause of death? Let's not jump to conclusions yet.


Meningitis and Swine Flu

What is this, 2007? Update your playbook, glow in the dark nigger faggot. Have a Bump.

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The deep state killed her because she uncovered the story about Mueller and the deleted messages. This board has fallen so low it doesn't even know what's relevant anymore.

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Typical homicide investigator:

I believe it

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lol yep

Is that a fucking real tweet?

tits or gtfo

its real, and apparently not satire, but slate wont load for me

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Isn't the thefederalist glenn beck tier never trumps, only full on homosexual?

Nigger, just stop already.

Holy fuck you guys have gotten sloppy. Is Q your new boogeyman?

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Note the "Swine Flu" has suspected intelligence agency roots. After the very public outbreak in China, the Chinese government released statements that it would retaliate with its military if any type of biological weapon were ever deployed inside China. The timing of China's statement was obviously directed at the previous Swine Flu outbreak; implying the Chinese had suspected it to be an artificial biological weapon.

That is all I have to offer. Swine Flu may have originally developed inside a laboratory. Who benefits.

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Well the original Federalist Party by Hamilton was anti-Jefferson. So, its not a surprise an organization today named TheFederalist would be anti-Trump. However the organization appears to be mixed between the two sides, employing both #nevertrumps and pro-trumps.

Hamilton being pro-London, while Jefferson was opposed.

Wow, The Federalist is officially a Neoconservative homosexual outlet. Listen to these two twinks goof it up with each other bringing out the same old tired Neocon rhetoric that has consistently been ripped apart time and again.

Russian 'bots'. No just American Conservatives. And we're coming straight for you idiots.

Isn't Brit Hume anti-Trump? I haven't been following the guy. What was Hume's connection to Bre Payton? His background would suggest he'd be fervently pro-Trump.

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I don't believe for a moment it was swine flu. She likely got poisoned and they said swine flu to cover it up.

Pretty empty threat. An effective biological weapon being deployed in China would pretty much irreparably destroy their economy within a few months, and with it the government and military. They couldn't do anything to prevent the spread in their cities of tens of millions of people. China's one of the shit-holes where most plagues start. How those monkeys breed so fucking much blows my mind.

Hume was likely banging Bre like he did megyn kelly

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At the very minimum we should have learned she was traveling somewhere out of country. But no, a one off infection meaning she obviously had her nose up a swines ass. Right?

typical jewess face

More like she was infected with Swine Flu as well as something to cause the meningitis
Personally, considering she was somewhat anti-vaccine, it was probably intended as an insult as well as cover

For example
I've already seen hundreds of carbon copy articles out calling her death tragic but a reality for anti-vaccers as well as others stating that it was a completely natural death
It doesnt help that she was found unconscious and was instantly sedated so they could put the ventilator on her