Takedown of Mitt Romney - the thread

I have seen Zig Forums drift without purpose for so long. Now we have someome who is visible and easily targeted - none other than Mitt Romney.

We need to destroy this mother fucker RIGHT NOW. He is definitely of the worst stock, his tenure at Bain Capital essentially proved him to be a spiritual Jew.

Does Mitt fuck kids? Does he take dirty money? Let's find out! Dump your dirt on Mitt Romney. Let's give something to the media to write about.

Attached: 01-mitt-romney.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 84.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fyi: Mormons don't let non Mormons into their services EXCEPT for jews. They are Masonic and Jewish influenced.

Mormons also have an invested interest in Mexico (polygamy compounds) and Las Vegas (money laundering)

They are very much encouraged to get involved with business, and relate to the "busy bee".

There is a lot of sheisty businesses/fraud they do. They don't mind cheating/stealing from 'gentiles'. They have a long hidden history of this. There are many reasons why there were driven out of the East Coast.

Yep, good luck taking them on lefties.

We need to expose his and McCain's foundation.

I remember reading during the primaries he was connected to a shady orphanage in Utah or something like that. I'll have to see if I saved anything about it or hopefully someone can reignite that fire.

You came to the wrong place.

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Literally the next McCain.

I applaud the sentiment user, but this will just turn into a shitslinging thread thanks to our resident "you don't belong here/get out" autosage nihilist who apparently owns the board.

Attached: reek.jpg (973x1024, 104.43K)

This guy needs to go.

Why now mitt romney? he's not even close to top jew.

he just got elected, he isn't going anywhere for 6 years, thanks to retarded Mormons, the new mc cain everyone

Is it really necessary? Mitt disgusted and betrayed conservatives worse than Kerry did to liberals. Mitt once admitted to reporters that he had forced his dog to travel in a box on the roof of his car. No matter what people come up with, Mitt will manage to destroy Mitt more effectively.

I would feel better about this statement had he not just been elected to the senate, and if I hadn't had to put up with McCain getting re-elected in my state every fucking cycle.

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Attached: mu.jpg (600x431, 84.59K)

More people need to know this.

Attached: romney.png (286x419 182.95 KB, 182.95K)

He's not the only guy in, you have to keep in mind that there's other NeverTrumpers against him. There's also a few silent ones as well in the senate.

wtf? I love Mc Cain now!

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This guy said it best:
He's just another hack doing the bidding of his ((masters))

Attached: C6HDBBJVUAA5Av2.jpg (960x540, 46.88K)

Was that the creepy yellow finders building with all of the weird windows? Or some other thing I missed?


Paul Singer set Romney up to make $135 million with his hedge fund.

Romney is totally the butt boy of Paul Singer.

And Paul Singer the jew is pro gay marriage because his son is gay.

Therefore Mutt Rumnuts is pro gay marriage

That was the daycare in Salt Lake City, the Pizzagate before Pizzagate. From what I can remember, it never really went anywhere, although one user did sneak around and post that the whole place was just two rooms with one transmitting a live feed of the other on a TV. Someone also said they would break in at night, but they never replied back.