Praise Kek and Heil Hitler for this day! The Prime Minister of India, PM Modi, has officially rename three of the country’s island territories in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal after the great war hero 'Netaji' Subhus Chndra Bose, /ourguy/ and commander of AZAD HIND who swore allegiance to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and and the cause of National Socialism!
Bose, given the honored name Netaji by the Japanese soldiers he fought beside, is the greatest hero of the Indian and Southeast Asian fronts of WWII, having bravely led his men in battle even after the fall of Berlin, and is honored with pride from India to Bengal to Burma to Japan where a shrine is still kept in his honor to this day.
The kikes will Kvetch, oh they will Kvetch. While in our lands the kikes and their communist golums tear down and desecrate monuments to those who gave their lives for our people and our cause, and their descendants do nothing, even the fucking pajeet remembers with pride the sacrifice of their heroes.
Island named after Nation Socialist war hero!
Well done poop minister
For once India did not shit all over it
He knows that National Socialism is the answer to all of India's problems. Reinstate the caste system and let's see a real National Socialist India.
Based Dravidian memes for the newfags. Eat a dick kikes and chinks.
Keep them coming, now is the time. Don't forget that Netaji fought a bloody war to liberate Burma as well, and the Burmese monks are led by /ourguy/
Considering that Netaji was recruited directly by the first Priestess of Esoteric Hitlerism, Savitri Devi, I'm pretty confident that our honoraryan national socialists in India, Bengal, and Burma would call you retarded.
keep prodding your dicks with chalk
Your nose won't fit in here, shlomo. All those who give their blood for National Socialism and the rights of men to rule their own lands, free of interference from kikes, communists, and other evils, are my brothers. All our lands will be freed from the taint of the kike, and we will respond each other's borders.
How about we take a look at the cartoons that these honoraryans show their children. A hell of a lot more based than the kike bullshit brainwashing ours.
You speak with hubris and it's so obvious that beneath that thin veneer of malplaced arrogance lies a submissive cuck. Just read the shit you write. Pathetic.
Its necessary, to talk on your level.
I’ll do what I can. Here’s your archive and some greentext, learn how to make a proper OP faggot.
He faked his death at the end of the war, as to prevent himself from a liability for his people. He continued to fight the kikes and their chink commie golems in Tibet, alongside survivors of the SS, Tibetan soldiers, and other members of his own battalion. If you search through the CIA docs released under FOIA, you'll see there's plenty of bantz between the CIA and KGB about Subhus Chandra Bose's survival, even the KGB taunting the CIA that they knew where he was.
I'm actually buddies with an Indian celebrity, a gay guy who's an artist, and he's always loved Bose and Nazis. He's a weird guy but a solid bro, and decades ago he told me about how Bose survived the war.
No I'm not gay BTW.
The Indians know the truth more than the jews like them to do.
Good. Kind reminder that Ghandi was a kike puppet that spread the lie of (((peaceful resistance))) among the goyim, so that they would never truly rebel.
They've been having to fight the kikes for a very long time. Remember that the Mughuls allowed the (((Sassoons))) to come in, who in turn supported the brittish empire to take India, so that they could use brittish fleets to sell their Opium and heroin to China.
Just goes to show that the bad guys won the war, and countless heroes were forgotten and washed from the pages of history.
I've heard much of the Rothschild wealth came from the forced drug trade into China.
I know man.
Try as the kikes might, Netaji is still proudly remembered in his own lands and those he helped liberate.
I'm happy for that. May he always be remembered.
stfu jew
anti-slide bump
Celebrating shitskin is pretty jewish. And don't even start on that retarded anachronistic "muh aryan pajeets"
Bose is underappreciated, unknown in the west for a reason, but he did more for an independent India than Gandhi and Nehru together.
Unsurprisingly he had an "aircraft accident" like Sikorski of Poland too.
Figures like Bose or Banderas do destroy the allies narrative about their destructive "just" war.
The most effective way to make him a well known figure in the west, is to get our (((enemy))) to start kvetching about how anti-semitic India is for having put him on such a high pedestal. When they tell their sjw faggot army to go after Netaji's legacy, the cognitive dissonance will be great, and all who hold him dear will fight back.
India wouldn't be so bad if they got rid of the dravidian admixture.
There was a cast system for a reason, user. Everything worked better because of it. The dravidians aren't niggers, and acknowledge that the whiter castes are the rulers for a reason.
Unkind reminder that Gandhi was an Indian nationalist, hated niggers, and didn't give a fuck about "the goyim" as long as they weren't fucking with India. Further unkind reminder that the jewish Hollywood version of Gandhi is nothing like the man was in real life. Finally, unkind reminder that you're a fucking faggot kike shill who should commit suicide post-haste.
Cry more yid. You're not White and it's obvious. Sage negated. Filtered.
Ghadi was pretty based, and a friend and colleague of Bose. Their rivalry is overplayed for dramatic reasons it seems. Fact is, they were on the same side but were different types of leaders, and in the end, they worked together to remove the english and their jewish influence with them. While Azad Hind struck military targets with gorilla tactics, Ghandi's peace army shut down the roads and ports that would otherwise be allowing in support to the regions the nationalist fighters were striking. Together, they strangled the britts out of India through attrition.
Poo Nationalism
As if we have any room to talk, with the state of our countries? Our heroes are having their monuments and memorials torn down from the streets, while the pajeets are building more and naming islands after National Socialist war heroes who fought alongside our volk.
The IHR published a history of the Indian National Army in both European and Asian theatres. It's a story of high hopes, heroism, and tragedy.
Tryhard. Are you underaged or what?
Hate the caste system, do you, Mr Commiecuck?
It's because it actually works, keeps racemixing to a minimum mostly a trickle down effect into the pajeets and shows that Aryans are always the ruling class, because we have the best management skills and creative capacity.
Any more OC?
Kike Status:
Do as he did. Begin showing respect for Buddhism and Buddhists. Scatter like the wind to the four corners of the planet. Choose to show resounding respect for the religion of your choice favouring those of the orthodoxy of each religion; those true in spirit to the doctrine to which they subscribe. Do it not for the sake of religion necessarily, unless you see NatSoc as your spiritual journey respecting all who respect those maxims which have served them for millennia. Never tell the secret, that you hold him in the highest regards because of all for which he stood.
Well user… now that you mention it.
Bump for national socialist war heroes.