Alternative goal - planetary anihilation

You heard me right, this might sound like a crazy idea at first but think about it more
Our situation is so hopeless that it might be a better and more achievable goal
Right now they control 193 countries, and have absolute control over the ones that matter
Its very clear that we wont ever overthrow them, people who think are a minority of the population, people who think politically even more so, even a smaller portion could generally be considered to be on our side, and even among those the share of people who really understand what is going on, have achieved a birds eye view and can dicern truth from deception is laughably small
we will never overthrow the system democratically, they control all the media, they control all the social media, and they have centuries of experience in social enginneering
Look at Zersetzung tacticts, the various persecutions any serious threat to their power has to endure
If you oppose them and their plan the rule of law ceases to apply, and you will have forces much greater than you destroy you in a coordinated effort, smear campaigns, general boycott from basic necessities, the termination of any career you may have, unjust arrests, torture or death (look at national action, they jailed and murdered every member, even though they had done no crime and were in a country where the death sentence was supposedely illegal)

Now think, if and once we take back one of our countries, no matter how impossible that seems, what do you do next?
Whats the next step?
You are surrounded by extremely hostile countries who will stop at nothing, even the massacre of hundreds of millions to destroy you
You will have the whole world economy agaisnt you
Whatever country we take hold of would collapse economically, we dont even have people competent enough to understand and fight an economic war on this scale
Nope think again, smartz are a ressource like anything else, they can mobilize all of the think tanks of the countries they control to invent new ways to outsmart YOU, not that they would need it, no single country has what it takes to fight that

And thats not even mentionning what happens if you take over a non nuclear country or they manage to disarm it before your rise to power lol, if any rogue country lacks nukes it would be leveled in a matter of days

So here s where the idea stems from, instead of trying to overthrow the NWO, focus instead on the complete destruction of earth, and if not all life on its surface at least civilisation its

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Fuck off retard

itt we come up with a plan to nuke yellowstone


>if (((I))) can't have it no one can!

1- How do you propose achieving worldwide destruction?

2- Instead of trying to destroy (((them))) upfront, or even more so destroying humanity, why not just help (((them)))? By that I mean accelerate the process they have enabled. Now now, before you call me a shill, think this through. They haven't gotten a lot of opposition from whites since Hitler because among other things the process of subversion and destruction of whites has taken a decent amount of time. It has being happening slowly, so slowly in fact most of us didn't notice it.
You all know the following: drop a frog into boiling water and it will jump out. However, if you raise the temperature slowly, the frog wont jump out until it's too late.
Now imagine the following: what if we accelerate the process to make it fast enough for others to notice? That would be a perfectly plausible way of doing things if you ask me. We just need coordinated effort.

3- Lastly, (((they))) may have enormous material means on their side, but we have Nature itself, in the sense that Humans are by nature ethnocentric. If we can get them to awaken that Tribalistic instinct, things will change. And they already have in Austria, Brazil, Hungary, Italy, some parts of France or partly in the USA.

we re completely fucked as is and it might be a greater good to nuke civilisation back to the stone age than just fail and die, considering doing that is much more achievable than destroying the nwo, you could send back humanity thousands of years and kill the majority of the people responsible for this current situation, with the ressources of a single modern country

ik its a very "them" thing to do, since the people who developped this doctrine were the bolsheviks and israel, and no one else, but what the fuck do you want, do you care about an earth of 20 billion 90iq brown mutts ruled those guys, and laughting their asses off at their final victory? is that what you really wanna preserve?

just for the hope that somehow things might get better one day while whites havent been completely whiped out yet?

Goddamnit. In the game, it's outright stated that Illuminati don't actually go anywhere, and with their resources, they hold a decisive resource advantage over everyone else. If you bring hell, they'll rule it.
Everything was perpetually doomed ever since the Dark Ages. Corrupt nobles and sociopathic kings were in power during most of known history and if a ruling figure misstepped even once back then, that would mean their end. Why would that change now?
Even if you think that, there are things that you can accomplish as a network without support of the country. There's a clear reason why the US spent millions of dollars making terrorism such a gigantic fucking overblown M E M E despite it largely being a non-issue for how many years now. They've trained the public to shout "terrorist" on command and they hold that whistle. Now, why could they have done it? Could it be that there is a variation of "terrorism" that could greatly threaten the neo-semitic hegemon?
If you're not afraid to make questions, list wrong answers to them and test them if they're right until you find one, you should be able to solve this.

Your idea is like killing cancer cells. Chemo kills it all…..the good and the bad until the entire body dies.
It's bullshit.

1I gave a few examples think for yourself its not hard we just need amplifiers of our production and we have the technology, personally I like gas, literally produce billions of tons of an extremely lethal gas, even in very small amounts, release it and gas anyone that doesnt have a breething aperatus
or destroy the world s crops, lets see how 7 billion people fair with a few million tons of wheat only

2thats beyond retarded

3dude who cares about nature at what level do you think they re playing?
we re completely enslaved and buttfucked by methods invented in the 19th century, youy think there was no inovation in between?
I mean in what world do you live they re trying to kill us this isnt about creating the ideal conditions or some gay shit its about survival and we re losing hard

this is more like blowing yourself up with a killer before he harms more people, knowing you re dead anyways

This was their end game plan, how the fuck does doing it for them help us?


go back to reddit

Of course we're going to use asteroids for heavy artillery in the future, their size is dependent on the state of the conflict when we begin to fight.

yeah here s another way, get to power while hiding your powerlevel, cuck to banks and anything else, meanwhile create a secret special service wing of likeminded people, pretending your launching science satelites and shit, give a nudge to a really fat one really far away, wait 10years, when astronomers begin to freak out and send missions to avoid the kaboom just shoot them down with orbital ground based radiation weapons or some other stuff, basically dig a hole, hook it up to a powerplant, and create a particle emitor that can aim very well, and it will fry anything in space that isnt designed to survive it

I don't think you understand basic physics enough to realize how useless your efforts would be. Human ecosystems can be destroyed, but The Earth cannot be by any means that we currently possess. You would need a thermo-baric device as large as the entire Moon to destroy all of Earth. Besides, we have already got this in the bag. The way The Age of Aquarius is going to flow is going to ruin the awfulness and degeneracy as we see it now. Shred some waves as you "surf the Kali-Yuga" and rejoice. You are not alone.

So when you found out you had cancer aids why didn't you pour petrol all over yourself and set it on fire?
Please do so asap you huge leaping faggot.

how about you gas yourself larping slavnigger

no don't

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sage negated kike

this is some real vindictive super-kike/snackbar hybrid fuckery and I don't like it one bit. You're talking about the ultimate stomping feet and checking out. It is not at that point. Nowhere near it and attempting implementation of such insanity is one of the few things that might actually get the world overall off it's ass and unite to destroy you utterly before you fuck the whole god damned thing. If all known life were not concentrated on this planet the idea of destroying it might not be so nutty but time, the universe itself is completely irrelevant if there's no one to observe it .

its all I m talking about, I dont even mean to completely wipe out humanity, simply civilisation, total collapse back to the stone age

well no I do you would need enough energy to make all of the mass of earth go at higher than escape velocity to really blow the thing up and even a collision with another planet wouldnt come close

we really dont, right now the imediate future seems to be a mass of brown waste dominated by some AI assisted eternal dictature who s only goal is to increase the planet s raw production, and I imagine unleash a new metaphorical plague on their proles every time they get bored

God I fucking hate nu/pol/. The gene pool on this board and cuckchan are not even worthy of salvation.

everything is irelevant objectively, its just not irrelevant TO parts of the greater whole
we might need a loaf of bread not to starve to death but there s not objective point to the existence of that loaf of bread, no greater meaning to it or plan, we just really care about it because we need it

its very likely not, and resetting earth would basically save the rest of the lifeforms in the universe from fighting a type 2 civilisation of mutts and technojews, they d probably be very thankful if there s any life outthere

I live in a western capital city I ve seen what they ve done to it, in such a short time too, there s nothing to save in this one anymore, and soon there wont be anything to save in any other

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It snowed today in my miserable desert land for the first time in many decades. I am thinking that a Mini-Ice Age might just hit about the time that we finally eliminate our wonderful kikes from existence. 2100 is looking rather cold and a peak-oil break down beforehand will lead to mass starvation. Never doubt.

A little bit drastic but the basic idea holds. Progress is unhinged from reality. It relies on single competent people doing the work while 100 useless diversity hires swing from the rafters. All the competent people need to do is withdraw. What is left will collapse on its own, taking the poz with it.

Make sure you have good bunkers a long way from the cities.

Didn't the early Bond films center around some ex-Nazis trying to cause WWIII between the USA and USSR to eliminate their old enemies and take over?

Sum of all Fears.

Nevermind, I was thinking of You Only Live Twice, but apparently SPECTRE was doing it for China in that film.

Fuck off moishe, we decline to consent. God loves all people except you and we shall be enjoying a long process of evolution and expansion to the heavens, long after you're gone.

thinking of drastic and non drastic solutions, another concept I thought off, to the problem of our current destruction
kalergi s vision was to destroy the white race through mixing, until it was completely extinct and only an inferior half breed remained

the first natural step is to remove any undesired bloodlines of course, wether they are full or mixed

the issue then comes of securing the future
look at spain and franco, he waged a civil war to take power, held it for many decades, and a barely any time after his death his country is just as bad as the other western ones

getting rid of the current problem now isnt enough, because as soon as you re dead they can start again, so you re left with only a few options
the first is to eradicate every lower being that could be used to bring down the european races, this is a bit extreme and hard to achieve, you n need to get rid of all the ethnicities of africans, north and south, middle eastern, south asian, and south american, already a genocide in the billions

so an idea I had was simply through genetic mastery and rewiring, in short modifying our genome to make reproduction with any non modified individual impossible, like for example splitting an important chromsome in two and adding blank halves to each side, changing our base number of chromosomes as a species

this would be costly to make as a transition, and it wouldnt mean that were safe, only that we can no longer be destroyed in that very specific way

Exactly. There needs to be a forever solution, like an eternal watchman who looks out for poz before it begins and nukes it.

this post is just sloppy. i cant take this serious. learn how to format and grammar nigger.

If the tongue gets cancer you cut it out. But you don't kill the entire body because one member is diseased.

bUY My gAmE88

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I have a practical solution. Drive around in a throwaway car killing everyone who has an ironic beard, problem glasses and a phone in their hand. You would decimate the enemy entirely.

Starvation and nullification of all except direct bonds of loyalty are the end game and have been used to snuff out and survive in tandem for thousands of years. Those who cannot achieve this simple binary and make a small, tight, hyper-loyal society will not live out this clownish faggot world. It's not clever or pretty, but it has worked well in the past.

This describes almost every one of their leaders. And once the leaders are gone, dealing with the non-whites becomes easy.

pics related

lol you have those christcuck shills on infinychan too?

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i mean its not very creative but it sounds plausible
there's gotta be a better target than baltimore though, as many niggers as that would glass there's definitely better options

eh? what? are you replying to the right thread?

That movie. The sum of all fears. It could be plausible. Trolling russia niggers and burgers into nuking each other. But there are certainly better targets than Baltimore.



The Sanford and Son Option, where some kike screams "yes goyim, this is for real this time, we're going to nuke you!"

I didnt watch that movie did you? this is the diarrhea equivalent of jew propaganda you must be a burger no one else would even watch such trash

also again in what world do you live do you really buy the cold war narrative? hurr durr america enemy russia nuke each other thats your worldview?

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No but you posted the fucking description of it nigger

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Go away.

i agree with you user. Thanos Did Nothing Wrong. the problem with NS's today is that they don't think big enough. how anyone can claim to believe in what Hitler wrote, yet not connect 2 and 2 to see it as plain as day that billions and billions more shitskins covering the surface of the Earth means everything will only get worse. the majority of NS today, especially on these here boards, are blinded to the harsh reality that even if Hitler appeared out of a time wormhole today and ascended the Capitol steps in DC to restore The Reich and restart the Camps, there would be no physical logistical way to exterminate 5 billion people using manual efforts.

the only hope we have to clear the Earth for Lebensraum is a Natural Disaster or Catastrophe that exterminates all of the niggers, chinks, beaners and Semites in an instant. since i doubt Cosmic Fortune will bless us with such a happy accident, our only hope will be to strive for even greater scientific mastery over Nature in order to harness her most powerful talents for our ends. i'm talking geo-engineering to turn the continents of Africa and China into desolate deserts in order to sweep away 2 billion muds in famine and cannibalism. i'm talking unthinkable new weapons systems that can fire lasers from space to instantly pulverize favelas and mud hut cities and rice paddie citadels, to eliminate the straggling mongrel races who escaped the famine. i'm talking break through in gravitational waves in order to build a graviton lens which can attract asteroids from the Oort Cloud and hurl them like billiards tapped trillions of miles away to sink to towards specific targets on Earth which were thought to be impregnable.

Attached: Avengers.Infinity.War.gif (480x202, 6.97M)

"Swallow my black pill goyim!" This is as fucking lame as the suicide shilling that went on a while ago. They're just scaling it up because they realised individualism works less well round here, but if they say society is hopeless they may tip a few anons over the edge. We're less than 7 years into white men waking up and they're already bloody panicking, this is glorious.

so you guys realize that some things are propaganda, but the most jewish motherfucker creating low quality jew porn that includes the possibility of a nuclear exchange doesnt ring any bells
like how do you even live like this its like you have some basic understadning of reality but you manage to at the same time be more bluepilled than the worst possible normies on some aspects


yeah ok my bad, sorry I didnt feel necesarry to know the details of a movie with a basic plot of dah evul natze zombies come back from argentiba to make america (gud guys) and soviets (gud guys too now we were always buddies) nuke each other

You post like a braindead cuckchanner please go back

the 6 billion part is easy trust me, the issue is not getting nuked beforehand, or not collapsing because your economy is interwoven and was DESIGNED to be unable to function indepently from the rest of the occupied countries and collapse

if no one bats an eye you could wipe out africa in a few months this really isnt even a challenge

you kinda went full sperg on that second part, remember you need to have the ability to create such things, the scientists, the security, the knowledge, the ressources and the time, if you dont have all those then its pointless to even consider

the issue is that europe and america is also filled with shit and its gonna get a lot worse

Not with that attitude.

No it isn't because you'd need control of a nuclear armed nation to do that… which you just said was impossible.

also srsly you re overcomplicating, if you wanna wipe out favelas just open a few barrels of mustard gas

Pic related was their last fucked-up attempt at this.

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It even used their magick number! This is priceless.

For YOU. What ethnic group is unnaturally obsessed with shit? Hmmn.

I said it was nearly impossible, but doing this is still easier than doing the nearly impossible thing and then doing the other nearly impossible thing, so you only have one nearly impossible thing to do

why the fuck would you want to punch antifa wht would that achieve? this is room temperature iq stuff go to the bar or something jesus

Yeah OP is a faggot but he his giving us ideas for big ops that nuke everything but what we own.

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I am so glad user that someone is thinking along the same page. Ideally, and according to the Prose Edda only two White Europeans survive the destruction of Ragnarok. We must learn that this will be good enough for our people and comfort ourselves with this as opposed to clinging to the idea that there is anything left that has not completely corrupted itself.

You can't read text in images properly, Interdasting. No burnt offerings for moloch, he dead - KEK ended him. Deus Vult.

That's like the 5th time OP has completely misinterpreted a reply to him in this one goddamn thread. OP is either a bot or extremely drunk. Either way he's both a faggot and a nigger.

ideally if you did something like this, and intended humanity to survive, it could be acceptable maybe to somewhat betray the nihilistic and selfless aspect of the act, you could try to give not only humanity an earth another chance, but also your race

thus you would try to maximise the damage in non R1 parts of the world, making sure asia/ afria gets the worst of it

the issue with europe is that people will literally fuck anything, people fuck their hands, dogs, goats, dolphins, and niggers, there literally isnt a barrier beyond genetical compatibility, so if you reset civilisation but let europe in its current demographic state you would still end up with kalergi s mlutt race in the end, so if you want to avoid that you would need to get rid of the trash before blowing everything up, understand fighting ww3 and ethnically cleansing all of europe while maintaning the capabilities of destroying civilisation, which is a challenge to say the least

Jessica Biel is still hot.

You speak the truth user and those who disagree just do not have the proper context/initiation and/or balls. This is most definitely the solution and frankly it's inevitable. We are in the Kali Yuga and that is the nature of this age. Total and complete destruction. We few men that are willing and able to stand atop the ruins after the dust settles, will pave the new Golden Age. Hail brother, the Gods shine their light on you, know this.

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if you think "antifa" is THE PROBLEM youre as good as a fucking nigger
they barely register as a slight variable in effectiveness in a minor part of the greater struggle

Fake attempt to graft Revelations onto European culture and pretend all gods but the jewgod were mere mortals. No traces of it prior to texts written by a christian. All these (1) replies shilling to be nuked lol. No (((ragnarok))) for you. We decline to play the semitic 'love of death' game or the jew 'burn everything as an offering' game. We're playing the Deus Vult game now!

You could not read the text in that graphic I posted, except a few keywords. This is fascinating and being observed with interest.

Oh I meant literally only two European Whites…never all of Europe, it is corrupted.

It is all the same game user…shame you don't know that…also, I don't see anyone playing anything but watch will a nigger and some shitskins cuck me in front of my wife.

The opposite is true. In order to destroy the world, you'd need the power to take down these monstrous jewish oligarchs. But if you could accomplish that, then there is no need to destroy the world.

all of those religions that believe in the cycle of ages, from the vedic tradition of the hindu, the abr*hmic religions who s myths also derive at the source from indoeuropean myths, and the more eastern religions, going as far as the precolumbnian ones all talk of an age of decadence at the end of the cycle, followed by a time of fire and a renewall of the cycle

the destruction is always brought by a god who descends from the imaterial realm, but somehting that does not seem to have scratched to minds of thinkers is that this envoy could be anyone, a destiny thus needing to be fulfilled, rather than being destined to

nothing stops us from being ourselves this envoy of the gods on a divine mission

end the cycle

I know jrewish women like the bbc but you don't seem to understand how cuck fetish works, 'in front of my wife.'

Kys then and lead the way for your people. Deus Vult!

This idea is beyond retarded.
There's secret elite bunkers in the world prepared for nuclear winter, how would you plan to find and take all them out too?
Any form of destruction makes (((them))) smile.

If you support anything like this you're fucking naive or a shill. Too many super hero movies or some shit.

Indeed. Ignore all the shills in this thread. Mostly all kikes kvetching over the eventual and inevitable failure of their plans. It's simply the way it goes. They will lose. There is no other way shlomo. Deal with it

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my point is simply that you could destroy the world with the available resources of a few modern countries, if you put the minds of their brightests, their economy and their ressources to the task, but that our enemies control far more than a single nation

lets say you take over england, with its massive nuclear arsenal and fleet, now the combined forces of europe and america are trying to destroy you, and they re making damn sure that whatever you did to taake power wont happen again in their other countries, where do you go from here? you re stuck you dont have many options
you cant invade your neighbourgs, or they ll sure as hell nuke you this isnt even a question they wouldnt hesitate a second
you could go full nk juche autism leave me alone, but you could probably maintain that for a few generations of rulers, but not forever, one day it would all collapse too and your race would still suffer the same dim fate

you could try to go commie and start world revolutions, funding/forming activists and revolutionary, and generally be a huge thorn in their feet, thats one of the best solutions but you re still very exposed to their scheming to topple you and retake their land

thats the issue in the world we live in its almost impossible for anything to happen bottom up, and the people who could have helped us achieve top down change have either all been executed or are so corrupt the idea itself is ridiculuous, and I am talking about the old european nobility/aristocracy, and later the 20th century new aristocracy, all dead

Get yourselves a girlfriend and stop swallowing black pills, faggots

Seriously we need to do something about all the shills here. This blackpill has been up for 2.5 hours already.

yeah I really should
I dont post on infini often, for example tell me, is this guy>>12628903

a shill or just a genuine retard?

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so whats youre solution? I m not a shill sorry you want an ecochamber of lies but this isnt it you live in reality

just vote red? those based ex-communist neoconservaztives will surely make our country great ! I just have to give them my vote!
now that I have saved my country by voting for trump I gueiss I can just go back to watching some random jew media and buying some low quality food

thats your solution?

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And then what? Porn will tell them to cuck us, women's magazines will tell them to dump us, and Jewish courts will give them all our money. The system has to be destroyed first.

Blackpill faggots can't read text in images which is even more obvious. It's time to post cute animals, should blast their amygdala and remind anons what we fight for.

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If we could take over the UK, I would sing and dance with joy. That's all we need.

We wouldn't need to. A single White nation is all we'd need because all jewish run oligarchies would immediately be suffering from internal revolt. Free England would simply serve as a funder of revolutionary organizations the world over. And while Britain cannot invade America, neither can America invade the UK. Especially with total mobilization of the White population against the disgusting enemies we face.

user, you underestimate just how much better off all our nations would be without the jews. Jews are natural traitors. Without them and without their (((organizations))) infecting our lands, their options to subvert are drastically limited.
Oh I would give almost enything to just have access to one bank or one media corporation. An entire nation and an island one at that would be the end for the jews and all their schemes.

With control over the apparatus of information dissemination and education, we could begin the long and rewarding process of rekindling our own racial nature. Rekindling our self-love and nationalism. We would in effect be scraping off the decades of capitalist exploitation and jewish subversion to reveal the colourful and beautiful nature of our race.
It would be beautiful and I pray that I will live to see that glorious day.

Attached: Bardejov.jpg (645x960 456.7 KB, 97.33K)

oh yeah a low resolution pic of some blond model kids with heavy pedo implications
and whats this? a cat with impact text? wow! I can totally forget reality now, come on fellow shitposter lets play videogames and trigger the libs now

Are you doing okay, user?
This shit is manic as hell.

Sure it'd prob be less fun if all the goy were dead all-of-a-sudden, but they'd get over it. Maybe there's some goy breeders tucked away as a contingency plan for this scenario already.

Attached: X25sr.png (703x704, 482.38K)

It's not XIX century anymore

Sounds like a neat side quest, I guess.

You have to be a literal amygdala-withered cretin to think sibling children, fully dressed = pedo implications. Thanks for outing yourself.

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You will never be white, nigger.

Haha well welcome man, I prefer full over half. A lot more mature than half, and that's saying a lot.

But ya that faggot is probably a shill, an idiot and most likely a kike himself. I blocked his ID already. They get so scared of their inevitable death. They know its coming but they're in denial.

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It's a risky scenario but the only solution is we either build an ever growing AI (literally summon the AI devil) or we create an overman that can outsmart people. Few people have access to genetic labs and can edit the genome,but everyone has more or less access to a computer or a system of computers. Assuming we can gather enough resources and we can use machine learning we could force accelerationism by building an AI overlord. And of course we do know that (((they))) hate BOTH of those because they won't stop talking to the (((news))) and the (((media))) about it. They keep recreating new terminator movies every year or so. They had Hawkins speak against eugenics and Elon Musk speak against summoning the devil (AI overlord).
So if we're going this path we should at least accept which poison we'll have to swallow to save humanity .

thats my issue its not, you still need to save the rest which is almost impossible, and whatever you take they will retake from you, maybe in ten years, maybe in one hudnred, maybe in two hundred, but no empire is eternal, no government lasts forever, and when yours collapse they will still be there sitting on top of their financial ermpires, ready to scoop you up and finish what they started, you need something final because you wont get another chance

and I m being generous we already got our chance last time its more likely we will never again get A chance

thats what I mentionned in>>12628957

but its still very unliekly, its one of their best options, but they literally control what people think and what people think reality is

germany recovered magically from the depression, when other countries were still knee deep, and they delivered perfectly on every one of their promises, but this didnt create a spirit of world war revolution, through propaganda they still managed to wage war agaisnt them

this is how basic normies are

Swallow poison and show us how its done blackpill faggot.

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The problem with these mutually assured destruction strategies is that our opponents are already insane beyond reasoning.

Split the heavens with these dubs

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