Remember back in June when that veteran organization "Veterans on Patrol" stumbled upon what appeared to be a human trafficking camp? I feel like the momentum of the resulting veteran operation was huge, and then just suddenly we heard nothing. Maybe I missed something, but does anyone know whatever happened to Operation Backyard Brawl and Lewis Arthur (the guy running it)? Seemed too big to be a hoax if you ask me, but suddenly all news of the operation stopped, and I can't find anything about what happened.
Whatever happened to Operation Backyard Brawl?
Michael Meyer was arrested for trespassing. That's the last I heard anything. SPLC celebrated his arrest.
Hello FBI
God that's depressing, there is no chance in hell that camp was a homeless camp like they said it was.
the one in new mexico?
some user had a rather intriguing theory that vegas was a training exercise for them
I believe it was in Tuscon Arizona wasn't it? A theory that vegas was a training exercise for who exactly? the traffickers?
That guy in the pic there got called out for running a number of scams within the veteran community. I don't remember the specifics, however.
lol they never asked for money, only gas cards and supploes. As far as I'm concerned this guy got more flack from the MSM than Trump did during that time period, that plus the evidence presented makes me think there is legitimacy to this story.
It served its distraction purpose.
no, shooters
a psyop that draws attention to human trafficking in a city who's mayor is a Rothschild….. riiiiiggggghhhht
Why are you responding to everyone in the thread OP? Try to make your shilling less obvious.
not sure we're talkinga bout the same thing, im talking about the veteran patrol that uncovered the human trafficking camp in Tuscon, maybe I am misunderstanding you, but what does that have to do with the Las Vegas shooting?
excuse me for trying to find the answers to questions i have
gas yourself fuckhead… it is a valid question
You don't want an answer, you just want someone to tell you what you want to hear. Go away nigger.
i did dipshit, I have a legitimate question, so when people respond to my question, I respond in kind, you done trying to derail the thread?
Well my question was answered tbh, the guy was arrested, guess that's just the end of that story, you fucks are the ones who keep posting with unsubstantiated claims that this guy was running a psyop or some shit
sauce? I know a few vets, they aren't community people. Tend to stick to themselves and never talk about the past. Mainly because they've been let down by liars and poseurs. I never noticed a community.
My bad, I've confused the two.
I was referring to this:
Being this fucking retarded….
The south west is wilder than legend has it.
Oh yeah i forgot about that, that shit was wild
The only thing I'm certain of with that fiasco was he lied about being shot at by a guy on a 4 wheeler. I lost interest after that
It got completely memoryholed.
See my other post. I don't know very much about it other than he was sensationalizing the ordeal by saying he was shot at.
I personally thought it was a distraction because McCain has border property close to there. That seemed fishy to me. McCain had a huge campground on the border close by there
Here's another question, why did that synagogue shooter get memory holed so soon?
it's a lifestile so to speak
why does anything they do get memory holed?
more to point, if you don't dig, you don't find bones
It flew out the Overton Window.
They don't want copycats because that was actually scary to (((them))) Schoolchildren dying is fine and useful to exploit, take out a synagogue and shit gets too real for the jews.
On the subject of the homeless camp shit, all it was that some tweaker with a felonious record found some ultimately circumstantial evidence yet immediately jumped to some super specific conclusions
Proof or it didn't happen, shill.
Masonic hoodwink to gather intelligence on people who are following HT. They're all scammers. "Meyer" should have been your clue. Refers to the Eye of Providence.
It fell apart when it became too obvious that it was a homeless camp. on Qcumber-tier Trumpniggers still take it seriously.
That was an odd story; I called up Mike Rivero's radio program and he shut me down on that one. A lot of people in the truther movement just didn't want to know.
Yeah that's unfortunate, I mean I'm not saying there was for sure something there. There was enough evidence for me to be interested, and the fact that the MSM attacked him so much and he was arrested simply lends more credit to the idea he was on to something. However, while I am open to the idea that it was nothing, people who claim it was a psyop or distraction are morons. These people wouldn't draw attention to their human trafficking as a distraction from their human trafficking. Shit just doesn't add up.
a homeless camp with child sized hand restraints, kids toys, and hidey holes clearly designed for children?
The "rape tree" wouldn't have restrained anyone. Those are straps are for hanging things on trees when camping. The whole thing was retarded.
If you want to see what real child sex dungeons look like, watch "Who Took Johnny?" about Johnny Gosch and the Franklin Scandal. They show actual footage of a hidden area under a home, shot by the America's Most wanted camera crew.
eh, i still think it could hold a child, especially a emotionally traumatized, underfed child, plus that still doesn't explain all the kids toys, and apparent child sleeping arrangements
Somebody could have had a kid, homeless children are a thing, or it could have just been a case of somebody picking shit off the street/out of the trash and taking it home. I see the homeless with all kinds of weird shit in their carts.
I didn't see anything child-specific about that septic tank cave thing.
Do you really think some kind of major kike sex ring would be holding (and fucking) kids out in the open like that? Now, if it would have been something like in under a home/business/synagogue, that would definitely be a reason for concern, especially if there were actual victims we could point to, like with Franklin or McMartin.
no i think the ms-13 shitlords do their dirty work for them, and bring kidnapped third world kids over the border
Why would they need to bring in Mexican kids from across the border when there are already more than enough here in the US? Just to complicate things and make the LARPy Trumpnigger narrative fit together? Can you show me a single confirmed victim of such an operation involving high-level players?
Not to mention that kikes probably fetishize little White children in pedo rings the same way porno kikes get off on the idea of getting “to fuck Roman Catholic chicks” and fulfilling "like every fantasy that every jewish boy has ever had”.
The Devil is beside me
Fuck a goat fbi niggers
He was a zogpuppet
Probably people wised-up to it and didn't go?
It's like Nick Fuentes stated. Being respectable and respectful while being strong and wise is much better than being a retard and going to the retard rallies. Shame a lot of the followers of the alt-kike didn't realize it was a massive honey pot and that Dicky Spencer is a shill.
you have to go back