Women wanted the migrants to invade to fuck

The only reason women wanted the migrant invasion and caused the migrant invasion is because women and Muslim pedophile faggot goat rapists like to fuck. The only reason women want a refugee invasion and caused the migrant invasion and terrorism like Nice and Bataclan and Pulse is because women are all skanks, sluts, hoes and like to fuck and Muslims are literal demon fiend zombie pedophile rape and fuck machines and women all wanted to be raped even if it means having bones broken and going to the hospital and now fucking bitches have a unlimited supply of demons from hell to fuck and have sex with while the demons turn the world into a literal hellscape.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Quality OP.

It's not a coincidence. For hundreds of thousands of years, women were the gatekeepers of sex and chose their mates, when we lived in savagery. Every single matriarchal society that still exists to this day is primitive as fuck. Then when civilization came, men became in charge of sexual selection. Now civilization is deteriorating and going away and women have a choice again. Don't ever let them have a choice of their mate.

We need to go back to our roots, we still can make huge progress #HAGO (Haz America Grande Otra-vez)

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You're wrong. You're trying to exlain it through logic as if it was a deal where they get something they want in exchange. The right way to explain it is through evolutionary biology.

It's a collective shit test.

Usually a shit test is between a man and his woman. All straight women, at least subconsciously, want a "man of the house" type of guy. They hate it when he bosses them around, but they love that he is capable of doing it. These days many men are not. The woman will intentionally try to piss off her man. Playing mindgames with him. If he doesn't react he doesn't care and if he can't stand up to her bullshit how would he ever stand upto another man if he ever needed to protect her or their offspring.

A shit test can also occur between a father and a daughter. If the father is a workaholic, an alcoholic, absent or he just doesn't care about his kids, a daughter will usually rebel and tries to intentionally piss her father off enough that he puts his foot down and says enough is enough. To test if he cares. She isn't doing this intentionally. It's not a rational choice. It's a biological instinct hammered into her dna.

Then we get to the third type of shit test. The collective societal shit test that is now happening in the west. It too follows the same pattern. Women rebelling against male authority in hopes of getting a reaction. Instead the western man has kowtowed along. Boomers burning their bras didn't do the trick, so the women have been getting more and more sluttier, promoting the gay agenda, solidarity with Islam, anything that in one way or another undermines the male authority, in this case the collective of straight white males. The way to fix this is to collectively put our foot down and say enough is enough. How exactly, I don't know.

No, women can't think that far into the future. They fuck shitskins because they're constantly interacting with them. It doesn't matter with whom they socialize, a proximity of this sort will always lead to sex between men and women. Shitskins are disgusting, so it'll always be only a couple of percents of the female segment. The uncertain factor in this is the situation in schools: Underage girls will observe that shitskins are more dominant because they don't think about the repercussions of their actions and move in packs. They have all the drugs and drive around in big cars with their brothers (financed by welfare and drug money) while the native boys play Pokemon.

damn what a qtp2t, how can white owmen even compete?

kill yourself (((OP)))

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Objectively untrue. It was exactly the opposite of what you claim. For most of human history, women were property at best and rape meat more commonly. There was no "romance" or courtship rituals amongst warrior societies. Men bonded with other men and females were just there for sexual gratification, and for bearing sons. To have a daughter was a shameful thing and a father would "sell" her off to another family for breeding, housework or child care as soon as possible.
Because women were raped so commonly and frequently, women who would orgasm from this experience were more likely get pregnant and so this type of woman was sexually selected for over millennia.
Fast forward to present day and we have an explanation for why rape fantasies are the number one sex fantasy of women.
TL;DR Modern women are unfaithful whores who favor rapefugees because our male ancestors were warrior rapists who never simped to their women.

Calm your tism. Youre drooling

I remember hearing of stories where German women would walk to invading soviet men. Japanese women would jump off cliffs with their children.

When did that get added to the card text? I don't remember that shit on me and my brother's Summoned Skull.

It's actually quite the opposite. It is very strange that you didn't read anything up until now about the mass suicides of German women who killed themselves and their children before the rapists arrived or killing themselves after the fact out of shame. There are even wiki pages about it, so it's not really hidden. On the other hand you've read about fucking Japs who nobody gives a shit about. You're a real hWhite brother. Pathetic.

No one wants to go to prom with OP lulz. That or his mum is fucking a taxi cab driver hahaha.

I'll string you up right next to the mudshits you're so mentally obsessed with you degenerate weak-willed blackpilled faggot

Yes. And killing the majority of women is the solution.
Enslave the ones that survive.
Advance research on sexbots and artificial wombs, so we can accelerate the total extermination of women and their replacements can be brought to society faster.


Holy shit fuck off you Mongoloid.

I must protect… her…

I can't really argue with anything you've said there

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Look at all these female "gatekeepers" choosing their mates LMAO
LOTR White Knight LARPers BTFO
Video related was the norm for most of human history, lads. Sorry to burst your "protecting the honor of m'lady" bubble, but women actually get sexually excited from being treated as property.
Women know their true place and will punish any man who treats them above their station.

Better not name the jew who weakened the authority of White men, the jew who promoted casual sex and the destruction of the family, the jew who allowed women to work, the jew who brought the invader here, the jew who promotes the race mixing. Sage.

In that case, you are fired from your job as eugenics masters because you done fucked up son.

Slavery fucking sucks for everyone user. No one likes or enjoys it.

Dude you should totally kill them all. Why would you want women when you can just fuck a dude like your dad in the ass?

that will happen after sex-bots and artificial wombs are invented.

I definitely don't think this is the sole reason but there is definitely an underlying sexual quality to the whole issue of mass immigration, especially in the face of the facts that most immigrants are males aged around peak virility and host nations experience increased alienation between the sexes mainly driven by a false sense of emancipation by women.

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this. it's white men v.s. the world

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This is not a serious thread about the WQ with rational questions or intelligent OP. This is a black pill thread. Black pill threads are not organic. Black pill threads are just a (((tactic))).

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women want the men to fight to the death and then be impregnated by the winner
i agree
kill all the men on this planet that dont deserve to live or breed
sage for shit OP

t. incel

Wasn't Sparta one of the most woman ruled country in ancient history?

And other things that never happened.

This. Women will make silly situations to test how much their boyfriends or husbands really love them. Openly calling for the invasion is the same kind of test, just scaled up to a national level.

This (nice post tbh).
Long form of ->

you're not the first pussy to try and absolve women of their own choices

your argument is shit for one simple reason:

the invaders are raping, trafficing, and killing their own children, and women are still supporting them being allowed in. so drop this idiotic argument that "women are testing to see if we're alpha enough to be stabbed in the back and shrug it off." because "shit testing" is obviously not what they're doing when they're fully OK with their children paying the ultimate price in the process

women need to be called out and be made to live with THEIR decisions, because here's the thing: the world THEY are helping to create? they'll have a lot harder time in it than men will

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the only women you see with muds in europe are white trash or old and undesireable

they want to instigate a ware between men and they'll mate with the winners

women are sick and degenerate

only patriarchal countries like south korea and japan are safe and orderly while matriarchal places like Thailand where women can pimp themselves out to the highest bidder are and absolute shit show and even soft guys want to become women so they're on the gravy train instead of getting used up as a farm and factory slave labor worker

decided by whom?

if women were to decide it would be a no weapons fight

chances are dindus would win in that situation unless you're well trained and know martial arts

autist tier intelligence is only useful in very recent times

Germanon here. I can confirm, No sane/good/beautiful/healthy women fucks a non-german voluntary. Only dumb ugly cunts do that….

All part of the sexual selection process. What is the first thing a male lion does when he takes over a pride? He kills all of the cubs and then impregnates the females. Sound familiar? This is what has happened throughout history. When a people are conquered, the men are killed, the boys are killed, and the women are the spoils of war. Why don't they care? Why don't the female lions care? Because obviously the conqueror's genes are superior, otherwise they wouldn't have been allowed to conquer, so from the female perspective, she's receiving a genetic upgrade.

Whites are allowing themselves to be conquered, and women are getting wet for the conquerors, and you retarded cucks are sitting here wondering why this is happening. You let them invade. You let them take your women. Men throughout history would have died torturous, bloody deaths before they let this happen, but the modern white man never even tried.

You're all very wrong.
The answer is simple as hell, and it's been repeated here on Zig Forums many times.
Women are social creatures. The worse thing that can happen to a woman is to be rejected by her peers. You see this in the "no bullying" garbage that is always presented in commercials and "after school specials."

To a guy, bullying is being beaten up by a gang after school, or a larger kid physically attacking you for your lunch money.
To a broad, "bullying" is being made fun of or called names, or other broads telling her they don't want her to sit with them at the lunch table.

This makes women simple to manipulate. You simply get them thinking that their peer group are all in favor of flooding the country with shitskins, and to not support that suicidal idea is "racist" and, of course, that if they are "racist" they will be shunned.
It really doesn't matter if this is the case, or not. When the idea is put in their head, they suddenly become scared to death that they will be ostracized, the worst thing that could possibly happen to a woman. So they start to engage in a contest to see who can virtue-signal the most that they are not racist, and absolutely LOVE those raping & murdering migrants.
There are girly-men that are the same way. But most men are not susceptible to this form of psyop, they tend more towards being loners, and the REAL men among them don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks of them, at all.

So the ads on television, the shows produced by Jews, the libtarded attacks, all are aimed at making women insecure about their place in their female hierarchy.

I said it once already on this board. If you are going to go out and slut-shame, you should larp as a women. Women don't care nearly as much that men will ostracize them, as they care that other women will.

It's all a great big mind-fuck, and women are the targets, because they are easy to control with this shit.

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Shit threads like these only help kikes to slide the catalog quicker like this kike did
Thanks for nothing OP.

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i am so jelly now….

Having an orgasm while being raped doesn't increase fertility you mongoloid. If your raped and the sperm takes, you're pregnant whether you enjoyed it or not.

Wow. Where are the fucking mods?

t. Roastie

This is old news my dude. Anons were posting enough pictures showing how all "refugees welcome" rallies were exaggerately populated by women (plus the occasional white nu-male).

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Welcome to a post-Kikey Zig Forums
It's the kind of posters he wanted here

Ever wondered why abortion is such a hot topic in politics? 40% of women consider Abortion the most important political topic.

That is about as many men that care about the economy.

National debt isn't even on the list for topics women care about.

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All subgroups in a population except white men are politically worthless and essentially always guaranteed single-issue voters.
Women want more feminism.
Niggers want more gibs.
Homos want more pozz.
Only White Men are intellectually even remotely capable of thinking past their own immediate needs when it comes to politics and even among them there are way too many socucks who basically act like women.

I agree with you, I believe women by and large don't care about this. Ask a women about her opinion on the child-rapes that occured in rotherham and you see complete apathy. They might care about a famous actress that was molested but only because they can claim victim status. When it comes to children that are raped and were they cannot virtue signal or portray themselves as victims they truly don't give a fuck.

Ask women about rotherham and more often than not you see the response you'd expect from an icecold psychopath. No empathy.

Furthermore I don't think it's a coincidence that as our society gets more feminized it also starts sexualizing children and celebrate sexual degeneracy.

I know our (((media))) portrays men as the sex that is always horny and creepy and women as self-controlled yet oddly enough societies ruled by men tend to be far more traditional if not outright prude. Something doesn't add up.

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I don't really know man… I see plenty of good looking girls with niggers and shitskins. It appears that they have it easier than native men because women have a double standard when it's about foreign men, which completely circumvents hypergamy, i.e. height and money don't matter anymore. Native men need to be good-looking, tall and well-off while "refugees" don't. If the non-Whites aren't particularly ugly, native women absolutely have no problem with dating them, non-Whites simply need to constantly approach to make that happen. This is especially the case in schools and with underage girls. All those stabbing cases are always about some young girl trying to leave her ex. Also, women feel so "small" hearing about the tragic sob stories how those con men fled war and so on. On instagram there are lots of them that boast about their mixed babies, like jennybime. On yt, they are also proudly showing their preference to everyone and even linking their social media accounts like this example archive.is/rpSp6 Also, recently a girl was searching for help so her Maroccan "future husband" can stay archive.is/hgdUq

It was trick question. A girl that goes with a refugee that can barely read and write is by default white trash.

But yeah there are many beautiful women converting to Islam.

If a woman wants to have children that might very well be her best option. A moslem will give her more children than most german men would. The german men would likely just buy her a cat and dog and then years later maybe have one or two children depending on his income. As such from a short-sighted evolutionary perspective this makes a lot of sense.

I think I've seen one in my entire life, and the bonobo she was with made her ugly as hell.

In any case, see

They might be scared of being ostracized, but who is ostracizing them? The media and it's owners sure but primarily other women.

They also love to ostracize men. Plenty of "feminist allies" are likely just afraid from female rejection.

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nah, nigs and shitskins just have better social skills. You see the same thing in Singapore: lower class shitskins get Chinese women and the Chinese men complain that they get held to a higher standard, when the reality is that they are too autistic in general to game women.

You are right, guy. The real motivation for "refugees welcome" is pure sex.

There is a very little known about pre-writing human history its all speculation.


No, it's all about novelty, taboos and attention seeking. If Blacks were as smart as Asians, we would have already crossed the Rubicon. I think that White men are more genuine in this case. If (((they))) would flood our countries with young, feminine and submissive Asian girls, we would have crossed the Rubicon also, but not because of attention seeking..

you're kidding right?

OP confirmed cuck fetishist.


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Go watch Yuri Bezmenov for 5 hours and dont come back.

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Pisslam values women as women, virgin-to-mother with no rent-boy interlude as a cum dumpster, makes cunny a hidden sacred thing with all kinds of voodoo attached, values mothering sons (primal drive). It tells women they're victims of the male gaze, and will be shunned unless they literally virtue signal 24/7 through clothing. What's not to like for the female psyche? Like catnip. An Islam-like future without the cousin marriage and polygamy (that disadvantages normal men) will work and women will be mad for it, trying to dress more modesty than that woman next door they're envious of.

Never forget female hypergamy and female psychopathy is finally about giving birth to the strongest genes. Pisslam has a few things right in amongst the garbage which is how they keep fertility rates high and have female fanatics.

Get ready, lads. Katerina Mawien, 2nd runner up Mrs Netherlands Europe 2018.
Wtf is going on here?

t. Cuck

I know this is shit-posting, but there is some semblance of truth to this. The eternal white woman strikes again. Middle-aged, undesirable whores were caught multiple times fucking these third world monkeys at refugee camps. It's time white women looked in a mirror and realized how fucking disgusting they are. There's a reason why they have to import people that fuck goats to find someone to fuck them. The sight of them is worse than a mouth full of fresh, warm puke.

Actually, it's the reverse. Russians flocked to the Germans when they invaded because of how badly the bolsheviks oppressed and abused them. When Russians invaded Germany, women didn't want them. Women were raped and tortured to death en masse to send a message. Go back to Zig Forums, nigger.


i hear you, but this is quite a bit more sadistic and dangerous than that. i get that women have no grasp of consequences, but to just call this a shit test is a bit dismissive. granted they have been brainwashed, but that would not take root if women were not inherently sadistic. i side with OP.

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Intelligent men find more joy in intellectual endeavors than "gaming" loose vaginas. It's no secret that niggers are dumber than rocks, and it's no secret that women in general are dumber than rocks. They have a kind of kinship in their immense stupidity and their nonexistent list of historical achievements. You'll never see me "game" women. I don't even go out of my way to talk to women.

Or just mind-numbingly stupid.


let me go ahead and stop you right there nigger.
no one voted for this. if anyone goes out to start killing immigrants, they will be alone, outnumbered and fiercely targeted by police, demonized by media, and then demonized by "movement" niggers like anglin.

there is no current support for it. you are asking people with no stake in anything (angry males with no family) to commit suicide for a society that will hate them for it, and accelerate the shut down of rights which allow any type of strike back to even happen.

these posts are always lame because YOU NIGGER also are not doing jack shit, so you have no place to point the finger.

the answer is: develop racial consciousness amongst the masses (support for cause) then when people do strike (and we all fucking want to) there will be support for it. no on is going to do this unless they are considered a hero ( and by more than just r9k)

stop being a faggot

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Delete this garbage thread.

Yuri would agree that these people are irreversibly damaged and thus are as much an enemy as the propagandists.

Hes not wrong tho. take a look at how many women abandon their own men in favor of muzzies.

Deep down inside they wanted to be treated like cattle

Yuri would also warn you that even our women are infected with this mind virus, so be careful around them.

Ok you like it, you are one ugly jew bitch BTW…no one else likes your stupid games.

can we say both are the problem?

kill jews AND replace women with sexbots and artifical wombs?

Maybe then we can be free?

So basically your first pict of the graph tells us everything lesbians who watch porn are into vs all men who watch porn. There is a surprising number of requests on the male side for sexual explicit content with older women, I never would have guessed it.

No faggot. Let's kill all the men and replace them with frozen sperm.


I think some of the glowniggers got to keep their paycheck during the government shutdown.


Sue me, I guess I just don't care what 'window dressing' the glowniggers wear nowadays. Do you really think they are not in the same boat we are? They may think that they are going to 'hide behind a badge' or 'a institution' that they have made for themselves but that is flat out incorrect. In fact when the new globalist governments are in effect the 'old servants' are the first hunted down and killed. They would be much better off if they realized that they were in a much more precarious situation than we ever have been.

Of course they did. They voted in the politicians who proposed and passed 14th and 19th amendments which destroyed everything the founding fathers had built. They then proceeded to vote in explicitly anti-white politicians who created the welfare state to farm non-white votes and mass import non-whites to depress wages.
Replace immigrants with british loyalists and anglin with washington.
But I want whites to be bred out of existence. They made this bed and they're going to lie in it.
Whites allowed themselves to be stripped of in-group preference. It's not coming back.
You'll never strike. Your kind is always waiting for someone else to lead the charge, and when they do, you won't join them, and when they die, you'll say that it must not have been the right time, all while things continue to get worse. You're not alone though, that is exactly how every "racially conscious" white cuck is.
And this is exactly why it's never, ever going to happen. Do you think Washington was considered a hero at the time? No, he was a radical terrorist. History, however, is written by the victors; but you'll never become the victor when you refuse to fight.

Keep getting fat, keep playing your videogames, and keep LARPing about how one day there'll be revolution.

No one 'voted' on that you liar because it would not have won in any place in the USA. These things were passed by government without our voting on them at all. QUIT KIKE LYING.


feminism is a shit test. if you defend women, you failed the test.

IT was voted on. Look at womens voting statistics. EVERYTIME they get voting rights everything moves far left.

allowing women to vote was the biggest mistake in history.

for you every human with a vagina is good looking isnt it?


You can't give women political power because on the sadism/masochism scale women overwhelmingly tend towards masochism.

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