I just don’t get it. In a country with so many guns, yet the American far-right still hasn’t organized into a paramilitary resistance yet.
In South Africa, they have the AWB.
In Europe, they have Azov/Right Sector/IRA/UVF/etc.
In America, we have overweight boomers and BASED wetbacks and Trump supporting niggers with shitty ARs and pump action shotguns in some laughable “muh 1776” LARP group.
Hell, even the left has organized its own armed resistance (like the John Brown Gun Club and Redneck Revolt). All we have in America are those Oathkeeper faggots. When will the far-right organize? Or is it simply impossible in America? I know the Order was crushed before it was ever capable of becoming a real threat to the system. We’ve gotta think of something.
Because white Americans are the strongest. We're birthed from bloody revolution. Our historical heroes are outlaws and gangsters. White Americans are entrenched in psychological programming extending far beyond Europeans and South Africans. (((They))) fear American revolution because it actually has to the power to traverse the distances and provoke International revolution. You can sit back and mock white Americans for complacency but try and understand why they're this way. Then we can figure out how to wake them up.
Because this time they do not have the French (War of Independence) or other Europeans (Civil War) to fight the fight for them.
William King
Shush numod, go back to 4chan.
Jose Wilson
You underestimate what alphabet agencies can accomplish with unlimited resources. Needless to say, we haven't had leaders with the spirit and insight to navigate past these hurdles, and those who have come close to that capability, such as Pierce, lacked the supporting network of intellectuals, resources, muscle and most importantly successors.
However, the capability of those leading the war against our people is slowly fading, as the old leaders, raised in times of difficulty and struggle start to die off one by one. The ebb and flow of struggle and decadence sometimes swings to our favor. We endure. Our soul endures. And soon it will cultivate and manifest, the important part is to keep the movement pure, segregated and constantly aware.
A folkish movement must manifest, or nature, our people and this world will continue to spiral into stagnant entropy.
I'm not a mod, but if I was I would ban your inbred ass for spamming.
Connor Morgan
The thought process of a retard image spammer: You fuckin NPC retard go back to daily shiller.
Brayden Ortiz
There is AWD. No other "organization" is going to compare to them in the whole "armed resistance" category. AWD operates on a cell-based system, so the supposed "satanic" psyop, though very real, only affects those that stay connected with certain individuals. I know of multiple cells that split from the main branches when that whole ordeal popped up. What that means is that, though unorganized, there are cells of racial right-wing guys who are armed and believe in an armed revolution as the only means to "victory". Other non-AW American cells existed back in 2016-2017. This was an openly discussed thing on forums like IM where people who simply didn't trust the idea of an umbrella org, or couldn't keep in constant contact with org leaders, talked about their own local cells who are itching to get "it" going. Look at the actual situation in which the organizations you mentioned operate. The regions are not comparable to the political landscape of the United States. Redneck Revolt isn't an "armed resistance group". It's a social club with guns that do fuck all. Compared to an organization like AWD, whose members have killed multiple people at this point, they're a book club with guns for decorations. Calling back to the idea of "political landscape" being important, what 2016 brought was actually a wave of de-radicalization. This is around the time people like Peterson came into the mix, the alt-right became less focused on far-right politics and more on main-stream politics (see TRS, DS, etc.), and Trump's election quelled a rising animosity towards the state of affairs. In 2020, when Trump doesn't get a second term, you're going to see some form of resurgence in the 2015 spirit that was overwhelmingly radical, youthful, and Hitler loving. Considering what the Democratic party has in store when they regain control of the Presidency, you can rest assured that something will come from that. I don't know the extent and neither does anyone else, but simply take a moment, step back, and visualize what the United States is going to be like post-Trump. Lets hope all those cells are ready.
You're a fucking retard, the gov doesn't fucking care what you write on the internet or how many times you complain about jews. They can't do shit, you're fear mongering faggot and preventing any real action from taking place.
Yes we do, I'm that leader so shut the fuck up and follow
Ethan Kelly
Atomwaffen is a decentralized group and the satanic bullshit is fake news invented by Anglin and co.
Jose Powell
Pretty true. Most of the people whining about Jews are distraction shills.
Xavier Moore
Not entirely true. Retards like Anglin and his gang of Jew-friendly republitards lied as much as possible to scare lemming right-wingers into being scared of the big bad boogeyman. Helped push their agenda of de-radicalization. There is some "satanic" shit in AWD though. It's not wrong to admit to it, it's simply fact that certain members subscribe to "satanic" beliefs and have openly expressed so in recorded conversations, screencaps of non-shitpost servers, etc. The record shows though that these guys are going to be blasting niggers, kikes, etc. in the event of a collapse so I honestly don't care.
The problem for the US and it's revolutionary nation, is that only about 5% ever even fought in the revolution. The Revolutionary war was something like 3% for revolution and 2% British Empire Loyalists who ended up being chased out by guerrilla war (think "terrorism") to Canada where they reside to this day, silently cursing you while feigning friendship. The fact is that most people just want something tasty for dinner and then a good shit.
Asher Johnson
There is no right in America, what you call right are still liberal as fuck, and believe in shit like democracy and free markets.
Eli Ortiz
Before I filter you, tornigger, allow me one reply. They do. And you know they do. They have stopped at nothing to be able to record and archive everything they possibly can across social networks in order to create profiles on every active citizen that hits their radar.
GLR was killed because of alphabet agencies. Bill Cooper was killed because of alphabet agencies, not that he was a leader or part of a movement. Pierce is all but forgotten because of the actions taken by PR teams, media and alphabet.
Another bold faced lie. I work tirelessly to overcome fear and replace it with caution, and that caution I seek to replace with action through thorough contemplation and planning. I promoted an action, the only action I believe will work in the long term, which is a folkish movement, just as a folkish movement served to spearhead the Third Reich. You're a stupid fucking nigger here to disrupt this thread. Goodbye nigger.
Aiden Morales
The gun culture is full of white people practicing tactical firearms skills. I get the feeling that a lot of people are expecting to walk outside in the middle of a happening and automatically be surrounded with like minded people.
Angel Sullivan
It's best to think about it this way. When you tell the local mafia that you're not going to fall for their scam, the first thing they tell you is, "ok, but don't you forget, this is our town". They don't want you fucking up their business.
Us redpilling the masses is fucking up their business. So they send in their enforcers.
Logan Ward
A large reason IMO is because as soon as a civil conflict breaks out in the USA it would become hot within hours. Consider what is happening in France with the Yellow Vest movement - now consider it but every protestor is armed to the teeth. This affects resolve of the protestors: How many are there to be angry but are unwilling to take a human life/be associated with a murderous movement. I'd guess most if not all, protesting while maintaining stability is the goal for most people with something to lose - no chance of that with a single errant bullet. I am in no way saying that revolution in the US is a bad goal, I just think when it does happen it'll be so fast your head will spin. There won't be 8 weeks of weekend protests, it'll be 8 hours of blood.
Jordan Richardson
Fuck off reddit.
Angel Sanders
Juan Evans
Ahahahaha reddit
Fuck off you retarded 90 IQ wigger.
GLR was killed by one of his own men, how retarded are you to make up shit out of thin air?
What the fuck does this even mean? He never had a large reach besides stormfags.
You're a conspiracy tard, don't post here again with your unverified BULLSHIT.
muh gyno right Fuck off carolyn emerick
If you can't argue then fuck off to reddit you waste of sperm, this isn't your personal echo chamber.
Julian Walker
Because kikes won ww2
Adrian Powell
if it happens
Camden Turner
Do the math with the number of guns, and then how long any resistance to them would last. Left vs is Right, is subversive language into power vs step over this constitution line and you are dead kiddo.
Brandon Martin
you realize we're keeping our ZOG at a stalemate right?
John Rogers
m a black man who has spent time in all 10 states for the last 33 years. And I've been treated with nothing but honor,dignity,respect and much welcome. I did not receive the same from my own in the black neighbor I grew up in . Just being hones
Asher Reed
I highly doubt this idea. There really is no credence to the idea that it would turn out any different from the Yellow Vest movement, if not a bit more tame. What you saw in France, and still see in France, is the by-product of a lemming, slave mentality. They treat the System as something to be dealt with through change since the system isn't evil to them, the people in charge of said system are simply doing a terrible, sometimes harmful, job. The solution isn't to get arms and overthrow, nor would they ever jump to that conclusion since they've been instilled with an idea that democracy works now and we must be "civil" to a degree. The solution is to protest and hope the government listens, no matter how long that may take. Consider the fact that they had access to molotovs, slings, police stations, etc. They could have armed themselves. They didn't though, they are a slave population. The US is no different. Occupy Wall Street? Not a single major incident. Why? Not because of some tame message, but because lemmings don't deal with issues like revolutionaries do. They are two different castes, two different breeds. Had the French people retained the right to bear arms, had something akin to the 2nd amendment, and the majority owned guns, you would have seen yellow vest protesters doing exactly what they did without them. Because the masses will never move into an armed protest, not now at least. There is a lot going on mentally that keeps people pacified. Don't believe for a second that the "American people" are any better off than the French. They really aren't any better until they break the multi-generational conditioning project that enforces the idea that the State's existence is the security of their individual existence. Like a duckling with a broken wing that is nursed to health by a human family, the "citizen" is in a mental bind to State.
Jeremiah Diaz
whites are too cucked to organize, just buy a small plot of land as innawoods as you can get, buy some guns too, hunt and cultivate the soil and live as off grid as possible.
Matthew Sanchez
Only reason that doesn't work is because eventually they'll get to you, and then kill you, innawoods, along with your family, and you will have no militia in which to back you up when they try.
The only way to stop communists from purging you, is by bleeding them on the daily, until their machine grinds to a halt, and it grinds to a halt much faster than you may think, because jews are more afraid of death than any other people.
William Martin
I think it basically boils down to a misunderstanding of the problems of post modern society and why there is so much social degradation. I’d say by far the most important but most misunderstood issue in America is racialism. Many mainstream Americans have this 1960s liberal mind state in regard to race and few are critical enough or brave enough to realize that all the people of the 20th century who were attacked day in and day out for racism are every single day being proved right. Like pornography, drug use and other social ills racemixing, equality of foreigners alien from your nation from a person living in the tail end of white America could live those lifestyles and support these policies and still draw from a largely successful and healthy society. Now how ever we see that these issues were the most important as social/cultural degradation is now so bad living standards are being dramatically affected, correlating with an increase in technological monopoly, domestication of human beings world wide and for the first time in the past century many thinkers are starting to understand that there is no going back and everything they thought as a moral good as actually lead us to the face of the death of the civilization that allowed us to question these fundamental pillars. The truth is few are brave enough to criticize themselves let alone unroot their minds from post modern civilization and face the music in terms of its inevitable destruction
Bentley Martin
No the santanism shit is fake news, the screen shots were taken from the bowl patrol discord server, it had nothing to do with atomwaffen.
The initial shilling against atomwaffen was started by some christcucks from former ironmarch who think christianity is the solution to all our problems. They were looking for ways to bring down atomwaffen.
The whole debacle was a clusterfuck and the most obvious D&C I've ever witnessed. But people fell for it anyways. It's just such nonsense and I don't even care about satanism, I'm not a christian
Isaiah Robinson
We can't organize because the second we do we will get the feds and every other 3 letter and local agency blowing us the fuck away like in Waco. The left can organize because the government is inherently left. They can organize because they are the goons of the feds. We are not. We fight for true liberty and prosperity and for our race and people and that makes us the enemy in the eyes of our government.
Wyatt Morgan
Except I'm not talking about the shitposting from bowl patrol, I'm talking about them speaking in other, private discord servers where they shared O9A PDFs, talked about Laveyan Satanism vs. Theistic Satanism, etc. Once again, this shit is irrelevant for the most part, but there is no need to deny EVERYTHING as simply being a by-product of that whole shitpost fiasco. Vex and his le epic christgang group can get fucked for all I care, AWD has a proven record of doing more than all of them, but Satanism IS a thing to some degree, and it varies, in AWD. Even if its an imagery thing and they utilize it in a philosophical manner (see Jesus the Savior, Satan the Punisher) it's still there.
Ryan James
because the right in America was subverted by Jews and Fags. And small militia groups get put down by the goverment. Don't you read the news? Do you not remember the Bundy standoff?
Yea 100% and the problem is even in a movement like the yellow vests I’d say by and large the majority of them don’t understand democracy nor do they have a basic understanding of 20th century history. To them it’s all American Hollywood culture that has formed their realities, they believe that if they meet up in yellow vests some guy fawkes character will come along and solve everything for them but of course as soon as the jews put this man to the press they would be calling him a dictator. The fundamental misunderstanding and mythos that arised from the French Revolution but also the American Revolution is that rulers = bad. Democracy is a smoke show it just hides away these rulers do not only can you not effectively criticize them but they have literally 0 responsibility to act as leaders. It boils down to people believing education is mathematics/grammar etc when realistically the most important education you can have is both sides of at least 20th century politics to start. They have effectively hid this with “da Nazis are ebil” being blared throughout the culture day in and day out even with trumps election it was once again another blow horn to propagandize national socialism as this great evil of the modern world all the meanwhile evil consumes their lives and they can’t even recognize it or describe it
Adam Stewart
Because political violence, aka terrorism, is a leftist thing, OP. The right is more reactionary. They're armed to the teeth for when some totalitarian shit comes down from the Federal government like these new dnc cunts who're commies calling themselves, 'social democrats'.
You clearly have no idea what exists in America OP and take the electric jew and what's shown on it to be reality.
Camden Hall
One word: Selfishness. Most Americans won't change their ways unless there's a personal reason for them to do so.
Jeremiah Carter
because the media
Bentley Bell
I've worked close with AWD dudes, former NA dudes and almost every other group. The issue is resolve with many of them. VanAm isn't outspokenly admitting they are a militant group, just like any other group, but every member in Vanguard knows the game and they're ready to play. We're all just waiting for the perfect opportunity.
Jose Anderson
Yes but in their defence and complacent human beings worldwide our technological society has given the illusion that community does not matter when less then a century ago if you were selfish a community wouldn’t want you around and it would seriously affect your survivability. The greatest variable and new phenomenon of post modern revolutionary politics is the mammoth of international tech. Who ever controls it wins. Even with a guerilla force the side with technology via non stop immediately can effectively convince their populations to do anything. A revolutionary force even if similar in size that ends up on the sword end of this society will not be able to mass indoctrinate it’s population and will most likely be shit out from technological advantages like instant communication
Oliver Price
Which is fine. From the exterior however, no group is going to compare to AWD because they have "done" stuff. That's why I say that no "organization" exists as an "armed resistance" right now other than AWD, because these groups simply don't want that attention. Cells exist, whether or not they are independent from orgs or secretly apart of them, because they work. They're secretive, they don't draw attention, and no form of public advertisement is needed. I'm all for people waiting for "the moment". I just want them actually organized for that moment and willing to tip the ship over when it begins rocking.
Andrew Richardson
Cameron Watson
Democracy hides the rulers behind a veil of choice. Choice is the most cunning and conniving trickery to ever folly man. Choice is the grandest illusion of control and power, because with a choice, he who is controlled believes he is in control. Choices make one feel powerful over their own destiny. Like a child, you give them a choice. Do you want a ham sandwich for lunch or do you want raviolis? The child believes he is in control, but in reality he is still forced to pick one of the two options you present to him.
Thomas Torres
Another unenlightened shiteater. Heh. If you weren't invited then you needn't worry, kid. The units are there and the militias are growing. You won't hear about it because they're not dumbasses and operate 100% legally on the darkweb. You can't infiltrate their cells, they are 2 person units, designed to operate without orders from their parent group. This is the most effective force seen in the history of mankind. Their leader developed it based on BLACKCUBE/MOSSAD operational, autonomous systems. When the federal government finally comes after your guns, you'll see something fucking absolutely beautiful kid. At least that's what they say… Till then enjoy being just another random shiteater. Heh.
Nathaniel Davis
Camden Jones
Christopher Rogers
Fuck You Jewboy
I'll not answer the question you do not have the answer for. Get fucked cunt
Cooper Cox
Landon Watson
This is why you lose. Terrorism works. Violence is the only thing that these soulless monsters fear.
Connor Morgan
IMHO, violence is an unfortunate last-resort. Knowledge is power, strength is preservation.
And, is it just me, or is there more 'lets get angry' threads than usual today?
Joseph Gutierrez
Because anyone that fights gets dogpiled by groups of cuckservative larpers and PRfags looking to suck up to ZOG/based niggers.
They can't destroy us because we have so many guns and friends, and we can't destroy them because it would invite foreign invasion. Stalemate. You could have used a dictionary, faggot.
Adrian Green
Except that they're just flooding the fucking place with arrogant, aggressive aliens while Americans do nothing.
Who the fuck cares? Do you really believe that being ruled by jews is better than being ruled by Russians? In fact, America is not going to be invaded anyway by anyone other than these goddamn spics so you don't even need to worry about all these boomer memes Just think about these dumb memes for a second
Noah Mitchell
live-action Zig Forums 2018
Jayden King
This is not how any of this works. Right Sector and Azov are mercenaries working for the Ukrainian government - they're far right but they don't really fall under "militarized right wing resistance groups". They helped with the, primarily left-wing, pro-EU student protests back before Donbass split-off but now they're mainly used as a way to engage in extralegal conflict with the Donbass rebels and Russian support personnel and as well so that certain Ukrainian politicians acquire power and wealth for themselves.
The IRA, while predominantly catholic, was split between ideologically neutral republicans and socialists. I would hardly call the socialists that run much of today's IRA remnants "the militarized right wing". The UVF, likewise, nothing like it. They were, essentially, a sort of SDF/loyalist faction though now they're kind of like the IRA in that they primarily exist as splinter groups of semi-radical, sometimes-violent good-boys-clubs.
Furthermore, on the topic of the IRA and UVF remnants, they're mostly either really old people or really young people LARPing around.
The AWB is the only group here that you could call a legitimate "far right resistance militia" or "the militarized right wing" and there's plenty like them in the US just like there's plenty of less extreme militias. "boomers" The reason the AWB has a lower boomer-to-zoomer ratio than your average southern militia is that South African kids grow up in a third world shit-hole where they're actively being victimized for their race. White American kids, by contrast, have nothing to worry about unless they live in very specific areas. So the legal responsibility to maintain the "government of the people, by the people, for the people" is mainly respected by older generations - especially since those generations were raised in an environment where this sort of sentiment was fostered by contrast to today's "you're not hip if you're not global" mood.
Also, because there's no real need for the American right to militarize until the very last moment. It's precisely because so many people have guns and it's easy and possible to congregate and communicate that these sorts of things aren't necessary - likewise the pressures are nowhere near so great. Ukraine broke out into mass civil strife and outright civil war, South Africa is passing kristalnacht into law where there was already massive discrimination and violence against Whites in many areas, the Irish felt themselves under foreign occupation, the UVF formed in response to The Troubles and you get my point.
The American far right isn't going to organize because they're just as likely to be shot at by the authorities as other, even anti-authority militias.
David Scott
Because the sol called "smart ones" spent so many time gathering information and becoming cynical that none of them want to die for a cause. "Muh the leftists are useful idiots that die for their masters". Yes. And they get results for their masters. The Right has no master, and does not serve anyone, and don't want to throw it's life away for a bet, a chance. Tha chance being the advancing of it's goals. Thos "too dumb to preserve themselves" are fighting and attacking. Those "too smart to throw their lives away for an uncertain victory" are being attacked and retreating.
Kevin Long
I see people who were once dead living again. They're aware and preparing for a fight they hope never comes.
Oliver Harris
Remember Moishe, the revolution will not be televised.
Lone wolves don't need organisation. zeroed rifle good ammunition list of targets
Multicult areas where these shitters live don't have neighborhood watch. No one gives a shit about that new car on the street sitting there for 8 hours. They hear gunshots they hide, they don't go look. They'll come out of their houses when the cops arrive. Use the effects of the multiculturalism these niggers and kikes brought to their own neighborhoods.
Leo Campbell
Not sure what you are implying but anytime a white person even says something bad about a nigger its international news forget about harming them
Wyatt Jackson
You slept thru the entire bundy ranch thing apparently. A bunch of white armed pissed off "merica fuck yea" types showed up in tactical gear, cowadoodie getup and brought their fucking kids along. While coming armed to the fucking teeth to face off against armed to the fucking teeth tacticool feds over some fucking god damned cows. Cows dude. Kids were searching out and marking federal sniper locations while citizens were setting up counter sniper positions on them. People were setting up overwatch and directly pointed their rifles at cops(in a land were cops are shoot people holding fucking nothing and get away because they are 'scared') and people were getting organized with triage positions and spreading information between strangers on federal moves and tactics. All while singing the star spangled banner and grannies were handing out baked goods and real americans were rolling around on horses and cowboy hats daring the feds to do something. And thousands were rushing to join as the word spread like it was free chicken day in the ghetto. All organized because, well because everyone just one fucking day decided to say fuck naw, I feel like starting some shit with the feds and those cows are good enough excuse for me.
The feds once they realized exactly what the fuck was going on, turned tail and ran. The image of even an fed accidently happening on an kid/middle aged mother while pure 100% american fuck the government optics was going on was guaranteed to turn into an nationwide cop/soldier hunt overnight and a fucking bloodbath on their own team facing off against vets and hunters looking for a fight if someone didn't back off.
That was america's yellow fucking vest movement kid. A shot across the fucking bow daring the feds to do something, anything. And the feds shat themselves. The 'citizen' no longer holds loyalty to the fucking state user. Its written everywhere now and people are just itching to get this, whatever the fuck form of this is, started. Don't even get me started on how niggers as a collective group knew not to ape the fuck out over 'travon' because whitey getting a little pissed and no nigger is sticking his neck out when whitey is pissed. Or how about how american citizens in one FUCKING YEAR bought more weapons than the 14 largest militaries on earth have, combined. And spent ten years breaking that record… that is not the sign of an pacified nation kid, no fucking tyrant on earth would even pretend it was least the sword of damocles breaks its thread.
The signs are everywhere and we are already in the middle of the start of this fucking war. The silent protests have been ignored and mocked for a very long time, and people everywhere are tired of it. Just one spark in the wrong place, wrong time and its kinetic overnight. Its a wonder of the world the tenacity the 'people' of this nation have for peace in the face of what they know.
fuckk my heart. Why can't I get a girlfriend like this? I've suffered long enough. I don't want a fat girlfriend. I don't want an ugly disgusting sack of flesh. Fuck I want to hold her so bad.
Jaxon Baker
Not sure what country you're in, but there is no shortage of women with black hair and black eyes running around where I live.
Robert Reed
Are you Asian? Grils who look feminine where I live have too high standards. You need to look like One Direction to get a good girlfriend. Maybe one of them will be my girlfriend at 30 but by then what's the point? I just want to hold an 18-23 year old cute girl in my arms. Fuck this.
Justin Moore
Because that's a two dimensional drawing user.
Jason Jenkins
No I just live next to a D1 university. 90 pound pan faced peacoat wearing slants are far from a rarity.
Leo Scott
Because she's not realto live is to suffer
John Ross
Because Trump was elected to placate us.
Elijah Powell
Not just cows, but water rights. I've been saying for years: its going to go hot over BLM stealing water.
You think? That effects such a small group of people
Austin Nelson
I think so, user. The only group of people who will fight will be small by our thinking, but the fire rises.
Asher Hill
People really didn't show up caring much about why it started. They came for other reasons and those reasons have only gotten more pronounced and marked since then. Even more openly has the world gone against their warnings that day.
Whatever starts the kinetics doesn't matter. It never should have gotten to this point, but we are here and demoralization is the realm of the yid. Stand strong, prepare your body and mind for what comes. It can start over cows, water, gun grabs, or some fucking straws. It matters not what exactly is the match when the kindling has been piled high for decades.
Andrew Howard
Buddy, if the "citizens", read lemmings, didn't hold any loyalty to the state the state wouldn't exist. Also you can't compare the yellow vest mass movement to the government standoff of a bunch of ranchers, fudds, etc. The reason I brought up Occupy Wall Street is because that is what happens when things become MASS movements without proper focus. Lemmings trying to "change" things through passive means. Armed resistance by a bunch of people who still believe in "state rights" is a far cry from people protesting taxes and poor mismanagement of funding. The tyranny of the US government and its shadowed conditioning is an insidious one that does not make itself known, or at the very least tries its best to not be seen. When armed feds show up saying "Hey, this is ours, pay taxes or fuck off", that's a dick-on-the-table move that will of course trigger a response from the kind of people at the ranch standoff. But the large masses, the HUGE OVERWHELMING LEMMING SLAVE MASSES, will not react the same way, did not care to support the people trying to stand up against tyranny, believe in "rights" being restricted, and are a passive herd that tries to convince their masters to be a bit more lenient with the whippings so long as they keep getting fed.
I don't see the US lasting into the 2030's. I think you're right to assume that things are on the verge of tipping over. The dam is going to bust eventually, there is just too much going on and I once again insist that you and others visualize the United States post-Trump. It'll be a mess. The political climate will be hot again. But to say that the American masses, that the MASSES OF THE WORLD are as ballsy as some "patriotic, muh freedom loving ranchers" is a unprecedented when they've put up with the global governance of zog for close to 3/4ths of a century.
Hunter Cox
its because you're literally fawning over a girl who doesn't exist, in doing so you ruin any realistic discipline you could form by chasing imaginary prospects. This need is fundamentally the reason you won't ever find a girl who isnt' fat, ugly or whatever else you don't want. It's like any type of woman crying over the fact and giving up on her personal development because she's got a poster of Goku in her room, crying "omg why can't I get a boyfriend like this? I've suffered long enough."
I sometimes think posters like you are secretly gay or something (averse to commitment) so you actively seek idols to worship and swoon over a relationship ideal that you know will never come to fruition.
It's a sickening form of narcissism borne out of the internet era. You honestly have to grow out of this or you'll be pitying yourself for the rest of your life.
Jaxon Martin
Not him but I'll never "man up and marry a slut"
Jonathan Walker
The American right IS a military.
Adam Lewis
Is that why they keep getting beaten up in the street without consequence?
James Reyes
Hey man, he said they were a military NOT a successful military. Get your shit straight.
Nathaniel James
If you think every girl is a slut you just aren't good enough to get girls who are actively worth men who make 500k a year which is fine, life is not about like sullying your own goals to please a girl. But if you are desperately trying to get gorgeous women who stay relatively modest outside of sex within relationships. You are definitely going to have to be in the top tier of males. This does not mean chad btw. Just males who are men, have a career, goals, family values etc.
To many niggers who preach the need and want for chaste virgins are also hypocrites/lazy dudes shooting way out of their league.
Please don't take what I'm saying as hate against the male position of the modern era. Just understand that you get what you put in. Too many autistic posters think a Reich will make them upwardly mobile successful men (fit).
Luke Myers
The only people I see routinely killed and beaten in the streets are niggers. And they only chimp out, loot and burn their own sections of town, and leave white sections alone, because even more of them would be shot if they didn't.
As for Antifa beating right wingers in the U.S. like they do in Europe, when they try, they get the shit kicked out of them. They're nothings in the U.S.
ur a retard, its really not that hard to understand
Kayden Hall
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Ryder James
Oh, you found a few photos of some people with some boo-boos, whoopee. I notice you don't mention the last antifa fail, where they attacked with weapons and unarmed Trumpsters beat one of them so bad he's got brain damage FOREVER, and the Nazi march where the cops wouldn't protect the Nazis, so the Nazis took the knives away from the Antifags, routing them, and even killed one of them (a nigger) with his own knife. Or the california antifag that got beat on the beach after attacking Trump supporters, and after he was trashed the cops arrested the antifaggot.
And so it will go, all across the U.S., which is why Antifag is not even a consideration here, any more.
I can dump another 5 if you want, and keep going too
Jackson Price
Because muh FBI, muh Fed.
Elijah Green
Stop living afraid of women, learn to be a man and control them literally. How come Varg the biggest white larper of all people isn't divorced. Cause the dude is a fucking man. Out there doing his own thing with 4 kids maybe more.
Alexander Allen
Somehow missed that one. I over course assume you aren't referring to the nsdap