
Shills have been gang-stalking Kieran online for the past 4 days. Now they've started gang-stalking his Twitter account.

Why would the Elite care about this story? Because it has the potential to create mass public outcry against their TRILLION DOLLAR university student loan scam. I've NEVER seen this many shills out in force, trying to bury a story before.

This MedGate story has them legitimately spooked. This would also explain why no mainstream media, or even alt-media site has run this story yet. They've received 100s of submissions about this story, I know that at least 300 different anons have submitted this story to various conservative news sites, and yet they refuse to run the story. Just more proof that the Elite controls the media, including the so called "conservative" media.

This story is about how our universities are controlled by SJW-communist tribunals, and yet no conservative media is interested in this story? Then it is up to all of us, to make this go viral through the grassroots method. Post this story on every message board you are a part of, post it on your social media accounts, send it to your friends thru email or whatever. We must expose the truth, that our universities are LITERALLY controlled by radical SJW-communists who will destroy any conservative student's life on a whim.


Someone took the time to type up a transcript of the lecture/hearing here:

Also, another site ran the story but it is very biased towards his SJW professors. They've updated the story to include more information:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hello schizoposter.

Hi Kieran. Can you see me? I'm waving right now.

you glow in the dark

Too many shills here, I wish well for Kieran.

It's all a scam, you can't even declare bankruptcy on student loans. It's basically a scam by kike bankers and their literal kike professors making six-seven figures to enslave the masses to their banks. Their greatest fear is if the whole system comes crashing down.

Fuck you, kike.

It will as it's over 1t now. Trump in an attempt to get some millenial votes will do some 'debt forgiveness' bullshit like his setting niggers free from prison bullshit. Won't work. But yeah, you and I will now pay for some dumb cunts, 250k African lesbian studies 'degree'.

I wish he'd leave the country, and take some noseberg profs with him.

he is getting gang-stalked like a motherfucker by glow in the dark niggas

good news, i just got an email that someone from an alt-media site is writing up this story

I thought this was common knowledge.

well this story shows how fucking extreme it has become. Disagree with your SJW professor? Boom, your life is over.

This story is being buried on halfchan as well, the CIA niggers are out in full force

dob jej

>trying to push the (((MedGate))) story like you're paid by the word

Glow in the Dark: The Post

It's going pretty viral on Reddit


So some curry nigger with mental problems sperged out. What a dumb faggot.

He should have known that he didn't have the talent or the experience to pull this off, it could have been done effectively by a non-sperg in collusion with a few journos.

zero sympathy, shamefur dispray

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curry nigger or not he didn't sperg, and sounded rather intelligent. hint: i respect fellow humans that adhere to our Indo-European cultures/traditions. I listened to the sound cloud recordings and shit is crazy enough to sound like a different universe. they start off telling him the meeting is about a letter they sent him "last month". he says he never received it and asks when they sent it, and if they have any evidence he received it… then they do this bullshit beating around the bush for ~10 mins asking why they are having this meeting.

they basically tried to make him hang himself with his own entrails, but he forced them to eat a bowl of their own shit. all because they want to defend a couple of hag lecturers that couldn't back their thesis with an iota of scientific data when kindly asked.

Sorry curry nigger but you'll never be White or considered White.

anyone who is attacking Kieran over this is a shill.

It is not about him. It's about how our colleges are controlled by radical communist SJWs.

The CIA niggers are trying to discredit him, desperately shilling against him in all these threads and message boards. But they will not succeed.

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This. I read every cuckchan thread on medgate for two days straight. The volume of ad hominem shill attacks was lile nothing I had ever seen before, even during the Great Meme War. The shills consistently use the following arguments:

>he was aggressive by daring to call out the speakers' bullshit microaggressions are yet another liberal wrongthink cudgel
>what an antisocial incel idiot who can't get laid female shills always play the "I'll withhold my holes from you by proxy" card

Same fucking talking points from the list above regurgitated ad nauseam. They look suspiciously unanimous, overtly vocal, ad hominem, and homogeneous. I think the university, or the microaggression speaker or a third-party jew is paying for some kind of mechanical turk shill farm to unperson this guy for wrongthink. This could be damage control to protect the medical school or the astroturfed reputation of the microaggression speaker. There is a lot of money at stake here, and we can't have the goyim committing wrongspeak or thoughtcrime and undermine the leech known as higher education, let alone the sacred dogma of social justice.

This lad flew too close to the sun and hit them where it counts.


Think twice before speaking ill of the hero we deserve.

This image makes me deeply uncomfortable.


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the reason the CIA is shilling so hard is because this MedGate story is a potential danger to their TRILLION DOLLAR student loan debt bubble.

They are terrified.

Hi Kieran

Wow Kieran you sure have an inflated ego

Kieran, the hero who does battle with the glow in the dark CIA niggers

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I left out a few lines from the shill script:

>lmao he didn't know why he was at his own hearing the literal jew physician who kept asking "Do you know why we are having this hearing" was doing the Spanish Inquisition "confess, heretic" pilpul trick but failed miserably
>lmao what an ass, microaggressions just means being rude protip: it's an emotional blackmail rhetorical device for manipulating the behavior and psyche of huwaito people only
>lmao the tard should have just taken the (((psychological screening))) if he had, the jew screener would have either declared him mentally defective which would have unpersoned him permanently, or declared him not defective in which case there would be no "excuse for his behavior" and could be kicked out. Checkmate gambit achieved.
>"Go away Kieran" and other uses of his name to feed (((Google))) and permanently unperson him by destroying his name via search engine.

this is literal online gang-stalking

The microaggression wammen are clearly jewish. You can hear it in the way that they speak - sonorants, chewing of words, the usual psychopathic lack of the emotions that you'd expect when speaking with a gentile.

The jew bitch who was literally triggered when someone said "you don't sound like you're from West Virginia" was really triggered about being almost found out. Three words into her spiel and I knew she was a chosenite who probably had gribenes from a mohel for breakfast.

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I wish there were some way to find the source of all the shilling. I suspect that this distributed smear campaign is just another tool in the memetic warchest, and we should expect to see more of it.

My sides.
Polite sage for shit thread.

So what's happening?

In case you anons haven't listened to the hearing, do it now. It's like a milquetoast and amateurish version of a communist struggle session.

Reddit calls it "bragading" and we call it shilling.

ANOTHER new article

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This is an anti white psyop meant to distract us from what actually is going on in the White house. Distract White Nationalists away from Palastine, to make You look into Yourself and finally to look back.
We should be seeking Forward, the Kikes want to break us. Plant a tree Build a HOME and raise a Child.
Look Only Forward White Man. Use their mistakes against them for all its worth.

good posts

writing style streams non-white shill
must suck not being white and able to pay attention to many things at once

You can tell something is off with how

this poster is extremely upset.

So where's this shill hailing from? Are they making students shill for credit? Do professors pay students to go to anti-white protests in credit?

fuck off shill, your 4D Glow in the Dark tactics won't work here


Attached: shilling (1)

could someone please post that image of a twitter post iirc, with a jew infront of a computer with the Zig Forums catalog open, and the text is "monitoring hate on the internet "

Sorry Kieran but no one cares about pajeets here, no matter how many proxies you use.

Be nice to the Godlikeproductions posters, they're better than the MAGAkikes infesting this board.

so many fucking CIA glow in the dark niggers

they eventually become us.

Can we get back onto topic please?

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he has 61,000 followers

Sorry, rabbi, you're not related to me as your Neanderkike forced meme is a lie: you aren't white because you aren't descended from Neanderthal. It must suck to be so much lower than a medical school poo-in-loo that you have to root for the 3 communist lesbians.

Stay kosher and don't forget to suck a baby penis and rub foreskin cream on your face at night!

also i like that you're such an uneducated nigger that you think all pajeets are dravidian streetshitters

and two likes and four retweets
Sorry but bots on twitter aren't going to make White people give a shit, pajeet

Oh yes pajeet, tell us how white you are.

tell us how white you two jews think you are?

Oh how cute!!! The rabbi calling others rabbi

Whatchya doing, rabbi?

If you guys won't quit and get back to topic I'll report you.

you're right shlomo, we aren't a(((fellow white))), we are descendants of the aryan race

Since this thread has gone up a ton of shit posting has gone up as well.

Repeat after me
Poo in the loo

reported you.


Not Smart enough?
You will never be White.
You are I admit very Smart, Not so much as educated. At the end of the day tit for tat You Know that I will win and the only way That You can win is to pay the moderators to censor me and keep this place alive.
I win by default no matter how We play this game.
A little White Man VS israel/british inteligence.
Admit it You are Thinking "Hmm I should hire white people"
I to can play mind games.
Pay the mods, You cannot win that what is above You. Pay Whites. You simply cannot win 1 on 1
Subhuman Kike 95IQ U

Do they though?



No one cares Kieran, you have to go back to your shitting streets.

I care about SJWs

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spotted the b0/t

You should be able to default on loans with it having a huge negative effect on your credit, this forces lenders to be more discerning with who they lend to. They'd stop lending to people majoring in bullshit that won't land them a decent paying career then.


The problem is our kike mods who let derailing go on and deflate a lof of the initial energy of the thread.

Don't forget to report the thread so mods can stop Kieran bumping his shit thread.

Glow in the Dark: The Post

The mainstream media is finally starting to run the article about the Trump supporter college student who got kicked out of medical school at the University of Virginia for publicly debating with a far-left SJW communist professor. Here are two new ones:

Someone also took the time to type up a transcript of the events which happened:

Reddit is freaking out about the story too, of course. 1000s of comments on these threads:

This story, known as MedGate, has the potential to create a mass public outcry against our far left college system, and thus cause real damage to the student debt loan bubble.

I suppose obvious mentally defective subhumans are now a-okay on Zig Forums. We got trannies, we got mudslimes, we got niggers, we even got a few schizos! Come one, come all!


Kikes out.

Bunch of intimidating looking people

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It’s insane, young people are stuck paying ~6% interest on loans for education, guaranteed by USG, meanwhile banks can get money from the Fed at 2.25%. Just a few years back banks were paying just around 1%.

Just fucking name the jew, you pussy.

Obviously this thread is being shilled to hell by (((the usual suspects))) to destroy the reputation of the student. To all non-shill anons, read this thread and observe the shill tactics. All ad hominem attacks that do not engage with anyone but merely come out of the blue with various smears. All have an Alinsky flavor ("Ridicule is man's most potent weapon," "Keep the pressure on," "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it," "Individuals hurt more than institutions").

well MedGate is a real threat to their TRILLION Dollar student loan debt bubble.

Obviously they want to SHUT IT DOWN

yea it's called gang-stalking

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Maybe turn off the screen nigger, why anyone who isnt a lonely womyn even uses twatter is beyond me.

Even Worse,.
It shines the light on the (((Communist/Marxist))) invasion of Higher Education.

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They hate the holistic movement. Remember to eat natural foods.

yea that is a huge part. If people stopped eating poison, fake food, the medical industry would go out of business

I'm not seeing the problem here anons, except that maybe OP wants everyone to start Peterson posting about the openly marxist universities, which I guess is still fine.

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i'd like to colonize her

What is it? I hearing about medgate, but i'm also hearing about a SJWs kicking out a male student for not getting bent.

This is a big nothing. I’m disappointed in you.

dude there have been many links posted already ITT but here

“They’re not respecting muh civnats waahh. Let’s become identitarians! Hey, wtf, they’re doubling down on their belief system. Shenanigans!!”

The news cycle is a perfect circle jerk for halfwits.

A good rule is: Never waste time engaging with (((golems))) or plebs.
Though, after listening to the audio recordings, I feel it is necessary to commend him for attempting to speak up for what is right and true in such an (((environment))). It shows integrity, a quality that is severely lacking in most. Plus, the plethora of attacks on him ranging from his actions to his voice really goes to show just how pathetic and worthless most people actually are. It will be a happy day when the masses of soulless plebs and golems are killed off with the jewish ideals that they cling to so strongly.