What if I told you Qanon is a MOSSAD propaganda team working with Jared Kushner and Zig Forums was created specifically for the Q disinformation campaign?
What if I told you Qanon is a MOSSAD propaganda team working with Jared Kushner and Zig Forums was created specifically...
I’d think you were silly
Did anyone here really take q seriously?
Though 8ch could be a psyop, wouldn’t it be a diversionary tactic? Separate us from the plebs and steal good ideas that pop up in the periodic memetic warfare threads.
the boomer is awake
Q user is and always has been a larp
Consider that /qresearch/ is the only board Chodemonkey takes seriously and actively helps. And that without Zig Forums Q wouldn't have a propaganda base for boomers to flock.
Who is Brennan?
Who is his Jewish boss?
What is Kushner's ties to Chabad?
What is Zig Forums's ties to Chabad?
What is Trump's ties to Chabad?
If they were working with Kushner, it wouldn't be a Mossad op. It would be a Trump op, which is what it is.
Trump doesn't need Israel to run it. He has every kike on the planet in his administration already.
Who really controls America?
Which political State is responsible for rigging our elections? Why was Israel created?
What if I told you that we have reached such a high level of shilling and abject kikery now that 8/pol/ is experiencing about twice as many hasbarat disinformation threads as threads posted by actual anons.
I'd think you're the same retarded little blackpill faggot we're following around on here busting. You probably went and looked this up after your infini fuckup. Pics related.
You ask this hoping to see what anons would say, sound it out as a tactic. We see you.
I believe you.
They haven't shut it down so it must be useful.
What now?
I don't know what kind of shilling you are trying to pull, but the image you posted conviniently has the post number covered, and the second image is very obviously a photoshop: the Q is 2 dimensional and casts no shadow aside from a small line that it about one third as long as a real shadow would be.
That being said, Qtards are still tards.
I'd believe you
Looks like your thread would sink faster than a Polish warship.
Q is the Saviour for IQ-80 people. do these people really live in a movie where ex-CIA agent is fighting against the "Deep State"?
8ch is also psyop. you are allowed to hate fags, blacks and ((((((((()))))))))))) as much as you want, but if you say something meaningful, dang, bunch of neckbeard narcissistic white soyboys who live in their whore mom basement will shit on you. eventually a Zionist mod will remove your post
welcome Zig Forums, fellow no-life smelly piece of shit
it's probably just some poltard who is having fun with these stupid boomers
but it is strange how jerome corsi started promoting this board on infowars before aj and stone threw him under the bus
pretty much this
Thread was anchored and not deleted. This is an improvement. Uncompromised mods: I hope you have an alternative in place. What I'm preparing to release does not reflect on those who aren't aware of the Truth.
I don't care, at least I lived the best years of my life when Trump was elected in 2016 and I'm thankful that I could live those moments. At least I could breath something new, something so pure and fresh for a moment that I got intoxicated by it. I think it's the fresh air of Truth. I know I don't know all, nothing even near of it nor I know anything about the process we are heading to but at least I felt something out of this world and I got my energy and HOPE back and I somehow managed to cure my strong feel of depression. Now I'm more hopeful and energetic. Still I think this material world cannot be saved the way people think it could be saved, it will not turn back to paradise or whatsoever because it never was nor will never be. But at least I have seen some Light, I know there's good things out there, I know this world is not 100% bad which I used to think before, there is Good things to live and to fight for. There Is Good.
Thank you Trump and Q, whoever you are for these moments of Awe.
Zig Forums never, ever, ever, gives any substance to its "opposition" to Q.
i'd tell you to lurk more. newfag.
I'd say you need to get out more, OP.
Four Reasons Fredrick Brennan ("Hotwheels") is a C.I.A. Agent
1. Fredrick Brennan's first job was as a paid employee of Aaron Parnes, a Brooklyn Orthodox Jew who owns an "internet marketing" company which is likely a U.S. or Israeli military intelligence front. Fedrick Brennan's second and only other job was as a paid employee of Jim Watkins, a 16 year U.S. Army veteran who has basically admitted in a past media interview to being a C.I.A. agent.
2. Fredrick Brennan was the subject of a short video documentary produced by Al Jazeera in 2013. Al Jazeera is a C.I.A. media front. Al Jazeera is an Arabic news media outlet owned by the Qatari Government. Qatar is a U.S. Government client state which has very close ties to the C.I.A. and U.S. Dept. of Defense (Al Udeid Air Base, the largest U.S. military base in the Middle East, is located in Qatar, from which the U.S. military conducts all of its Middle Eastern bombing campaigns).
3. Fredrick Brennan was the subject of two sympathetic promotional articles published by the New York Times in 2014. The New York Times has had a very close relationship with the C.I.A. and U.S. Dept. of Defense for many decades, extending back to the beginning of the C.I.A.'s Operation Mockingbird program in the 1950's.
4. Fredrick Brennan wrote an article for The Daily Stormer in 2014 titled "Why I Support Eugenics." The Daily Stormer is a C.I.A. psyop front owned and operated by Andrew Anglin, a C.I.A. agent from a family of C.I.A. agents.