Getting Organized

It's time. We need to get organized. I'm tired how sitting at home reading this shit and not doing anything. I'm sure you are too.

The biggest threat is the dox. If we weren't afraid of being doxing we would have already have had groups formed and meeting. How do we short circuit the doxxing issue? We don't talk about the JQ, Browns, IQ issues, Gender Issues, Race Realism, Fascism, Etc. By joining the group, it's implicit where your political spectrum lies. You're on Zig Forums, 4chan was too chill. Get too woke during group meetings you have to be out, because you put everyone else in the meeting at risk of being doxxed. To keep the community cover we need to push you out. One on one is fine, but we've all seen Project Veratas and know that they can use the same techniques against us.

There's no catchy name, no propaganda campaign like R.A.M. We don't go to protests, we don't target other people aggressively. We aren't trying to be noticed, we're trying to blend in. There's no law breaking. We know that the feds are watching us closely, so we all respect the law to it's fullest extent. It's simply white men building a successful community together. That means the 19 year old mechanic with tattoos and 55 year old executive all share the same commitment and community to the group.

Within this community, other groups can form. Fitness focused, book clubs, prepping, etc. But the unifying factor is us white men together, knowing what the future will hold for us unless we do something. We help each other when another is down, and encourage each other to self develop into healthy men. We pursue virtues and stay away from vice.

If the day comes where we must do something greater than exist. We are already organized.

If you think it's a shit idea, come up with a better one. If you have idea's how to improve this, give them to me. Everyone else is a fucking shill.

I'm in Chicagoland. Who's in?

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Other urls found in this thread:


take a hint black-pill spamming kike

whew lad

Stop being an internationalist and get organized nationally

These groups will operate within a small geographical area(

okay, maybe you're sincere but just lonely.

there's just a bunch of 'get angry now' shit threads today, so i just assumed this was another one.

Some anons slowly red-pill friends and find other real like minded people in the real-world. Organizing irl via an infested image-board is just stupid.

Communities can not be organised on this board. Movements can.
Meeting someone from Zig Forums in person is a security risk. Any formal organisation should be done person to person without relying on compromised communications nya~

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join a blue lodge


Good point, but we have a large enough base of here to start small groups throughout the US. They can build into larger.

Security issues largely focus on talking in regards to taboo topics. If you don't talk about those topics, the issues is moot.

My understanding was masons are jewish in nature.

Or you could actually stop being a huge faggot, get off this board and go get a real job. Then and only once you've accomplished something and have something of value beyond shooty shooty bang bang to add to the struggle - can begin looking for like minded individuals LOCALLY by WORD OF MOUTH. Sage.

you're still retarded and I'm gonna post the shit I was posting before so other anons can get some knowledge from this fucking horseshit of a day we're having.

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Then what is the point?
Also why do you want to meet your local FBI agent / plain clothes police agent?

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For your porn images, I guess. It even says "click this thread." Have a sage and report.
Okay, FBI, go do it.
Okay, FBI, go do it.
We are exactly what your metrics say we are.
So cry harder.
Jews have Total Information Control. It is impossible to meet.
We don't. It's not possible. You can't trust people you meet online, or even in person once a group gets large enough to be an actual threat.
They refuse to name the jew. Their worldview is predicated on jews NOT being behind everything.
Our existence violates the law, as does any MEETING we have. You know that already.
Yes, that's illegal. Affirmative action requires multicultural societies.
That day was in 1913. We did nothing and haven't ever since.
Okay, give me some more characters.


The time has come to actually do something for once in our fucking lives. And the best part is that they can’t even stop us. The time has come to shut down power and communications, across the Western world. All it would take to completely shut down the communications in an entire city is a normal flathead screwdriver, a pair of wire cutters, and a small flathead screwdriver. Maybe a pair of bolt cutters to get rid of padlocks.

Fiber optic is the easiest to sabotage. Just bend it until you hear a crack and congratulations, you just fucked up a mile and a half of fiber. It will take them at least a day to figure out what the problem is and where it is, and if you snap the fiber in the middle of a run they can’t just undo an expansion loop and cut off the damaged section. They have to order the right fiber (different sizes are used), cut it to the right length, and hire a subcontractor to do an emergency job to install the new fiber, which is typically an all day job. Once they’re done, a splicer comes in to splice the new fiber into the network. At the very least, if you damage a fiber line, you’re looking at two or three days where that line and everyone “downstream” of it has no service, plus tens of thousands of dollars in expense replacing it. Breaking the fiber near the “can” that it goes into is easy to fix. They just undo an expansion loop, stretch out the fiber, cut off the damaged section, and splice it. One day of work, max. Always break fiber in the middle of a run.

Telephone and cable TV/Internet? Just open up the tap, use the small screwdriver to back out the contact screws, and close the tap up. With the screws backed out, the cable isn’t making contact and loses signal. They will spend all fucking day trying to figure out what the problem is (note that they will know exactly where it is) until someone thinks to tighten the screws or just replaces the entire tap. This is nothing serious, but it’s something that could be easily and quickly done over and over again to knock out service to a large area.

Power supply cabinets? Use the big screwdriver to open the bicycle lock mechanism, then just unscrew the batteries and unplug them. If you really wanted to do some damage, cut off the padlock, open up the fuse panel, turn the fuse upside down, close it, and put a new padlock on it. Alternatively, just set off some homemade thermite on top of the cabinet, slightly off center (away from the end with the fuse panel) and it will damage the repeater, batteries, and cabinet to the extent that they’ll have to replace the whole thing, which is an all day job.

And no, most places like major airports, hospitals, military bases, etc. do not have redundant communications lines. They get cable TV/phone/Internet from a single provider, and that provider runs a single set of lines into whatever place they’re serving. One man with basic tools could be driving all over a major city and completely destroy its communications if he knew where to cut off the nodes. Just back out some screws, snip some connectors, and you just cut off all communications except cell phones and radios.

Cell phones are shut down by cutting the fiber line that goes into the cell tower. Or you can take out the tower by shooting the transceivers with a high-powered rifle. Radio is easy to knock out, too. Build a spark gap generator, plug it into a power supply somewhere, and walk away. It’s broadband and it will keep transmitting on every frequency, jamming the signal within its radius. Set up a bunch of these all over town and nobody is communicating via radio: not police, military, fire department, nor EMS. It’ll jam cell phones, too. Yes, they’ll triangulate their positions (especially if the military gets involved, which is why you need multiple jammers) and get rid of them, but that takes time, especially the first time it happens when nobody has any idea what is going on or whose responsibility it is to fix it.

Half a dozen guys can, in a single day, completely disrupt communications in a major city and cause millions of dollars of damage and lost revenue with basic tools and spend noting more than the gas they use to drive around. A couple hundred bucks at most if they build a couple dozen spark gap jammers to plant. People have absolutely no idea how vulnerable our communications infrastructure is. And the best part is that all you have to do… is go do it. We’re not going to talk about a date. You don’t have to post here saying you’ll do it. You don’t have to tell us what city you’re in. You don’t have to expose yourself in any way. Just go do it, when you have the means to do it, wherever you are.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for them to monitor every power/communications junction across even just the United States, much less Europe. They don’t have the manpower, the automated infrastructure, or the funding to do so. They CAN’T stop us, and it doesn’t even have to be a time-coordinated action. THEREFORE IT’S TIME TO DO IT.

Bump nya~

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would be nice to see this come together.

Namely disinformation from the uninformed. It's a club for white men. It is however a mechanism for joining a brotherhood of whites in your area, without raising suspicion. They're not all Zig Forums quality (well what it was) but it's an option that is already thorough and quiet.
nogs have their own knock-off

Oh hi, FBI!

OP, the groundwork is already being laid, get active in here and see if you can meet any locals.

nice job you made two posts within the span of a fucking microsecond. you had that shit copied and pasted you fucking beta male no one wants to do your shit no one is falling for it. No one will ever consent to your fucking horseshit especially not me.

you lick old man prostate you masonjew. After that post no one should take this thread seriously.

Yeah nah. This will only be effective if you can get people in multiple locations to do a coordinated attack.

Join Patriot Front faggot. They are active in Chicago. Here fill out an App.

I undoubtedly make more money than you. Nice shit post faggot. Learn to contribute or get out.

What's there to discuss? We know what is happening. Let's build something instead of bitch about it.

Black pill and destructive in nature. Have fun larping and catching domestic terrorist charges, while giving white nationalists a bad name.

Post Major Metropolitan area. Any other thoughts?

I'll look into it. Why a blue lodge?


Don't anyone fucking dare come near that link, keep the mouse cursor far from that shit.

i come here to become more red-pilled. I don't fucking want to know who any of you people are.

If someone besides a close friend talked to me irl about Zig Forums i'd play dumb.

You start in the blue lodge, you can branch out from there. Look for masonic symbols around your area and approach him (if he's white) about joining.

Good man.

Why? What are you an IE faggot?


Patriot Front does not require any personal information to join.

Zig Forumslacks come here to talk about 'taboo' topics. I mean if you want to do a meet up, you're more likely to get results by just pasting up paper adverts on traffic poles inviting people to come to a book club with subtly redpilled authors. That way at least you can build a stronger foundation within your own community rather than reach out to an international pool of shills, FBI, and other unwelcomed guests. In addition, I've seen Zig Forums meet ups try to start up and it takes a pretty long time to even gain momentum. In order to get people excited about getting off their ass, you've got to have at least a hand full of people who are committed to being on board and being vocal about it. If the whole thread devolves into shilling, you'd have to either start over or move it over to another board. As others have suggested, just take it to the streets. Zig Forums is a good place to get feed back but not a good vehicle for meet ups.

masons will fucking rape you they are gay faggots who have numerous instances of human trafficking.

No one here should trust any link posted on here, every single website you go to will get personal information. Especially on this fucking thread (WHICH IS THE FIFTH OR FOURTH TIME THIS POSTER MADE A THREAD LIKE THIS)

Zero effort. You're done here. You posted nothing to refute. YOU made the claim. YOU have to prove that people are fighting back. YOU did nothing. YOU have no evidence that war is coming. The last century proves you wrong.

Reminder that no one is fighting back, anywhere, and you're openly admitting you were wrong.

Fucking gold. Great idea.

kek first time I have posted a thread in a long time faggot.

b618e8 is a faggot spamming that shit in other threads now black pilling all the way and inciting violence with no actual plan, while screeching everyone else are phony shills and cowards.

It's a shithole, filled to the brim with shills. I mainly only lurk now-a-days, it's disgusting what global status did to Zig Forums.


He wasn't even talking to you. Or was he?
fuck off excuse to bump

yea it's not like it once was. I hear there's new hidey holes, but I'm not as savvy as I once was to find them and the good anons know not to post em. So I'll keep lurking until they appear.

Zero effort. You're done here. You posted nothing to refute. YOU made the claim. YOU have to prove that people are fighting back. YOU did nothing. YOU have no evidence that war is coming. The last century proves you wrong.

considering you just now learned about meadhall I question how long you consider "a long time" to be. I'm hoping to god you're just new and didn't know about it because this is literally a carbon copy of what you were posting about.

Zero effort. You're done here. You posted nothing to refute. YOU made the claim. YOU have to prove that people are fighting back. YOU did nothing. YOU have no evidence that war is coming. The last century proves you wrong.

Reminder that no one is fighting back, anywhere, and you're openly admitting you were wrong.

I'm assuming it's because winter break has come around and there are lots of new people hopping in. Like a slightly better version of the raiding that happens here during summer. Shills come here so that people have zero clue what's going on, that's just my theory though. Just hold out till something new pops up.

I think it's a bot, or just an FBI employee having fun with the phrase I copy and paste whenever I see him. I'll test it out one more time.

Zero effort. You're done here. You posted nothing to refute. YOU made the claim. YOU have to prove that people are fighting back. YOU did nothing. YOU have no evidence that war is coming. The last century proves you wrong.

It has already begun, turbo faggot. And these goys are playing nice. Wait until shit gets really bad and shit starts actually getting real. No wonder u scared.

Checked, we're getting a lot of this shit lately. Hard to spot the bots from the spammers. This one seems at least semi-focused in that it's at least on topic. The more obvious bots spam shit that often seems like it came from another thread or discussion because it's so out of context. This one could be either.

10 years ago, a lot of us who leaned libertarian formed meetup groups. Long story short, our shared political ambitions were not enough glue to keep those groups cohesive. There needs to be a religious-tier fellowship for this kind of shit to work. I really think our movement fails without that component, which is why I shill for Christianity and take aim at degeneracy. It's so easy to be a reactionary Christian in Weimerica.

Also sorry for triple posting like a nigger, but yes a big part of it is just the winter break version of the summerfag phenomena. People have no class, days off and reduced hours etc for a couple weeks. Time to shitpost.

So… no one fighting back and naming the jew. Do you see our numbers growing? Do you see anyone doing anything? We know the midterms were stolen. No one did anything. We know the Alabama special election was stolen. No one did anything. We know, ON FUCKING PAPER, AND IN TESTIMONY, that Hillary committed treason A DOZEN TIMES OVER. No one does anything. Do you not comprehend this, dumbass? Your honeypot putting on a show for the media doesn't mean a damn thing.

Reminder that no one is fighting back, anywhere, and you're openly admitting you were wrong.

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nice bump retard

Getting organized has bin systematically destroyed.

Step one, identify everything that is right.
Step Two check back with step one.
The only way that Whites can get Organized is to go back and from there look ahead and see all of the Brainwashing being dome upon You and act acordigly, with dignity and pride.
You dont even need to undo the brainwashing "Butterflywars" You Just need to see that it is there, You can fight and organize but all You have to know is Blood and history is the most Valuable thing That You and Your White Family has.
There is a war for Your Mind
Fight Yes, Think before You Do.
SPIT is back strong.

Hiya you glow in the dark CIA nigger. (((They))) fear the lone wold, the lone individual… not the easily identifiable group. OPSEC and INFOSEC are much easier and more secure when it's one instead of many. Want to help? Post guides, suggestions and ways for other anons to improve themselves or disrupt the system. Want to do something else? Look at OPs that anons posted. Fuck meeting up IRL, that's how you get merc'd by some rent-a-cop CIA fag sting.

Second honeypot thread

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This. Look at the image, that is pure halfchan honeypot tactics, it doesn't fly here.

As I scroll through Poll it looks like most if it is some kind of Not right anti white or anti Americanism.

You know whats funny guys? With all the pointless bickering and name calling you guys do, not a single link to any kind of IRC/Discord/AIMwhatever was posted. Keep going guys, we're really moving these threads along!

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>Try to start your own business, hopefully, home based, so you don't have to hire shitskins and kikes because of (((laws)))
>If forced to work for (((corporations))), be professional, but don't fraternize with any non-Aryans during or after work unless compelled to for political or professional reasons and even then, keep it to a minimum. Never drink alcohol with people you work with, even Whites. Loose lips sink ships.
>Avoid political life, i.e. voting for now because there are no governments in the world who represent Aryan people or our best interests. The exception to this is if you live in a majority White area, you should run for some kind of political office or board, etc. If you're too timid, support someone worthy who isn't.
>Just stop participating in (((society))) beyond what's absolutely necessary to promote your own health and security for family and volk. This includes rejecting (((movies and tv))), (((pop music))), (((celebrity culture))) and (((professional sports)))

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Hell yeah, Goat Worship

What's wrong, not pedophilic enough for you?

join patriot front.


I'm in. Sounds like a good plan. New Jersey.

Molly Norris did exactly this. No one else posted, and she was left to the wolves.

With that said, a campaign should be started to "FREE NORRIS". Start with a proof of life request from POTUS, White House. Followed that up next, with a step by step series of demands that would make it safe for her to go public. Anyone, who is against that is an "enemy of the people", right? How is it that she has to live in a "winess protection program" for drawing a cartoon?

Molly Norris should be memorialized like St. Joan of Arc. Autists should make related cartoons etc.

Pol has gone public with IOTBW etc. I agree with you sentiments OP, but it has to be more specific, more deliberate. FREE NORRIS is my recommendation. Any others agree? Other suggestions?

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This post was literally designed to grab responses to start a dialogue. Stay on topic anons.

This is a good point. Make something of yourself and network in your community

Think IQ societies user
Set up a website for the local high IQ society.
Legal discrimination

That is called Mensa. Ian Juby is a member. He is a devout Creationist. Interesting work. Check him out. Wazooloo is his youtube channel.

That's not how it works.
That's not how any of it works.

Hey user, I posted Molly Norris. Say what you want about her but at least she does not look like a thot. Could make a good MANGA toon avatar, if autists wanted to spruce her image up.

Another gal that went into shadows was Anne Barnhart.

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your jewish

Oh hai OP.

Sure sounds good, drop me a line so we can meet up.

My email is:

[email protected]

My phone number is +235-1488-420-1488

My penis is 8.625 inches long, cut and majestic, so hit me up, I've never fucked anyone from the alphabet agencies yet, that I know of.;) Sounds like a good time, you can tell your friends. Ladies and confused soyboys only, no homo.

Good idea but this place is so full of shills and limp wristed idiots who use muh honey pot as an excuse to be pic related

If your not even willing to meet up in person all you do here is harm to the white race, you are cowards who bring us down.
Sure you have excuses, there are always excuses to be a pathetic coward.
I made this thread yesterday >

Notice the angry jews(they are afraid of whites coming together and will try everything to stop it)
And the cowardly whites who just want to post frogs and tell themselves they make a difference in their mental gymnastic tranny like clown heads.

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Bullshit, the biggest and only threat is incompetence and lack of commitment.
Let's face it, i have been here and so were you, this forum is full of idiots unwilling to move their fat asses and face reality, insted sitting behind the screen trying to bait actually comitted, though people
The only reason you are here is because at the lowest point in your life only man gave a fuck about you shared the same idea and had some morles
Most of you are faggots masturbating to anime every day while abusing patience of strong, smart man whose furious over situation around the world
You are pathetic, unorganized
If you truly wanted "change" or "help" you woudn't be here

Notice the s.
as in they give us a framework for collective association without having to worry about undesirable integration

Post your dox, brave warrior. I'm willing to meet up with you. So glad you're not willing to harm the white race or be just another coward who brings us down. Fill out this simple form and I'll get into contact with you later today:

full legal name
complete street address
mobile number
place of employment or school name if you're a student
email address
social media accounts
post clear face picture of yourself

Just be a lone wolf, use others (leftists), and throw them under the bus when you are certain that you don't need them anymore. It's scummy, but leftists do it and don't care. That's because you need to fight hard to preserve the state of your country.

Also: Stop responded to bait made by shills, it's to prevent people from talking about the subject at hand. Just do a kike-free post immediately to prevent derailment.

So why are you here then?

Yes, time for me to fill her with babies.

Kaballah for the shabbos goy. You can learn everything online anyway, don't fall for their scam. You'll also learn why everyone is suddenly a fucking Detroit Lions fan at a car dealership.

This is the kind of stupidity you are dealing with.

Fuck off jew. Masonry was a European thing for 3k years before josephus memed you faggots into existence using stolen Persian, Babylonian, and Sumerian stories. All "masonry is jewry" quotes are from jews and only began in the 19th century.
And Euro/Persian-mixed Ancient Egyptians.

you're retarded. the quotes are "MODERN day freemasonry is entirely jewish"

So your a nigger? There are no whites left in Chicago.

Legit sorry if you are lonely and dont have someone to talk about this stuff IRL. Many of most radical right wingers are isolated in diversity shitholes.

What are other examples like the Jesus fish where taboo groups have used tiny things to find each other?

This retarded answer is all you could come up with David? Damn you jews arent very bright are you.

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Broke: trying to organize online with anons with no means of vetting them
Woke: forming 4-man cells with like-minded people IRL

Protip Hitler was a fed

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If we had our own code/ language we wouldn't need to worry about shills so much. It just so happens i have invented a language. Ive asked many people to try and crack it and so far none have succeeded.

(((White Nationalists))) yet again work for the Jews in genociding Whites.


Learn electronic security. You should already be up on physical for the dotr and or when we become a minority and nigs start a happening etc.

Also wealth. I could write a book on it but if you're serious then you'll do it yourself. It's not for lazy people and you must be ever vigilant. Consistency like in all things is the keys to success.

If you're going to have a public group then you're going to have infiltrators. You want to have infighting and a hundred different rules? Ok, but you'll never get anything done and when you 'push' people out, you'll create enemies because you'll be wrong about someone, someone whose good and would have been an asset that you've now turned into an enemy. They will fuck you. Also, your good guys will get arrested for shit like drugs and with the draconian penalties for such things, they'll trade you in to save themselves.

No this, no that. Well, wtf ARE you going to DO? Talk about your feelz? haha. Oh you want to go camping in the woods and shit. Ok, well, that already exists and if it's not to your liking, you should ask yourself why you aren't DOING what YOU envision instead of sitting around with your dick in your hand, posting on an imageboard.

lol when some IL agency sues you for not letting trannies into your European Mens Club.

im a gook, can i join.