It's time. We need to get organized. I'm tired how sitting at home reading this shit and not doing anything. I'm sure you are too.
The biggest threat is the dox. If we weren't afraid of being doxing we would have already have had groups formed and meeting. How do we short circuit the doxxing issue? We don't talk about the JQ, Browns, IQ issues, Gender Issues, Race Realism, Fascism, Etc. By joining the group, it's implicit where your political spectrum lies. You're on Zig Forums, 4chan was too chill. Get too woke during group meetings you have to be out, because you put everyone else in the meeting at risk of being doxxed. To keep the community cover we need to push you out. One on one is fine, but we've all seen Project Veratas and know that they can use the same techniques against us.
There's no catchy name, no propaganda campaign like R.A.M. We don't go to protests, we don't target other people aggressively. We aren't trying to be noticed, we're trying to blend in. There's no law breaking. We know that the feds are watching us closely, so we all respect the law to it's fullest extent. It's simply white men building a successful community together. That means the 19 year old mechanic with tattoos and 55 year old executive all share the same commitment and community to the group.
Within this community, other groups can form. Fitness focused, book clubs, prepping, etc. But the unifying factor is us white men together, knowing what the future will hold for us unless we do something. We help each other when another is down, and encourage each other to self develop into healthy men. We pursue virtues and stay away from vice.
If the day comes where we must do something greater than exist. We are already organized.
If you think it's a shit idea, come up with a better one. If you have idea's how to improve this, give them to me. Everyone else is a fucking shill.
I'm in Chicagoland. Who's in?