MSM Journalists make hitpiece on Vigilantes who catch pedophiles


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kike free post

Maybe he shouldn't have been trying to fuck 14 year olds when he was 20?

Well, obviously he deserved to fuck underage boys! That truly is the American dream, he dindu nuffin.
POPSquad doing gods work.

Those double standard need to be spread to cuckservatives circles.
This will end the "muh principles" cuckery, i hate it as much as "only criminals have guns"

you're a kike. reported

The worst part is that leftists are trying to deplatform them over them doxing a gay leftist pedophile nigger, I wonder why?
They didn't do this with Antifa at all.

Whenever its wearing a mask, it's to hide that it's guilty of it himself.


Nah, he probably did it since the MSM would dox him for being mean to a gay globalist pedophile nigger.

He needs to start a patreon or something so i can donate to him.

Wow good lad I hope he keeps it up.

It's good for a start, but I think those are rookie numbers. They need to get those up and then we got something good to talk about.
But what surprises me, aren't pedos supposed to be in tight cliques or something? You think they would have wised up to something like this by now

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The article itself is proof that you're wrong and that the mask was prudent.

Notice they didn't say he killed the pedo. Probably another Heather Heyer situation.

They have a paypal and FB page:

You're thinking of Vampires. Go watch Dateline NBC - I'd say the majority of them are Goblino mixed Jews, the mentally challenged and Pajeets overstaying a visa - and the odd Paco thrown on top.

It's more likely he was murdered in prison and for some reason they think anyone thinks this is a bad thing. But keep this in mind - if they're ever going to normalize Pedophelia, it will require a vanguard of articles like this first.

We actually have a couple groups that do that here. The police tried to shut them down though because they kept catching literal downies and retards. I think they still might operate though.

I'm not donating shit you kike.

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They probably do warn each other about specific catfishing profiles, but as long as the cool guys mentioned in OP keep changing it up, there's more than enough pedo faggots to keep them busy.

Faggotry perpetuates through child abuse, anyway. Who knows how many fags these guys have prevented from existing?

Daily reminder to prevent fags from entering into existence.

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They've been ramping up this pedo normalization shit for a while.

Sad thing is that normies are going to swallow it whole. Like that pre-teen drag boy at the strip club who's too young and drug abused to think straight but gets praised for his fucking bravery or some shit.

MSM…would you please take a seat?

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Disgusting. Kill pedos.

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Journalists probably wrote an article because the pedophile is a gay leftist nigger who was being groomed for leadership.

In Protocols of Zion, it's stated that the establishment would blackmail leaders with a dirty past in an attempt to force them to enact (((their))) agenda. Forgery or not, it's clearly not a vigilantism issue as they had no problem with vigilantism when it came to Antifa. Instead, they glorified the group repeatedly, not contacting platforms to deplatform them like they do with a group that targets child rapists. They only seem to have an issue with vigilantism when it comes to forces opposing their leftist causes. (ie. yellow jackets, proud boys, popsquad etc)

Therefore, it's very likely that they're unleashing hitpieces because their potential pawn is gone. A gay globalist nigger politician would have been ideal to control in a country that's no longer majority white.

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top kek


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The problem with facebook targeting is literally anybody can make a facebook page without any verification of identity.
Say you have an enemy, and that enemy sets up a facebook page with your photos, then starts hitting on little girls with that page.

Then you wouldn't show up at the location to fuck little children and get exposed.

You don't understand their system, it functions like To Catch a Predator. That's why the gay pedophile nigger drove to their location in the first place.

here Op

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Jews trying to defer the attention of Whites and Make themselves feel as victimizers When in reality It is 95 IQ subhumans Who suck The Penises of Little boys, sell the forskins and promote Pedophila. Transgress upon others when it is the JEWS who in fact suck Newborn baby's dicks and Promote Pedophelia upon older children into the minds of Whites.
Ban baby dick sucking.

They pretend to have plausible deniability, but it's easy to determine their true motive when you compare their attitude towards different subject matter.

The press frequently romanticizes vigilantism when it comes to people doxing "online racists", but you see them suddenly criticize vigilantism when it comes to people doxing child rapists. Why exactly are facebook comments considered worse than child rape? The former involves a person only saying words, while the latter involves a person acting on their words.

Thanks my man!

So which (((journalist))) got caught in this kid's trap?

Seconded. If you can’t read a url, don’t posts urls. Learn what a fucking query string is.

I had my Javascrypt blocked sorry, I could not see any replies.
I can see What You are saying. its a double standard that becomes more complicated every time I look.
It is We Americans Who should stop looking and move on with our Culture.

He hanged himself right after the sting, all these people need is a good dose of shame.

Doing gods work user!

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nothing of value was lost

so he was an ambitious and likely manipulative piece of shit, just the type to molest kids or rape women or have bodies in his crawlspace

Mass killings of leftists is needed. Whenever they gather, they must be slaughtered.
If (((police))) still side with them, they also must be slaughtered.

This article is doing its damnest to try and dance around the fact that the guy was a grown ass adult trying to fuck a 14-15 year old boy.
If only we could get Kevin Spacey to hang himself.

But there's the assumption of guilt, and while the police may not be interested, employers are, and are more than willing to accept evidence that is manufactured.
Easy to ruin a person's job, career and social status.

i disagree , the mask is inheriently a sign of fear.

the opposite should be true and the enemy should be begged to fight.

but we are posting on user boards so I guess I cant really blame.

if you want to kill pedos, mask on , mask off .. im not gonna stop you.

wow , what a talent

I killed 300 police what did you do mr fbi????

stop entrapping anons that has to be the most cowardly thing in the world

You apparently don't pay attention very well. No one was praising that shit except the sick fucks who diddle kids themselves. Normies can't stand pedophiles. Nor do they tolerate trannies.

Given how many of (((them))) are pedos, its only a matter of time before the vigilantes nab themselves a Shlomo.

This is MSM doing preemptive damage control.

Christ, is this a joke?

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Eventually we will all be vigilanties because getting caught defending yourself will land you in jail

Don't know if relevant but reminder Jim Sterling's wife and Del Harvey (Twitter's Safety and Trust VP) used to be part of a group that did the same pedo luring and even for "to catch a predator" show but were staunch defenders of Sarah Butss when >her pedo shit came to light.
This Shane guy might not have the right friends or maybe he was on the tail of someone he shouldn't be and now they need to make him disappear

Nah I don't think so.
Vigilantism is the way of the future

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The sad fact of the matter is they destroyed Hanson in preparation for this, all under the pretense that it was because he was having an extramarital affair.

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Fucking kek (and almost a penta get)

I remember back when I learned on Zig Forums that TCaP was run by pedophiles. Now you fags get sucked up into every false dialectic available.

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It's quite obvious OP is shilling his own project here… But I will take the opportunity to say "good job!" And congrats on catching the attention of the (((media))).

His that the one group that rescued a cative girl in weeks based in nothing but an 10 seconds loggin in her yahoo account?

I wish! Would have been great optics for the movement if it eliminated leftist pedophiles.

>Jacobin violence is ethical? This (((author))) explains why
>Anarchist violence is ethical? This (((author))) explains why
>NKVD violence is ethical? This (((author))) explains why
Same shit, different century. The kike mind shall never change.

Should've just stopped at pogroms

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Uncle Adolf is smiling too given those digits

In pretty much any situation you can ask yourself, "What would the jews have to say about this?" and I guarantee you that every single time the answer will be the most immoral outcome of whatever scenario.

That guy in OP's pic looks like Reviewbrah's distant cousin.