Nazi Civil War

Hitler says to enslave the Jews.
Himmler says to exterminate them.
Which Side do you choose?

Nobody knows exactly what happened, but Hitler disappeared Machiavelli style, while Himmler was captured, killed, and accused of exterminating many jews.

The remnants of the Nazi party enter a civil war, with rival factions pleading their case to the people of the party.
One side wishes only to enslave the jews. while the other wishes their extermination. Neither side will agree to a new Fuhrer unless he agrees with their side.

My FELLOW NAZIS. I plead with both sides of this debate for a middle ground! I propose a compromise.

First, I freely admit that I am of the side to enslave the Jews…
But I offer a concession in that I promise I will legalize the torture and murder of jews, if you can get away it. It will also be legal to have Jews working your farm picking cotton, with guards to protect them from jew killers.

Make me, OP, your Fuhrer, and I will unite the party!

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whatcha slidin' shlomo?

Why is Op so retarded that he thinks we're doing to accept his idiotic jew history as a premise?

Stupid yid.

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I confer with my science council consisting of Werner von Braun and Dr. Mengele.

We decide that traditional extermination is too risky; many will slip the dragnet because of pussy whipped weaklings harboring their jewess wives and children so we decide to go with race specific bioweapons, with a 105% kill factor.

You say 105% is impossible? Look if some mischlings get taken out that's all for the best.

The game is to vote for OP as Fuhrer or not you fucking rock.


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worth a try

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888 get.

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888get AGAIN.

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What a nigger

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oK. Is that enough. i got 888. You have to vote for me now.

No, he wanted them deported.
No, he wanted to use them for slave labor

You're actually right. I was trying to simplify the matter. Hitler wanted to deport them and make them a slave class where-ever they wound up.

Why not both? Enslave them permanently in HELL

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Lololol. Fellow goyim, please embrace scarecrow arguments.

Hitler opened his heart to the world, as did Jesus. He did not want jews to pull carts like oxen. He didn’t want to enslave or destroy other forms of life. He was isolationist and wanted to see his family (his race) thrive.

Reminder: Hitler went into Poland AFTER the Polish organized the slaughter of 58k ethnic germans living in territory that had been ceded to Poland in the treaty of Versailles. He offered a peace treaty to the polish general, but he refused… so he continued to knock out the enemy. Reminder: he also offered Churchill peace at 3-5 instances… Many of those instances were while Germany was rapidly expanding.

The axis forces were more “dIvErSe” than the allies. Africans, Arabs, all European races, Asians, etc embrace the third position, and fought against (((capitalism))) and (((communism))).

This BS false flag posting is meant to demonize the third position. To all blacks, Asians, queers, etc: There is an alternative to Communism and Capitalism. It’s National Socialism. Hitler’s crime was the same as Gadaffis! Gadaffis crime was he same as JFK’s! Jfk’s Crime was the same as Assad’s! Anyone who opposes debt slavery, and mass control by the banking clan is crushed.

If you want to know the truth about WW2, watch europa the final battle. Watch Hellstorm, The greatest story never told. Watch Holocaust documentaries and ignore the emotional appeals. Watch Holocaust survivor testimonials. Read primary accounts.

Jesus and Hitler’s were both crucified by the people who call themselves “Jews.”

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Slavery is jewish. Death to all slave takers.

kys, commiefaggot

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I want to kill every cultural marxist.
I want to slowly choke you and asphyxiate you.
I want to treasure the moment you draw your last breath…

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good point. how about an ultimatum that you can either kill a jew, or enlave a jew. Jews should not be allowed to run free if they

It's weird. I actually and picturing you as a JIDF that has access to my posting history, and wondering if I'm seriously making myself a target now. FUCK IT. It's funny if nothing else.

I told you in the other thread you started - go back to where you belong, faggot.

dafuq are you talking about

Don't try to pilpul me, yid. Your choice of words gives you away that you do not belong here. Go back to whatever shithole you came from. Also
Go read Mein Kampf, if you made this thread in earnest you are a fucking retard and need to lurk two years before posting.

You don't think there would something poetic about Jews becoming enslaved in Egypt again?

You don't think there is something foggy about Gitler getting expelled from the party, and being identified as the chief architect of the 6gorillion?

It makes sense to me, that of Nazi supporters around the world; there is a clear divide between those who want to massacre them, and those who want lesser severity? I should have framed this thread not with enslavement, but with just everything else besides killing Jews. Seriously, I try to talk some sense into some Jew haters, but they will accept nothing less than to try to kill them all. There needs to be a middle ground. This is actually a serious thread, with a bit of larping humor.


No I choose Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg. Don't say anything about race and increase TAX with jews. by doing so Albert Einstein will still stay in German . And German will have Atomic bomb before USA

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the germans had their own nucuclar program dumbass.

If you can't use it .
it's not exist

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OP would be fail. Only race specific bioweapons can totally cleanse the earth of filth.

For example; A year ago I was livign on a west coast city full of chinks. Every year I'd get at least one, usually two colds. Very unpleasant. A couple years ago I got pneumonia. So I moved to a s mall town in the east where it's far colder. I haven't been sick in a year. That's the first year in my life I haven't been sick. Why? No chinks. It's 98% white here. Chinks fly into west coast cities with the latest influenza from filthy den of iniquity China. No chinks, no influenza.
It's the same with jews. You've got to eradicate them or they become vectors for evil and filth, even as slaves.

Thus I should be Fuhrer, a scientific austere Fuhrer, like a Franciscan monk, more stern and pitiless than a Savonarola, but high tech.

They'd be eradicated, even the covert ones that were larping as christians or buddhists or self help psychobabble missionaries. Their diseased bodies would be hauled off to mass graves by condemned negro criminals.

Trust me, not OP. I'm the best pick

There's only one possible solution and that's race specific bioweapons, like the SARS epidemic in Toronto a few years ago that killed somthign like 125 chinks, only next time for jews and not SARS. Something more like Ebola. There's some Brazillian diseases out of the Amazon rain forest that would fill the bill quite nicely I'm sure.


Is H1N1 a Race Specific Bioweapon That Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld Called For in "Rebuilding America's Defenses?"
I am not saying that either Cheney or Rumsfeld created H1N1 for the purpose of killing off specific races. No, I am merely stating that the genetic technology is possible to engineer a virus to target a specific race. In case you missed it, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al. stated the following in "Rebuilding America's Defenses:"

"Information systems will become an important focus of attack, particularly for U.S. enemies seeking to short-circuit sophisticated American forces. And advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

–Project for a New American Century, page 60 of "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, etc.)

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