Just a reminder about our new slogan.
Hail Hitler. Death to Jews
Go back to cuckchan edgy shitskin.
reported you.
you bastard
You will die alone without a gf pajeet
haha. yeah. you've seen my other posts? im honestly bored and 8pol is my second home. I say this shit to myself all day wishing I had friends who I could greet with this. This slogan seriously cracks me the fuck up. I seriously love saying it.
You need to think of something that is actually worth thinking of in terms of solutions…rather than masterbating yourself.
i guess you don't understand what you're saying then.
Yeah. I do. I don't want to kill Jews; but I understand how it's inevitable. Jew haters are so impassioned that they will never stop. It's like a an eternal curse upon Judaism that I'm just observing, not participating in. The slogan is funny because of how insanely taboo it is to say it.
Low energy. Sage.
Shit OP
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I got quad 9's and dub 7's within 3 posts. What the FUCK does it take to impress you people. I should be made an honorary mod.
haha. you made my night man. I don't know man. I've been programmed with propaganda designed to get me to idolize Hitler and talk shit about Jews. I was practically raised by 8pol during my twenties.
I actually have a problem. I'm addicted to trash talking Jews. Is there any Jews here lurking? I just can't help it. Please don't kill me.
Nobody can blame me for being a mid thirties German American youth obsessed with being the next Hitler. DO YOU SEE HOW COOL THEY MAKE HITLER LOOK? I have no choice but to be like this.
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It's "Gas The Kikes Race War Now", you nigger.
yeah. that's a good one too. but it's old now
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go back to reddit cringelord
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What's your problem man? Where the fuck are you from. I'm just curious where exactly a random sampled 8pol shit poster posting "return to cuckchan" is from. Who wastes their time doing that, posting in threads they're supposedly not interested in? I don't even do that.
you almost got it there autsy
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Because is right and a fucking phrase doesn't get old like a meme you dumb ape.