Salvini cucks out

Italy is currently ruled by a 2 party coalition: the Northern League aka Salvini; and the 5 Stars party, a (((grassroots))) experiment in direct democracy whose internal rulings happen through internet 1.0 polls (yes, really).

The former is voted by the right wing and the increasing number of victims of mass immigration; while the latter got in by feigning a fresh take on politics, before revealing their hand as yet another Soros financed group - their voters had actually no idea they were for mass migration.

Just before the election that put them into power, Italy had briefly avoided destruction when the vastly hated Communist-Democratic Party failed to pass legislation to give automatic citizenship to any and all immigrants (effectively turning being Italian into nothing). Italians were horrified at the increasingly aggressive tones of the party, which basically threatened ethnic cleansing through foreign troops in the case of wrongthink. Well guess what, now the 5 Stars are about to resurrect the policy.

A massive state gibs system is about to get written into law, which will primarily benefit immigrant families - effectively the opposite of what Orban has been doing. I say primarily, because it is muddy and mafia-like enough to get rerouted to any 5 Stars ally as needed. Salvini has been in radio silence about this since his trip to Israel, and the cuckservative base is too afraid of racism accusations to admit this is state betrayal.

Italy being effectively a two party system (third parties are really just rebrands), this is going to bust confidence in the anti-globalist movement and hand the country back to mass immigrationists.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are there any plans to protest or riot in response? That’s one thing you guys do better than us here in the US is public demonstration type stuff.
Pull a France/Yellow Vest type thing, scare the piss out of the cuckservatives.

So basically Salvini is doing nothing while the Soros party passes legislation that gives illegal immigrants instant citizenship and gibs?
Every. Time.


No, because the young and violent all sit in the globalist field. If anything, we're getting mock yellow vests who actually side with immigrationists. We can only hope popular anger hits a new high.

He did the bare minimum to pass as anti-immigration: some arrests, lots of criticism of NGOs. People liked this, but they eventually noticed something was wrong when he 1. never restored security to the cities, as is in his power (the No Go zones are still untouched) and 2. never pushed legislation to prevent the left from simply resuming their destruction once they are back.

Last year I didn't realize what the Waiting for Hitler meme really meant. Now I do: you cannot trust anyone who doesn't deliver, in hope to just buy time. Because he's really buying time for the other guys.

It's all over italian media. This massive gibs system is going to happen regardless, as it creates the basis for perpetual power o the 5 Stars. What is new, is that we're looking at it become state funding for an occupying population.


You have the same problem in Poland and Austria, where all this big talk happens but nothing is ever actually done. Orban makes some minor concessions, but is still firmly in ZOG's pocket as "acceptable opposition".

I had higher hopes for Salvini, although I can't say I'm surprised given his stance on Putin.

>5 Stars party, a (((grassroots))) experiment

Protip: anything with the number five and stars refers to freemasons. Ever heard of Propaganda Due? Masons = Italian mafia.

I'm finding it hard to buy this. The 5 Stelle leadership has been solid. The alliance with Lega would never have happened if they had been (((controlled))). No doubt some of the members of the party bow to (((them))), but apparently not enough to prevent the alliance with Salvini. That means that this is likely manufactured hysteria.

Being against migration in the EU without attacking the EU itself and the main culprit namely the (((Schengen Agreement))) is futile because if one EU country is letting in migrants they can freely migrate to any other EU country once they become citizens.

Actually, no, you stupid fucking faggot.
The Italian mafia was wholly jewish
Since Sicily is jewish island.
Masonry was, until the 19th century, non-jews bettering themselves. It has been since like this 3k years before jews even existed. All "masonry is jewry" quotes come from the 19th century and 20th century. Read a fucking book you nignog.

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Gotta at least drop an article, OP!

Then serve up some sauce you spaghetti spilling fuckwit. You claim its all over the media yet you serve up nothing.

As expected the controlled opposition turns out to be CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. All right-wing populist parties are controlled by the same people who control the left, i don't understand how people, especially on this site, still can't understand this simple truth, there is no easy solution and no saviour, all politicians are corrupt and all parties are controlled and the elite will never stop.

Five Stars Movement opposes Israel unlike Northern League
Sage for Jewish Israel

*Jewish shilling ffs

Yeah, when you're for mass migration the kikes totally hate you.

(((Moses Michael Hays))) brought the Masonic Scottish Rite to America, was Deputy Inspector General of Masonry in 1768, and was Grand Master of Massachusetts from 1788 to 1792. Masons have been kiked from the beginning.

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masonry form the very very start at it's inception was kikes gatekeeping the "secret" knowledge that they worship lucifer and rape kids to garner "spiritual power"

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You have a brain of a nigger

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Sauce me up whenever you feel like it, Sionviano-san.

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The 5kikes is a complete kike op and anyone telling you otherwise is full of it.
I'm not pleased with Salvini doing the kike tour but hes the only one who has stopped the nigger boats from coming in AND his new securtiy law that passed last week makes it easier to deport them.

Shills never drop articles.

Are you Italian OP ?
What's the current mood of average Italian facing this blatant cuckery ?
Looking at Italy demographics, the ride to hell will be quick though with Salvi-kike
lmao at le constant shilling for this cunt here.. same jew-tool (le pen, "vox", afd etc..)

Any sources? Or is this wanton demoralization shid bosting??

It's officially ogre. If even Salvini is able to cuck out exactly everybody is.

Where the hell is the source

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These don't mean anything. Protests only have worth if you have a media structure to broadcast those protests into everyone's homes and convince them–the center–that this is what the normal person actually want. Protests are only good for propaganda, and if you don't have the means to produce the propaganda, then 99% of people will not know and/or not care, and the government will never be stressed enough to change anything.


Oh look, it's the same shill tactic again. "The media said he like pissrael!"

fuck Italy. coming from a Romanian

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you're all a buch of idiots. Bolsonaro is a jew puppet too

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he said it himself

its the 5 city states of northern Italy you fuck wits

An incredibly bad puppet is better than a neutral leftie. Bolsonaro is giving guns, reducing taxes and reducing the government, all things which Brazil desperately needs. Israel having influence is collateral, unfortunately, but its better than starving like Venezuela and giving the middle finger to kikes.

typical shill tactic

Nah, it's a borderline retarded way of expressing excellence. 5 stars out of 5.

Always, every time, the shilling never stops

Kindly open any italian news site, famiglia: if I link you an article in italian, you'll have to pass it through a traslator so you might as well do it all on your own.

The discussion about the welfare reform extends back to at least september:

Now that we're closer to the deadline, more precise details are emerging. I.e. this article mentions a 10 years residence requirement.

And that's how boys grow up into men.

They want new elections, because the 5 Stars hid their pro-immigration stance. Salvini has the power to leave the coalition and destroy this government, but at this point we fear that the 5 Stars might just make one with the leftists.

And boy oh boy if the left isn't smelling blood in the water. There is hardly any far right activity against immigrants, while antifa and their italian cousins call for the killing of fascists without any consequence.

Italian politics is something obtuse and unthinkable. When the 5 Stars first entered the italian parliament, they were a sizeable lot and bound to a strict contract with their electorate (that direct democracy I was talking about). I shit you not: by the end of the mandate, over 3/4ths of these 'congressmen' (for a lack of a better word) had DEFECTED from the party to join the leftists. You got that right: in America you got legalized lobbying, in Italy we have legal treason.

user says the 5 Stars are solid after this bout of elections, however. Nope: the clash between the leftist soul of the party and Salvini is so strong that again, several members (including a few top ones) have separated to form their own leftist-aligned group. All of this for mass migration, the one argument that italians want nothing to do with. Ya like democracy?

What about Casapound?

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You don't get into power without first cucking to the Jews. Anyone who thinks you can actually vote an ethnonat or a fascist into power is clinically retarded and has no idea about how the world works. It's NPC-tier thinking.

Why are you posting this here? LULW

Violence is the solution.
Form groups to kill all your enemies.

Salvini is another let down. Another useless kike shill politician. Another pro Israeli traitor. It’s sad, because I really thought he was something different. I wonder what happened during his visit in Israel.

looks like this thread is filled to the brim with the same faggot shills who claim jordan peterstein is the second coming of goebbels and the braindead niggers spamming drumpf = zogzogmuppets 24/7 in this board

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Shareblue out in droves tonight

Who gives a fuck what the 5kikes are up to. Salvini has been eating their party up piece by piece. To the point where if another vote happened today he would probably get the 40% all on his own.

Is there any right-wing who is not completely cucked out to kikes? no.

are you newfag OP? next time put the source first and archive it

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Zig Forums is helping the jews' war on populism as usual.

Another useless faggot pressure release valve. What a surprise.


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user, it's been on for days on all italian media. Salvini is either to throw down the government or accept this massive cuckolding.

only the biggest of spastics and newfags couldn't see this coming
these "elected" (((fags))) will save nothing. white revolution is the only solution

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drumpf is zog tho. no non-zogbot gets into this system. they're all masons or jews.

Best thing to do is start burning banks before you end up like America where Congress votes on policies strengthening Israel even during a government shutdown while military leaders who voluntarily joined to protect citizens from government takeovers get high on pain killers.

You are mostly wrong. Sure, protests don't get ((( aired ))) when they are against the narrative, but people in their homes will see them anyway when they are protesting on their fucking homes and loud as fuck.
Yellow vests for example aren't being properly aired, but people in France are noticing as it interrupts normal services (transport, etc)

COINTELPRO used to be better before it was outsourced to NGOs, try harder faggot

It is sad but reality is all these new right wing parties are pro Israel. But we have to take them because alternative is simply Macron/Merkel open borders, give everything to nigs and muslims, fuck natives.

So far we have to watch if these cucks for Israel can do anything and keep pushing JQ redpills to NPCs. I still hope Salvini can do more in future. Maybe one day JQ will be mainstream. We can't just expect to replace Merkel and Obama by Hitler 2.0. Genius like Hitler is realy rare. After all who want to end like Kadafi and Sadam. Jews have no morals and some car accidents can hapen to anyone.

Politicians can't be trusted to represent anything but moneyed interests and placate mobs in the process by selling them eternally short of the mark by the farthest possible margin.

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Salvini I saw that name in the news today. Perhaps this thread is meant to deflect this news.

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If you're not in italy and germany they can remove you from government once they make up some bullshit nazi claims. The EU needs to implode (it will soon) so theres no reason why Salvini should be the fall guy for it.

I don't say Salvini should call for extermination of jews. There is still holocaust law in almoust whole EU. Anybody openly nazi would be silenced in politics. Jews sucks and are resposible for all this mess. Yet muslims would to take over Europe even without them and all middle east war on terror. We can't realy join muslim side. Even if i hate it, i think we have to make some alliance with Israel. Jews can have their own nation if they want to. Same like muslims or blacks.

Salvini changed future of Italy. I am sure he will do more. He already did lot. Still sucks to see everyone go Israel and pretend to be friend with Bibi. Israel started this migration and we pretend they not because fucking holocaust fairy tales. Step by step. Lets see what can be done in France now. Macron career is finished already. He should be leader of EU but that is not going to happen. Also Merkel is on her way out. After all. Muslims and niggers breed like rabbits in Europe. Not jews. Goal should be to make muslim lives hell in Europe so they leave. There will be some fights with them for sure one way or another.