Vegans are antisemitic

The Truth About Vegans: Extreme behaviour revealed in Channel 4 documentary
03 Jan 2019
Alex Black

‘Dispatches: The Truth About Vegans’ revealed death threats against farmers, antisemitism and extremism from animal rights activists

This proves that Hitler was right to be a vegetarian. Zig Forums should embrace veganism and spread anti-semitism around.

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Other urls found in this thread: digestive system.html

Fuck yeah nigger

Veganism is Antisemitic in the way that not watching porn and not masturbating is antisemitic.
You actively break the chains that hold down the white race - that (((they))) have put on us. Meat is poison for your body.
All your retaliations against becoming vegetarian / vegan comes from deeply rooted laziness and lack of a strength of will to do the right thing.
Vegetarians have a lot more energy and greater health, higher IQs, and higher testosterone. All as a result of changing to a diet your body is designed to eat as a herbivore.
Ask your self where are your claws goyim?

Absolutely, all my vegan friends I know are energetic and healthy. Remember the gorrilions (and counting) of chicken and pigs meat we burn everyday in literal holocaust to satisfy our greed.

This is the state of /trannypol/ shilling now? How did you sink so low?

Interesting, I've heard of a mythological / legendary battle between the god(s) of Agriculture and the god(s) of Cannibalism. My guess is that the Jewish religious "worships" the god(s) of Cannibalism.
Something, something Prometheus, Cronus, Chronos, Lucifer on the cannibalism/animal sacrifice/meat eating side and Zeus, Saturn (not sure) on the side of agriculture.

pathetic, you were even shittier at this than the hapa shill

Jewish religion

All these carnists. The most anti-semitic people on earth now are Indians and they are all vegeterians. Until and unless whites become vegeterian or vegan, they will lose every battle against jews.

If humans were herbivores we wouldn't be able to digest meat at all

Is that due to causation or correlation. I'm guessing that at least for IQ it is simply the case that people who are smarter will contemplate more about things like what food they're eating.
Guilty as charged, though I am concerned by lack of nutrition of a vegetarian-only diet and soy with its phytoestrogens, though you can avoid eating soy.


Vegans are the greatest hypocrites. They don't eat meat because "killing animals is bad", but they have no qualms killing plants as if they aren't living organisms at all.

If a living organism acts like a human does: DONTEATIT!!

If i can't hear an organism cry for help while i eat it: GOODTOEAT.

Reminder that Hitler was a vegetarian.

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Just leaving this here.

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The life of a single piggo is worth more than every kike and vegan in existence

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Disobeying the jews is antisemitic. Because you can only do that out of blind hatred.

Hate is an emotion, so it can't be proven to be the material cause for anything. Pushing for antisemitism and -phobias is really mock psychiatry, like in the USSR.

Remember the 6 million and counting pigs, cows and chickens burnt in holocaust

What an embarrassingly weak tactic this is.
Vegans suck ass.

Used to be a Vegan; am still a vegetarian; try to avoid milk and eggs; this I'd true.

Thanks for that pro-Trump nigger rap song. I'm sure Zig Forums can relate.

You're not always "killing" plants to eat them… For example, if you pick fruit from a tree, eat the meat of the fruit and plant the seeds, I don't see how that is hypocritical.
However, I don't deny that there is possibly some hypocrisy in Veganism.
I used to tell people:
If you aren't willing to kill the animal with your own two hands, then why should you have someone else kill it for you?

If you listen to the song to the end, you'd realise it's talking about how it's sad that Donald Trump sold out to the Kikes.

More proof that trannies are brain damaged.

No. It is due to lying. None of those things are true.

Veganism is entirely hypocrisy. Millions of rodents are poisoned to death in grain and legume production. Someone who eats grass fed beef is responsible for far fewer deaths than a vegan eating grains and legumes from industrial agriculture.

OP you crazy

They can just source it locally. And that's lazy fatalism to wiggle out of it

Read some of Majanobu Fukuoka's books, my friend… It doesn't have to be that way:
Also "One-Straw Revolution" is very good.
Fukuoka got higher yields using his natural methods that are even more extreme than permaculture.
Also, your argument is malformed.
We live in an imperfect world.
It's like saying that any White man who has a (((GMail))) account is complicit in White Genocide.

fuck meat, but also do not embrace veganism, anons

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Don’t care, jew. No one believes you. We will never stop eating meat.

No they can't. There are literally no non-industrial grain or legume producers to buy from.

I have read both of his books. If you want to advocate for growing your own food in a similar manner, then do so. But that is entirely irrelevant to veganism.
My argument is not "malformed" you fucking retard. My argument is correct. Promoting veganism in order to lower animal deaths is wrong. It does not achieve the goal at all. It does not lower animal deaths. It simply lets you pretend you aren't killing animals when you are.

Why do kikes resort to such stupid nonsense? Notice how nobody has ever observed that happening, despite millions of autopsies being done?

Says the capraphile.

OP here. Can you elaborate a bit more? I am interested to know.

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(((you))) realize carnivorous animals have short digestive tracts?

Also, this is only of those self improvement and virtue threads that drive the kikes insane! Nice job, OP

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do you have other pic like this one pls ?

Prune nectar and coffee.

No. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Our society is eating way too much bread, soy, and legumes and it's halving our testosterone levels. Eat meat, veggies, and fruits, and only eat carbs if you do vigorous physical activity daily or are trying to bulk up.

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This happy mother fucker gave a series of lectures about being happy and one of the components was nutrition. One of his points was herbivores like cows have long digestive tracts. Humans have a long herbivore style bowel system.

Found this googling:

> digestive system.html

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Thanks good info. But I must say that guy has a big nose. Thanks anyway.

What is more based than the caste system?

Um no we don’t have herbivore bowl systems. Animals like cows are called ruminants. Cows have 3 or 4 stomachs that act like mini-fermenters, allowing them to digest starches and the like. We have nothing like this.
Cows mainly digest through the actions of bacteria. We mainly digest through various hydrolytic enzymes in a highly acidic environment most bacteria cannot live in. It’s only after we’ve broken our food down do our gut microbiomes come into play.

So our digestive systems couldn’t be any more different than standard grazing herbivores.

Sorry cellulose not starch
Sage for doublepost

Meat is more than necassary to the human diet, we are designed to be omnivorous to choose meat over vegetables or vegetables over meat are both equally incorrect, the full amino acids meat provides in its protein alone is reason enough to retain it in your diet not to mention the roles it plays in the phosphagen energy system. In terms of vitamins where meat is deficient plants can be used to supply the vitamins you need to keep going. both are necassary, neither are useless

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How hard is it for people to simply avoid (((processed))) foods and eat a natural human diet of fruit, vegetables, and animal products? Eating a normal amount of any of these won't tank your health as long as you avoid pesticides, hormones, etc. Just lift and eat the nutrients your body needs and you are already well on your way to healthy testosterone levels compared to the average soyboy.

I'm in no ways a "militant" vegan/vegetarian and I don't think it's the biggest issue tight now.
I am also impressed that you have read Fukuoka.
How do you KNOW that your argument isn't malformed, though?
If you thought it was, then you wouldn't have said it. Don't be so arrogant. We're all trying to learn from each other here.
I just don't think you're being fair or consistent.
For instance:
Hitler's ban on vivisection doesn't mean that just because possibly other animals were being mistreated elsewhere in Germany, that the ban on vivisection was somehow "hypocritical"… Hitler himself was a vegetarian ironically.
Also, not all vegans and vegetarians claim to be "absolutists" against ANY killing of animals.
This would be analogous to being a Pacifist but also in favour of Capital Punishment in some cases. This is not necessarily inconsistent in my opinion.

I like this guy.
Sikhs and Jain's were some of the best people I met in Thailand.
They are very open to the JQ as well.

Actually very hard.

(((you))) realize omnivorous animals have medium length digestive tracts?

No we do not. We have medium length digestive tracts like omnivores. We are incapable of digesting the primary foods of most herbivores.

Because arguments can not be "malformed", that is nonsensical. My statement is factual. If you had an actual criticism of the argument, you would make it. Since you can not offer any form of rebuttal, you just say it is "malformed", which is completely meaningless. I realize you don't speak english as a first language, but that doesn't make the underlying lack of argument ok.
No it does not, and that is entirely irrelevant. If Hitler had said "everyone has to stop killing animals for testing and just kill them for fun instead" then it would be both hypocritical and relevant. Vegans are not reducing suffering, at all, in any way. There is no reduction in deaths. So your analogy is dishonest. Argue the actual point, not an analogy.
They are not reducing the deaths at all. They do not meet their own standard, yet they insist everyone else has to live like them. Again, you present a dishonest analogy because you can not offer a rebuttal to the actual argument. A vegan causes just as many animal deaths per year as a non-vegan.

I would trust a guru with proven results than an internet nobody.

Higher than who? Virtue signalling is favored only by the very stupid. Food-religions only exist so that pampered first world assholes and pseudo-wizard con artists can pretend to be more virtuous than everyone else without doing anything special. Of course Israel clams to be the "most vegan country in the world" because it's the sort of cheap virtue signalling that kikes and their stupid golems love.

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Look up kosher to see what I mean

Please make it more obvious that that was a joke, else it just looks so… dumb.
But I have an actual, unironic question that may be dumb:
are these "evolutionary" arguments actually true?
I mean, we do also still have these evolutionary leftovers, these vestiges so that might be part of the equation.
Honestly, I see so many vegans in bad shape and lacking, it's hard for me to believe that it's really a more safe diet in general.
I mean, it may be better in the aspect of "no hormones in the non-meat" and "less saturated fat to cause coronary problems" but there are so many more points, like the question of bone density due too lacking milk.
It's just this huge heap of tangled information and mess and I can't really order it well.
Pls halp.

I don't give a fuck what a retard means. Veganism and the like are food religions for idiots. If you are obsessed with food and think there are "wrong" ways to eat, you're in a cult, and cults are for niggers.

Thanks, rabbi! Can't wait to eat like a slave!

I would trust every biologist on the planet rather than a subhuman mongrel that idiotic leftist trannies call a "guru" based on nothing.

It can't be better in that way because saturated fat doesn't cause coronary problems. Polyunsaturated fats from seeds do. "Vegetable oil" is the cause of the modern health epidemic, not meat which we consumed for thousands of years without problems.

So are you calling Indians cult? Because the Indians I know, a large portion of them, will not eat anything that has touched meat. There is even a religion there around it called Jainism.

Kosher slaughter and kapporat chicken swinging would justify the starved vegans. Welcome right responses for not most correct causes.

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Newsflash: Everyone hates kikes.

Hitler also injected bull semen directly into his veins.
Hitler also had a micropenis.
Hitler also had one testicle.
Hitler was also a jew.
Hitler was also the father of (((Angela Merkel))).
Hitler was also gay.
Hitler was also a trannyfaggot.
Hitler also loved degeneracy.

Have any more Ari?

Actually, meat is how humans get nutrients from plants without the toxins.
Animals eat toxic plants, humans eat animals.
Pretty simple, really.

user, only oxydation happens, and only to unsaturated fats, especially polyunsaturated fats. That is the real cause of inflammation in the diet.

I would argue it's not the same kind of meat from thousands of years ago, but I guess my best bet is already just eating stuff that is unprocessed and staying away from artificial sugars/carbs.
I guess that's already 90% of the game, the rest is probably diminishing returns as long as I am moderated and sane in my habits?

Kek, yeah it's amazing how much crap they want to hang onto him.
I should really read Mein Kampf some time soon, he probably clears this kind of stuff up there or at least offers a coutner-point to the highly filtered and "refined" "knowledge" I got back in school when I was still in Germany.


What do you think, ass for brains?

saw this.
after a few minutes of introduction to the subject, it became 15-20 minutes of juden talking about themselves. what a surprise.
funnily enough, it shows that vegans and juden are alike in that they are both self obsessed cults that don't care for or talk about anything that isn't their own special group.
perhaps juden sense competition, that vegans are screaming louder than they are - so they have to remind the world that they are the greatest victims.

note, this isn't any reason to become a faggot vegan, i can't believe how easily some of you are led.

veganism is death
vegans suffer serious health problems if they don't take artificial supplementation.
don't listen to the vegan cancer - it is the latest jew-led fad to weaken the population. this programme was likely to advertise it, considering they filled it with propaganda 'horror' videos.

Industrially produced meat is worse than real meat, but the difference is actually not that big. A small reduction in minerals, a small increase in toxic PUFA. Sticking with grass fed mostly solves both problems and is better if you have it available. But eating industrial agricorp meat is better than being an industrial agricorp vegan.
Those don't actually matter. We've eaten large amounts of processed carbs for a few thousand years. The expression "daily bread" referring to your food for the day exists for a reason. Same with the "daily grind" for work, originally referring to grinding grain into flour every day. The healthiest people on earth are a group in Papua New Guinea who eat basically just some tuber which is almost pure starch, coconut which is very high in saturated fat and carbs, and pork. Both saturated fat and carbs are fine, it is polyunsaturated fat that causes all the diseases of modernity. Polyunsaturated fats were only introduced in 1910, precisely when the modern dietary disease epidemic started.

You should eat what you kill, and after raising a few free range chickens you should realize that shit they push at KFC is (((chicken))).

A chicken dinner used to be an occasional treat before factory farms and Wal-Mart. Same with pineapples.

People are realizing that environmentalism is a right wing belief? About time.

Factory farming is fucked, kill and butcher your own meat.

The only reason I can think of that people have trouble understanding that is that the modern definitions of left/right have been intentionally obfuscated to sow disorder, divide and conquer and all that. It should be painfully obvious that any man who loves his family, his people, and/or his country will also care about the wellbeing of their environment, especially in the long-term.

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No. Environmentalism is conservative. Conservative does not mean right wing. National socialism is centrist, not right wing.

I don't know, it seems like those first two are more related to ritual animal slaughter than hygiene and nutrition. Seems like they have no place in a civilized society…

Conserve this, nigger

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Hitler was actually vegetarian though, retard.

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TBH, Kosher slaughter should be illegal.

Only because it made him harder to poison, as the taste of poison is easier to hide in a meat based meal than a plant based one.

It is 100% pointless ritual animal slaughter. They do it by religious mandate in the old testament. It's sort of a throwback to ritual sacrifice in the old testament.

Draining of blood from meat predates the jews. Noah was told that it was okay to meat after the flood, “but you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood” (Gen. 9:4).

Of course, the kikes probably make up some bullshit to justify it somehow. Similarly to the way they try and justify male infant genital mutilation. It's all just kike religious bullshit.

You're one of those Atkins Diet fags, aren't you?
I shouldn't have taken you seriously or given you the benefit of the doubt to begin with.
And then, basically claiming that it's impossible for you to make an argument that is lacking in coherence, shows that you're not really trying to participate in a mutually beneficial learning experience.
I actually did make several valid points, none of which you responded to, probably because you think it's impossible that you could be so arrogant as to not recognise the possibility of learning something by being exposed to a different perspective.
There are all sorts of reasons that someone might want to be a vegetarian; you shouldn't assume what their reasons are, or that the type of "suffering" you think you know is supposedly "increased" due to vegetarianism (without actually explaining HOW) is what all of these people care about.
Who are you actually trying to convince, here?
In any case, at least you managed to remember to sage, as your posts have not contributed anything of value to this discussion.
For the record, I have not only tutored English writing and composition before, but I have a degree in Biology and decided not to go into Medicine, despite scoring 80th percentile on the entrance exam, and right now I'm getting my masters degree. I have taken several courses in and am officially certified in the field of Nutrition, so I think you're assuming a lot of things regarding my language comprehension ability.
But continuing to argue with you would be a waste of time.
To quote George Bernard Shaw:
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, and only the pig likes it."

Last I check, Genesis was a book of the old testament, which I directly referenced. But that it predates even that is not shocking at all. Most of Christianity mythology was stolen directly from Zoroastrianism, and so on.

Kosher and Hala slaughter is backwards.

It is wanton, however these compliance rituals assist their cultural cohesion. If they were not so observant and ate as and with non-believers, perhaps their association with belief also ends.

lowly educated peasants who have no idea, of all the other parts usually do lash out nearly randomly, at basic doctrines. Without consideration for other parties. I know this very well as my own doctrines were kinda of…low non branching value (it takes time to study stuff). On each ladder, of each religion, and doctrine there are always the beginners, who dont know shit. Some doctrines really dont have much depth though. So its logical to assume that eventually some shitty low level doctrines would collide with our, or pro our interests. But at large the veganists are bringing about a trend that would demasculanize the white male even more.

take the last few posts here as a good example

A non optimal diet for white males, that lowers testosterone and gives a plethora of unwanted problems to the individual following this decrepit doctrine.


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It's true though

I would not become a vegan because I've heard it is unhealthy and makes you weaker, but it is extremely oppositional to Judaism/Jewish traditions and Jewish worldview

lean meats are one of the fastest things that digest.


Nothing semitic has a place in civilised society

I personally have nothing against people who want to become vegetarians because they cared a lot about animal welfare like Hitler did. It just becomes a shitshow when people start talking about medical benefits and virtue signalling.


WTF I love vegans now

It's a TORpedo, don't expect much

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Fuck off.