History and Analysis of ETA

Continuing Our Series on Asymmetric Warfare; Basques, Bombs, and Bickering

Before we begin this thread, I must get some disclaimers out of the way again.
First of all, talking about violence is not an endorsement of violence. M'kaaaaaaaay?
Secondly, talking about an organization is not an endorsement of their ideology.
Lastly, I will be writing about ETA under the assumption that they existed. If you think that they were just a conspiracy and that all their attacks were really just a Fascist psy-op to do whatever-something-blah blah-martial-law-or-whatever then please just make your own thread. If you really think that everything is a conspiracy, I'm not going to argue with you. This thread is about analyzing things and I guess I'm just not woke enough to see though the illuminati conspiracy.
If everything is a conspiracy, then there is no way to analyze it logically.

Like the PIRA struggle in Northern Ireland, the Basque independence struggle can trace its roots back to the early 20th century and even before that. I'm not going to get into the Carlist Wars or even into the agitation for nationalism in the early 20th century but suffice it to say that, like many conflicts the Basque struggle has a lot of history.
For brevity sake, I will be analyzing the 20th century struggle that officially ended only recently with a permanent ceasefire in 2010.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The origin of the ETA is found in Spanish Civil War. As we all know, the Falangists won the conflict and smashed the USSR backed government. During the Republic's shaky and short existence, the Basque nationalist party negotiated themselves autonomy within the Republic. After Franco crushed the republican regime, the Basque nationalist party fled to Paris and set up a government in exile. Little guerrilla action of any note transpired during this time. Eventually, an organization of nationalist and leftist students was formed called the Society of Basque Students (EIA). They did not engage in revolutionary actions other than encouraging strikes and disobedience to the new regime. And in 1950, the Fascist government were able to infiltrate the organization right up to the top and arrest its entire leadership in detail.
The men who survived this catastrophe learned to be very picky about who they allowed into their ranks.
ETA founder José Luis Álvarez Emparanza remarked, "The ease with which we were arrested and… the almost total destruction of the organization… made it clear that serious and continuous work was required to improve our security standards."

The ETA leadership would emerge out of the students who survived this roundup.

Long story short, several student led organizations of Basque youth began meeting again and became disillusioned with the government in exile's inability to do anything concrete to resist the regime. In addition, they were viewed by many as sellouts to the Republic for not demanding full independence and for refusing to declare Basque the official and exclusive language of the future Basque homeland. Eventually, the ETA was formed from these disgruntled and radical youths in 1959.
Their opening acts were to simply spraypaint "ETA" on the walls of buildings in Basque cities and to distribute pamphlets. These small acts of defiance gave little idea what destruction they would wreck upon Spain in the next decades.

During the next few years, far more effort was spent on infighting between three main factions within Basque nationalist thought. The first were simply Basque nationalists who also wanted lite socialism for Basques. They were colloquially known as the "Nationalist Workers". They sought to create an exclusively Basque national homeland regardless of class or occupation. They opposed alliance with other Spanish organizations as they felt that to do so would simply invite betrayal at the end of the struggle, as has happened before.
Opposing them were the more marxist-y marxists who were colloquially known as "the Trotskyites." They didn't care much for Basque nationalism or even language or culture. They mostly just wanted to kill fascists and Basque capitalists and openly advocated alliance with non-Basque insurrectionists. They didn't care overmuch if the Basque people got a homeland out of their struggle. Only that the workers' revolution happened. They were your average, bland, run of the mill marxists that were fashionable in the 1960s.
Lastly there was a very interesting faction led and founded by a German, of all people named Federico Krutwig. He analyzed the situation that the Basque people were in and surmised that the Basque were effectively a colony of Spain and that they must conduct a colonial war along the lines of Vietnam or Algeria to rid themselves of their colonial oppressors. This faction was very violence oriented, very nationalistic, and very anti-capitalist. Essentially, they were NazBols who didn't understand the JQ. They sought an ethnic-class war. And they opposed any alliance with non-Basque insurrectionists on the grounds that they would betray them.
Naturally, the NazBols eventually won the internal civil war among Basque nationalists. First driving out the marxists and then absorbing the nationalists.

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In my opinion, Krutwig's analysis of how to wage a nationalist struggle is correct. I may not agree with all his political ideas, but his strategy of waging economic warfare seems correct to me. He sought not to defeat Spain militarily but economically. By making the cost of continuing to suppress Basque nationalism higher than the economic benefit of keeping them in the Spanish "empire." This, my friends, is how you get the elites to give into demands. By smashing their greedy fingers over and over and over again until they let go. However, as we shall see, some mistakes were made that doomed his struggle.

In 1961, the Falangist authorities became aware of the group's existence when ETA conducted their first attack against the regime. They attempted (and failed lol) to derail a train that was carrying some Fascist political leaders in San Sebastián. However, with the alleged assistance from traitors, the Spanish authorities rounded up 110 members, tortured them a little, and sentenced them to 15-20 year prison sentences for subversive activity. Apparently, they had not learned quite how to properly vet their recruits.
Oh btw, this is going to be a recurring problem with ETA so bear that in mind. Perhaps they had loose lips. Or maybe the Falangists were just really efficient at police work.

Once again, the survivors fled into France where they spent the next years infighting. By the end of 1966, the Third Worldist faction (the NazBol-ish one) had cemented their control over ETA. The marxists were expelled and attempted to form their own rival organization that simply faded into obscurity. (True to form, the marxists showed their contempt for the People and quickly dropped all pretense of fighting for Basque independence as soon as they formed their rival ETA.) For now the revolution would be a Basque one.
Furthermore, the NazBol faction left in command of ETA laid out a plan to defeat Spain that fans of Dr. William Pierce will recognize; The plan was to conduct attacks upon the Spanish government and institutions intended to provoke the Regime to overreacting. The idea being that if the regime committed atrocities against the Basque people in retaliation for ETA attacks, it would rouse the non-combatant populace around ETA and allow the terrorist organization to progress into a guerrilla army.

In 1967 the newly consolidated ETA conducted their first direct attack on the Spanish military. One year later, in response to the Spanish response to their attacks, they assassinated Melitón Manzanas who was a Basque himself and also a police commander and strong Spanish nationalist.

As the ETA had hoped, these actions compelled Franco to react immediately and harshly by declaring martial law first in Basque country and then for all of Spain. Basque celebrations and political activity was harshly repressed.
Finally the ETA had successfully escalated the war.
Now everything came crashing down…

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Mistakes were made
After the slaying of Mansanas, literally thousands of Basques were arrested on suspicion of disloyalty. Many were tortured into making confessions. Unfortunately for ETA, one of the people swept up in the raids was Gregorio López, a high ranking member of ETA and his wife. Lopez happened to actually be the man who had assassinated Manzanas. However, they could not prove it due to lack of evidence. So he was released but for whatever reason, his wife (pregnant) was kept for further… "questioning"
During the torture and imprisonment she suffered a miscarriage and after nearly a month in police custody, Lopez decided to break into the prison to rescue her. He solicited a fellow ETA agent and both men tried to break into the jail and rescue her but were caught. Like an idiot, Lopez was carrying the very same weapon used to assassinate Manzanas and ballistics testing quickly determined this and he was charged with the murder.
Naturally, the men torturing his wife began to torture Lopez and within months, Spanish police captured the entire leadership board of the ETA Central Committee. Many of the arrests were made in their own "safe houses" so I think it's safe to say that Lopez talked under torture.

Let's take a step back from this so we can analyze went wrong during this mess.
First of all, the obvious; Lopez did not get rid of his weapon after assassinating Manzanas. Always get rid of your weapons after doing anything with them in a hypothetical political warfare situation. But for the love of god, don't use the same pistol to break into a jailhouse.
Secondly, Lopez was high enough ranking to know the locations of dozens of ETA safehouses and virtually its entire command structure. So he should not have been involved in the rescue of his wife. Breaking into a prison is one of the most dangerous actions a terrorist can undertake.
Thirdly, once Lopez had been arrested the ETA should have abandoned all safehouses immediately. Even if your pal is arrested and then released, you should do some basic bitch op-sec like this just in case. In fact, I maintain that if someone is arrested and released, they should be considered radioactive by the organization and all contact terminated immediately just in case he is being followed by the police or worse, has defected. Perhaps after months of monitoring, he can be readmitted into the organization.
And lastly, though I'd rather not get bogged down in a MGTOW argument about how womyn are the devil, I kind of want to point out that Lopez's wife was tortured for an entire fucking month and she did not mention the fact that her own husband was a high ranking member of ETA. Yet Lopez broke almost immediately under torture and revealed the names and locations of the entire leadership of his own organization, thus crippling the war effort for years.
I've never been tortured so I am not calling into question Lopez's integrity. But his wife deserved a fucking metal.

Back to our story…
With the decapitation of ETA's leadership in Spain, things only got worse. Due to talking among those captured and plain bad luck for operatives in the field, dozens of other operatives were rounded up and arrested in just a few weeks.
Now, virtually the entire leadership of ETA in Spain had been decapitated so the few remaining members fled (yup, you guessed it) across the border to France again and called another assembly to figure out where to go from here. And this, THIS is the really demoralizing part. ETA's remaining leadership now immediately descended into a civil war over what to do. With the old leadership largely sitting in prison, the marxists came back and argued against Basque nationalism and that the ETA (which btw, stands for "Basque Homeland and Freedom") should really be a multi-cultural worker's party. The Marxists then began expelling everyone not a Marxist and the remaining Third-Worldist NazBols fired back and declared them illegitimate. To which the marxists charged the remaining leadership of ETA of being "racist and bourgeoise!"
This more than anything demoralized and disheartened the remaining revolutionaries on the Spanish side of the border.
Too, it was clear that the strategy of provocation and response could no longer be maintained. The ETA were incapable of even responding to these crippling arrests. Amidst the debate between the Third Worldists and the Marx-faggots, there emerged a debate over whether ETA should even be a violent organization at all. Many argued that it was impossible to resist the regime when provoking it caused such a vicious crackdown. The remaining NazBols amazingly became even more adamant that violence must be escalated, completely convinced that they could force the regime to take even more alienating retaliation against the population through violent action. But given the crippled state of ETA, their calls seemed hopelessly utopian.

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Soon, these ETA leaders were tried in Spanish courts and sentenced life imprisonment or death. However, Francisco Franco intervened and commuted the sentences to around 30 years each.

Anyway, back in France the leadership of ETA broke up into several splinter groups… again. One of which was, yup, you guessed it; a marxist faction that loudly and arrogantly argued that ETA must abandon Basque nationalism for some more bland, boring MaRxIsM.tm
However, once again these class obsessed, effete, intellectual bobos were hopelessly out of touch with the working class Basque that they hoped would do their fighting for them. The Basque were no friends of capitalism, but they were also highly nationalistic. And the ETA-VI faction lasted less than 2 years before they also split between the Trotskyites and various other sects of communism. They faded into obscurity.
That is what happens when effete, marxist bobos ignore the real working class and obsess over frivolous trivialities like marxism. Real men are loyal to their families, their traditions, and their nation. Not your dumb book.
This tangent has a purpose. I know that about 20% of the anons who post here will not bother reading my thread and will simply write "HEY!!! Did u kno that tha EtA wuz marxists???? I'll bet u didnd kno that!!!!"
However, I want those who do read this to understand one of the key weaknesses of marxist terrorist organizations. The man on the ground who does the fighting for marxist intellectuals almost never actually believes in all the vain balderdash that the marxist elites yammer about. The only reason that men allow these effete marxist intellectuals to lead them is because they have chanced upon a few solid points about the injustice of capitalism. However, these soulless marxist intellectuals also have no respect for the traditions and families that constitute the backbone of ALL human groups. Most working class men bitterly resent these arrogant assholes trying to deconstruct their culture and existence. To the marxist, nationalism is simply "flag worship" and they actually cannot even see the distinctions between people. They are blind to all the beautiful cultures and traditions that make humanity interesting. They have no souls and thus cannot see other people with souls. All they see are interchangeable worker units. Just like the capitalists. But people don't like being interchangeable worker units. People are Basques and Bretons and Germans and Danes. The marxists think that this is just flag worship, and they fail to even comprehend that a nation is far more than a fucking flag. Almost all successful marxist movements combine loads of nationalism with their bland marxism.

Tangent over. Back to our story…

Of the many splinter groups that formed in 1969-70, one started out with nothing and soon became synonymous with ETA. This group was the remaining Third-Worldist faction which split off from the marxist one to call themselves ETA-V. Soon, their nationalistic and anti-capitalistic appeal galvanized the Basque patriots and their ranks swelled. Soon, they had recovered their strength and immediately set about where the old ETA failed; escalating the conflict.
First they conducted assassinations against "traitors" and collaborators. They burned down the homes of politicians. And for funds they robbed banks. They engaged in shootouts with police and conducted bombings of symbolic targets.
The violence paid off.
Here is just one example of terrorism working for analysis;
In 1971, a Basque capitalist and collaborator Zabala had pissed off some striking Basque workers and 154 men found themselves replaced by Spanish immigrants. Within days, Zabala was kidnapped outside his office and a Basque newspaper published ETA-V's demands; Rehire all the Basque workers, give them a raise, and a few other minor demands.
The company leaders met a few days later and agreed the demands.
One thing that I have noted is that corporations are far more susceptible to terrorism than governments are. The more profit-oriented an institution, the more likely it will negotiate with terrorists.

After this kidnapping, ETA-V (who we'll now just call ETA) went on to conduct attack after attack. In August 1972, they were conducting an average of one per day. Things would only get worse for the government.

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The Assassination of Luis Carrero Blanco
In the Autumn of 1972 ETA received information that heir apparent to Francisco Franco; Luis Carrero Blanco had established a pattern of attending Catholic Mass via a specific road. At first, ETA planned on kidnapping him but later decided to simply assassinate him in the hope of bringing down the regime.
In early 1973, an ETA cell stormed a powder factory in Hernani and stole 3000 kilos of explosives. That Autumn, a three man cell rented a basement apartment parallel to the rout that Blanco was known to take to church. Over the course of a month or so, these men dug a tunnel out into the road directly underneath where they hoped Blanco would be driving. They explained to their neighbors that they were artists and they were making a statue in the basement. This explained the chiseling noise.
The hole underneath the road was then loaded with 80 kg of Goma-2 explosive to be detonated by a remote controlled device. A metal slab was placed underneath the bomb to force the explosive force upward. On the day of the assassination, the three men had parked a car along one of the lanes to force Blanco's driver to drive directly over the site of the IED. Disguised as electricians, they observed his travel from the road and detonated the bomb as he passed over it. He and his driver died in the explosion.

This act more than any other event doomed Fascist Spain to democratization. It would, in the regime we live under, be akin to assassinating Hillary Clinton in 2015. Not to imply Francisco Franco was Spain's Barrack Obama.
Just put that into perspective.
That is power. That is using violence to defeat a repressive government.

However, there was a worm in the apple for ETA.
As a social experiment, I want all of you to pause reading and take a wild guess what ETA did after this astonishing accomplishment. Just stop for a minute and take a guess at what happened next.

That's right anons; They held another assembly in France and purity spiraled over ideological differences and split into multiple different competing factions. What else would they do?

The Decline and Fall of ETA
During the chaos of the post-Franco era and the various splinter factions of ETA, a deadly paramilitary force named GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación) was created under the new leftist government to hunt down and disrupt ETA in their bases in France. The effects were devastating as this counter-terrorist organization was well trained and often relied on professional terrorist hunters. They managed to assassinate several high ranking ETA agents.
In addition to this new threat from counter-terrorist organizations, ETA embarked upon a new strategy that proved devastating in the long run for the organization. This strategy involved detonating car bombs in economic areas of Madrid, Barcelona, and other Spanish cities.
Normally, I'd say this is a great idea because I love that shit. However, for whatever reason ETA cells began to attack shopping malls. ETA claimed to have given the police warnings before the bombs went off (some going off at peak shopping hour) while the police claimed that they had not received warnings with adequate time to evacuate shoppers. In any case, casualties soared and economic damage to the new regime was minimal.
ETA attacks against the regime became less frequent but deadlier to civilians. Attacks appeared to be intended to cause high civilian body counts. This played right into the hands of the media corporations that found no shortage of bloody bodies to plaster on television and break the resolve of the civilian population, Basque and Spaniard alike.
In 1997, ETA kidnapped Miguel Ángel Blanco, a Spanish politician in Biscay and demanded the release of ETA prisoners in exchange for his life. The democratic elites couldn't care less about a nameless low level political leader and refused. Blanco was executed and used as a martyr by the regime who suddenly could remember his name to rally the public against ETA.
Stymied and outsmarted at every turn, ETA continued conducting attacks against shopping malls, football stadiums, and parking lots. Failing to cause significant damage to the regime, failing to provoke serious repressive retaliation by the democratic government, failing to force the government to make concessions, failing to avoid civilian casualties.
By 2010, their cause was exhausted and this once mighty terrorist organization meekly surrendered to the democratic government.

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What can we learn from ETA?

One, racking up high civi body counts is not the path to victory. It is the path to isolation and defeat. A guerrilla must always be mindful of how his actions are perceived by the public. If one cannot control the message through propaganda, then the regime may use it against them. Caution must be taken against this dangerous failure.

Two; One of ETA's primary weaknesses was it's seeming inability to weather ideological differences within the organization. Every time they suffered a setback or even a victory, personal animosities and ideological discrepancies boiled over tp the surface and led to self destructive infighting. At times, ETA attacks would stop completely to the confusion of the police. Later it would be discovered that the reason for this was that ETA had been focusing its energy on personal disputes between its leadership in across the border in France.

Three; If I described every breach of ETA's security, this thread would actually be a book. For whatever reason, ETA was absolutely terrible at keeping secrets from the police. This led repeatedly to their entire command structure being arrested at once. This sent the organization into chaos and caused more infighting between the new leaders.
Actually, I'll tell you why I think the police often had an edge on ETA. I believe that it was the fucking marxists. I suspect that every time that the marxists within the organization didn't get their way, they went to the police to sabotage their "comrades." After all, if I can't get MY way, then NO ONE should survive.

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Anyway, unlike my PIRA thread, I will not be posting an ETA folk video because they tend to be pro-marxist trash made by effete socialist students who never fought with the organization. However, I will post this nice Basque folk song. It's nice. And yes, a lot of Basque folk-music is this neat halting according music. Kinda catchy.
So here is some thread music.
Here is a disclaimer Don't do drugs or sluts
Here is the TLDR; Basques wanted freedom and came close but they couldn't get their act together but at least they have a lot of autonomy.
And I'm done.
Please forgive any typos.

Damn, this is high quality. You clearly did your homework. Love it. This war is only to be won with intelligent moves.
Do you still have the link to the analysis about Pira? Can not find it anymore.

Sure thing, user

Oh Vey! Fascists!

Thank you for your quality threads, but I think you forgot to integrate the historical background without one can not understand the Spanish Civil wars and the political situation this all played in. Biggest failure is to name the foreign meddling into this affair.

OK, the whole trouble started with the Spanish war of Succession, when a (Italian French) Bourbon should replace the late Habsburgian king.
The Bourbons were in French fashion to abolish the local rights and create a central state. That didn’t go well especially with Basques and Catalans who did support a Habsburgian alternative as Spanish king.
The Basques and latter Carlists were a particular conservative and Catholic people that opposed the (((liberals))) and their (((enlightenment modernising))).

Basque nationalism as an independence movement and the foundation of the Basque National party is a British psy-op of the 19th century when its founder went to study in Britain to “discover” that the Basque are a “total different people” than the rest of the Spanish.
Unsurprising the symbol of this movement looks like the British flag.

Northern Spain was then under strong influence of Britain (more than already regular) due to the influence of British financed and modelled industrialising.

It is important that the founder of Basque nationalism was a unashamed racist and many Basque still follow his ideas (even if he was factual incorrect and goaded by the Brits).

Another point is that France lusted since a long time to annex Barcelona. French Occitan originally a similar culture and language as the Catalans had. Navarre, the original Basque kingdom was absorbed half by France after the French revolution and half by Spain.

Fast forward to the last Spanish Civil war that was won by Franco with the help of Britain. In fact the British started the war by flying Franco out of the Canary island to North Africa and his troops.
While the Britain supported in secret Franco, publicly they were the biggest enemies of him and are the source of the most influential anti-Francoist, anti-Spanish propaganda through its publishing houses and universities, particularly its history departments, such is the duplicity of the British.

The (((French communist))) regimes before and after the war were the biggest enemies of Franco, more than the Soviets.

It was no accident that ETA found refuge in France and the decline and dissolving of ETA happened when France, very late, did withdraw its support. Most armament depots, safe houses, hiding place for kidnapped person and source of its explosive were in France.
One can say that ETA was a French anti-Spanish secret service operation.

That is what happens when effete, marxist bobos ignore the real working class and obsess over frivolous trivialities like marxism. Real men are loyal to their families, their traditions, and their nation. Not your dumb book.
Don't tell the tranies at Zig Forums that
On another note isnt it suprising that ETA got promising results once the Caudillo (Franco's most famous title here) died?

Those masks are such a fucking meme.

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I loved your IRA thread OP. Any book recommendations for someone interested in this topic and it's coloured history?

on another note after reading the thread, I might concede they started getting results at the near end, if it wasnt because of them we might have saved our country. Then again Franco was a bit crazy since not only did he kill the Falange but suppressed the ethnic groups of Spain, forming not only ETA but Terra Illure and GRAPO too

Other than that nice thread OP, really educational, really has a lot of things they don't tell you at (((school)))

wouldn't be suprised if you were trying to teach us something OP you clever boy

Here are some important facts about ETA, which as I see, haven't been mentioned:

The representative of the Basque government in exile, José Antonio Aguirre, moved his government to New York in 1941. There, he became close with the OSS, which would later become the CIA.

In May 1945, Basque war veterans would be trained for around 5 months in the Rothschild's castle in Cernay la Ville (France) by American officials. It's relevant to mention that some of those Basque veterans would later become instructors at ETA.

The PNV had an information network established with the CIA, as a result of the relationship built in the years prior by Aguirre. It was only shutdown once the USA recognised Franco's regime in 1953 (in exchange for US military bases). However, a split of the party, which would later become ETA, would keep that same network functioning.

This is an important detail, since it is this CIA-ETA link the one which ultimately facilitated the death of the man who was appointed as Franco's successor, Carrero Blanco, one day after he had a terrible meeting with Henry Kissinger. The latter demanded Carrero to allow Spain's American bases to be used in the Yom Kippur War, which Carrero Blanco opposed.

More information here: web.archive.org/web/20050215052026/http://www.911review.org/Wget/www.jackblood.com/index/id28.html

Or if you speak Spanish, in Pilar Urbano's book.

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I know but I'm sure you can understand why I'm not going to go that far back in time.
In fact, one could even argue that it began even further back in antiquity.

I will say though that the Basque are indeed a distinct people with a different language and culture that stretches back long before even the Romans. Basques and Catalonians are not a British Psy-op. Any linguist can tell you that.

"The Basque Insurgents" by Bob Clark

I have great sympathy for Franco. If he stepped out of line, the kikes would have had his state destroyed in detail. So he chose to collaborate with them. Such a shame.
It is true that he mismanaged Spain.
Then again, he had to deal with a bunch of squabbling factionalism.
Kinda like the ETA.
Yeah, that's an Iberian thing. You folks just can't seem to get along.

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This is true in part (obviously the CIA will be involved in every dissident movement), however the Henry Kissinger meeting had nothing to do with Blanco's assassination. In fact, ETA had planned originally to assassinate him on the 19th but pushed it back when they learned that the Americans would be meeting with him.
In fact, the original plan was to blow him up on the 17th but they were not able to get the bomb ready on time.

not even the falangists, who were arguably more united than most groups. managed that, some came with Franco out of either pragmatism or sheer anticommunist fervor, other went against him because they knew that Franco not being able to help Primo de Rivera was not an accident on his part. And yeah we never get along, we even had the shitshow of the First Republic that didnt even last a year, what with the federalist war (on which a federal republic was born on which each province had its own army, the provinces even went to war with other provinces) and the third Carlist War in Catalonia, Vascogonda and the northen part of Castille.

You ran this through a text anonymizer, no?

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Carrero Blanco was second to Franco and his confident, “successor” purported executor of his heritage.
His assassination eased the transition to (((Democracy))) after the death of the Caudillo. A process that was prepared already during the lifetimes of Franco through the “technocrats” reformers that lead the “Spanish economic miracle” after the opening of the country and breakthrough of the post war blockaded by selling out to the USA by Franco.

Blanco was seen by many as a arch-Francoist stumbling stock for further (((liberalisations, “normalisation” and opening))) of the country. After his death and the death of Franco, the technocrat reformers of the old regime, the forerunners of the PP, in collaboration with the new inaugurated king demolished the Francoist state.

So there were quite potent international interests at work and it was questioned how ETA could execute that and get away with it. ETA published a justification of the murder in France, written as a book by a long time member of the Spanish communist party. She helped the assassins in this case and in a second bombing of a cafe restaurant in central Madrid. They were all caught in the end but benefited from an amnesty in 1977 after the death of Franco, that set all of the imprisoned ETA members free, that immediate started a new campaign of terrorism in Spain, much bigger than there ever was during Franco.

I get what you're saying, but it's not difficult for 3 men to do such a thing. As we know, the munitions warehouse in Hernani was stormed and its contents stolen by ETA. In fact, all throughout northern Spain and even in France, mining industries were often broken into and explosives, detonators, and primers stolen. It was no secret how ETA and even random terrorist organizations like the FLNP get explosives in France. And even if you're too timid to steal some explosives from a mining plant, it's not too difficult to simply buy explosives off the black market.

As for the assassination itself, I fail to see what is so difficult about chiseling a tunnel under a road. 1 dedicated man could do it. 3 is enough.

And let's not kid ourselves, Admiral Blanco made himself out to be the perfect target. Doing the same thing on the same road at the same time every single day makes it easy for some malevolent person or persons to do you in. An important man like Blanco establishing a pattern like that is asking for someone to assassinate you.
It'd be like George Soros going on a morning job every Monday at 9:05 AM. Wouldn't that just be a tasty opportunity… er… to have a peaceful chat with him?

Cool, an actually interesting thread.

Does anyone have any good books about Catalan or basque history?
I am a ignorant burgerfat, and I know virtually nothing about those regions or the people within them.

Screencapped thread.


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Anyone researching Basque nationalism, Arana and the foundation of the Basque National Party will come to the conclusion of British meddling into Spanish affairs, it is so obvious.

That isn’t a unique case. After the failure of defeating the Spanish empire by military means, siege of Cartagena , Britain resorted to subversion.
During Napoleonic war and the weakening of Spanish control over America, Britain financed Simon Bolivar and the subversion of Spanish authority by local Criollo that saw a opportunity to enrich themselves.

That pattern was re-imported to Europe with Garibaldi.

here you go, user

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Good and true post. The British elite, heavily interbred with jews since the 17th century, does indeed engage and excel in all kinds of subversion and subterfuge. The concept of honor has no meaning for them, and an anglo can never be fully trusted.

A document of the Spanish secret services stated that the explosive used was C-4, an explosive made in the US for the exclusive use of the US Army. Lines of investigation mention it could have entered via the base of Rota.

Regarding Carrero Blanco, it's known that he wanted to renegotiate the deal for US military bases in Spain and opposed their use in aid to Israel in the Yom Kippur War (it's relevant to mention that Spain didin't recognize the State of Israel until 1982 and was quite pro-Palestinian back then as picrelated shows), opposed Spain's entrance in NATO and didn't adhere to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (which, combined with the fact that Spain was storing plutonium and deviating it from IAEA's controls, made it pretty clear they were working on a nuclear bomb). Needless to say, he was quite a hardliner, some US documents even stated they preferred Franco over him.

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It is a damn shame that he died. It is just common sense for dissident states to get nuclear weapons.

There where 30 Etaras in the city, a year in advance, most of them known to police as illegals. Police was forewarned that something against Carrero Blanco was planed and that ETA teams had crossed the Borders from France.
Police was ordered not to search a safe house of the terrorists. At the day of the attack, police in the near was withdrawn. After the bombing nothing was done to shut down exit routes out of Madrid or Spain – the head of government of Spain had been murdered!


Interesting is there were two bombs. One in a car that did not exploded and could be traced to ETA.
From a technical point that makes no sense, could have endangered the success of the operation, if the car bomb would have went off to early, displacing the admirals car from the ideal point.

The author of the above article thinks there were insider that wanted to dispose off the premier.

I just wanted to give you a compliment and a bump OP. I've been browsing the chan's for more than a decade, and these are by far some of the most informative, intriguing and well written threads I've ever seen.

Cheers mate.

Life is pain

Siege pilled material
Ironic how awd experiencing right from its start this ideological infighting with strasserists and satanists

Why did they wear the white masks? They look like angry ghosts with black hats.

in the case of basque have been fighting for their independence since birth,being the only non indo european group of europe ,not losing their culture when the romans came ,defeat the german tribes ,being with asturians the only non muslim controled territory of iberia say clearly all you need to know about them
is only natural that they would fight against spaniards for their independence later on

Great thread OP & Friends, marks well what it was all about, the Barcelona Underground Parking lot bombing is also worth noting due to its overly silly development that plays as a joke, and was the turning point for people seeing the organization in a bad light worldwide.

There's also this movie, Gillo Pontecorvo's Ogro, based on the book mentions. It's a dramatization of the Blanco bomb ordeal, with some background story from 2 bombers which can be seen as normal drama explaining the basque background, but for those who have read the thread it is obvious the director wanted to showcase both sides of the organization: The fervent nationalists who wanted pure autonomy/independence via the only way and the leftists who merely didn't want Franco or his buddies at control, and relied on sympathy politics.
Pontecorvo was a rabid marxist but he knew when to hold his horses while doing his movies, either ignoring the commie aspects or downplaying it as "just as bad" or "we the people". He was the director for Battle of Algiers, so you know he kinda knew how to manage, this movie is not as good but it's worth the watch, kinda slow paced as it is a procedural.

Released in 1979, very shortly after the bomb, it ends in an interesting note challenging the viewer who was going to be right at the dawn of the next decade. The project was made mostly by italians with italian money and italian production due to Spain's butthurt status, so the original one is the go-to version as the spanish one chops a full 10 minutes of footage.

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Forgot to mention another joke/myth, supposedly the ETA managed to get plastic explosives (either Goma-2 from the miner's union, PE4 from the IRA contacts or C-4 from the jew) for the tunnel bomb, but because the ones making it didn't know about plastic they just armed it as a normal powder-based mechanism thinking it was just a fancy presentation, resulting in the obscene launch the car made when the bomb went off (diagram in previous post).
I also read another story saying the spanish announcing that while Blanco's driver died in the explosion, Blanco himself actually died from injuries after the car fell off from the sky.

The americans planning/letting the ETA do the whole thing is also referenced in the movie, as one of the cell's member suspects the U.S. being involved or letting them live as they are tunneling the street A FUCKING BLOCK AWAY from the U.S. embassy whereabouts. The swift response was "Who cares, we have enough problems already so shut your trap hole. As long as this guy dies what's the problem?"

Interesting to see this being speculated in a 1979 film.

Some Spanish cuckservatives I've discussed this subject with argued that this CIA-ETA collaboration theory was Soviet propaganda in origin (via their TASS) which dated back to 1981.

Anyway, dunno if it has been already mentioned in the thread, but there was an interesting document of the US embassy in Spain from 1972, declassified in 2005, which stated that "the best result […] would be for Carrero Blanco to disappear from the scene." It is not "conclusive data" by any means, but it really confirms the fact they didn't like Carrero at all.

Attached: carrerodesaparezca.jpg (1015x768 202.52 KB, 88.78K)

the guy was a patriot to his death, better to be a North Korea with honor than to be a little JewSA

To be unique. I believe that establishing a theme and a unique outfit is important for a revolutionary organization. Something to help the normies remember you.
But yeah, everyone just thinks ETA look like spooky ghost boys.

This is true and frankly amazing.
I didn't bother dwelling on this subject as it's not all that important to the war, but somehow poor Blanco survived the initial explosion (another occupant, his bodyguard, also died in the explosion) and only died later from internal injuries.

I love your threads, which group is next?

Daily reminder that (((Terrorism))) doesn't work.

If these faggots had gone after the Rothschilds instead of their own community they wouldn't Commies siding with the EU now.

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I hope its either Hezbollah or the PLO, just to have a history on how to best kill kikes while having a strip of land smaller than my province

that jews are a masive problem dont mean that one of the most amcient tribes of europe want to be displaced in their own land
and yes terrorism certartainly work ,
hundred of thousands of spaniard nationalist abandoned the basque country
they gain political and cultural autonomy trying to calm them down
the nuclear plants were stopped after killing the directors and bomb the instalations were it was being built,billion of dollars thrwo to the trash
meanwhile catalunia using political measures have much less independence that the basques

that jews are a masive problem doent mean that one of the most ancient tribes of europe want to be displaced in their own land

and yes terrorism certartainly work

hundred of thousands of spaniard nationalist abandoned the basque country

they gain political and cultural autonomy trying to calm them down

the nuclear plants were stopped after killing the directors and bomb the instalations where it was being built,billion of dollars throw to the trash

meanwhile catalunia using political measures have much less independence than the basques


Fucking Irish Jews from druid/pol/ want you to join the NRA and commit (((terrorism))) in your own communties instead of killing the heads of the hydra.

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Theyre gommies but we can still learn from the enemy.

Reminder moarpheus is the hibernian meme shill

basque has been fighting for thousands of years nothing to do with the jews
and this thread is about understanding terrorism as useful weapon to reconquer our nation sp oftopic

Proof the NRA/ETA "Analysis" threads are the Deep State shills.

Attached: siege fake nazi feds fbi cia satan esoteric cult.jpg (1488x1826, 1.13M)

basque were fighting long befire any jew came to existance


Never kill the head Jews. Never do anything but attack your own community and larp is ugly clothes. Destroy your movement goys. Fuck redpills right?
Be (((Muslism)))

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only 1 million people were able to desastabilize all spain 40 million inabitants and gain a lot of political and economical benebits
imagine if 200 milion of americans would take their arms against 6 million of jews and their useful puppets

we need unity and undersand that they want us dead and we need to fight or die

Moarpheus runs thezog.info and is the one who spams the pics like in related. That same website has a list of Irish people and the hibernian meme, morpheus is running multiple psyops on Zig Forums. Know the signs, hes a fat autistic retard.

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the democratic way is dead only the blood of patriots can safe the west
if only 10% of our people wake up would be enought to reconquer our countries from the jewish dictatorship that is killing us
eta showing us the way

Nice work Spencer.

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(((Terrorism))) is a victory for the Jew since the days of Albert Pike and the Illuminated order of the KKK.

Kill the heads of the hydra. Not politician puppets or attacking your own community or country.

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lmaooo you are the most obvius cia nigger nigger outher
terroriism is the only solution at this point ,election are bought by the kikes and their coward and greedy politicians but there is one thing thing that can buy the dignity of honest patriots prepared to sacrifice thenself for a greeter good

lmaooo you are the most obvius cia nigger nigger outher

terroriism is the only solution at this point ,election are bought by the kikes and their coward and greedy politicians but there is one thing thing that cant buy the dignity of honest patriots prepared to sacrifice thenself for a greeter good
and the basque are the perfect example of this

lol, no

Attached: media jews muslims false flags refugees.jpg (720x720, 101.15K)

dont respond to me cia nigger

ETA had support from France and from the jewish world order as a whole because they were engaged in combat against one of the last fascist nations. When fascism fell in Spain, that support evaporated. When Franco was in power, ETA members were able to use French Euskadi as a base of operations because the French supported their efforts, and Spain couldn't really reach them in that part of Euskadi. When Spain fell, France cut support.

And this is how it generally goes when a small power takes on a great power. If they have support from another great power and are basically serving as a proxy, they can do well. But with no support, they won't.

To look at another case, Ireland's great power patron was basically the USA. The USA didn't directly help them, but America's substantial Irish population (itself a result of (((Britain)))'s attempt at starving the Irish to extinction, famine being the favourite tool of kikes for mass murder) poured huge amounts of money and supplies into the IRA's hands, just individual people donating to help their ancestral fatherland gain freedom.

Israel is another obvious case, it lives on US support and having America wander around the Middle East toppling Israel's rivals.

If a force in the west today is to gain freedom from jewry then it must be a mass endeavour, not a small guerilla campaign. If the gilets jaunes escalate into revolution, for example, and form a new nationalist government, that would work. But a small band of terrorists will not, as they would have no support (Russia doesn't actually help as much as they'd need to to make it work, they're focused more on Syria these days). Turning the opinions of the masses rightward is the road to success.

Of course they had z62's.
I have a star pistol (its shit, but I I got it for like 50 bucks) but I always wanted a 62. I forgot what movie they used them in, loved the look.

but thats obviously a lie basques has been fighting for their own and gaining their autonomy and independence without the help of any external power
france let ETA to resguard in their land with the tacit pact that wont be any separatist french terrorist attact in their soil
historical basque country is divided part in spain and another in france so is easy uunderstand the real motives of french authorities

arms are useless without will and in the hands of cowards

with only 100 brave european patriots would be enought to awake the european spirit and start the reconquista

but we need to make the battle a legitimate one in the eyes of the public
what targets should destroy?

Just finished the read. Well done.

Another thing to remember here is that governments are willing to go through much more extreme measures to counter terrorist or revolutionaries nowadays.
They will stage flase flags to sway public opinion, so it would be necessary to make videos akin to what these guys did, claiming innocence, hopefully with some sort of proof.

Was just making a Zig Forums related statement comrade. I have no reason to state my intent for anything. Remember, this thread is simply discussing the ETA.
To any ABC organization monitoring this thread, we dont condone violence.

I'll bet you think that George Soros is "the head jew"
41.237592, -73.651996

It would be wonderful if we could kill "the head jews" but we cannot. In fact, even the PIRA could not assassinate many members of the British government.

Also, while I get that you're desperately trying to strawman me for some reason but I will say one thing about the Muslims; At least they have the balls to actually kill the people who are murdering them. Now, in my opinion they kill the wrong people and go after emotional targets rather than economically significant targets.
But at least they have the balls to do something other than complain on the internet
Choke on that.

The very article mentions that they based such assumption on none else than a book written by Franco's personal spy, nicknamed "El Cisne", which he published in 1977. You can't get any less Soviet than that.

By the way, what's with all these last hour posts which seem to be written by an underage using a smartphone? This thread was looking good.

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High quality post op. Read through all of it. Recently I had been reading up on Franco’s Spain but I hadn’t heard of these splinter groups salty from the civ war. Thanks for the info

It's even more amazing than you think. According to one source, there were only about 60 active ETA agents at any given time in the 1970s and 80s. And 15 of those were leaders.
60 men were able to destabilize Spain and cause massive economic damage even though they were constantly in an internal war with themselves.

Think about that.

According to a recent study, 14% of Americans believe that White people are under attack.
There are about 197 million Whites in America.
14% of that is 27 million Americans.

Indeed. IN addition, the Provos had the support of sympathizers on both sides of the border. And they made an odd friend in Muhammar Gaddafi.

Overthrowing a monstrous government without foreign support is not impossible, but it helps. A lot.
Other mitigating factors are how "busy" and corrupt the security forces are. Say for instance ZOG was tied down in Iran murdering the Persians. That would be an opportune time to strike in a hypothetical situation. This is one reason why I question the wisdom of being happy about Trump's victory
Everyone here overestimates the capabilities of the FBI. Frankly, I'm far more concerned about Evangelical Christians than I am about the FBI which is a political organization. Not a counter insurgency organization like GAL.

Indeed. Hypothetically, one might suggest that the false flags that the enemy would inevitably conduct would absolve us of any responsibility when a hypothetical Aryan Resistance Party or whatever conducted "dirty" attacks.
I disagree.
I believe that ARP or whatever should seek to avoid civilian casualties because the System does not care about dead civilians. Only by smashing them in the nose over and over again will get their attention.
Maybe, maybe it would be possible to reach an accommodation with the regime that ARP or whatever does not target the families of the elites so long as they do not kill civilians and blame it on our hypothetical revolutionary army.
Alternatively, Harold Covington entertained the idea of retaliating against the System for false flag attacks by shooting down passenger airliners. In return for not false flagging ARP, ARP would not target aircraft. At least, not passenger airliners.
In any case, a strong propaganda wing is absolutely vital for a revolutionary army. Every false flag must be called out immediately as one and proven. All mistakes must be blamed on the enemy. And all true attacks must be claimed by the organization.

Thanks, user.
Believe it or not, I didn't even bother addressing half of ETA's splinter groups. Just the important ones.
And I didn't even mention all the random Spanish and Catalonian Marxist ones. Most didn't even do anything of note. They just sat around and argued about Marx and robbed a store or a bank every now and again.

Can you please explain what you mean by "Third-Worldist"

Alt Hype's definition of "advocate for mass migration" doesn't seem to fit here.

I think he means third positionist in some way, he did say there was a sort of nazbol faction there

First we need to make the people belueve we are fighting for a fair cause, that we are the real victims displaced and degraded everyday by all the factual powers and their pets
Bravery came next , imagine if only 100 americans would start putting bombs in sinagoges until the jews start abandoning usa and the rest of the west….
It can be done ,only a few well trained terrorist could make all the kike rats collapse in panic until they abandone everything to go back to israel to never return

I guess he means the Tito definition, as in a country that doesn't want amerijew circumcision in its economy nor bolshejew shrank stomachs in its population, just bee itself

What is still missing here is an analyse of how ETA kept control over “its territory”, like the IRA did too.

Kale Borroka

Heri Batsuna

Ah, ah, ah BTW:


Protest demonstrations
Neighbours of Hernani reject racist paintings on the peoples mosque.
"Moors out"

Hernani is ETA-Central and governed by a Herri Batasuna major, and yeah he is in solidarity with the islamic invaders.

OK, lets remember Basque Nationalism starting with Sabino Arana and the idea that Basques can not live together with the other Spaniards:

"It is necessary to isolate ourselves from the maketos. Otherwise, in this land we walk on, it is not possible to work toward the Glory of God." Bizkaitarra, No. 19

Pampolna has been founded by the Romans.

They were the only group in Hispania not resisting the Romans. There is not one military confrontation known.

Stabbing them into the back when they were fighting the Muslims

The Basque didn’t resist the islamic invader and allied themselves with the North-African Mohammedanians, literaly stabbing in the back of the Franks that were defending Europe from becoming muslim; song of Roland.

The Spanish resistance against the muslim invasion started in Asturias by a German Nobel, Don Pelajo:

Yeah, this is why I tended to call them "NazBols" to avoid confusion.
"Third-Worldism" in this context just refers to Federico Krutwig's theory for how to defeat Spain.
He maintained that the Basque must think of themselves as a colony of Spain seeking to break away rather than simply an ethnic group within Spain seeking to secede from Spain.
Krutwig was heavily influenced by the astonishing success of the Algerian and especially Vietnamese guerrilla movements and hoped to achieve the same thing in Spain.
I'm not sure when the term was first used but it appears to be a name that others gave to his faction and they rolled with it. Sort of like "Deplorables."

Oh and fun fact, you know the second fracturing of ETA into splinter groups I mentioned? Well, during that time Krutwig was actually expelled from his own organization. How's that for cold.

Attached: Federico Krutwig.jpg (481x662, 25.8K)

This is a fair critique. I tend to skip over more "mundane" aspects of political violence but you're right that I should address them.

Kale borroka refers to the sort of Antifa style "gangster" actions conducted by people affiliated with but not directly a part of the inner organization. I briefly glanced over this when I mentioned the arsons and daily attacks. But they also would throw stones at the Guardia Civil, smash windows of political enemies, commit arsons, beat up tourists, organize protests, labour strikes, and even kidnappings.
Basically, everything from keying your boss's car to burning down his house and killing his dog.

Heri Batsuna was one of ETA's ""non-violent"" wings. They channeled money from supporters (sometimes from as far away as Venezuela and Mexico apparently American Basque were less willing to support the organization) to ETA and provided support to fleeing personnel.

For those of us who have read the Turner Diaries, Heri Batsuna were the legals and ETA were the Organization.

Thankyou for your critique and please add to it if you can.

During roman times were the only ones that mantained their culture and language
They didnt ally with the moors , they only fought against other tribes that wanted to take the territory in preislamic spain , the only part of spain not conqueted by german tribes
German tribes in spain were the first to capitulate to the muslim invaders with the conditions of becoming the local rulers under islamic law mantaining their privileges so muuu defenders of europe while asturians and basque sent warriors to start the reconquista

Every part of the west have became tolerant with inmigration and their perceived victimhood , they dont seem to understand as an invasion that doen mean they want them there but the ones they came as refugees and asking for food should be tolerated but things are starting to change in cataluña for example the more radical independentist are already as oposed to spaniard as are to any other thir worldist

This is the cancer that kills every movement. In retrospect, it's been highly effective. So it's used, even here on Zig Forums, as a way to cause infighting between anons. Arguments over what method is more effective versus 'is x white', 'muh based niggers', so on and so forth. Fracture points that keep people from focusing on the main goal at hand, and prevent any future resistance. It's why it's so important for anons to continue to point out and fight back against purity spiraling on here. When you start caring more about whether or not the user next you would use a nigger to their advantage, or just flat out kill them, then you know there's a serious issue, and (((someone))) is attempting to derail and sabotage any actual progress. It's the same for the religious threads, and the drug-related topics. Which, by proxy, are also effectively used for further purity spiraling.

Personally? Killing the marxists quietly, and subtly should have been a priority the moment they began espousing non-basque propaganda. ETA would have taken care of most of their problems that way, and it would have been fairly easy had they paid heed to their personal sins. But it's clear they were too short-sighted in the long run as well in regards to their brethren. I honestly believe you're right as far as it being the weak-wristed cunts being the ones who informed the police. Observations of their kind in the present has shown this to be easily probable due to their own weak natures. They have no actual conviction, and are as greedy and lazy as their handlers. Not to mention the fact that they're all a bunch of soul-less degenerates.

So either killing, or blanket-labeling them as pedophiles would be good enough to remove/discredit their efforts. It's already been proven effective recently as most LGBT organizations have been distancing themselves from the 'pedosexual' movement because of how hazardous it is. In this instance, the 'think of the children' tactic is a good way to drive a wedge in their efforts. Even if they secretly support raping toddlers, they would never openly state it for fear of (justified) backlash.

I believe that our primary fracture point is the religious divide. Many of us believe that Christianity is a foreign religion imposed upon us by force and degrades Europeans while opening us up to universalism and egalitarianism. That we either have no need of it today or should replace it with a European-centric religion. Others believe that Christianity is European now and has been for nearly 2000 years and that the jews of today are not the Israelites of the Bible. That we must embrace Christianity as a unifying religion.

And while I have my own biases, I can tolerate people who disagree. I'll tell you one thing that seems to help "terrorist" organizations get what they want; They must focus on one obstacle at a time and become obsessed with it until it is either destroyed or it submits and then move onto another.
This is why I bring up the kidnapping of Zabala. There were many more and ETA usually got what they wanted.
Similarly, I believe that this principle can be applied to ideology. We must focus on one ideological goal and hold it above all others.
For me, that is racial survival. Anything else is merely a distraction.
Is it beneficial for my people or is it harmful? That is the question for every issue.

I will admit that I am not a fan of Christianity. But I'd gladly fight with my Christian brothers for the greater good of us all and I'd be more than willing to tolerate his Christian Identity if he will tolerate my non-belief.
The Truth is my God. My Race is my Nation.

Terrorism sure worked well against the white governments of Africa, and against the English in Mandatory palestine.(stern gang)

Was it ever confirmed that he runs that shitty site?

Using that term will get you no friends here.
Most of the time that term is used by people defending their Asian girlfriends and being "only 1/4 black, bro, let me into your white ethnostate and marry your daughter"
but yes, arguing over what unseen deity you follow, or if you enjoy a joint or two every once in a while is faggotry

I also read through the IRA one, good stuff.

Are you gonna make more history threads senpai?

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I don't think third world was meant to be derogatory in its early days, just not in the circle of direct influence from the 2 worlds: the euroasian gommies and the u.s. capitalists.
It's only that americans started using the term to call those who weren't as good and prosper as them or their circle.


I believe this is an important thing to focus on since Zig Forums is in that internal strife phase. How was Kutwig able to win out?

This and pic related. Even if you believe in an afterlife or some sky haven, tangible benefits that are of this earth must be the focus

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I'm contemplating doing one on Hezbullah and the Lebanese civil war. Since people have been asking and I want to follow up a Marxist movement's thread with something less annoying. Islamic nationalism will do. Those boys really fucked up IsraHell.

On the otherhand, I believe that Hezbullah's environment was so different from ours (in Western Europe and America) that a lot of their tactics simply don't apply to us. Lebanon in the 60s & 70s was considered a stable place but the signs of civil war were written everywhere. And the central government never exercised anywhere near the control ZOG influences over us. The Muslims have several massive advantages over us in that they have strong extra-governmental organizations. Lebanon was never the stable secular state it pretended to be. And Hezbullah acts more as a conventional army than a "guerrilla" organization. Lastly, since we're not Muslims, a lot of their tactics will seem foreign to us. Particularly suicide bombing which I doubt White nationalists will ever employ against ZOG.
That said, I do believe that there are some important lessons we could learn from them such as how to act after one is strong enough to seize territory from the enemy.

What do you think? My area of expertise is "terrorist" organizations in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and America. Eventually, I want to get around to talking about Bob Matthews (rest in peace, kinsman) and what went from with the Order. I won't even bother talking about anything that happened in Africa because the environment and people are so different from ours that we probably can't learn much. Some might say this is arrogance on my part but I have honestly tried to think of a way I could talk about successful African insurgencies and cannot come up with anything we can learn from them other than "Blowing up fuel depots might be a good idea" and "Having communist China arm you sure does work"
I have also lived in a country with an Islamic insurgency but they are not all that interesting.
I also have intended to make a thread on EOKA, FLNC, or the RAF (Red Army Faction, not the Royal Air Force which one could also argue was a terrorist organization but that's beside the point)
Each has their positive aspects and drawbacks. EOKA drove out the British but that was back in the 50s. The FLNC were a modern organization that still hasn't been defeated but they have simmered for decades. And the RAF burned hot for a while when they were supported by the USSR but faded into obscurity like a lot of Marxist organizations not based on nationalism do. Since we will not be supported by the USSR or anyone, I wonder how much we can learn from RAF.

idk. Any famous or obscure non-state actors you'd like me to address? I even had a Tamil ask me if I'd talk about the Tamil Tigers.

As chiche as this sounds, by force of argument.
To elaborate, the various ETA factions each had their own magazines they printed. It was through printed propaganda that the rank and file ETA (& supporters) were swayed. Though sometimes during the assemblies, ETA leaders were "arrested" by whatever faction had managed to slip their supporters in as guards.
Internal politics within terrorist organizations is a fascinating subject. It's real cut throat.

Do you know of any Australian insurgent groups? I imagine guerilla warfare would work differently here because basically all of our forested areas are close to a major city. There’s nowhere to go except the outback, really.

No it didn't you fucking moron. They were set up by people like Obama's father and jewish communism.

All (((terrorism))) is a trick and funded. And always goes LEFT…

Attached: tranny michael obama.jpg (373x474, 42.56K)

Not recent ones. You Aussies could have a real mad-max scenario going on if you could convince the police to stay in the cities.
I have heard that Australia has some tough biker gangs but they're not politically motivated.

Which is a shame because, as you say, 'Stralia has some great wilderness.

Actually, there was one Australian insurgency that did manage to defeat the central government…
The Emu Revolutionary Army