Their pretext is "muh ecology, muh CO2, muh cancers"…All (((pretexts))).
They are shilling VERY hard to make us eat less meat and less fish. Why is that? They also want to humiliate us and make us eat GMOs satanic garbage and even BUGS/INSECTS !!!
"Muh (((scientists))), muh (((experts))) "
Why the hell do (((They))) absolutely want that we eat less meat and fish?
It's a virtue laden coverall for reduced standards of livings. The rebrand of trailers as tinyhomes and minimalism in general, is deliberate misbrand.
Weaker people = Easier to control
Because they want to prep us for indefinite population growth from birth and immigration. So they need more vegetarians as meat is very land intensive - and over fishing is having catastrophic effects on both coasts.
Because European genes are the least compatible with a vegetarian diet. Our genes are specifically for processing fatty animals. I made a video about this. Check embedded.
They want to reproduce a caste-feudal system because al Gore doesn't look like he skips red meat or refueling his jet.
Eating meat and fish is good for your mental health. Why do you think 'soyboys' exist?
What this means is the vast majority of whites get sick and malnourished on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Check out ex vegan videos on YouTube; all of them are northern European. Nonwhites can process plant foods properly so they don't get sick on those diets. The push for veganism is also for our nonwhite replacements.
So? 99% of people don't, especially on this board. That isn't indicative of anything. I don't believe in global warming, but I do believe in over population and that in order to meet an exponentially and ever increasing demand for meat products that it becomes more and more costly for thay demand to be met. Which is why so much meat we eat today comes from giant factories and not real grazed farms.
Hitler was vegetarian, it is a true white mans diet. Now go and kosher slaughter those animals Shlomo.
Why do Catholics believe in the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost? Why do Muslims pray towards Mecca? Who can truly know the inner workings of the shitlib mind?
Who wants you to eat less fish? Almost every retail store is selling those fish oil pills as a panacea
The impetetus is central planning. It's grow to feed them subsaharans that are ineducable to farm. no meat for proles of West eat gruel like rest of global peasantry.
They want you weak and dependent upon them for your well-being. QTDDTOT, nigger.
They are preparing for mass population in the West. They want the whole world on India. Automation will never happen because it is cheaper to pay 1000 niggers to build a house - than pay one White man to invent a robot that can build a house. Not to mention it is easier and will cause further social unrest, which they need to keep the proles divided.
Their goal is the total destruction of the green Earth and pre-Industrial man.
this is much better
The key thing media toys around with is called the Overton window. Simply put, this is the portion of discussion which is deemed "socially acceptable"
What they do is pick this window up and put it as far away as they want, then act like anybody else in the world but them wanted it there.
The answer is the amino acid Tyrosine, which is found largely in meat. USMil nutritional research has determined in research that an increased intake of Tyrosine improves physiological coping mechanisms for combat stress. It is the precursor amine used by the body to synthesize epinephrine (adrenalin) and norepinephrine.
The likes think it increases aggression and USMil tends to agree and supplements military rations with tyrosine.
Red meat, red blood.
Low protein diets make people more susceptible to brainwashing. It's why cults always feed their people vegan grain-based diets.
If you don’t already realize we’re still living in a caste based feudal system you’re an absolute retard. Free range serfs is what we are and we have always been
You will at least make the effort to type properly to differentiate yourself from stupid little teens and other such queers and also use the [▶ Show post options & limits] to properly paste your link, you carcinogenic little newfren.
It's painfully clear that you come from Hiroshimoot-chan, so let me just give you a fair warning that it is expected that you do behave slightly less like the seemingly ADHD-afflicted troglodytes commonly found on 4/pol/.
It is important that you do not tolerate low quality OPs and sage them, in the best case you report them too, if they happen to be of the kind that might as well be simply be autoposted from a catalogue of hundreds of pre-made "timeless" bait-threads as it is happening on 4chan.
Do not tolerate this, this procedure has a name, it is called "content dilution" and, if there is a specific topic at hand, generally also "forum sliding".
The introductory post ends here, lurk, watch and be attentive. This chan can't go the way of 4.
what, I cant embed because I already embedded it into another thread. I have been browsing here for years lol.
Fucking kikes
shut up kike
this isnt /fit/ on cuckchan. I am pretty sure that if you rattle them here long enough you will just get banned, and the whole veganist topic will be so as well. But please, push your UN dietary agenda here. Pls.
1. Kill yourself for not reading the rules.
2. Weaker people. Fuck off, dumbass.
No animal protein = weak, feminine, and stupid. Even the most pozzed and kiked anthropologist on earth will tell you that humanity wouldn't exist without cooked meat. Jews want whites to stop eating meat so they will be as weak and stupid as nigger women.
Lean and organ meat is more nutritious than anything other food and it helps your body repair quickly. Probably because animal meat is the closest food to what your body itself is made of and so you don't have to do much metabolic work breaking it down and reconstituting it into your own tissues.
Jesus christ never existed and there's no silly fucking satan.
Imagine believing that…KEK
Love meat but can't stomach fish like the Asians do. The smell and taste I could never bear.
Does my genetics hate seafood?
your thread is trash and you're a spirit-queer. eat dirt, christfag
Much better? Your video is about saturated fat, mine is about the vegetarian allele which is the gene that allows conversion of long to short chain fats. Two different topics.
They want cattle, you know herding cats is difficult don't you? The elite are predators and don't want competition nya~
Or rather, AWOOOOOOOO! Nya~
Grain based has been for slaves since Plato was alive. It has always been a slave diet. They feed it to us today because we're slaves.
Imagine the entire western world transformed into a middle east war zone…excluding the totally secured (((elite))) bubbles of tyranny.
What's your background? Nords and Brits are definitely seafood eating people as are northern continental people like the Dutch. Others are more suited to game and some vegetables. Southerns are more suited to a plant based diet with seafood thrown in.
Go back to tranny chan
Make up your mind.
Then who was that Yoshua the Deceiver kikes are so butthurt about?
It's not just for reasons of economy. If you're zonked out on a low-protein diet low in good fats you become retarded.
This. Have you seen your average Canadian or European? Even if they are tall (which isbecoming less frequent) they have a twiglike build. Glug glug, bring the soy milk!
This is becoming more and more common in burgerland. If they're not a butter huffing hamplanet they are a man of soy.
Nya~ Go back to Africa nya~
Name one single good reason, driven by logic rather than emotion (bugs are gross! white man is unworthy of eating insects!) why we shouldn't be eating insects. They're animal protein just like bird/mammal meat, and much more cost and energy efficient and productive to mass produce compared to vertebrates.
Bugs are what the elite want to feed us as they laugh and eat their Beef Wellingtons. One should resist the propaganda urging people to eat insects simply because it is one of (((their))) plans for us.
Gastronomically they're not that great either. I can afford to spend a bit of money or time to get meat and fish. How about we feed bugs to the niggers on food stamps?
Because they are gross.
I know it's a hard concept for a damaged amygdala like yours to grasp but try to.
Tranny, chan?
Why not feed to prey animals? Does insect fed chicken taste worse than battery birds?
I'm inclined to agree with the video… after trying "healthy" meat alternatives several times. It's indigestible, for me at least. Apparently they're using Texturized Vegetable Protein, which one can only imagine is a precursor to Soylent Green.
TVP just sits in my stomach for 8+ hours like a rock… constant farting/burping.
Soy is fine to eat once it's fermented. Miso and natto are great for you and not estrogenic. TVP is literally a waste product though, they feed that shit to hogs.
Meat is healthy if you're northern European. I only eat salmon, beef and butter and I'm the healthiest I've ever been. My testosterone is 10x higher than average as a consequence and I build muscle by doing nothing. Blood work is perfect.
I feed high-quality insects to my chickens as a supplement. It's their natural food so they instinctively see a cricket or meal worm and greedily eat it.
Ever seen a white kid instinctively eat worms and grubs? I have. Those kids are usually missing a chromosome. High IQ humans do not favor insects, unless they are under the pressure of starvation.
Which is the goal. You'll eat sawdust or dirt if you're at the target nutrition level (((they))) envision for us.
Just alive enough to provide cheap labor… bonus insect protein for taxpayers.
Over 200 weapons. 100 maps. Map editor. Free. Opensource. Runs on Lin/Win/Mac/etc
Insects lack essential fats that Europeans require more than others. Nutrition is more than carbs and protein.
Why eat vegetables, which humans lack the ability to digest properly and have to rely on gut bacteria, when animals can digest the plant matter for you? I have yet to encounter a vegan who can account for the fact that humans can digest meat protein and fat, but not cellulose. They nervously laugh (an attempt to feign superiority still) and try to shift the topic.
I've given up fish because they're just contaminated although I do occasionally eat sardines because they are short life span, deep water, and the bones are edible for hard to get minerals.
But the idea of giving up meat just seems insane. I eat 1+ lb of meat for dinner every night. What the hell would I eat for protein without meat.
The red pill is almost all vegetables today are man made and did not exist 2000 years ago. For example, broccoli was made in Italy from a mustard plant.
Breeding plants doesn't seem like it applies to the assumed man made of genetic editing.
Poor health, OP. That should be apparent what with the vast amount of bullshit the lugenpresse has been queefing out the past few years. In the past, one of the reasons jews would start wars was to kill off our biggest, strongest boys.
Not mine.
My beef is local, the cows are grass fed and only given antibiotics when there is a problem, and they don't want it to spread (very rare on a REAL farm, I might add, because the animals are not treated like meat-machines and "stored" together in massive numbers). They also do not inject them with steroids to increase their mass.
And even with all this, if you buy a quarter or half a cow, the meat is cheaper than at the grocery stores. You cut out the middleman (although you still pay for processing and packaging).
The farmers make more selling directly, you save by buying directly, and the meat is healthier.
It also encourages more family farms, because raising and selling beef can be very profitable, if you sell to the consumer.
This is why some states are trying to make it "illegal" to buy food, if you do not buy it from a grocery store. They cite health concerns, but that's all hogwash, they're just being paid off by factory farms and grocery chains.
The point is all the vegetables people eat never existed for most of our history. They don't exist in nature. A plant based diet is as unnatural as you can get.
Why are jews nigger-tier stupid?
Cultural appropriation of that amount of stupidness is not cool Moshe.
If anything it's just virtue signaling because lazy, fat, old boomers think it's hip to promote meat free shit.
Y'all should look up how many products you get from cows alone and tell me that by decreasing meat consumption it would remove the need for slaughterhouses.
Asswipe, boomers eat meat as a staple, just as their parents before them did.
If anything, the radical vegetarians are the vaccine-warped offspring of the boomers.
Meat is required to synthesize the proteins that support critical thinking. Large glycemic (bloodsugar derived from sugar or starch intake) payloads made you sluggish in body and mind, effectively sedating you.
Cult indoctrination 101 is that initiates are put on high-carb diets.
Because in the world to come, noahide law has dietary prohibitions under the law to "not separate a limb from a living animal" which also includes the dietary restrictions of kosher meat, no tree grafting of different species etc. It's part of preparing the minds of the cattle to radically restrict themselves and believe it was the cattles voluntary idea all along.
ur mom gay lol
Dont forget the whole "meat is a luxury so you cant have any goy" angle.
Canada ironically does not get soy from milk. Too bad every other product that is not fresh has soy, try claiming to hav a soy allergy in a resteraunt and find that 90% of the menu is unavailable to you
Hard mode: Try to find a single item on the salad dressing/mayo aisle in a supermarket that you can eat.
t. Serious soy allergy.
>Why the hell do (((They))) absolutely want that we eat less meat and fish?
Meat and fish > proteins > testosterone > musclemass > agressiveness.
Vegetable derived proteins do not provide the same increase in testorsterone, nor does a vegan diet contain microelements necessary for brain development. Plus, grain is shit for digestion, while meat and fish digest well and don't make you gassy and bloated.
Kikes don't stop at discouragement, though. Modern industry-grade meat is a hormone-infused mess, sausages are full of soy, naturally caught fish contains a shitload of heavy metals, farmed fish is fed garbage and dairy products are literal poison. If you don't know and buy from farmers who raise animals naturally, you better fix that right now; otherwise, you think you are safe from soyboization while eating and drinking the same disgusting shit, albeit in a different form.
A jew must slander the name of Jesus Christ wherever he goes. He cannot do otherwise. That statement is descriptive as well as normative, i.e. per the Talmud.
No, but they sell Homo Milk!!!
Utterly disgusting!!!
Who milks the homos?
Who would drink such a thing!?!?
The day of the rake cannot come soon enough…
Meat makes you stronger, smarter and healthier. It's also relatively expensive to produce compared to pig food that they are trying to feed you with. If you'd pay a soy burger almost the same as you would pay a burger made from real ham (kikes have food monopolies in most countries), the profit margin would be much higher. And people would be too weak, stupid, and insane to resist them (hence why the vegan diet is being pushed so aggressively)
Semi-sentient insects that rule this wretched planet believe that it, along with everything on it, belongs to them. For some reason, they see most people as toxic wildlife destroying "their" planet, but on the other hand they keep trying to increase the "human" population as much as possible, which is a bit contradictory. In other words, they want to reduce the life quality of white people as much as possible while breeding as many subhumans as possible. Try selling vegan diet to Muslims, they will laugh at your face.
Georgia Guidestones were actually a lone voice of reason, just make sure that the surviving population is exclusively white. No wonder they were attacked so much by controlled opposition (((conspiracy websites)))
Should we also eat animal organs too? Why only limit ourselves to fat and muscles?
For-fucking-get it.
I just bought some mayonnaise that was labeled, "real mayonnaise" at a local store.
Got home, had some on cheese…tasted sweet…thought they might have spiked it with allspice, or something.
Read the label (yes, I should have done that before, I'm a retard)…they spike the fucking stuff with sugar.
Sugar? In "real" mayonnaise?
Fuck it all, threw it in the garbage.
Looks like I have to make my own, to be sure of what I'm eating, just like so many goddam things these days.
It isn't hard to make, if you know how, I've made it before, it's just that I'm getting sick of the mislabeling scam that has been going on since people have started trying to eat more healthy diets.
REAL mayonnaise does NOT have fucking sugar in it.
Guess we no longer have an FDA or truth in advertising laws.
He done this for health, not ethical.
Research how "Aspartame" was originally passed and tell me the FDA does it's job 100%. If you aren't already making most of your shit at home you're literally eating a consistent dose of chemical warfare in the form of food.
Good morning there, rise and shine. Everything has sugar now. Fucking bread has sugar in it. And for those who don't want anything to do with sugar, kikes have prepared equally (((amazing))) substitutes - aspartame and stevia. Yay for cancer and man-tits.
Yes, if the animal is fed and kept properly. You should eat liver, lungs, fatty tissue etc. Even the brain. Meat is more a patrician thing, especially lean meat.
You should read the product labels carefully if you don't want to get poisoned. Things to avoid the most are soy flour/fat/oil , margarine (plant butter), salts, taste enhancers, artificial colors and aromas, corn starch, HFCS, other industrial sugar replacements, Exxx food chemicals, etc. Also over-processed meat (they often use rotten meat that sat in ammonia for a while). Someone should continue a list. We should make a Zig Forums-approved grocery list lel
Good luck finding a product that doesn't contain any of those
If you only knew how bad things really are
Actual sugar and wheat flour are the least of evils.
This, but look out - they're putting shit in the dairy products now. Milk is allowed to have sugar, titanium dioxide, and other weird shit in it without any labeling these days. Sour cream is just lactic acid for the sourness, citric acid to preserve, and polysorbate 80 as well as various vegetable gums and carageenan to simulate the proper texture. Only one brand I know of is clean, Daisy.
My wife and I make our own butter now.
An user tried, years ago.
Not for me, they make me feel sick, and my joints hurt when I eat flour products.
Until I stopped eating them, I thought feeling like shit was normal aging, or something.
I eat primarily meat and cheese, some raw milk and we have chickens for eggs. I get the meat from a local farmer that does not use hormones, and his beef is grass fed. I eat a lot of turkey, too.
I eat vegetables, but stay away from breads and corn. I lost a ton of weight, feel great, exercise daily without hating it…best move I've ever made.
FDA has been fraud for decades. It has pretty much been making people weaker and preventing "terribly dangerous" raw milk from making your growing children super strong, etc.
They actively harass cattle farmers, like they are trying to shutter the industry, and they are, meat is too healthy for serfs is probably the real reason.
I abandoned bread many years ago. One of the best decisions in my life. I occasionally indulge in yeast-free flour products, though - homemade dumplings and flatbread. Used to know that Armenian guy who taught me to make lavash, pic related. It's bretty gud.
Laudam Deus
bugs carry diseases
That first pic sums up my life better than any other
Yes Hitler was a vegetarian for his health. Why? Because he had blood type A which prefers vegetables to meat. Europe is full of type A people and type O which is the one who prefers highly meat diet. Vegetarianism IS NOT A CHOICE and nobody tells you the importance of your blood and what it means.
"Gradually, I began to…"