Ring Zero Access

I heard that the Israeli government, NSA, and other intelligence agencies have “ring zero” access to all computers in the US. As I understand it, this is the same thing as having a backdoor into the computer, where basically everything on the computer is accessible regardless of encryption, etc. I am very concerned about this, because it basically means that there is absolutely no chance of privacy whatsoever if nothing is done to change this. This would apply even for cryptocurrency. No cryptocurrency is private when used on these backdoored computers.

I have heard that Russia is aware of this and has been intentionally designing and manufacturing computers that prevent this ring zero access. Is this true?
Are these computers available to purchase?
I can’t seem to find much on this issue. Can you share any redpills you have on this issue. Thanks.

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glownigger detected

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COINTELPRO technique number 1: FORUM SLIDING

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Impossible if you build your own firewall and run spi infosec. Sure they might have access but they need to be able to get in first.

Can you share any resources about this for newfags?

Belongs in >>>Zig Forums.
Unfortunately, Zig Forums has become a lot slower the past year or two. I'm guessing they all migrated to one of the many other imageboards that were written and shilled there.

Russia and China have access as well now too. Expect lots of wacky cyber tomfoolery.

QTDDTOT is full of cock suckers and shills.

Snowden's NSA catalog would beg to differ.



Watching now. This is based so far

Ring 0 is your anus, and they're in like Flynn.


Dude, they built backdoors into all intel processors since like, 2004 or 5.

no, it's literally impossible. If the only traffic coming out of your systems is logged and no traffic not from the verified origin is allowed, it's almost completely airgapped for all intents and purposes.
While cucksumer routers might have compromised backdoors, homebrew systems have no such limitations and you can use known, open source cpus and control boards. Routers and diy dns are dirt simple to run and something like BRO can even detect foxacid.
Snowden, since you mentioned him, often infodumps on truly secure platforms and devices all the time.

You can't get into a fully digitally locked door, it's just not feasible. Perfect digital locks have existed for over a decade. All they can do is see what you connect to through other back doors, they're not getting into your system unless you have an unmonitored outbound connection, and if you deny anything you don't recognize, then you're just fine.

People talk all the time about windows 10 telemetry. I don't even bother turning the services off because it doesn't matter, nothing is getting out of my network that I don't give the ok to, and after about a week of monitoring passive outbound traffic, it's easy to see what ips I actually need to connect to, newsflash, it's not many.

Double up with a rotating vpn, too.

Good news is they cant talk about the capability, because it would expose who runs the world. They cant act on it except in cases of extreme threat, to their power, not public safety, public safety is secondary talking point. Although since this is all the same techniques used during commie revolutions in RU and GE in 1917, you can bet your sweet ass there will be a phase of military distraction while all of the alphabet agencies genocide resistors during the overthrow phase. Probably keeping lists in hierarchial precedence.

Op doesn't even know about rings -1,-2,-3 and -4.

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ring 0? try ring -2 and ring -3 and on and on…it's backdoors all the way down.


Attached: Intel-Rings.png (1343x708, 77.83K)

Confirmed for not reading the NSA catalog. Lots of that stuff is available to law enforcement as well as off the books deep state niggers too.

oh one last thing, you can also just get ssh hosting vms from a variety of small isps and hosts all over the world for pennies a month and run a cheap vpn OS instance off it that uses dev>null logging and a ramdrive.

Literally nothing to set up and super easy, too. Some people say that's ultra paranoid over something like nordvpn or whatever but who knows if those services are honeypots or compromised.
null logging should be the state of gateways on the whole, and even though it would save us money, governments REQUIRE all traffic to be logged.
DO NOT use your isp's dns, at the very least, and do not use googles. Do not use dns from your country unless they null log.
Cloudflare's distributed dns is fairly safe from what we've seen, and they null log. OpenDNS private servers from a local grey hat might be even better.

DUDE. YOU CAN SEE TRAFFIC LITERALLY ON THE INTERFACE, IN THE RAW, VIA A QUARTER SIZED ARDRENO DEVICE, AND NONE OF IT IS FUCKING COMPROMISED OR INBOUND. You can see the literal + - voltage on the line and the 1s and 0s and translate the packets with pen and paper if you want. You cannot get passed a virtual black hole. No information is coming in or out unless I initiated it. My interface is not connected directly to any device connected to the internet.
I would like to fucking know how the fuck they're going to get into my machine in my den with poured concrete walls and zero cellular service or radio on any frequency.
You're being paranoid and retarded. Literally retarded.
All the traffic on my interface is whitelist only. Nothing goes in and out unless I say so, and it's -at the line-. There's no way in. It's the same as unplugging it, literally. Any unrecognized outbound initiated traffic is immediately dropped on the device and I can choose to allow or disallow it in the future after manual audit.
Zero inbound traffic and no cname/etc redirection is allowed.

There is a crazy technology called pen and paper. That is where I keep everything of actual importance. Also I have a computer that never goes on the internet. Ever and I keep other things on that. If it is too important to go on pen and paper, I keep it in my head. The jew and cianiggers don't have access to that yet.

I love just going through each thread I come across and filtering the TORniggers.

False. But they do have access to tne key when it's used. Having ring 0 access doesn't magically treat encrypted data as unencrypted clear text.

Actually you should practice OpSec against remote viewing under the assumption that your eyes can be seen through by others under the right conditions. Good otherwise though.

The brain reading technology is coming along too. Polite sage for not being entirely on topic.


You mean the limited hangout that promised he'd release 100% of his information soon but is still at 99%+ unreleased?

lol, don't you have homework to do kiddo?
No wifi, no bluetooth, cat 6-7. Like I said, I can see the voltage on the line. Anything above that would be noise that would be filtered by the NFRing before and after the packet analyzers and pre-1999 pc firewall. Plus they would have to compromise my vpn and figure out which of the 200 or so people connecting to it is me. Stop being retarded.
Pull your head out of your ass. I've got bigger problems if they're sitting in a van outside my house.

They literally have hardware backdoor that gives Israeli gov direct and full access to your computer regardless of software layer protection.

What information he did relase was earth shattering.

They will just use your neighbor's machine, a passing cell phone or whatever.

what part of packet repeater + packet analyzer and concrete zero RF penetrating walls did you miss? How do you think major governments secure systems outside of air gapping them?
I know you watch a lot of movies user, but sorry to burst your bubble, quantum safe full system encryption and 100% secure outbound connections are not only common, but cheap now. All good motherboards support 3rd party TPS devices and all AMD processors have one built in, too. You can even manually set the keys if you want. I bet yours isn't even turned on and you use optimized defaults on your (mom's) 'puter.
Also modern cell phones are retarded and absolutely pozzed, voip through vpn if I need a call which is every other never.
how, praytell, since their machine is in no way connected to anything I'm on and I drop all traffic that isn't coming from me, AFTER it's been repeated by a device BEFORE it's repeated by my homebrew router with VIA and Cyrix cpus from the 90's, which is itself not even connected to my modem directly?
Again, you're being paranoid and dumb.
Tell me exactly how they would do that, if you're so convinced 5eyes is on your ass?
All you need to do is understand a bit about how the technology works at the base level.

Here's a hint. Start learning ASM and FPGA devices. You can literally start building your own baller ass cpu designs at 14nm in a few years, kiddo.

Not even remotely.
100% of what he had released was already well known to exist. All he did was give them names. Prior to Snowden the people who found out about these tactics and information were labeled as conspiracy theorist nut jobs the old extreme right wing label

You're the one who has been watching too many movies. Your basement isn't as RF-proof as you think either. You're engaging in a good larp but it's time to put the keyboard down.

Snowden's leaks were partly stuff that was thought to exist, partly stuff that wasn't even known at all, and a tiny portion was stuff well known to exist. But it was the proof and confirmation which was needed for many entities to make great changes. Russia completely redid their national security infrastructure, for example. As a radio amateur I was amused to listen to the world wide morse code explosion on non-ham bands after Snowden defected.

maybe it's a "good larp" as you say but it's clear I know a bit of what I'm talking about.
And like I said, they would have to first figure out I'm interesting, only to find a vpn, and they supeona the fuck out of the vpn in a foreign country who doesn't keep records anyway, then realize they need to MITM the vpn, figure out which bit of encrypted traffic is me, realize there's another vpn, and this is where they give up.
I don't do anything remotely interesting enough to warrant any trouble anyway because I'm not a fucking crim, but I would rather they don't rifle through my sock drawer and find videos of me fucking my ex-wife cunt raw, yaknow?

True, somewhat, but there's also this basic fact:
NSA/CIA/MOSSAD/ASIO won't use 0-days on low value targets
The reason is simple. If you spy on your OWN machine in a highly clever way (and the glow niggers have to always assume you're more than you seem) then you MIGHT catch their Chinese Star and throw it back at them. (Chinese Star = analogy to glow nigger bespoke malware).

How vulnerable are you? My opinion is 1 layer deeper than you think. Example, "last time the police caught M crook they used N tool". So assume next time it will be N+1 in sophistication etc. 2 levels is too far, but isn't impossible.

Most spying on us normal fuckheads is through FB & Twitter and such. Using Tor to read news is a damn excellent idea. That's because Tor Browser fucks with tracking and is easy mode for doing that. But you should use a VPN before you connect to Tor. And, to make things a bit more complicated, you should only connect to Tor from a connection you haven't used for other things, because that also auto-deanonymizes (for the glow niggers). Complicated, but a lot of glow niggers don't have that higher-level shit and just have FB&Twitter -level spying/public-manipulation.

Example of what the FBI & CIA & MI-5 does is keep people from getting jobs, because of their political opinions. They redefine you as a special (bullshit) kind of "terrorist", then categorize such actions as important for un-boosting the signal.

Ironically, they're wrong about that. The way to get people sitting on their asses trolling all day is to keep them out of the workplace…

You changed ip addresses.

I don't disagree with you, mostly. But you should be aware that CPU probably have backdoors for extreme emergencies. Something like 9908237418723 gets copied into any register, so a file is spammed with that over and over in various positions, so it's sure to get in there, trigger it. So maybe that's how we detect an attack. Rambling, but it could be informative…

Let that shit sink in for a fucking minute. Think these guys are on our side? They exist to create a sense of false security, nothing more!

Clouflare does NOT null log keeeeek

This is an excellent point. We knew about older versions of everything. Very interesting to think about.

And a good cause for suspicion. After all, what are the odds that the NSA/FBI/Mossad other glow niggers haven't discovered at least 1 new device/trick?

agreed, these days who really has a secret they could release that would have any impact ? THere's so much corruption out in the open. Apparently journalists are just getting murdered out in the open now if they expose the FBI, and no based patriots seem to blame Trump who just magically always appears to be doing absolutely nothing about it, but apparently he's still worthy of praise.

Anyway, I agree that if you say things that are annoying to these corrupt trash they'll just do all the things they tell you they aren't interested in and mess with you psychologically.

Attached: FTFY.png (600x432, 203.24K)

What about arm chips?

many of the topography of arm amtel type chips are completely known and can be replicated with literal wires and transistors.
You could build your own and have it stamped yourself if you want, so yes, they can be very safe.

My phone got TAOed after I started looking into Uranium One loooong before the election. I want Trump to declassify that shit do I can sue Obamas's ass.

Chuckled, then imagined you positioning one hole over the other with your mouse and chuckled again.

This. Ring 3 is for ovaltine spooge-drinking nigger-fuckers.

Glowing OP does know about rings below zero because OP posted this bait thread on a Zig Forumsitical board instead of the correct one.
Note it is asking a question that you could read up on if you needed to = bait / datamining

to a big extent you can't trust the developers these days

it's kinda to funny to observe what's going on with wireguard and the linux kernel as of now not only hasn't it been integrated but it doesn't even compile with the latest source

You know it's bad when kike Sacha Baron Cohen is trying to get the FBI to arrest a child rapist, and they won't.

Yeah, glow niggers can flip out over mere protected political speech. The CIA slit the throat of political rights of the people, long long ago.

They've done worse, too. They've kept people from getting jobs :^)


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Would you say you're behind 7 proxies? And none of them is TOR?

I’m just a guy that doesn’t know anything about computers. I had heard rumors that intel had built backdoor chips inside all electronics, but didn’t know more than that. Then I recently heard Patrick little talking about this ring-0 access. I’ve been studying it today and yes it does go further than ring-0, but it really doesn’t matter. The point is that every computer is fundamentally insecure. That is why I was asking if anyone knew anything about Russian computers, because apparently they are working on jewproof ones. Doesn’t seem like anyone knows about this though.

This guy basically proved that Snowden wasn’t lying. All microprocessing machines can be backdoored and exploited.

What you’re really asking is what are the names of chip manufacturers that aren’t Intel, AMD, nvidia.

You're very bioluminescent.
For those curious, just peruse crimeflare.org:82 and watch . I can post stuff if need be but that's a good starting point. Look into completely libre ARM SBCs(I think they're only 2 available), RISC V, and the POWER9 ISAs (Raptor computing) for safe hardware (or alternatively start using your Intel Pentium III system again). As for software, if you faggots aren't running a GNU/Linux distro or one of the BSDs then there's no hope for you.
Also, check out I2P and I2P out-proxies for anonymous clearnet access.

since pat got the boot from gabbi does he only upload to bitchute now?


Based digits confirming the destiny of Patrick Little

Bitchute and various YouTube channels. I just look his name up on YouTube mainly.

Yeah basically. I was pretty much hoping someone would post a link on amazon or something like that to a computer that had no backdoor in it. I knew it would probably be too good to be true, but wanted to ask just in case.

user, if you are concerned with gettign pwnd then you should first learn how these attacks work. Once you know how they work you can mitigate them. For example, how would an attacker gain initial access to you system to fuck with the kernel ? If you can prevent that, then you have nothing to worry about.


maybe you should learn into computers before you start asking about ring0 vs whatever else. Your real question should have been

There's more than just 2 decent ARM boards, if you're willing to forego stuff like 3D GPU and wifi. And I don't care about such features at all, so my little sun7i A20 board runs with all open firmware (and none of the x86 bugs or ME stuff, or even any Spectre vulnerabilty). Unfortunately, the raspberry pi (probably the most common ARM board) needs a closed blob to even start the ARM cores. Someone tried to reverse this bob, but they only did part of the work before deciding it wasn't worth their time.

Attached: Better than Intel.jpg (508x657, 402.42K)

ring 0 isnt shit

intel has ring -3 access with intel ME (yes that's negative 3)

I'm pretty sure Snowden already made it clear. It's something you deal with but at the same time it's not the worst worry. You can run all the OPsec you want but they'll still find you if they really wanted to but it doesn't hurt to try if you really want. It's like running whore, you don't use it to run from the feds but something closer.

Intel made it, supposedly for "performance issues" i.e. defragmenting while you're not using your computer, except no it's just a backdoor if you're dumb enough to leave your computer near an access point or connected to the ethernet
Ever wondered why all of a sudden you can't remove the battery from laptops? It's not just to force you to call in tech support when it dies, it's because the ring 0 access needs some sort of power supply at all times.

100% outdated

What you’re looking for is the Israeli Talpiot programme/Unit 8200. I’m a sucker for software, but this video explains it in terms of hardware:


If you don’t want the kikes having access to your data, use AMD CPU’s (which the CCP can use to completely monitor and control your computer, however.)

Who do you trust more, Chinks or Kikes?

Unfortunately there's a way to deal with home-grown firewalls that restrict outbound traffic, with a smart enough backdoor.

Communications can piggyback on legitimate traffic. From the outside, the attacker only needs access to your gateway, the remote system, or any point in between. This is easy to implement on central gateways.

The attacker modifies packets, inserting code, and the compromised system watches for that, and inserts its responses likewise. For example, data and code can be added at the end of a buffer, options field, or any similar location where extraneous data isn't noticed (and even where it is specifically allowed).

Code and output can be marked with a fingerprint (used like an opening tag/password) which can even appear anywhere within transmitted data. The byte length of the code/data can be specified, or a closing fingerprint/tag can be used.

The backdoor can either look for the fingerprints in memory, or within the specific network buffer. Output can be queued to only go out with legitimate traffic as well.

For a widely-deployed universal backdoor, the options are vast.

I disagree. We're one of the few living boards on here and it pertains to a tool of mastery the jews wish to hold over us. Avoiding this is essential for our continued survival and success. We ought to discuss all elements of our struggle here.

r0 is a windows kernel concept.
Other OS kernel types does not work like that and opensource kernels are only vulnerable is binary only kernel modules are used.
Unless hardware itself is pozzed there is a way to bypass that grid.

The rings are a CPU thing, rather than Windows-specific. They're used in Linux, etc.

What's with all of the lame and gratuitous racial yammering on here?

I miss him, bros.

Attached: 1525362121650.jpg (1920x1440, 457.37K)

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The goatse joke unfortunately won't extend into negative space.

I know chyou… ask any Q'uestions.

Password 89cb76a1ed0c9c2d

The memes surround this guy are the dumbest shit ever. Too bad because he was actually quite interesting.

It's time to leave the niggernet behind and build the NaziNet.
Das Datenautobahn.

Attached: net.nazi.png (1600x875, 162.38K)

Last time this brought up some anons posted this pastebin link to some autists' physical security guide. pastebin.com/EBWsQtz0

Look into open source software and air gapping, user, to prevent a lot of shit.

Go ask >>>Zig Forums though, they'd know more.

Bunch of dumb apes on this board.

Just thought I should state that when you give power to a faggot, they have control over you. If you never give them power, they are forever indebted to you.

Quit being faggots.

This shouldn't be news to people here. Any serious Zig Forumsack should be keeping abreast of Zig Forums too, where this is regularly discussed. The lowdown on escaping the botnet is this:

For Laptops, you want a Librebooted thinkpad of the T500/T400/X200 generation. This means you're stuck on 2009 era Core2Duo hardware, this is the last generation of Intel processor where the ME could be completely disabled.

For desktops, You want AMD family 15h processors, the last generation before AMD implemented PSP, their ME equivalent. The most powerful practical one being the FX 8350. Unfortunately I'm not aware of a libreboot compatible motherboard for it, looking to work on a port myself. If you need more power, you can build a dual processor workstation using old Opteron hardware of the same generation. There are a couple of motherboards with Libreboot ported.

As a general rule you should also self-host everything you possibly can, to avoid giving your data to the CIANiggers at Google et al.


Do you recommend we stop posting on Zig Forums or anywhere else?
Should we stop exercising our first amendment rights?
What do you recommend, agent?
BTW, this is posted every month here.


Posting from a Raptor Talos with no Management Engine.

All the chips are backdoored OP. This your first day here? sage

While I'm glad we have these threads available and we should all be very wary about the facts and that we should redpill people on the subject, I think we're giving way more credit to the niggers that necessary. Despite this, we should have a discussion in this thread about security risks and building the best and most secure rig.

Could these "backdoors" be used to disable electronics? If so, this could be used to stage an Iranian or North Korean EMP attack.

God damn I love this board

Attached: 1524451718707.jpg (640x799, 57.06K)

Also with a built in backdoor, good try though

We can all tell you're not white, user.


Would rather stick to vagina.

Seriously bruh? High five, let's meet back at Reddit and I'll totally give you gold. Whoa. You blew my mind with that insightful +1 comment! Nice.

Just keep on doing what you're doing, you'll fit in fine here. I promise.



ring -3 access op in minix

What's with the jew and nigger references? It sounds super lame. Is there any actual reason for it, like tripping censors or affecting searches, or are you just that super classy?


Kill yourself. That board is literally retarded.