webm coming soon™, my connection is slow
This video was uploaded on Facebook by a litteraly who French singer, and its memetic power is ABSOLUTELY HABBEDING tier. Let me explain.
French Lyrics :
In English :
webm coming soon™, my connection is slow
This video was uploaded on Facebook by a litteraly who French singer, and its memetic power is ABSOLUTELY HABBEDING tier. Let me explain.
French Lyrics :
In English :
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Original song from Michel Fugain.
That was a comfy listen.
Have a bump OP.
based as fuck
Magnifique. Bravo crapeaus jaunes. Vive la France!
Forgot to add, Bercy is the French Economy Ministry headquarters. Look at this satanic architecture.
I wish they would just start killing off their kikes already, but I suppose sending this message is nice too.
The froggette's Facebook, if you want to give her some love :
Thanks for the bump m80 :^)
This could have a lot of impact on English speakers that are semi-knowledgeable of the issues that surround (((globalism))) Apart from that it's incredibly well sung and put together. Props!
Of course she did you dumb fuck, every single French kike attacked her on the matter. What did you expect from her as a fucking nobody ? Tell the juden to shut his lying whore mouth ?
That said, she resisted some time before disawoing. Quite courageous from a woman.
(archive.fo is screwing with me)
>Le clip semble avoir été plébiscité par une bonne partie du mouvement des Gilets jaunes qui ne tarie pas d'éloges sur le talent de Marguerite. Néanmoins, sur les réseaux sociaux, de nombreux internautes se sont interrogés sur la légende de la vidéo postée sur la page Facebook de la chanteuse qui dédicace la chanson à Daniel Cohn-Bendit et à Bernard Henri-Lévy. En effet, certains se sont indignés du fait que les seules personnes ciblées soient de confession juive. Interpellée à ce sujet dans les commentaires de la vidéo, la jeune femme n'a pas répondu ce jeudi 3.
Most importantly, The Jew revealed himself.
The song didn't say "jew" or "hebraic" at any moment, but the Jew, absolutely confident in his power and position, outed himself by yelling antisemitism to an innocent girl. Frogs will be immunized to juden guiltspeak in no time.
Not at all, they're just saying good guys and bad guys. You're purposedly mudding up gentil-gentile and mechant-merchant.
The yellow vests are currently eating each other, because the media's spin is that they need to separate from the right wingers in their mix. And any frog goes full socialist retard when someone mentions fascists.
I don't say normalfags understand this, but for the kike it's a fucking offense. And "Gentil" is the go-to translation for the yiddish "Goyim" you absolute retard.
>the (((media's spin)))
The whole fucking purpose of the movement, and this song in particular, is "don't listen to media" you nigger faggot.
Not behaving otherwise is almost hate speech offense in French law you kosherpill spewer. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you're from and tell your hasbara friends you're too obvious for this job.
This is golden.
You're a little confused, fam. Kikes don't stay hidden when they're safely on top: just accusing one of antisemitism is enough to bury him alive, in France. You can't throw a stone without hitting a 'secular' writer, journalist, intellectual that isn't part of the tribe. The one who needs to keep their powerlevel in check is us.
They play the jew card just the same way niggers and other shitskins play the racist card. I really hate non-white. Hopefully one day they get to experience to be really treated like the subhumans they are
when the Jew is explicitly named, that's true. But in this case she didn't, and the song has already hundreds of thousands views. Frogs are watching the shitstorm and saying, "why do they call us antisemites ? why is saying the truth an offense now ?"
Kikes can't bury alive hundreds of thousands of people at the same time. This is going way out of their reach.
This. They are going ballistic and overplaying their hand. Especially after Macaronis speech today.
What part of National Socialist don't you understand?
Because Europe never had an anti semitism problem, but the European Union was an arrogant Loxist venture of genocide from the start. And now it's blowing up.
Expect "muslim" terror attacks imminently.
I'm surprised there haven't been a major one yet. Distracting the French with them seems to be about the only trick they have left.
They have to hedge against the companies involved and anything that may be affected first. Why simply use an event for terror and distraction when you could make money too.
They tried in December, but it just made the police look even more treasonous and incompetent. They're probably dumb enough to try again soon though.
I expect it to be a "big" one, it will probably be the eiffel tower (because it's a spectacle and has been pre-programmed in many of the judeo-masonic films) maybe the arc de triomphe for the same reason. Or the Louvre "destroying" many highly valuable works of art which will involve vast payouts which gives the money making opportunities.
Criminally unchecked double dubs.
Nice song OP.
Meme responsibly. This has the potential to happen.
it won't distract the YV movement though. Nothing will, at this point.
Based redpilled frog qts with anti-semetic banners checked and bumped
can't you just replace sentences with American references instead? like jeez just change it to "babble on CNN"
I'm sorry to have made you read a few more lines than needed, sir. Should I bite your weak d&c bait attempt and say "amerimutt" for good measure or am I forgiven?
This is highly memetic, good job French. Keep it up and don't let up for a second
>This could have a lot of impact on English speakers that are semi-knowledgeable of the issues that surround (((globalism))) Apart from that it's incredibly well sung and put together. Props!
can we have this with english subtitles ?it has great memetic potential.
I can't do this right now (mobilefagging). Translation is in OP, just change French references to British / American ones and you're good to go.
I didn't mean it in an American sense, it was just a commentary on insecure normalfags who ruined fansubs by calling everyone weaboos for wanting something different than what official subs provided. I'm sorry I made my point so poorly. Please don't hate me.
this woman is tradwife as fuck.
I've created blueprints for a guillotine that would fit into a suitcase. It folds and is very sturdy, can withstand over a thousand kilos more than enough. Oh and fuck 68ers. The shitskinning decline is their fault.
You're on the wrong board. OP was made by a Frog who only tried to explain the lyrics a bit. If you wish to make yourself useful, just provide a better translation for someone to add them to YouTube or the web itself.
I am not useful. You are 100% right. I wish someone would come into my bedroom some night and kill me in my sleep. God knows if I'll ever have the courage to do it myself.
Go back to wherever you are from, you clearly don't belong here.
So in French
mechant = villain
gentil = good
what a cohencidence!
So organized, but so underestimating the problem much like the gas chambers and ovens.
I see each 5g enabled lampost adorned with strange cleptocratic fruit, ripped up fiber optic cable their last necklace or tie.
I fantasise about Muslims blowing up a leg of the Eiffel Tower and it falls over. The symbol of France coming crashing down and the French people lose their minds and a full on civil war breaks out, finally. The people going apeshit tear the govt from its seat and beat the traitors to death for allowing the plague of mud into France. Macron tries to get the police to intervene but when they are outnumbered 100:1 the police just fuck off and he gets guillotined. Merkel sends in the German army to stop it because this means her EU playground falls apart. More hijinks ensue and her country collapses too. Would be very entertaining but it's far too perfect and dramatic to actually happen. A man can dream though.
I actually submitted subs to the video on youtube to reach as many people as possible, you're welcome.
Guillotine the REdsheild kikes when?
that building is designed with the future in mind. look at the pier structure. its a boat or dock. they expect that water to hit the level at the top of those columns at some time
Good but what will this achieve though ?
They can sing whatever they want but are they willing to slaughter the Jew and their mudshit pets ?
This sounds like another civcuck anthem
That was my first impression too. I wonder if the double entendre was intended.
This is entertaining, but I don't speak frog.
Translation is in OP, and there's potential even for English speakers.
Why are all the performers women, or, if they're male, they're children or soyboys?
Haha, very nice!
Because France is the whore of Israel for centuries, the White Man died in Stalingrad.
What am I missing, what's satanic about it?
with english subtitles!
The part where you called frogs surrendering monkeys up to last year, and have no idea what France and the french people are like. Don't pretend you do, teen yank.
Great job magapedes! Now realize that in the French language, it actually means good guys and bad guys. Literally fake news for wishful thinking.
D&C attempt. You forgot your "le 56% maymay" pic though.
Well poisoning. Have an upvote fellow redditor.
Le Cube Noir de Saturn. C'est le hexagon dans le nord pole de la planete Saturn. C'est le symbole de les juifs et la cercle de moloch.
Apprends le français et arrête avec Google trad , ça fait con plus qu'autre chose.
ferme la bouche mossad
Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta.
No one mentioned the 56% but it seems you can't take it off your mind.
Shut up D&C shill.
Les gilets jaunes vont triompher!
Of course, it's anudda shoah.
That first tweet tho.
Όνομα και πράμα.
This is fucking weird, didn't we really do fucked up shit over in France in while we occupied it??
"Poustis" is a greek heavy pejorative meaning "fag".
Women turn everything to shit. What the fuck is this crap?
It's killing you Jew?
Did you take a wrong turn on the home page? I think you meant to go to Zig Forums.
Youtube is manipulating comments and dislikes on the video
Oh those ambiguities, kike. You should have, you really should have. But know it's too late and we musn't much longer. We getting bolder every day and all you can do is sit and kvetch.
Kvetch louder for me kike. It makes my dick hard.
t.one-dimensional low IQ retard
Any frogs can translate this?
Is that all you have, shill. Truly pathetic. Don't you know you're all going to be genocided? You have put some effort into it. We're talking about your life being at stake here.
At least you admit you're projecting.
Gentiles/gentil are non jews, the people the jews hate.
If anyone can translate the video to English, put the (((echo))) around "Les méchants/The Merchants"
You got it all wrong. Calling "Rotschild" the "gentils" (as in the good ones) is calling mass media on their own bullshit. Plus, it's an offense to (((them))) since "goyim" translation in French is actually "gentil".
I think the first sentence is "The Dignity is not done."
Oh, I get it now. I didn't get French humor.
You can't take your privileges for granted. They have to be toiled for and wrung from the clutches of wealth redistributors. #NotMyPresident, Macron is a two-faced globalist who hates the French working class.
It's a rough interpretation but it conveys the point. Not a frog but I have basic proficiency.
Dignity isn't free. It's earned from one's fruits of his own labour and with fight against fiscal extortion. MANU the MACROOK is NOT my president, he's a contemptuous urban europeanist that HATES working frenchmen.
DIESEL and PUBS, not velo and Quotididian (?)
Vive la France.
I think the last sentence translates to "give me diesel and pubs instead of a bicycle and I will be a happy man" (quotidien is day-to-day life if I recall).
Well i'm french and it doesn't makes sense to me kek
They must have run out of space to write. It seems like short-hand for a complete sentence to me but I leave the verdict to you.
spere yourself this board is for mental degenerates
I read it as "Diesel et PMU, pas vélo et quotidien ok." just so we're on the same page.
It's "Diesel and pubs" indeed, then "not bicycles and Quotidien".
Quotidien is a French equivalent to "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver", with that leftist faggot Yann Barthès.
I get your point but quotidien also doubles as a noun meaning 'day-to-day life' etc.
That's right, but in that case the sentence doesn't make much sense to me. And I'm French too.