At the peak of the Holocaust, Nazis murdered more than 14,000 Jews a day, scholar says

At the peak of the Holocaust, Nazis murdered more than 14,000 Jews a day, scholar says

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Can you prove him wrong Zig Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-03 At the peak of the Holocaust, Nazis murdered more than 14,000 Jews a day, scholar says.png (800x544 1.13 MB, 104.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based solely on the book "A year in Treblinka" which is a total work of fiction.

It contains such gems as "You can tell someone's nationality by the color of the flames when you burn them," "Women and children burn easier, we used them as kindling" and "I was shot with a rifle at point blank range, the bullet bounced off my coat"

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Did they manage to find the official documents issuing the kill order yet? Or does that still not matter compared to emotional appeals and eyewitness testimonies?

So was this study done solely out of anger that goyim dared compare the Rawanda genocide tot he holy holocaust?

Let's consider this in greater detail.

First off
Was a transit station. Any claims of widespread "death" at that facility as the consequence of purposeful action are entirely false.

An utterly biased researcher.

Dissociation to create a false appearance of legitimacy, in that, (((Stone))) isn't doing anything more 'painstaking' than holding up a claim as to number of people killed and (disingenuously) combining that with figures for people arriving at the facilities to come up with a "kill rate", without actually demonstrating any "killing" transpiring at all.

There isn't even anything to 'disprove' here - he hasn't proven anything, other than that he can and did take numbers without actual backing and present them as "authoritative" then generating a rate measurement based upon documentation of arrivals at several facilities. There's nothing proven or disproven there, its merely applying mathematics to data points, without any actual backing-up of those data points.
So he didn't prove anything to begin with.

No, genocide is not something that should have happened. The Jews should have been forcefully deported outside of Europe, and in large part, they were - most of those supposedly killed in 'muh shoah' were actually transported elsewhere, and documentation is either lacking of fudged to avoid acknowledgement of that fact.

I hate Jews, as a people, on the basis of their cultural beliefs and biologic predispositions/traits, and even I don't think the Jews SHOULD have been holohoax'd THEN.
Now? Well, NOW is a different story, because seeing what they did before this ludicrous story was made up, and seeing what they've done with this ludicrous story, how they've used it as a weapon against some of the best peoples on this planet in all of history, I can only conclude that there will be likely to come a day wherein they will simply have to be destroyed in-entirety, not out of malice, not out of hate, but out of simple requisite for our survival and the securing of our prosperity.

These wretches do not want others to have peace, they want to enslave us, they want to brutalize us, they want to dehumanize us, and they not only get a sense of amusement out of it, it seems almost-sexually excite them. That is simply not a life form that can be permitted to continue to exist if we are to have a functional and prosperous existence in this reality.

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Pretty sure it was to contest it on the grounds that the deaths of 800,000 niggers left a very visible trail of bodies that the holocaust did not with 6 million.

Fourteen thousand jews per day. Need to improve things to eighty eight percent higher efficiency than the Rwandan genocide.
But not really because tacking 14 and 88 together is a psyop for their gematria faggotry that means 'goyim are slaves'

Seriously though the logical inconsistencies of the so called holocaust are a great redpill. By all means keep drawing attention to them while trying to cover for the fact that the holocaust emotional abuse conditioning is wearing off.

On that note, does anyone still have that video bit wherein the guy took cut footage from (((Spielberg)))'s MUH SHOAH documentary which basically showed that none of the supposed 'witnesses' ever actually SAW a gas chamber or any of the supposed victims thereof?

That was a great video, and now it seems to have been scrubbed from Jewtube.

While I agree with you anti-geonicde sentiments, I don't know why you're saging the thread :/

I thought they were industrious.

Because its a shill thread.
That "can you disprove this Zig Forums HMMMM?" indicates to me a bait thread made by a hostile outsider, not someone I care to assist in promotion of their thread.

Eric Hunt cucked out and had all of his documentaries taken off of jewtube.

Wrong spellings make you sound much less credible.

Not what you're looking for but, here's some proof that "death showers" was just commie propaganda.

Attached: Ingrid Rimland 1998.webm (540x360, 7.38M)

Maybe. I've seen bait threads on 4/pol/, but they're usually about debunking the debunkers.

When you say he 'cucked out', what do you mean exactly? Those were great videos, and that Treblinka one in particular was extremely eye-opening.

Why do I care? Either the holocaust didn't happen or it was one of the best attempts to fix the world. It's a win in my book either way,

Oh, I think I see the issue…


>Eric Hunt, 24, had been charged with six felonies related to the Feb. 1, 2007, incident at the Argent Hotel that prosecutors had said was a hate-based attempt to persuade the peace activist to renounce the Holocaust.






That fuck for that.

You fuck everything up even worse when you do that kinda shit, god damn it.

Jesus Christ this shit is embarrassing. People need to have some fucking conviction and not listen to their fucking lawyers when they try to sell you on this 'insanity' shit.

WHO THE FUCK CARES IF HE WAS AND DID!? Pulling a guy out of an elevator and asking him for an interview, then leaving when he freaks out and says no, should not be a meaningful criminal complaint!

Oh, so this was another political hit job. Of course.

That's a damn shame. Too bad it wasn't really 6,000,000.

These are some of the ones I remember:


Those are a different kind of bait thread, usually run by kike organizations.
This kind of a bait thread is just an empty claim by some Israeli kike and the expectation is laid RIGHT THERE in the OP that we need to 'disprove' this thing which represents no proof of anything at all besides that kikes are good at accounting sufficiently to calculate a rate measurement.
Notice, for example, that OP is thus far a (1) and done. That's ALWAYS a sign of baitposting or otherwise illegitimate shitposting.

That's one of the ones I remember as well, yes.

A good start I say
They need ended to a gene so they can't come back and practice their universal kikery
Time to disassociate them at the molecular level

He told thew jews it was real in his mind too.

More info:

Might I inquire as to the value of that link?
I'm not immediately inclined to listen to a lie-promoting kike for any length of time without warrant.

Fritz Berg isn't a kike, he runs, and was who convinced Hunt to come out of retirement back in 2014.

Women and children might actually burn easier considering they normally have a higher body fat percentage.

If you want to debunk it then bring up the missing teeth.

Where the killing feilds of cambodia teeth turn up still after a heavy rain. Where did all of those jew teeth go? The jews claim the killed jews outside of death camps.

Where are the mass graves of jews that can be found with ground penetrating radar?

It says they used bone grinders after burning the bodies, so I guess those grind teeth too?

Oh, my apologies then.
I did a quick scan of the site and it seemed to imply he was some sort of kike in opposition to Hunt and who was prone to maligning others in the revisionist community.

This right here is what really sealed the deal for me. Literally why not use bullets or easily available sarin or bother feeding them during total war if you're gonna do it

Also anyone got the webm or video link of that priest who questions the Holocaust and quotes testimony of the guy who built gas chambers for the US prison system?

The fact is, its not worth it to attack specific evidentiary points of the hoax in that manner, you'll just get dragged down into the weeds with kikes who are very skilled at manipulative/deceptive argumentation.

I tend to promote focus upon the "big picture" issues with the claims associated with the hoax, for example, that the territory which contained these supposed 'death camps' were ALL within Soviet-held post-war territory, meaning Western sources didn't get a look at these locations for long periods after the war, sometimes decades, thus all claims in that capacity are either witness testimony (the WORST sort of evidence available) or direct from the mouth of the Soviet Union (which is as trustworthy as a fox in a hen house).

Granted, sometimes it is necessary to get down into the weeds, but where such is not requisite, best to focus on the incredible flaws at the meta-narrative level than get down into statistical disagreements or the like, IMHO at least.

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Was it this guy?


They have to be able to ignite first.

YES! Danke user!

do you know why putin gets away with almost anything he wants? he has access to the soviet secret archives, and releasing the ww2 holocaust files would cause the house of cards to wobble just a little bit.

Only thing you need to cite.


Not long afterwards, the Jewishpeople were identified, disarmed, assets frozen, and rounded up for a long train ride, on which many lost their lives from sheer exhaustion and the human condition. They were packed in like sardines. Modesty prevented some from utilizing the hole cut in the floor of the box car and held their bladders so long, diverticula formed, infection, fever, dehydration, gone. Many had heart attacks or strokes. The very old and very young were doomed. In the camps, there were many different arm bands (over 20, as many as 30) and one of them was purple - the crime: Blasphemy of Judaism. The tortured group were the homosexual men of which out of 200,000, only 20,000 survived. Some died of severe winter conditions and the obvious lack of necessities. This was a work camp for the most part and that BMW and Audi utilized among many others. Deals were made to move the monied Jews into Israel when Evian Conference ended with only 1 country out of 120 agreeing to accept Jewish refugees.

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MEDDLE. Mind your own fucking business. Stop TRICKING US. You muthas dance around like a Mexican Jumping Bean when we finally say: YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF, forgetting how you cashed in on the Human Condition to live a life you did not deserve, then undermined the very system which gave you back a life in order to call it your own.

It’s out of the bag and it will never go back in. I suggest you keep a low profile or that money trail straight to London and Belgium also leads right back to the laundromat, Israel. Talmud, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Edwin Black’s work….

Do you see all the Jews who want to arm Iran? You see the population in Israel is 6.5 million? You see the Ponzi scheme by the Jewish bankers about to blow? You see that? That is the Victim Card expiration date right there. Your only goal right now should be keeping your provocative leaders from starting WW III.

Great study OP, surely there can be no bias here!

I'm sure they have a single shred of evidence to back it up.
Oh, guess not.

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Must have been some ovens that got so hot from all the bread being baked that they spontaneously-combust the ingredients in the various rail supply lines increasing their output a supernaturally murderous 6000000%.

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Possible, I suppose.

Quite so user, quite so.

Just for shits n' gigs, let's all take a look at a brief summary of the "historical accounts" this Jew described during his stay at the sheer horror that was Treblinka.
Straight from the Kikepedia article itself.

Attached: Part 3.jpg (1280x671 314.91 KB, 296.19K)

by all accounts this isnt fake or unreal just improperly attributed, much worse and for much longer this all happened behind the iron curtain.


I wonder how much money flew away from Germany at peak hour


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Jewish girls can jump.

Camps dont exist too. And they supposed to kill almost as many as big Auschwitz.

No proof, no witnesses, few sad stories. Oy vey.

I don't believe in baseless conspiracy theories.

Hahahah what the fuck dude. If not for Jews, I'd say you can't make this shit up.

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Oh fuck, I just realized….

Someone needs to make an illustrated version of that book. Artfags, get on it. I might even make a thread about it, because holy fuck that would be hysterical AND great propaganda.

The only way for you scum to save yourselves (assuming you aren't kikes too) is to keep your faggot mouths shut about your fee fees and not hinder us in the slightest once we to what should have been done a thousand years ago. Or even better, kill yourselves right now.

Attached: definition of insanity.png (1066x1486, 523.19K)

If only they would have been more like today's army.

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Classic pilpul.

No, not then. Now is another story though.
What kind of kike would say "they shouldn't have been genocided then but they should be genocided NOW because of what they've done since then"? No kike would say that.
You're dumb.

Attached: ANGRY JEW.jpg (900x881, 325.63K)

The definition of insanity is kicking the jew out, over and over, hoping that this time he leaves you alone. Genocide is the only way.

Yes that's what this pic is supposed to

I apologize dad, I missed that part of your post because I got so pissed at the first part lol.

Kicked out of one region and into a neighboring region is not the same thing as being kicked out of a continent, or isolated to a single country as the majority of that country.

Too bad, didn't happen.

Every. Frigging. Day. Every. Frigging. Day.

We're not allowed to, because reasons.

An entire study based on pilpul. And this isn't the only one.

Attached: the pilpul pill.jpg (315x160, 7.75K)

Also, the guy's name is Stone, it could be just another masonic hoodwink.


See, THIS is the reason I use OCR on the images I want to save as soon as I download them. Not only so that I can actually search through the text, but so that I don't have to worry about thumbnails.

Trump knows it's bullshit too. It's the ultimate leverage they have over Bibi and his golems.

Aren't they called snowflakes because of all the cocaine they do which messes with their emotions? That kind of disqualifies you from the army.


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So how many guards were stationed at Sobibor, Treblinka and Belzec, if that sole camp was to murder 14.000 Jews a day, without causing a major revolt?

How were the jews executed at treblinka? Is there physical and/or black on white evidence for these executions?

If cremated, how did the camps burn 14.000 bodies a day? If not cremated, where are the physical remains?

Its okay son, you're a good kid, I shouldn't have called you dumb like that.
Just remember what Uncle A always says: Read carefully, wash your penis (inside a biological-female's vagina whom you love and with whom you intend to have and raise children as part of your duty to yourself and your Volk), and never trust a Jew.

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This book of laughable nonsense and 15 minutes of testimony at Nuremberg from a guy who claimed to be at Sobibor, but never witnessed any murders, is the entirety of the evidence of 1.5 million jews being gassed and you think "maybe it was a bad translation" is a valid argument…

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oy vey what if the young people start doing the math

this is why the "common core" math exists

user, if you are concerned with gettign pwnd then you should first learn how these attacks work. Once you know how they work you can mitigate them. For example, how would an attacker gain initial access to you system to fuck with the kernel ? If you can prevent that, then you have nothing to worry about.

The jews deserve to be totally annihilated from this world for everyone's sake, there is no maybe about it. They are nothing more than a disgusting "race" of psychopaths who have left a long, long trail of destruction, death, degeneracy, enslavement, lies, etc. in their wake. They've been fucking the whole world up and everyone in it for 2000+ years, their total destruction is long since overdue.
Seriously, I'll gladly team up with every other race under the sun to eradicate the jewish menace once and for all so that we can all go and create a better way of life for our own people.

this is hate speech

If this is true then it probably cements the holocaust as the most horrific act in human history.
And considering humanity seems to be heading to some sort of endless peace, I doubt it will ever be surpassed.
I just hope, for humanity's sake, that it is never forgotten.

There's a polish war museum that has a reporting of the first few hundred people sent to Auschwitz. Over 300 of the first 800 survived the war.
Now I'm not an expert at mass execution but I can imagine that level of inefficiency would make execution of another 2,999,700 quite the task

They improved their methods.

Death metal band names, get your death metal band names

Sounds more like a shitty Metalcore band tbh.

Black Metal

Schedules based on the "eye witness" "estimates" of an admitted communist sympathizer.

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WTF is a Biomathematician? All you need is a shovel Himey. We know exactly where the remains of "approximately" one million of the alleged six million are buried yet we've never seen an ounce of physical evidence.

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The jews biggest trick lies in convincing the goy that they cannot be duped on that level.

Your average westerner completely believes that there IS a mountain of evidence.
They believe there are thousands upon thousands of credible eyewitness accounts.
They believe a hoax that big cannot exist.

In order to get the goyim to question the holohoax, you first need to erode their faith in those 3 pillars. You need to show them that people can be duped en masse, that those survivors can lie.

For the uninitiated even by modern cremation methods the average human body is reduced to 5 pounds of bone fragments and teeth. You can do the math. We know the precise location of where the remains of these millions of jews are supposed to be buried. These "graves" have never been proven to exists. They did however manage to go through the trouble of laying tons of concrete and boulders over these alleged sites around the 1960's when revisionists started asking questions. thats not suspicious at all

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Now they'll say these "anti-investigation" barriers were laid to prevent the locals from digging for the mythical jew gold, because after all G_d knows international jewry can't afford a minimum wage security guard.

Attached: belzec anti investigation barrier.jpg (719x467, 118.84K)

Yes you can Jewgle " Treblinka mass graves" and you'll find lots of racy headlines. What you won't find is any actual evidence.

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Even the "eye witnes" survivors who re-visited the site less than two years after the Germans evacuated couldn't locate the "mass graves containing the remains of almost a million murdered jews"

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They did go so far as to claim they took soil samples at Belzec. They even provided us with pencil drawings as proof.

Attached: belzec nonsense.JPG (823x532, 55.38K)

Hindering the complete extermination of the jew from planet earth will be a crime punishable by death.

Nowhere near that many bodies/bones every found. Far beyond the capacity of the crematoria. Get rekt kikes.

When you learn that the holohoax is a fraud and that the whole anti-racism movement is nothing more than post WWII anti-nazi propaganda, things become a little clearer.

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Based. Any other race will immediatelly cease to pose problems to us once the tribe is annihilated.