Gotta Glow Fast

This is your reminder that ZOG being slow and inefficient is a front. When it wants to, the federal government can operate in a timescale of weeks, days, or even hours.

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Full indictment here



Moral of the story is just don't talk to anyone about it beforehand. Pretty obvious shit.

trust no one

So was CHS-2 a glow in the dark nigger?

How about providing some context you fucking nigger.

The problem they have with us is numbers and distribution.
Theres tens if not hundreds of thousands of us spread all over the world.
Taking out a chunk of us just encourages us. It's vindication.
Lets say the USA rounded up all anons in the USA. What they gonna do with them all? They don't have the prison capacity to store them and all the criminal niggers.

>Using (((social media))) to express fondness of mass shootings

CHS means confidential human source, which means meetups. Let me guess, you didn't know "meadhall" is a joke for honeypot? KEK.

Never, ever meet someone from an anonymous message board user. Hell, I could be JTF-X or JSOC.

more like PNKSOC

It just goes to show that lone wolf attacks are what the FBI/NSA/CIA is truly afraid of. They can't stop those. Those are planned and executed by a sole perpetrator. There is no OODA-loop outside their own head, and so they are one of the few types of attackers that can outmaneuver the HUMINT/SIGINT hunters within the 3-letter branches. Lone wolf attacks require a significantly higher amount of discipline to carry out, specifically because you will have no one else to rely on during times of moral struggle. But those are the only attacks which can succeed. If someone speaks to you of violence (that they've committed), or agitates for violence (by working with them), assume immediately that you are dealing with a Fed.

This is basic 4th generation warfare stuff. If you must, must, MUST kill the jews, then make sure you're doing it alone and make sure you've kept your plans and mouth silent.

Super dumb.

That's the only goncerning part. Practically anything laying around your house could be considered "bomb" components.

…This is why you don't talk to the FBIniggers in ANY setting or circumstance.

I'm assuming the items in question are stuff from which ingredients to an explosive can be extracted.

Pathetically low-information OP, don't do that again.

And if you do….make sure the targets matter and are not some randos.

Isn't it obvious?

In theory, nothing illegal about publishing an open source kill list with dox's of the targets. Hypothetically speaking, no one is forcing any one to select a target from that list, nor act upon it.

That's your takeaway OP? ffs… How about the faggot had a tumblr in his name, accepted messages from strangers, met up with the cunt and after a drink (lolz) was revealing his terrorist plan? Oh and then the cunt met with other cunts the first cunt recommended. Keep your fucking mouth shut if you plan to do ANYTHING. The asshole was even discovered before this because the dumb motherfucker wrote it all down. Not only that, but the stupid piece of shit didn't abort and intended to continue with his idiotic, larpy fantasy. Just trash.

If anyone "Got it right", it was none other than Nike.

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I don’t partake in any social media nor do I speak too “openly” about my power level yet I still believe I’ve been “contacted” by these glow niggers in real life at the gym on multiple occasions. Thinking back now about it scares the fuck out of me.

Digits don’t lie


I dunno maybe try not being a murdering wigger?

I don’t even remember how it all went down, but basically he got me to open up a little bit about what my beliefs are about kikes very very quickly with him- agreeing with me on many levels about how much control kikes have and how much kikery is afoot through the world. Maybe it could have just been another user but what freaked me out was I had never seen this guy there but only one time and he was there with some other dude with a fucked up eye and after that convo I never saw him again. It wasn’t until weeks later I thought about and it scared the fuck out of me.

To add onto that, how some “friendships” have started by meeting people in public places has felt unnatural to the point where it feels like what is in OPs affidavit. Just someone egging you on to extract your feelings about things and see what you’re willing to do. Again, without posting on social media, no public data on myself, no criminal history, the only way I would be tracked is via an anonymous Hungarian basket weaving club. Makes me wonder sometimes.

All of my people have passed the mouth hug test.

Wait, that's not true.

It sure is. Mead is made from honey.

Your new best friend is a fed, user.

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Cops, both off duty and undercover, use gyms and usually anyone into "white power" also deals drugs. Just a standard intelligence operation at the local level most likely.

Was one of your friends busted for drugs recently?

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JIDF pls. It literally took them an entire year to set up these two vaccinated retards. Go spook somewhere else.

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be silent.

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That wasn't a threat idiot, it was a warning. We still have to operate just smarter.

Zig Forums is a board of peace, nigger.

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Mass shootings are dumb because there's no one of value left in the world so there's no reason to martyr yourself. Just enjoy the decline, no one can stop it.

These people are just dumb shits

This is where the Jews' evil plan to annihilate traditional communities is revealed as a stroke of genius. In traditional societies, discontent that leads to violence simmers for a while, spread in casual conversation between blood relatives and kinfolk who know they can trust each other. Eventually, without the government having a clue, there's a rebellion somewhere.

In our dissolved and deracinated world, young people can get angry about wrongs they don't understand. Giving them context and pointing them in the right direction what we do, basically is criminal conspiracy and hate speech. When the lonely would-be dissident goes looking for whatever bizarre perversion looks like it might break the wicked system, they're just as likely to drift into antifa or some other government-funded bullshit.

The rare ones who sniff in the right direction – the smart and perceptive ones, in other words – invariably have to hook up with a stranger on the internet, who is invariably a snitch, who then introduces federal agents with some really creative ideas about blowing up a federal building.

Only trust the family and friends you've known your whole life. If you don't have those, build a family and keep them all in contact. Never trust a stranger, which is the word for anyone who isn't descended from your grandparents, or who hasn't borne your child.

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That's because time isn't the relevant factor. What is a relevant factor is letting them focus on a single target, which obviously no one should do. Do not stand out too far from the group.

Checked and true.

False. How does ZOG know to trust their own people? It's time to abuse that trust. In fact, it has been high time and we have people embedded everywhere. Stop seeing the world through your enemy's propaganda, nigger.

Checked. This place is a resource for information.

Well, I understand why some people would snap. The kikes are some terribly shitty occupiers. However, things that lead to getting caught are just dumb. Anyone can plan ahead, and if you don't, you're just lazy. Anyone who hasn't spent a decade embedded and gotten top tier training from the enemy on their dime is wrong. Anyone who would try to execute any kind of plan and go blurb about it is wrong. I put out information all the time to try to cover you faggots, but there's only so much anyone can do. You can't protect someone from their own stupidity. Also, their target selection sucks. Politicians are puppets and should be charged and tried under a new government. They are not targets of strategic worth.

It's pretty common knowledge that revolutionaries meet "for drinks" and just "go for a drive" and shit like that. No one claims they are going to do illegal shit if they're actually going to because it's evidence. By moving several times, you force reinforcements to follow a potential plant and have your movements watched from the outside. This is how people like the IRA did their shit–in other words, not like retards.

All legit threads get anchored or deleted. How long have you been gone?

I'll bet the FBIniggers have more and better shit. According to my ancestor Jefferson, one rule for the government and another for the citizenry is tyranny. It is no wonder some people snap.

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It is 2019, user.

The only "operation" i've ever seen here was that retarded kid from Virginia that went to school in a gorilla mask and handed out bananas and rope to black kids.

Aren't you embarrassed to be here, doing this shit?

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Just autistic. Fix your shit. It will be good all year.

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What kind of bar were they planning on attacking?


tbh baste generation Zyclon.

it would be an interesting exercise to have an open-source "DoR Wiki" or something, to be sure.

t. glownigger

No, a list of PLACES TO PROTEST would be wise, however. We need to engage, as good citizens, in lawful protest of immoral sites. One site where it is lawful to protest is the site of cults or traditional-brutal religions. As an example, in India they forced a traditional-brutal cult to allow women into the "holy site". This was done through India's Supreme Court, but the whole thing was led by the protests.

We protest, we change society.

Our demand is this: a constitutional amendment that:
1. Prohibits dual allegiance
2. Bans by name islam and all of its forms.

What the fuck am I even reading here?

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No, really, what the fuck is this even?

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You glow in the dark.

Oh my good sweet lord in Honda accord.
Microprocessors were a mistake.

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These are the people you're going to have to fight along side with. How does that make you feel?

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criminally unchecked.


piss off and kys you fucking kikefaggot

Fuck off with the non kosher spam, yid.