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Thought this might be relevant. Never heard of this group before, might be worth looking into. And if somebody could archive that’d be cool
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Thought this might be relevant. Never heard of this group before, might be worth looking into. And if somebody could archive that’d be cool
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Lol they're not like the other jews, we swear ;^)
Isn't it amazing how the most orthodox jews and mudshits are never "real" jews and mudshits?
Bear in mind the "orthodox jewish cults" are usually the ones that say israel is cursed because it goes against scripture.
The children they allegedly kidnapped were also jews.
In all probability this is zionist jews using their judicial system to fuck these proper jews up because they are a thorn.
Already a thread:
There is no illuminati
There is no deep state
There are no lizard people
Its just the jews, its always the jews, it always will be the jews.
its not simply "the jews" sure they are in the front but someone had to hire the rothschilds for them to become powerful in the first place, read the war of the roses. its still very much in play today. yes most powerful jews in charge today are occult niggers and genetically are predisposed to kiking but they are a protected class used a shield politically.
fuck u racist piece of shit for always trivializing complex things into race. you dumb as rock retards need to exercise your mental capacity to understand things other than "da joos". but no. your iq is something around room temperature and you focus your life on scapegoating a group of people that you project your inferiority complex upon. fuck you
first day on the job?
This would literally not happen if it weren't for (((san francisco)))
Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Need some tips? Plenty of people happy to help in that department.
I hope we got us a live one and not some cheeky fuck. I hate the cheeky fucks.
No reply in 2 hours? I'd say it was b8.
The Rothschilds appear in the aftermath of the Guerre de Trente Ans, perhaps the most horrible war in European history, when 1/3 to 1/2 the population of Germany was eradicated. They were bankers to the wealthiest man in the world at that time, the Elector of Hess, a man who made his vast fortune by breeding and training huge mercenaries in the manner of the Spartans and then renting them out to all the warring principalities of Europe. They entered Britain during the Glorious Revolution of 1695, which coincided with the creation of the Bank of England and the first stock exchange in history in London.
I meant "Hesse" not Hess.
And thus "Hessian Mercenaries". There have always been Hessian mercenaries protecting the invading German aristocrats and their jew bankers since 1695 all the way through to Queen Victoria at least. This is attested to in Karl Marx's excellent biography of Queen Victoria's foreign minister Lord Palmerston. Britons have not been free since Henry VIII seized all the Church lands in England to pay for the first British Navy. Those Church lands amounted to an all encompassing social welfare system the protected the aged and orphans, and provided hospitals to the sick. With the seizure of those lands hundreds of thousands of sick, aged and orphans were tossed out to die of hunger and exposure as the lands were resold to an aggressive new breed of farmers that kicked farmers off the land who were growing food to replace them with more lucrative sheep runs for the profit of a few businessmen who tended to be radical protestants. This set the stage for the English civil war between Catholic aristocrats and landless and now homeless peasants against protestant wool merchants who may or may not have been crypto jews or at least financed by jews.
the sheep thing sounds a lot like what happened in Scotland during the highland clearances. it talks about the landlords being of "foreign stock" but doesn't specifically name them as kikes. They booted peasants off the land and built massive sheep farms.
do you have any books you recommend to learn europoor history?
Slightly off topic, but: If anybody has copies/snapshots/backups of his older articles, post them now. His stuff has been getting systematically removed from the internet, and his site hacked to remove all older content in preparation for a "Joe Vialis":
I have been completely cut off from contact with him since the beginning of the year, despite extraordinary measures to maintain contact.
interesting i hadnt gotten to the society level ramification of the royals yet, ive been listening to old histories for about a year now everyday a new book basically but im still in the genealogies and laws about ascendance ect ect. i have read the history of the city of london and about the jesuits in north america
here are a few really good ones ive read or listened to most of them. a few in there disregard but youll be able to tell by the titles
also i believe around this era in time is when many of the "remarkable ruins" are created, much of the country and local "specialty" cultures would have been eradicated. similar to the dark ages, the communist purging of the country side in china and pretty much all asian countries, and the wiping out of the northern russians. communism :(
Are you fucking retarded or just a kike yourself? The orthodox kike is a kike fundamentalist. They are the stereotype x10 and have zero redeeming characteristics. Where the zionist will kike you to help themselves take shit from mudslimes and destabilize the middle east and serve as a scapegoat while we take the oil… the orthodox kike is such a disgusting filthy parasite, that even other kikes call them out as such!
Another weird story about this group:
Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans and his Lev Tahor cult followers have fled their homes and are on their way to Iran, after Canadian welfare officials are preparing to take custody of their children, according to a report in the Haredi World.
Long plagued by allegations of child abuse and severe neglect, the 40 families of Lev Tahor fled their homes located in Ste. Agathe-du-Mont, Quebec, on Tuesday, fearing imminent removal of their children by Canadian welfare authorities.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry and police worked through the night on Tuesday, for information about the safety of children.
About 200 people traveling in three buses headed to Ontario, where they rented a small number of hotel rooms. The police in Canada has confirmed that the group is planning to move to Iran.
Lev Tahor is led by charismatic Shlomo Helbrans, a convicted kidnapper. The group, mostly native Israelis and their children born in Canada, lived in the resort town in Quebec.
Only five members have legal status in Canada, and their children do not have passports.
As we reported earlier, the wife of ultra-Orthodox Jewish cult leader Shlomo Helbrans fled after being severely beaten by her husband's followers, Malka Helbrans revealed in an interview.
Shlomo Helbrans is the cult leader of Lev Tahor, a small group of radical ultra-Orthodox Jews in Montreal, Canada. Helbrans was accused of child abuse and kidnapping in Israel and in the United States before fleeing to Canada.
The wife of the cult leader, Malka Helbrans, arrived back in Israel this week after she was beaten to near death by her husband’s followers.
Malka recently told her family members about what had happened to her one Saturday about six months ago. "I heard men violently knocking on the door of the women’s synagogue," she recalled. "I saw eight to ten men with plastic white chairs charge at me and they all started beating me with the chairs. I thought I was dying. I screamed. I did not understand what was happening. I did not understand why. They chased me home. They threw snow at me. The knocked down my door and beat me and beat me, and beat me." Malka said.
"They accused me of closing the door to the women’s section," Malka explained.
The trouble for the rabbi's wife began after she voiced opposition to the rampant child abuse going on in the community. “The main reason for my sufferings is the fact that I dared to voice opposition to the punishments that are being used in the village,” Malka said.
Punishments include beatings of children, forced marriages between members of the community, marriage of minors as young as 14, achieving compliance through pain, denial of food, violent separation between parents and children from the age of six months, complete isolation from family in Israel, and more.
Gotta scroll down a bit to see the story. From 2013, so they’ve been doing this shit for away.
From what I’ve read on these guys though it seems the are actually probably not some super powerful group, not like the (((bankers))) or (((Hollywood))). Controlled opposition perhaps. Idk what to think tbh
Judaism is not a cult dumbass
Kek very apropos.
It's interesting to note that the 'discovery' of the New World seems to have set the stage for everything else to completely go wrong in Europe.
Blood libel intensifies.
I do not think, that they kidnapped other jewish kids. It were white kids.
They just tell you that, so you do not get suspicious.
They wanted the blood of the children
And how many blood libel sessions?
No one gives a fuck about jew kids, yid.
(((media))) says it was jewish kids.
are organized crime, thats where they send the fuck ups, you sell drugs in college and get caught? you become orthodox
Jews are allowed on Codemonkey's Zig Forums. Fuck off racist
Don't they need goi children to make the matzo crackers or am I missing something here?
Never noticed how Sanpaku Rambo was
A family member of mine worked for the Fallsburg, N.Y. school district. Sexual abuse is rampant, even among the educators and administrators. Old school blind eye applies because they all abuse children.
Pirenne wrote the first economic history of the medieval world. It's interesting for its dryly academic and incidental indictment of the jews.
Western Europe was barbaric. The ancient arabic world that extended from Byzantium to China and India through the silk road was the civilized world with real manufacturing. Damascus steel for example. If western Europe wanted something to trade to get those advanced products it had only one thing they wanted (aside from Baltic amber perhaps); slaves. Who were the slave traders? Jews, working with arab mariners. Venice was the leading slave auction in Europe till Napoleon shut it down.
If you don't already have it you want this. I want this, I'm going to get it
Lev Tahor is the group that got booted out of a Guatemalan town. Result: the Guatemalan town mayor got arrested for it.
If they do it on their own children imagine what they do to the gentiles'.
Brilliant statement. To me the key is the discovery of the Aztecs by Cortez.
The Renaissance starts with Frederick Barbarossa in a struggle with the Papacy, so he funds a lot of scholars to dig into ancient Roman law to find precedents to oppose to the Papal Curia which is the last remnants of the Roman authority and acts as a Supreme Court of Europe. Those scholars dig up so much shit that they bust out of the psychological mindset of the Medieval world and rediscover the brilliance of Classical Antiquity. Dante relights the eternal flame.
Italy becomes the cradle of this incredibly valuable new movement. The Italian Renaissance becomes the central issue of the age and the dynamism of this intellectual and economic hurricane draws in the Hapsburg Dynasty in the south and the Valois Dynasty in the North. The Valois ally themselves with the Medici and it looks like the creative beautiful forces of the Renaissance are going to erupt all over Europe but at that crucial juncture suddenly Charles V, a retrograde thinker in opposition to the Renaissance who is losing the struggle, miraculously wins one of the biggest lottery tickets in history and gets his hands on all the gold in the world which he promptly uses to hire lansquenets and then instead of the triumph of the intelligence and soul of mankind in Europe it all collapses into a black pit of war and anarchy and utter madness with 1/3 to 1/2 the population of what is now Germany murdered in the 30 years War, The Guerre de Trente Ans. But what is worse it seems to have put us on the worst possible track ever since.
The same destructive forces that robbed us of all the treasures of the ancient world robbed us of the pure creative joy of the Renaissance.
Typical religious cult behavior. Brainwashing the very young, weird child fuckery, insane palace intrigues that pale the courts of Byzantine Emperors.
Hare Krishnas
The Vatican
The Uprising of Anabaptists at Munster.
and so on.
Superstitious lunatic herd followers run wild.
holy fuck this is in my area. i live in hudson valley. there are 2 "tucked away" jewish centers and an islamic center i can pick off the top of my head.
anyone know a location of this place?
Slightly off topic, but I drove through upstate NY this summer to go hiking and had to drive through some town that was miles of some Orthodox jew retreat, it was surreal, there was nothing but hebrew signs everywhere and the actual main street of the town was some rundown/abandoned shitshow. There were dozens of these compounds, each was gated, with a dozen mobile homes per, with large playgrounds and fields. On the way home they were out and about with their legions of kids. Told my mom about it later and she said it was probably all Brooklyn Hasidics and the town is a retreat
Anyone who posts this out of their own accord is a kike or liberal
Yeah, I'd say the first it worse. Also I'm not too concerned with zionism, I'm more concerned with bolshevism. Bolsheviks are the ones who've been destabilizing our country for the last century. Bolsheviks are responsible for antifa, the '65 immigration subversion, the civil rights movement, NAACP, SPLC, sexual sciences etc.
What is Lev Tahor and why isn't there a 4chan thread?
Jews aren't a race, mutt. You're not even Judeans.
Found the guy who was posting interracial porn in the thread about the SPLC. .
Are they kidnapping white children or just other kike larva? They get the gas either way but I don't care if they're just abusing each other in the meantime.
really makes you think, doesnt it? you stupid fucking cuckold.
kill yourself
It’s on cuckedchin I was just there. No info exchange but thankfully none was expected. Same shit flinging as always maybe some kind user here could put together something that can be properly consumed by those dense cunts and kindly drop it there. You get plenty of (You)s. I promise
most of europe belonged to the pope, legally. so the new world was not owned by any of the powerful dynasties or familes or corporations. thats why the original freemasons fought the jesuits and the british from gaining control. louisiana is a french state that joined the usa. they are the house of orange i believe, the lawful royal line of england im pretty sure from my reading. lousiana is not a common law state, its strictly roman civil law and maritime law
Bump for interest. This hasn't reached midstream attention/social media
I certainly noticed.
tend to keep a close eye on
huge news drip feeding through on there of late. Almost all of it is ignored or not covered by MSM.
As soon as I heard I realised that this was the jews in Guatemala which was screencapped and memed around along with the millenia long list of jewish Expulsions.
Did some investigating while I could and found a band with the same name.
research on this band and the Lev Tahor cult that I gathered here.
They can get this close but not make the connection
i cri
That's Australia.
Nope, UK.
My blood boils when turds push Hindushit onto Europeans and European historical customs.
One night during Hanukkah this year, two Jewish children disappeared from their home about two hours northwest of New York City.
…to try to return the siblings to the Lev Tahor community in Guatemala.
To be honest. I don`t care.