The planned white genocide of america

50 Years Ago, America was a 90% White Country. We Put a Man on the Moon. Today, We have been Reduced to 56% of the Population by Hart-Cellar Act. ALL Within 50 Years! 90% to 56% is Planned Genocide.

Joe Biden.

He's a rich man. He is a millionaire sellout. He loves children. He loves his own daughters. He thinks it's a great thing that WHITE people die. Democrats want open borders so they can stay in power. Some Democrats want open borders because of the children. The children are so precious. …their little vaginas need to be saved.

These motherfuckers are telling you, openly, to your face, that they want you to die out. …where does Joe Biden live? What's his home address? Someone needs to pay him a visit.


She wants pedophilia and child pornography and incest and spreading stds to be legal.

Where does she live? Why won't some one pay here a visit?

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the Chinese just sent a probe to the moon. The Russians are building bigger and better nukes. Why cant we do shit like that anymore? Because all these snowflake god damn fucking fucks are offended by mean words and white people. Meanwhile the only thing they want to do is yell and scream about how oppressed they are and how privileged homeless white men are while yelling everyone who sin't a democrat or feminists and white and straight is some sort o fa god damn fucking Russian Nazi patriarchy fucking fuck. Well iv'e it with these god damn backwards fucking redneck chicken shit son of a bitches always complaining like niggers niggers love to complain. Niggers love to complain now everyone is some sort of a god damn fucking Russian Hitler antichrist son of a bitch. Well iv'e had it with you always calling me a fucking Russian son of a bitch. I'm tired of their crap i'm really tire of their fucking crap. Those god damn fucking son of a bitches what the fuck is their fucking problem. What the fucks your problem dudes? We cant even fix this country or go to the moon or mars or cure cancer because you leftist snowflakes are doing the biding of the globalist leftists and having some sort of a demonic freakout over imaginary god damn fucking Russians. I'm tired of everyones feelings being hurt to the point their too afraid to leave twitter and stop the sun from aging and dying.

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There is no "White™".
Zig Forums must stop the planned European Genocide happening all over the world !!!

Don't forget our entire AF budget going to the f35

You are thinking too small.
There is a world wide genocide against whites organised at the highest level of world finance and power.

Sup Alex.
The Nazis are looking more and more like the good guys eh?

True, Aryan is a better word, or Native European.

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Why do nazis hate snowflakes so much? Could pic related be why?

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lol you're alright for an anime nigger

White genocide is occurring, has occurred, and will continue to occur because the only resistance to it comes from individuals who are easily manipulated due to their paranoia, ideology, and persistent inability to strategically grab and maintain power.
How can we fix this?
Well for starters you need to stop giving the left rent-free space in your heads. Every effort made is rebuffed by paranoia that antifags and governments are going to shut it down the moment it happens. This is a form of self-censorship or self-disablement.
Next, you need to stop occupying echo chambers and reach out to people, and listen to their concerns and fears. Arm yourself with facts about white genocide, such as the fact that it's called "replacement migration" and is being sold as a cure to low fertility while our own native culture is repeatedly told not to have too many kids because of global warming, overpopulation, and the rising cost of family. In other words, show them how the people in power are talking out of both sides of their mouths. Pay attention to ideological contradictions such as increased immigration leading to lower wages or stagnating wages, and the working class becoming poor while the middle class vanishes. Ask questions which deal with their livelihoods, such as the overall cost of immigrants to society in dollars, and the taxes they pay. In other words, LISTEN, then present the nuanced points which reflect those concerns.
Stop being ideologically rigid. No ideology is completely truthful, no ideology has all the answers. If your thought to this statement was, "But user, MY ideology of NatSoc only reflects nature and the truth" then congratulations! You're an ideologue and cannot think for yourself any longer. No war is won with a limited set of tools, and limiting yourself to a particular ideological framework is the same concept. Worse still, it lets your enemies predict your actions and account for your strategies before you even formulate them. Presently we know that the left is a coalition of contradictory ideologies and infighting groups unified by a hatred of material success, western culture and morality, and an avatar of this represented by the "straight white male" caricature. They get their power through a presumption of moral authority derived by acting on behalf of others, and they represent the status quo and the orthodoxy. This means that they are easy to manipulate into attacking each other, and attacks must be multifaceted in order to cause as much infighting as possible. Their claim to moral authority creates an opening for us to expose hypocrisy and two-facedness. Their status as the orthodox means that we can attack them as being banal and ineffective as bureaucrats. However, the best attacks come from enemies which the left has trouble identifying and responding to. Black conservatives, Mexicans who want a border wall, Gays in favor of the cake shops having a choice to refuse them - these short-circuit their ability to respond and so far are the best weapon. The left has already adapted to Zig Forums since the election and so your strategies are becoming stale and less effective. Chaos works best when the left doesn't know how to respond.
Thus, my final advice is to reach out to coalitions of black conservatives, Mexicans and south Americans who immigrated here legally and don't want millions of wetbacks climbing the wall, gays who are disgusted with feminism, and so on… and this is the important part, EXPLAIN TO THEM WHY WHITE GENOCIDE HURTS THEM. Explain to Tyrone how Zimbabwe and Rhodesia 2.0 aka South Africa have fallen into complete disrepair after they butchered, evicted and expropriated white lands. Explain how squeezing white Americans over gibs only creates more poor whites who compete with them for welfare, and eventually leads to no more gibs to be had. Explain to Paco that letting in millions of illegals only works when America is a welfare state, which is funded by a large, white middle class which is vanishing. That the fountain of money is going away and those illegals are making it run away faster. Explain to the gays that the feminist love-affair with Islam is bringing death into our borders. Point is, convince them to work with you in spreading awareness of this message. Get them to work with you as weapons against the leftist grief machine.
Your race is being exterminated, your culture vanishing, and your only complaint is that it's too hard to fight back.

We can do everything we need to do privately.

These people are puppets, figureheads of the system. The system is remarkably resilient. It will not miss them anymore than Al Qaeda misses Osama Bin Laden.
Who will care about this shit if whites die? Focus on one issue and one issue only, and that is either stopping the steamroller, or getting out of its way as it heads off a cliff.


The US/anglosphere is still the planet's undisputed hegemon, and still spearheads in the most important military/economic/scientific-technological aspects, and still more or less has the rest of the planet on a leash of sorts. Zig Forumss Americans just blackpill themselves by fixating on retarded (non)'issues'.

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Nice filenames.

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shut the flying fuck up you stupid god damn cuck. so sick of your whining ass

Whining and spreading defeatism will solve nothing. A great first step would be not being a cuckold. Since the "anti white genocide movement" all that's happened is people figure they get a free pass to target any white male. The entire "anti white genocide movement" is controlled opposition where pussy faggots get to say libtard and how their billionaire is better than the other billionaire. You have to do your own psyops which can take place anywhere from forums to games to real life. In games I will hear "haha you are white" or "wow your name sounds white". Mexicans and Arabs will be like "your white thats all I gotta say" . This never happened until current year.

Basically stop being a pussy and fight back in a way that doesn't involve circle jerking. This can involve simply ignoring all attacks and just killing with kindness. This can be done by just getting to know people and showing them that white males arent evil. Another method is using your wit to basically beat these people in a rap battle. I suggest you look up battle raping. These people scream shit with intensity whites are too scared to use. That is supposedly the future, a world where whoever has the biggest ego wins. In a situation where you are on the spot , the whole hood is roasting you and essentially your entire bloodline, can you hold your own? These people walked into your world, seized everything, and they not only don't want you to be part of it but they want you to be their slave. This was never about equality , the end game of Jews, blacks, Latinos, Asians, is dominating you. I put myself out there a lot and attempted to diversity my relationships. I have never had a non white do one nice thing for me in my entire life. I didn't start this war but I will win it. Never forget that their future will NEVER include you or anythinf you care about. And their future is dumb as fuck where people say SMH!!! TTYL! WAK AF MANG! instead of having an actual conversation. Even obongo distanced himself from ebonics and niggerdom , that's how fucking dumb their African ways are, but for some reason whites worship niggerdom now. I remember being at a party and some nigger J Cole Came on the tv and people wearing donald drumpf hats basically acted like the second coming of kike on a stick just happened. There is no fucking way dude. No. Do fuckiny anything other than these failed alt right methods to banish this retarded niggerdom jewdom and spicdom from the world. Otherwise have fun in your dead universe.

get out

He'll never do anything. You'll never do anything. No one will ever do anything. It doesn't matter what's posted. Whites haven't fought back since 1945.

Time to move to Uruguay and build some fucking walls

Kek the dead nazi posters are always little dicked cowards otherwise maybe they would be out in the real world “making a difference”

I wonder why China can't land a man on the moon. Maybe they understand the radiation from the Van Allen Radiation Belts make it an impossibility. But, muh moon landings shilling is relentless.

Disinformation is poison.

I agree with most of your post but I really don't see the point of this. They're a statistically insignificant part of the population, better to concentrate on just whites as there's more of them and they can more easily grasp the situation. If you live in an area with large proportions of non-whites then I can see the rationale though.

this. the liberal in me wants to believe i can change leftists. but they really are a lost cause. effort needs to be placed in educating boomer conservative, Civic Nationalism types.

Not as much as commies do :^)

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For me its easier to convince leftists(environmentalists and older socialists in particular) than evangelicals on the right but that's because that's what I used to be so I know how they think. For instance with hardcore environmentalists I can talk about concepts such overpopulation versus the food aid we're giving and the climate research that has been documented to be falsified or hidden. With socialists I can focus on the obvious weakening of labor's position with the flooding of foreign workers into our job market(this mainly works on people in their 30s and 40s in unions though, not college kids). The left has really betrayed labor in a lot of ways, and some of them are feeling it, that's part of why Trump won after all as it allowed him to win the rust belt.

Uruguay is a shithole now just like Argentina.

That rifle needs more shit on it.

There most certainly is, and it has collapsed very much, much more so than when Léon Degrelle said so.

Check any western country population statistics, 50 years ago we were all more than 90% white.

Then the kikes won world war 2.

If anyone uses the word minority or diversity, slap them in the face and say you are for supporting the white global minority.

If the kikes succeed in wiping us out, do you think the Chinese will slaughter them all? Or are the kikes just fine with the Chinese?

Kikes and chinks will compete over who gets to rule the ash heap. They employ many of the same tactics so either could win but my own money would be on the chinks.

I'd bet on them to, I'm just curious as to how the jews think they're going to conquer the Chinese.

Fake news

True news

Last time I checked FBI poster, you're the one with all the hardware to pull that off if that's what you wanted to do or be allowed. Yet you come to this place of anonymous peace asking for dastardly deeds and then leave.

Probably just plan typical subversion tactics.
They also helped Mao setup the CCP and might think this gives them an in. On the one hand they won't be able to prey on some misguided sense of charity like they could in European countries but on the other hand its not as if Chinese hesitate to sell one another out for the right price.

been there , done that … waste of money

on another note, you cant do anything like that because you are a lazy no good retard. And why "we" cant do stuff like that is because all we have is people like you.

But seriously you are retarded and have no idea whats important.

I didnt even read the rest of your post, I bet its copy pasta


Are you the new flat earth tier well poisoning operation?

lmao where is that statistic, brainiac?


I don't like to blackpill but it's nothing but inevitable at this point. There's no way to reverse what's already been set into motion by migrating millions and millions of low iq refugees to breed in every country. The only way to stop it is to literally, unironically murder everyone in the government and make a hostile takeover of everything, and then deport or kill every non-native in the country. But if you do that, the kikes will mobilize other countries to take you down because what you do in your country is the jew's business, not yours.

A mildly less unrealistic option is to divide the country into 2 sectors; one exclusively for natives, and another for whoever wants to go there. Nobody needs to be killed or oppressed or even deported, some people will need to move at worst which could be government funded, can't be much worse to do that once than giving gibs to millions of shitskins every month for undefined period of time into the future. You could even make an argument that it will take away all the muh raycists and leaves you without them in your multicultural shithole sector.

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Sorry don't mean to blackpill but here take this d&c blackpill



The Chink probe, well, maybe 50% chance of being legit I'll say


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Middle East

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This is a dubs-wasting shill.

The only way to fight genocide is to genocide others. It is that simple.
Kill all your enemies.

We are not rabbits, we breed logically and sanely. It is a perfect evolutionary/cultural practice, subverted by introduction of muds into our environment. VS. If you have to teach others it's important to reproduce, there is no use in doing so.

The two incompatible outlooks that I cannot resolve.

Same goes for using resources.
sry for slide bump

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Muds and parasites are two different problems that feast together off of us. In symbiotic they kill the host.

you're fake and gay and jewish

My brothers and I are the last Whites standing in our community. Some White men still prefer fight over flight. We have seven generations buried in the cemetery down the street. You'll absolutely have to kill us.


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US is on the way to where Russia is now

Chinks is fixin' to have a jew-off, except chinks want whites to be their slaves/consumers

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It's more likely that the only capable people within the system are spending all their time and energy preventing a war with Iran.

Like nogs care about murder. Your ancestors had to flee at some point . Dont mistake your instincts. It's f OR f, not always fight.

Stop the mooner bullshit already. Only retarded boomers believe that shit.

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Welcome to what we call "the Pat Condell Stage." The next step is discovering a reason to live. I suggest revenge, but family and lifting works too.

This is the mistake the Boers are making, and there's nothing in the 2,000-year history of the nigger to suggest he won't kill you. It's his survival strategy: Move into a nice place, fuck it up, shit it up until it's uninhabitable for real humans, conquer and eat the seed corn to make the next wave.

They did this to the Tigrayans. They did it to the Khoi. They couldn't do it to the Semites, because Muslims got wise after the Zanj rebellion and castrated them all. Now whites have the same problem and a bunch of Jews egging them on.

Your sacrifice is for nothing. Regroup and fight with ranged weapons, not a knobkerrie.

This post and those like it are flat earth levels of fucking retarded. Please gas yourself.

The Moon landing was fake and gay.

SAGE for blackpill.

Morons. All of you. Don't pretend like you're strong here. You are all just loudmouths. You hear moon and spazz out.

You'll just sit and continue to watch it happen.

*nazi engineers put a man on the moon

My guess is most of that flat-earth-tier shit are simply kike shills.

For any real skeptic, there's a big difference between skepticism and cynicism. You owe it to yourself to find out whether we Americans won the space race or not. It's one of the most well-documented efforts in human history. Go to the rocket centers at KSC and JSC and see the Apollo rockets still there for yourselves.

The Planned genocide took a dark twist.
Those Evil High IQ Whites figured it out and started to take back the government that they created.
Whites Didnt think about the possibility that Jews could take over.. Checkmate Whites. You all had to elect D.Trump and back his gold with Your blood… But no this is all a conspiracy theory.
This "If Trump" is bullshit… If Trump gives the word, nearly 100 American Patriots and Nationalists will not stand up simultaneously.
Its all a Joke.. Its Funny.

Are you unironically saying you believe in the "moon landings"?

You are certainly entitled to your beliefs, just don't expect anyone following you in your luna-cy.

And…? There's an argument missing here.

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Nobody cares you nigger.

The moon landing hoax is pushed by envious Jews to show Aryans are not the superior race when they are. Von Braun and other National Socialist scientist's pioneered space travel and got America to the moon from operation paperclip. Are you going to question their expertise?

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Don't just repeat your assertion - you need to provide actual hard evidence if you want people to believe your boomer fairytale.

WvB was competent alright… that's why he knew very well what's up.

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vote olmedo&get fit and arm yourself

sorry /b/ro. America is already gone. Going out with a whimper. Bring up white genocide with 99% of the population and they'll think you're crazy even though even mainstream admits the demographics are not on your side, and that you will soon be the minority. Cry about it on facebook and twitter. You will get no response other than maybe being called a racist. The only thing that could possibly fix it at this point is revolution. Good luck initiating that since leftists own the media and dictate the flow of information. No, America is already dead.

Jesus you CIAniggers should at least get your lies straight.

Where are the 10 trillion dollars you owe us?
Where is our money? What did you do with our money, you fucking NASAniggers?

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Biden gets a lot of crap for what he said but at least he made the replacement official while his colleagues pretend it isn't happening.

Why did the jews blow up the diversity shuttles?

Reported for paid jewish shilling and derailing.

What do we have here? Outer circle satellites?

The only topic Zig Forums will not go near for fear of noticing the flat Earth

I understand.

What that jewish scam that attracts people that can't into science like basic niggers and dropouts, where they invert your reality to induct you into satanism? A scam that they tack onto any other research into government conspiracy to discredit it?
That Flat Earth? Why would Zig Forums be afraid of it? It's magnitudes more retarded than Q tbh and Zig Forums doesn't bother itself with that; so that's probably your answer.

The problem is that the alt left, to appease the black voters, taxed the knowledge workers to death to make black athletes, actors, rappers, singers etc multi millionaires. With their wealth, they financed an interracial agenda encouraging women to spread their legs for gangbangers and jihadists. With such high taxation to feed celebrities, it is no longer possible to support knowledge workers, so all our technology work is being shipped to India. With no white scientists to develop the systems to protect whites, whites have begun declining.

America isn’t dead yet. Just raise taxes on athletes, actors, singers, rappers and other millionaires too stupid to complete college, tax their endorsement contracts, and less women will put up with them. Quite coincidentally, most are not white so these tax hikes will bring all women back to appreciating hardworking whites more, stopping the genocide.

I know the red pill is a tough one to swallow, but you didn't even try, you went straight for the blue pill.

Reality was inverted a long time ago, but it wasn't until the NASAniggers got their hands trillions of dollars that it became this kike hollywood movie.

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It's quite amazing how people do not notice that there is a horizon and that they don't stare off into space, as they would if they lived on a ball.

If the earth is flat how does the sun rise and set?

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If you stopped using their deceptive terminology. you'd realize that the sun comes and goes, it doesn't rise or set.

That's not an argument

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Reported. You are a paid jewish shill.

Don't use the term white genocide. it makes it so easy for them to downplay and ignore it. the word genocide in the normalfag's mind is linked to the holohoax and the act of overtly murdering an entire race.
use 'white population reduction' or 'white replacement' . it's harder for them to claim white genocide is a hoax if instead of saying white genocide they say white population reduction
The only benefit to using the word genocide is the fact it's an attention grabbing word. I don't think the short term possibly publicity is worth being so vulnerable to news smears

Kill yourself.

I recommend you lower your daily consumption of mind-altering substances.

Do we really need better nukes? I mean like one can destroy any city so whats the point of making them anymore powerful.

Plus if we went all out in a nuke war with ruskies it would destroy both nations and maybe kill everyone on earth from the side effects like global winter and radioactive fallout?

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did you even read my post. name 1 reason using the word genocide benefits the idea

polarization is occurring rather quickly, modern govts wont last very long at this rate, the yellowjacket movement is just the first stage of it I think

Only thing I'm really concerned about is if the enemy develops sentient ai before we do.