Has Tucker always been this woke? What the fuck is going on? How does he get away with this? Does he have much time left on TV?
Tucker goes off on a redpilled rant
This is actual fascism. Like the real kind without the Jew historians making it all captialism or corporatism.
NatSoc was different, but this classic American-Italian-Spain fascism.
I don't think he has much time left. He has been getting more and more "extreme" with his redpills. My thought is he will continue to do so until he says something that gets him taken off the air by social justice jews. He's already earned himself attacks on his home from the far left.
You think he'll get shitcanned or killed?
You can't say shit like that on TV, most people can't even say that shit at work. He'll pay.
Once he's off the network he'll start his internet content, and then he'll be able to say what he really thinks.
Tucker is not a Nazi waiting to unveil his power. He is mainstream pointing out just how far beyond normal shit has gotten. At his age he knows we are in a new age comparable to 1933 with a very uncertain future.
Jonestein had filters and dick pills, Tucker will have what? Whiskey and rope?
Hmmm…… His day on Fox are numbered on that is a sure thing. He probably know it and this is why he is doing this.
Video related.
He isn't saying anything he isn't being allowed to say. It isn't like he controls what gets aired.
I cannot figure out his angle. It is safe to assume he is a kike shill. But dammit it hurts me to that I can't see his endgame. His approach and logic are flawless. Like a great magician I can't figure out the trick
Yes tucker has always been this woke, the only reason he does not reveal his full power level is because he likes having his job
He does not have a solutions centered show. Seems fatalistic, that this is our future and it is near unavoidable
I don't think he'll be killed/suicided. I have to say this particular segment is too prescient and lucid for him to be on air much longer. I've never seen someone with as much reach as he does say the things he's saying and maintain their reach. They either get deplatformed or they go the way of Joe Rogan.
This is mostly correct. Tucker has always been like this, but I would argue that he turned the dial up a notch or two over the last couple months. He's at 10 now. When he gets to 11 it's over for him.
He probably has gotten big enough with his book that he will be able to do his own thing like Alex Jones and keep himself afloat even if he loses his job at Fox. If he does, I'm doubtful he will be able to migrate to YouTube but who knows.
No one can say what will happen with certainty, but the flags are there and we know how this story has gone in the past.
Until we can have an honest talk about demographics, none of this shit matters. Its just killing time blowing hot air.
But I wish Tucker luck, maybe he'll reach some Boomers, given thats pretty much who still watches Fox Jews.
Did you even listen to the essay? He clearly states. Have a country you will recognize when you get older, that middle class people have children.
Tucker is the only one on open tv that talks about the (((demographics))) question
Fascism is just civic nationalism in a fancy uniform.
Yeah, it wasn't fascism.
A paid jewish shill reading jewish scripts on jewish television is not in trouble of anything.
kek, these are bland, conservative talking points
>Tucker is the only one on open tv that talks about the (((demographics))) question
Where? I never see him doing so.
Please provide sauce.
And if that country has become Brazil, who fucking cares? I'm listening now, and the closest he comes to talking about racial demographics here is mentioning that most ruralites are White conservatives.
"What caused this nightmare" he asks, and he says its "big government"'s fault - the standard cuckservative 'muh culture' shit.
Rural (ie White) America "looks like Detroit" because Detroit is full of niggers, and the niggers voted in niggers and kikes who spent the 8 years prior to 2016 systematically destroying the lives of the rural Whites. All this talk about the family is nonsensical in the context of Blacks, it demonstrates a lack of understanding of their evolutionary and cultural contexts.
No, I'm a White person who isn't pulling his punches, like Tucker does, and that upsets you.
You're probably right that he is a release valve. But if this is the case, the pressure must be pretty great for him to be releasing this much pressure.
Listen up you fuckers. I don't know who you are but I heard that you are a far left website that's providing child pornography to internet pedophiles. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!! You people are why I always warm my kids to not let my grand kids anywhere near this internet stuff.
Nobody told you to trust them, they merely pointed out why Tucker isn't trustworthy.
The man is rich.
He could leave Fox Jews at ANY TIME and go online and continue to make more money in a year than you're liable to see the rest of your life, which he already has to build off of, AND he would have a much larger, much more important audience online (that is, NOT Boomers who are on their way out of life; rather, young people who use the internet and don't watch television - I'm 33 and I don't even have cable, why would I when I can watch whatever I want online?).
Yet, there he sits. Talking about "culture" as the reason rural White Appalachia looks like urban nigger Detroit in many places, ignoring that the core causes of those two conditions are utterly different, despite similar aesthetic.
These Jews who screach kike shill are not making points.
I am looking for guidance. It is not a simple issue. This is not a argument for a release valve. Soon I think Tucker might making this argument.
Towards the end this line of logic leading to the quote. "When conversations end, battles begin"
Carlson asked everyone to tell people the truth about one thing every day, to not be afraid of the mob, that clear thinkers are the majority, not the mob. Do you think normies will take that up?
If we factor in Tucker’s debate with Cenk, Jimmy Dore supporting Tucker, Richard Spencer suddenly having the hots for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and even defending her views on college, healthcare and universal basic income, and the fact that Eric Striker has been around for months constantly shilling his NazBol viewpoints on streams and podcasts, it’s safe to say that the “alt-right” as it’s known has successfully transitioned into a center-left “movement” on everything but race and Jews (although even these vary now) and that Tucker, like Ann Coulter, has gone off the deep end. FWIW, Trump has done much better than expected and we still have the second half of his term to see what else he can get accomplished. The fact of the matter is that Rome was not built in a day and America will not suddenly be saved overnight. This takes years, multiple decades even.
The America First agenda goes beyond Trump and it will continue once he’s out of office. The alt-right’s drying up in terms of revenue and so you’re seeing the e-celebs entertaining left-wing mainstream policies to try and save face while Tucker has enough fuck you money to do what he wants even after he inevitably gets shit canned from Fox and Ann’s been like that for years. I hate to say it, but some of the “alt-lite” e-celebs weren’t entirely wrong when they said that Spencer is a DNC operative. Our best bet on Zig Forums is to take the right approach, which is what guys like Nick Fuentes and other America First patriots are doing. If you’re going to play the political game, be smart about what you do.
Tl;dr the alt-right is a left-wing honeypot, Tucker & Ann are rogues who can’t be trusted and the America First approach is the best approach.
If you think Appalachia ain't Detroit 2.0 you aren't paying attention to it.
Biggest employment for white men is a disability scam. #2 is a .gov job.
Families are either broken or non existent. God is dead, and they are all voting democratic socialist.
Tucker is on mainstream media and you accuse him of pulling punches. How can you expect him to do otherwise and maintain his job? The best he can do is provide veiled redpills, which he is doing. I appreciate Tucker because he redpills my grandma. She is the only family member I have that I can talk politics with, and it is all because she likes Tucker. You can say he's a cuck and you'd be right, but I personally don't think he's "part of the problem" or as culpable as most. To my knowledge there is no good reason to screech about him, nor is there a good reason to defend him.
Angle? Grow up, it's simple, Jews love rubbing in your face what they are doing to you while they fuck you over. It's sadistic, like cheating on a innocent loving crying girlfriend who truly loves you as you send her pictures of yourself screwing her best friend, hoping the little crybaby kills herself.
it's if no one here doesn't know it's Jews behind all of what has been going on. When you look at it this way, from a perspective of pure evil….. it all makes sense.
Couple days ago I watched 2 pretty white girls have their heads cut off while alive…. you idiots have all seem to have forgotten.
This kike must have missed Tucker thrashing the fuck out of his kike brother (((Benjamin Shapiro))).
What a faggoty Jewish post.
Oh I totally see it now. Tuck needs to just pack it in and let this guy be our spokesman. Then we will totally be able to redpill the world
We have GOT to talk about demographics in HONEST terms. Until we do, I repeat, we will be doing nothing but killing time and blowing hot air.
This is a very simple issue at the core of it: Whites and non-Whites cannot live together. We do not have the same predispositions, we cannot live in direct proximity as to put our "tribes" in direct competition, because that creates all manner of disparity, and thus ire, and thus conflict.
Further, our interests do not run in parallel, they too stand in conflict - what is in the interest of one groups is explicitly not in the interest of the other(s) and nobody is willing to honestly address this, nor are they willing to honestly acknowledge that, in a democratic electoral system, its a zero sum game (that is, any gain in representation on behalf of one demographic is DIRECTLY equitable to an equivalent reduction in representation for SOMEONE, there are only so many resources to go around, etc) .
"Socialism does not work" is a lie - it works quite well when attached to (biologic) "Nationalism" and carried out by European Whites. I'm tired of hearing shills for the two sides of the same shekel blathering at me about what is right within the confines of their non-adaptive ideologically-stunted positions.
Thanks, Satan.
deflect all you like but that image is so far removed from who I actually am it reveals your a Jew yourself
Great job there minister farakayn. It's all jews fault for our people's ills. We are faultless. We wuz kangs.
Whites have to answer for all these ills. Jews are merely the flies leaving maggots on a rotting corpse.
Tucker is on Fox News, a dinosaur remnant of the television age whose average viewer's age is ancient as well:
I don't, that's the point you fucking idiot.
That's my point: No, that's not the 'best' he can do.
He is already rich. Fabulously so. He could ditch Fox Jews, go online, NOT pull punches, STILL have a huge audience and be making an annual salary that makes your entire life savings look like a pittance. He could live a very comfortable life, probably become MORE successful even, AND reach out to an audience - the internet-based youth - that ACTUALLY FUCKING MATTERS going foward (because they'll be alive for it - unlike his present audience).
Your grandma should already be redpilled, she's your fucking grandma. If she doesn't already know the score, she's not going to figure it out MEANINGFULLY now - and even if she does, at best, its a short-term gain, because she's gonna be fuckin' dead soon. Reality check.
There's no 'screeching' here, Screech, this is just honest commentary on what he represents, and why, good though it might be, it is innately insufficient, and quite honestly, less than a man like Tucker is capable of given our desperate plight, which his children's futures on the line. He's got a lovely family, and whatever benefit he might claim from retaining his position within the (((MSM))) machine, if its less than his best on the demographic front, then he's just blowing hot air as the likelihood of his daughter(s) fucking niggers for Jew-cash and social media up-cummies increases by the day. Fact.
Anyone familiar with Hitler's speeches and writings will know this man.
If you think some failed faggot neet who obliterated the German race is a role model for current year. You belong with the nogs cause you are world class stupid.
What a faggoty Jewish post.
I remember. And that's the fate of Tucker's lovely daughters, or their children if not them, or much more likely, OUR daughters or their children if not them (because Tucker's will be safely flown out-of-country on his wealthy-as-fuck dime if things ever went Reconquista/South Africa mode), if something doesn't change, and soon.
Pic related nigger.
No, Jews are the mango worms in a living body. If you do not remove them, you will only die slow.
Checked for Ghambia vet videos incoming.
As promised, I bring you the horror of a conceptual representation of the European spirit infected with a deleterious parasitic worm which slowly saps its life into nothingness.
The horror. The horror.
But user if he calls out the jews he loses his paycheque
I think you should take a day off this website and watch something that makes you laugh and get out in nature. You're talking about how Tucker should live his life. How he could be better. He is a human being with a family. Maybe he likes his cushy gig.
What the fuck
Go the fuck back to Reddit, you MAGAnigger.
user your amygdala is on overdrive. I get it. We should be afraid and should realize how dire our situation is. Fear also paralyzes, and the vitriol you're spewing with every reply is itself tiresome.
What is the point of this. That tuck and Ann are pro_?
Is this a common theme on other Fox News shows? Do you have clips of other talking heads saying these things? I don’t know if Tucker wrote that monologue but I have a sense he actually believed every word he said. Why else would he risk saying such things. He lost a lot of sponsors from his previous “controversy,” this is clearly not him trying to reverse course.
Fuck Fox News, Fuck mainstream news in general but how could you feel that monologue was anything but awesome. The only thing I could argue for this to be a “limited hangout” is that he still trumpets the two party system. But on the other hand, the idea of a two party system completely ingrained in our society. Boomers will fight to their death that it is the best system there is, and that the DNC and RNC will always be around.
The future is very certain.
When the happening happens is the only uncertain.
You're clearly new here.
He's about nationalist policies and outright called out legal immigration, this nation is for whites.
Scream Jew every other word. It totally makes sense. Even better it gives a totally real expectation that the jew is all powerful and controlling. Heebs in synagogue don't worship their Jewish god as all powerful half as much as you seem to .
You're right we should go for complete communist tyranny as long as it has an epic swastika.
I wonder who could be behind this post?
my best guess is Brazil not south Africa, but I'm not saying it's implausible either.
Tuck said socialism was not the answer. But he said, correctly, that it’s the path we’re on. It’s true, capitalism will be blamed for the collapse. Not greed, not regulatory capture… Capitalism will be blamed and big government (with the DNC in power after Americans are tired of Trump) will be there to rescue Americans. Normally in dire situations people look to their families, they look to their communities to help them. Today everyone is at odds with one another. Everyone has been divided… whites and blacks, gays and straight, trans and non trans, males and females… The nuclear family has been devastated.
Trump could have let the system die, let the bubble (remember? Campaign Trump called the stock market a big bubble) pop and blame the results on Obama. He owns it now, he talked about the greatest economy ever, how well the stock market WAS doing… He and the RNC will take the blame and we will get socialism and bigger government to our detriment.
They’re just rogues, they’re pro-themselves. They don’t support our President.
Tucker is about civic nationalism and boomer aesthetics.
Tl;dr, I’m done with you leftist shills.
Nobody screamed anything, I posted two graphics at you showing you point-blank that Jews are present only in the West in significant number and, from their own mouths, that Jews are a corrosive presence in your society, their presence correlating strongly with the downfall of your civilization.
Your petty exaggeration to create a strawman to engage demonstrates the maliciousness of your intentions.
An empty accusation - nobody is suggesting Jews are ALL powerful, anymore than someone is suggesting Whites are SUPREME when they note racial differences in biologic function and derivative behavioral patterns. To deny their overt hand in our current condition, however, or to argue that such is OVERLY stated in the context of the minimalistic open addressment of these concenrs, is to carry water for the hostile factors who are the greatest source of the exacerbation of the ails of your society.
Tell me more about how hamiltonian economic nationalism will save us from the british masonic illuminati which is only minutely jewish (when its convenient to defend against claims of "its not the jews!" posting, and not when it isnt).
Excellent points. As much as we score Trump for no wallz. Him caterwauling about muh-conomy and doing. A180 on the feds cntrl+p policy needs more attention.
Endlessly asks pro immagrant guests.how does this help the American people
None of what you posted were arguments or even meaningful stances or statements. You provided zero concrete information at all while blatantly ignoring what are self-evident truths to anyone who has actually lived in America the past two years. This is a transparent attempt to disrupt and distract. Reported.
I get it, I'm not one of you. Let's just agree we have different things that make us happy. You have your family ideal .just keep the aids to yourself , K?
… I'm waiting for you to get to the part wherein he calls out legal immigration. He asks them how is it good for the American people, that's it?
Who ARE the American people to Tucker?
Because let's be honest here: For some of the American people, its a great boon. And Tucker knows it as well as anyone - the Hispanics benefit greatly, for example, through legal immigration (in addition to illegal). Any demographic benefits from influx on behalf of their demographic in the context of a democratic system wherein demographics tend to vote as majority blocs.
What does he expect his guests to say, exactly? Do you have any examples to offer wherein this brought about something other than a prepared line or propaganda response?
I see that one spic guy on Tucker alot, as well as that bald Jew who used to work for Clinton, and Tucker rarely gets either of them to do anything more than hurl snark and talking points at him, usually running him over in the process to get their lines out and into the ears of the "American people" (ie average age 65 Whites, because thats about all that's watching Fox Jews at 8pm on a weeknight).
See, this is how I know you are kike. No matter how well constructed kike propaganda is, kikes can't help lying. The lies always slip through. You are not fooling anybody Chaim
I turn off the segments that harken back to the old crossfire show. Only Pat could pull off that routine and not seem that obviously ro wrestling
Whether or not this guy is a Jew, you can filter him and nothing of value is lost.
Filters arent for me. I'd rather point out for the home audience what the incoherent logic of a vegan attention whore looks like
Wherein was there any suggestion of a relation to in-group here? You're struggling to come up with some sort of counter-response and have resorted to skinhead posting. Tragic comedy.
Go back to 4chan.
You're doing a pisspoor job of it thus far newfriend.
Uh huh, thanks for letting me know your opinion, it's valuable to me to know what you think of me.
Don't act so uppity and sensitive, user. Unless you're underage and that is natural, in which case leave and return after you have completed puberty. This is an anonymous imageboard and nobody will even remember you were here three days from now. So behave like it, and let the quality of your posts speak for themselves. You have no identity or reputation here.
ID 5fce07 (17)
and all saged
curious for so much effort does not want to see the thread on the top of the board
Tucker is wrong. Happiness is at all time highs. He probably wants to ban porn too. What a prude.
Clearly you have schooled me on the fundamentals of pol I was not aware of.
Clearly, else you wouldn't have responded further, and certainly not with some bitchy passive-aggressive faggot shit like you did just now.
I'm talking to a guy who is at (18) right above.
All saged because I have no desire to promote this matter to the top of the catalog, no - its not important, just a talking head on Fox Jews spewing civic nationalist tripe.
Its not curious that, given I express the views I do, I'm inclined to offer commentary without a desire to promote the thread in the catalog.
Any other questions?
Your ineffectual griping is doing you no favours and will get nobody anywhere, dude. Just take five minutes away from the computer to get less emotionally invested in posting or something.
Happiness is at an all time high? I gotta year this take.
I didn't realize you were the moral compass of pol. Do go on sharing your wisdom. Also I have a stain from my sippy cup I'd like to get out of my bib. Any great household hints for a cleaning solution?
Well, I watched a vid that had one pretty white girl have her head cut off. It was horrible. But it really only showed one girl. I don't doubt they killed the other one, but I only saw one killed. And it wasn't Jews that did it, no matter what else they do. Truth matters, user. Let's try to hold to the truth.
Now, the question is, if I point out that you're doing the pol thing, are you going to pout because its noting that you're - rather aggressively - engaging in activity which is generally associated with a newfag, one must assume on purpose?
Pretty much everything he said about you is right, by the way. Go take a walk, you'll live longer.
Still waiting for a post on why tuck is able to say this without being deplatformed.
Ie. He is a mossad agent trying to:_.
He is _.
But I'll take that cleaning tip in the meantime.
People used to have to work 12 exhausting hours of physical labor a day in horrible work conditions just to afford food and bed.
Now you can fap to porn and play vidya all day and live off disability if you know how to get autism bucks.
There has never been a time in history where dopamine is more easily accessible. You have to be stupid to be missing out.
This is dumb
Some people suffer from triple digit IQ and can't live like a pig in mud.
Yeah, it'd be better if it was a BASED nigger in charge of a civnat "democracy" like south africa.
Sure should us, ironyspic. How hard will you cry when you retards hand the dems control of the government next year?
Say what, exactly?
Why wouldn't he be allowed to say "Whites and Blacks are equivalents and the reason niggerdly Detroit looking like de-jobbed re-opiated Appalachia is culturally based!" on Fox Jews?
Who the fuck actually cares about that kind of commentary?
Ur dumb.