Maxime Bernier will be the next Prime Minister of Canada, October 21, 2019

Maxime Bernier will be the next Prime Minister of Canada, October 21, 2019.

Register to vote for him: >peoples
>@ 40%: spencer
>@ 17%: theglobe
>@ 13%: thepost
Social media:
>Quebec, Dec6th: ps (French)
>Saskatoon, Nov29th: ps
>Winnipeg, Nov28th: ps
>GTA, Nov14th: you
>GTA crowd interviews: you
>sound (french)
>you (True North)
>you (TVO)

Attached: mbcad.png (1280x640, 113.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off

ITT: Things that will NEVER, EVER happen. Bernier's chance was with the CPC; and he had a slight sliver of hope before his PPC revealed itself to be a ridiculous waste of time. That and he's a fucking retard and a nation-traitor
absolute retard. he was a broken clock who happened to say something right about multiculturalism and is too stupid to realize that it's the only reason anyone paid him attention

He's not praising Hitler.
He gets no support.

The age of moderation and cuckservatism is over.

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He's the best choice, but his immigration policy is still cucked. He only wants to roll back immigration numbers to 2015 levels. Also, the first line in his foreign policy statement says that Canada stands with Israel.

Splitting the conservative vote enables Turdhole to be re-elected. There is nothing good about that. Nothing.

This is a fair criticism, but what's the difference between Trudeau and Scheer? They're both jew controlled puppets who plan to continue White genocide via mass immigration. It's better to take a chance on something different than to pin your hopes on a slightly different flavor of judaism.

Yeah! White communism now!

I doubt there's much hope for my country. Probably just gonna lock myself inside my home and watch the world burn.

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I have hope, but not much.

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Reminder that the website owner is responsible for these posts.

Each time I see one of these posts I laugh harder than the last time. I mean, user is not wrong. Don't stop reminding us, user. Polite sage for off topic.

Nope he isn’t counter Semitic.
No ZOG in Canada

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Sadly I've come to the conclusion that, like the Green Party before it, this party is controlled opposition and designed to draw votes off of Conservative party support. (((Scheer)))) isn't perfect but in theory is more aligned with our interests.

I'm sitting out politics for a while and trying to educate the young 'ens who come here.

Getting rid of that dogshit Gender Based Policy Analysis and other blue haired landwhale (((science))) would help. Doug Ford went far on buck a beer. The electorate isn't as sophisticated as TVO says. Do you want to win?

Just saw this same movie 25 years ago is all.

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nice pics
fuggin saved

Can Canada Deus Vult?
I'm just going to scribble this party on my ballot. If any of you think voting matters these day you're clueless about how the system works.
Multiculturalism – Repeal and replace the official Multiculturalism Act of 1988. Ban the burqa when interacting within the public sector.

Fuck off Smiley and shove your black pills up your ass.

Read mein kampf jackass

You do you, I guess.

Don't know who is the guy, i suppose he is the right wing in Canada

However, You are being very bland and simple minded

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What part of Mein Kampf are you referring to faggot? Hitler was democratically elected, and granted had more power due to German Democracy. But
has got the be the most low energy response I have ever seen.

How the fuck am I shill? The nationalist party of Canada's platform is something I support. (((Bernier))) seems like nothing more than a controlled opposition pawn like Trump. If there's any reason why I shouldn't support aside from the fact they're un-electable (it doesn't matter because this so called liberal democratic system we're in is built for whites to fail), enlighten me. Jewish politics are a joke.

Chapter 3. General Political Considerations Based on My Vienna Period. Do you really think the kike media would ALLOW a message of reason and substance to reach the masses? They'll be killed with silence (like the Nationalist Party of Canada).

OK now you fully lost all validity.
Chapter 3 also resonates the importance of the PUBLIC RALLY something that Trump has capitalized on post presidency. However that being said and reflecting on the same chapter, he needs to ride on the fact that his presidency is a movement and not just a new figurehead in office.

I hope to god you're right. Withdrawing troops from Syria and shutting down the government until an agreement on the wall is reached is redeeming. I hope he continues down that road.

I don't think that MK says anything about what user is referring to, but it seems that there are many people on here that think Hitlerian electoral tactics will work.
Not saying that the electoral side of things shouldn't be pursued, but to expect to reach total governmental power (outside of possibly eastern Europe) is unrealistic.

Probably because he realized that his "Nazi memesters" weren't going to be making anymore propaganda for him unless he throws them a bone.

Better just wait

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Populists are wrongthink

Victory won't mean anything if the next guy is just as pliable to the same cancers as the previous officials. Not saying "Wait for Hitler" but I'm not supporting Scheer just so he can dump 10000000 niggers on us and force us into Jew fights on the basis of "because he isn't Tumblrdeau".

Fellow Canuck here. Desperately trying to escape the GTA but the fuckheads known as Claysam Homes are trying to take advantage of us

Oh, I agree that the deliberate destruction of the nation will continue to escalate unabated. I'd take Scheer if only for the optics. Or lack of atrocious optics. If only for not being a serial buffoon on the international stage. And if only for not looking like being the center of attention in a fag parade is the single most joyous moment of his life.
Granted, Scheer does look like he favors a bagel for breakfast.
And the endypee guy is a pull-start.
How bad is it? Every month the government boasts it has created oh so many new jobs. It was 9000 last month, they say. 9000! What progress! Anyway, last month they brought in at least 60,000 so-called immigrants. Probably far more. They believe nobody notices this staggering discrepancy. Unless Max swears on his mother's grave that he'll put an end to immigration, he's just another stone in the pathway.

I'm pretty sure I don't need to register with the party to vote for him, being a member of the part just means you can be involved in preliminary votes and stuff like that. I'm a little worried about being outed if PPC ever gets hacked so I'd prefer not to be associated with them except on election night.

> (((Bernier))) seems like nothing more than a controlled opposition pawn like Trump.

You are a shill sir. The controlled opposition among conservatives is (((Andrew Scheer))).


is a person who rebelled from the controlled opposition when they won it with infiltration shenanigans.

Mad Max is a die hard Beauceron

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Is that a good thing though? The raw hatred of Trudeau seems to be one of the primary driving factors behind Canadians waking up and becoming conscious of the fact our country is being destroyed. Scheer might dampen that awakening with false hope and a reduction in the flamboyancy by which our destruction is being pursued.


The Bernier People's Party is a kosher containment and identification operation. Not trying to blackpill or say wait for Hitler but just be aware. Once I saw the degenerates and lolbergs pouring into the party I decided I'd just cheer from the sidelines. If you do get involved, use your head and manage your expectations.

Bernier supports mass population replacement at "traditional levels" (aka Mulroney levels that have persisted since he took office) of 200,000-250,000. It is stated on his website. It has always been a platform, even from his Conservative party leadership race. He doesnt give a shit about Canada anymore than anyone else. A meme party for a meme country.

And he is the only member of his party that has a chance at winning a seat. I'd put 10:1 odds of them getting more than 1 seat in the election. 50/50 at 0 seats for the party.

You can believe whatever you want, but you dont vote for PM - you vote for MPs. Most Canadians dont know his party exists. Most cant even name the 5 parties (technically 6 if you count bernier switch) that have seats right now. They know liberal, ndp and conservatives. They wont know green and bloc have seats and sure as fuck wont know how many seats either have.

You cant be PM without winning seats. Bernier's party has 1 seat at best next election. 0% chance at majority. Depending on immigration and immigrant voting blocs, Liberals will likely be majority next election. They did it last election with online groups and community outreach to switch votes from NDP to Liberal to win key ridings. They will likely go much farther this time and flip NDPs to Liberal votes as it will be in their interests to win and push their own candidates into majority parties. This nepotism and group preference will be more than enough to beat Euro-Canadian voting. GTA and Montreal area are roughly 60% of seats. Immigrants dominate those areas and will win the election for Liberals. They won it last time andthere are literally millions more of them this election. Refugees are getting voting rights soon (they dont instantly get voting rights, they need about 4 years out of 5 year period in the country before they can vote - fun fact trudeau wanted this reduced). Demographics are the only determinant in elections. Canada lost the war 20 years ago. Immigrants make up too big a bloc to stop now and control too big a number of seats.

tldr - bernier is same as everyone else when it comes to immigration. canada is fucked. liberals will win if you look at our election system and demographic shift and population growth by immigrants.

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He's just another anti-white jewpuppet.
OP is a linkbreaking niggerfaggot

1) At-least it's something, when people like Trudeau literally want to import 100 million pajeets it's a huge improvement.
2) Canada doesn't effectively have a foreign policy. We don't have the power to really influence anything in world affairs. I really don't care who we 'support' since it's totally ineffective anyways.

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this image triggers me, because tax dollars will fund liposuction and gastric bypass in Canada for landwhales like this, but it won't fund dental care for me


hebo jeohowsms

What do we expect as a realistic outcome here? I think it's doubtful that Bernier will secure the highest % in his first go. I would be satisfied if he merely splintered the Liberal+Conservative votes to move us further away from 2-party and helped solidify his own position better.

Singh seems like a fucking joke, I can see us stealing the NDP botes, and I think the Libertarians will realize Bernier is their best bet. Not sure on the Green party. I'm thinking we can count on the ~5% of Bloc Quebecois to help team up to form a coalition government.

What would be perfect is, even if we can't oust the PCs, to at least divide their votes enough that they have to agree to a coalition government, ruling in tandem with PPC and make concessions to us, Even if we get more votes than the PCs, odds are we'd still need them as sidekicks to form a Coalition to get more votes than the Liberals until the PCs are fully wiped.

Hopefully the failure of Wynn, redpilling on Castreau will help dial back the Liberals from 39% to less than 30%. The less they lead, the fewer alliances are necessary.

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Well we now know who is paying your costs. A thread about this was just deleted.

People's Party = Pillars of the Porch


It doesn't matter WHO Kanada, or anyone else, gets "next time".
They are all just empty suits, pushed upon you by the (((nation wreckers))) . Anyone still falling for these so-called "elections" deserve exactly what they get. It's all (((hollywood))) bullshit.

If you don't go FULL FRANCE on these vermin, IMMEDIATELY, you are DONE. You destroy them, or they will destroy you. Stand or fall… the choice is yours.

Sheer is literaly Trudeau but jewish.

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Doesn't matter who gets elected, they all swear an oath to the crown. We are their revenue source. Until the monarch ends, nothing changes. This has been exploitation since the beginning.

I hope he will be but im not getting my hopes up

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Wasn't there something about a Yellow Vest movement here in Canada or was that just a jew co-opt attempt?

No. It's over. We won whiteboi

Why are their no good anti- white slurs?
The one above is just a reverse version of calling a negro "boy".
"Cumskin" is just a shittier version of "shitskin"
(and cum actually is needed, unlike shit which is just garbage)
"Honky" is shit, and was literally made up by southern whites as a anti Hungarian slur.("hunky" and "bohunk")
And "cracker" is just stupid.