Have you seen this already
Good find OP
I guess she forgot it was up there.
Boomers don't see that as rayciss.
Example: the Robertson's jam mascot of yesteryear, the gollywog - the "blackest gnome"
Millenials will
does someone have it in higher quality, to make sure it really is what we think it is
Elizabeth Warren, age 69
you get that i am not calling her a millenial but the potential group that will destroy her when this gets public
he's probably replying to
Unfortunately, it's just a kettle.
Aaaaawww SHIT, NIGGA!
top kek
Well, yes. Millenials would not own such a thing, but a boomer wouldn't think of it as anything but decorative.
wew lad, that is a epic find.
by Occam's razor it just a kettle since every other object on that shelf is kettle
How long till she starts twerking ? All the kids are doing it
My grandma has a bunch of gollywogs around the house. I grew up with them and I never saw them as racist.
Then again I don't fucking care either. They're funny looking little things.
Its totally plausible that she has statues like that, most are collectors items, most boomers have them from yard sales or their parents who had them and passed them down.
well lets confirm and tell the mob about it
The Left has an affinity for what they consider Meritocracy , they admire China’s version of it and it “appears” to work well in the Military. The incremental checking of boxes to increase your wealth and social status .
But, I just wonder how many failures is it going to take for them to understand that it doesn’t work, that there is such a thing as Manifest Destiny and there’s always going to be a variable, a minutiae of a cracked password, Sambo knick knack , a few drinks too many , a falling and being helped up that are clues to their mediocrity that they choose to ignore and then wonder why , how inexplicably they lost.
get out, nigger
I gotta get one of these now
That's nice but people are too fucked in the head to notice or care.
this is the only kind of thing they would notice or care about nigger
You are too easily fooled by these charades. Let's fire up another race debate because a jewess has a "racist" trinket in her kitchen lol. Jews, this is lame even for you. No mention of her jewishness will ever be included in any coming shitstorm or the eagle eyed nigger who "supposedly" spotted this. Wew.
thread to cuckchan to spread the watermellon pill
fuck off retard
You obviously don't understand what's going on here, dumbass. Back to your X-Box. OP isn't White and this bitch is Deanna Spingolas twin sister.
I'm not seeing it.
Are we in United Cuckdon where we can be percected over having a silly doll?
Zoomers are cancer and have destroyed this board.
You will be percected for one thousand years, young nigger
At least half of the posters on pol are jews posting nonsense.
It looks litterally nothing like it, also this thread is being MASSIVELY astroturfed.
No self respecting pol user uses any of these images.
I see these, but the owners typically paint the face white. Bastards.
Not as bad as nu/pol/
The Pic is related>>12634681
Remember the Fly on Hillary’s Face during the Debate? The Zulu that couldn’t sign next to Obama?
There’s an inherent flaw in their check box Meritocracy, the study for the test and especially the “let us make it easier for Women and Minorities” which is a cancer that is eating away at their own system because the standards get reduced meaning that these incrementalists are deluded into believing in their own achievements are meritorious and that they will achieve their grandiose ambitions
This begs the question: Is it a sequence of systematic failures of their own creation or something more?
It’s okay. She Native African America
Fake and gay just like OP
It's fake but it doesn't matter because all one needs to do is post something like this one time and the nagas will go absolutely bonkers and spread it to all the other nagas and then they won't believe any corrected record.
It's perfect actually and this really does present us with a very good idea for future ideas. They never research anything, hell, they don't even know how so social media could easily be flooded with things like this and they will do all the work for the operation by spreading it to everyone else and causing havoc for the candidate. It's perfect actually, let's try and do it with another and just watch how fast they buy into it. This is a DNC trick so no reason not to use it against them.
Minorities can't be racist. Some white person probably traded it to her for beads and split peach.
retard's razor
"I know I am working with poor information therefore I know what the truth is"
I can't wait for cockham's razor to die a death
The proportions are all wrong. It's not the same thing.
Shill thread by the Qcult. The Qcult is nothing but an unofficial branch on the DNC.
Totally fake. Look at the shadow. It’s further away from the wall in the first pic
LULW nice one
That's not the point, nigger. Warren has been riding on the millenial coattails of 'muh diversity'. Something like this would be enough to destroy her credibility in the eyes of any leftist that still buys into the racism aspect of things like that.
Start demanding photographic and video evidence of its destruction. Call her a racist white woman. Go through the entire fucking motion of acting like an offended nigger. Force her to apologize and fuck it all up for herself.
Trying hard i see
It's obviously NOT the nigger-melon figurine. But impulsive, low-IQ niggers don't know that.
It wouldn’t matter anyway. There’s no outrage until their (((white))) Plantation handlers tell them it’s time for a chimp out over something and prod them along or at least get their SJW hive mind all over Social Media “calling it out” until MSM picks it up
fucking Fauxcahontas Internet Defense Force all over this
good opportunity to alinsky the alinsky here
Same with HR1 thread , New Knowledge
Goddamn fucking idiots
It's called DnC you retards! Divide and Conquer.
Find fracture points and widen them. Most of these people are unified by their hatred for white people but as soon as that 'enemy' disappears they are at each others throats.
It's not event he same color (there is no pink where the watermelon should be). Looks more like a jug with handles on the sides, which makes sense given that it's beside a bunch of other jugs.
I think (((you))) need to git
stop posting about this shit
how can you possibly conclude from such a blurry picture of whatever-the-fuck that thing is to be a fucking nigger
watch as this becomes mainstream because of some eceleb retard who believed this garbage and posts it online only for it to then be debunked by warren coming out showing what it really is
god you people are insufferable
Same. Shape is off.