Are there any arguments that would convince the normies that America should have joined Germany in WWII?
Are there any arguments that would convince the normies that America should have joined Germany in WWII?
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Exposing the Holohoax is job one for Zig Forums. But we've been distracted by ecelbs and social media
Denial of the holocaust hurts our Jewish friends here on Zig Forums. Please refrain.
examine the business plot which was exactly that, Prescott Bush tried to make Smedley Butler into a Hitler like figure here in the USA but Smedley fucked him over and exposed the treason
No. Read the rules, subhuman.
No one wanted to go to war with Germany. Germany declared war on us before we did to them because we supplied Russia and Britain with arms, we also supplied Germany with arms too, but then Japan attacked us and since they were allied with Germany, well, you get the idea. That coupled with the fact that I'm sure most people joined the army to go over to Europe and to fight and not because they had any real problem with Germans but they just wanted to fight in a war
it's easily enough swept away, look at the basic facts of it, it is repeatedly claimed that Hitler murdered 6 million jews which is irrelevant when compared to the fact that a nationalist leader murdered 10 million German citizens
but instead we talk about the lower number instead of giving respect to the human condition we are coerced into focusing on the ills done to some but not all
which is disgusting
How dare you, that is incredibly insensitive to the great Jews we have on this board. You should be ashamed
Something like this?
Couldn't this be used to counter the nazi narrative?
If every normie was force feed this the jews could no longer pretend to be poor victims of history.
you aren't paranoid if they are really after you:)
That's the linchpin.
Another anti-Semite trying to downplay the Holocaust with a fake genocide that never happened.
Even if every lie they say was real this is worse
The best one you can use in public company is question about why Europe declared War on Germany for invading Poland when Russia invaded the other half of Poland, then bring up the Katyn massacre and how after German troops discovered it, they brought in International observers who blamed the Nazis but all modern historians report that it was completely done by the Communists. From that you've used normalfag resources to prove that a massacre of people was blamed on the Germans but actually was the fault of the Communists. If they're Zionist then you can show them David Cole's Holocaust Revisionism documentary from the 90s. After all this then start bringing up facts and figures on how the United States was sending supplies to the Communists way before Pearl Harbor and even had a pact with Japan that'd allow US ships to not be attacked by the Japanese that were on route to supply Russia.
Sure why not.
I am an anti-semite. The holocaust did not happen, but if it did I would minimize it's results. The holodomor did happen, but if not I'd happily make it up
We talking normies here…WWII is about as far as historical knowledge goes with them, which they got through Spielberg.
You don't belong here, racist. Codemonkey explicitly allows Jews on Zig Forums now, this isn't your hugbox anymore
I feel likewise to them, for ignoring the greatness of the human condition, and selecting their own useless inbred mania to whine about instead of praise for humanity in general
those who do not seek knowledge are not human, and this type of mind bending schemes are certainly lacking in pursuit of knowledge and therefore unhuman
define holocaust? because if you're using a definition for the term holocaust that includes, a lot of people died during a war I can assure you people actually died and money was actually made
Everything in the past doesn't work.
Everything David Duke or Alt-Right doesn't work.
Voting doesn't work.
Posting flyers doesn't work.
Attending rallies doesn't work.
Joining friends groups doesn't work.
Training doesn't work.
Siding with Syria or Russia doesn't work.
Terrorism (((siege))) doesn't work.
Soft redpills doesn't work.
Angry at woamans posting doesn't work.
Angry at economics posting doesn't work.
Spiritual movements doesn't work.
Art is co-opted.
Videos are deleted.
Musical genres fade.
Chans are controlled and archived for later prosecutions.
Nothing works except exposing the hologram of WW2, "Judeo-Christianity" and pedogate.
Another collectivist grouping all Jews together. Most Jews are great people, you're just trying to justify your disgusting racism. You don't belong on Codemonkey's Zig Forums either
You sound like a lefty. Less is more. Give them Mein Kampf and ask them how it fits with the narrative they were fed.
arguments vary depending on who you're talking to but with actual vets and other people that were alive around that time you can get good results not by going hard on kikes out the gate but by reminding them of simple truths. They didn't save the world from hitler, they destroyed their ancestral homeland so the usa could have a nigger president and their children feel like strangers in their own country, half of europe abandoned to it's fate at the hands of communists and lately the ancient enemy that is islam has accomplished in 20 years what they could not in 2000 years without firing a shot. This softens the auto-shutdown that they get when contemplating that maybe jews aren't so friendly after all.
Doesn't work.
racism is classism's uglier big brother, I don't think you understand the truths I peddle
Alex Jones doesn't work.
Also Russia and England did the same thing but Lefties hate America. Scientists are valued. Get over it.
You have to make them understand the results of their actions. Breaking out hard facts and statistics is what does not work. You have to get them into a state of mind that allows them to process the information or you're talking to a brick wall that won't stop repeating "What are you some kind of nazi?"
Nothing about your racist statements are true. Jews are openly welcome on Zig Forums now, you need to leave
not valued enough, they should be paid enough money to fund their own research,
well stop kvetching and break out the matzoh and kippers
It doesn't work.
That's right, accept it. Jews and all other minorities are welcome on Zig Forums now
No. Scientists are moronic autists who are good with memory and symbols. They need to be closely monitored like apes by higher minded philosophers who know basic right from wrong or they build crazy shit like black hole guns.
I love talking about nazis though, like they are constantly complained about but everyone ignores the fact that they were simple henchmen for wall street and wealthy Europeans who all wanted to make money
Shilling doesn't work. It only makes Zig Forums more Zig Forums. It's like being a fat Jew beta and staring at a hot girl and calling her a slut, she likes it.
Zig Forums is a hot white girl that every subhuman wants to fuck.
most philosophers don't make much though, unless they are also lawyers, you can get into some bad situations in science as well, my friend's grandad lost his eyesight working at Los Alamos, sad shit man, you go blind at work and can never use your eyes again
Usury doesn't work.
1. Europe didn't want war and repeatedly proposed peace, which the UK refused.
2. Americans were mostly European immigrants who sought fortune in the new continent, and yet they were brainwashed into believing their homelands were pure evil.
3. Just look at Afghanistan swamping the US for almost 20 years. The USA would never come back from a real European war: what happened is that they finally stopped attacking and Europeans rejoiced.
4. The UK at the time was still a colonialist empire, just back from slaughtering tens of millions of indians during the Gandhi era. They attacked Europe as inhumanely as the third world.
5. The Allies collaborated with the USSR to attack Europe, later to pretend enmity in the Cold War. Why would England and the USA join hands with an enemy of Europe, if their people share the same history? There has to be some connection between their elites and the USSR.
6. It was never about the changing weapons of war, when WW2 was all about killing civilians instead of fighting in trenches. That was a very deliberate and dishonorable choice by the Allies, which sought to horrify and demoralize the resisting soldier's families. By all standards, nowadays those cowardly carpet bombings are war crimes.
7. The second world war really ends with Israel's founding, right on the corpse of Europe. And the first things these historical victims do, is to exile and genocide palestinians.
Codemonkey, the admin, explicitly allows Jews on the board now. It has nothing to do with shilling, unless you count his very actions as shilling.
And I don't appreciate your deprecating language towards our Jewish friends, on that note.
Philosophers should be the judge. And Jewish law should be banned (precedence setting law)
I'm bumping the redpill history of the jews for you, friend. That way you can learn about your cult.
there is no point in talking to these two. Study their posts. The naivety is not what it seems.
ti enslaves people rather well, but even if you eliminate usury slavery still exists, only through moral strength of character can the so called culture be saved from itself, and we have to stop lying to ourselves, those morons complaining about nazis need to be talked to first
the USA was the nazis, if Prescott Bush's business plot had gone off President Smedley Butler would have joined forces with Hitler to wipe out everyone they felt like
thanks for tolerating my existence friend, just need a place to talk about potential truth and perfect nature
would you suggest a return to 1700s German law which denied jews from ability to own property outside the ghetto and restricted the number of allowed marriages by number each year?
End usury = end (((Captialism))). See Churchill's reason for the war (his own writing).
Bush comes from a family of Communist Priests (the first Marxist Christians in the US) and has always been a Zionist. That's why he helped take down and murder McCarthy for exposing Communists in the US.
NeoCons = Trotsky Zionists.
How do you think half of us got here in the first place?
yeah but the schtick is that they were supposedly whoever but married into the more powerful and wealthier Walker clan?
this is really sad story, the guy wanted to out commies, but ends up giving the smack down to people who pose threat to the commies, and then he gets strong financial competition his reelection and turns up dead after, kind of like Lindbergh as well, so sick of people tolerating murder, can't we draw the line at murder and prosecute obvious shenanigans? murder is always ugly and no matter how advanced your tech like smart dust is, it's always obvious
IDK. But the Bush family before Pestcott were all SJW priests, first of their kind.
He died the DAY AFTER Bush and Eisenhower had the hearings shut down.
Mae Brussel bought it right after she touched on South American Bush Nazi coke dealing, and the presidio thing was around the same time, she's all "I'm getting death threats" dead the next day
First of all its NORMALFAG you halfchan nigger. Second of all normalfags don't give a shit about anything but satisfying their own desire for luxuries, comfort, and cummies. Normalfags are not much better than the average shitskin, don't bother trying to convince them of anything.
thoughts on this guy and his pile of CIA antics, whats your favorite highlight here?
It was 80 years ago. Get over it.
The jews/england did perl harbor
good luck proving though
Apparently english news knew about perl harbor a week before it happened
Funny how when USA wants out of a war, suddenly they get attacked by whomever is opposed to who is asking them to join, strange (((coincidence)))
I propose an Ethnic Rights convention. Let's start:
- A people has the right not to be displaced, replaced or submitted by other populations or any elite.
- It has the right to be ruled by leaders of its own heritage, and demand foreigners leave them be.
- Any ruler who crosses these boundaries to plan the replacement or arrival of foreigner inhabitants on their soil, above a certain ceiling like 1 percent, is immediately judged by a military wing above the government.
strengthening national sovereignty is always good, but it's work for the people who contribute to it, America has fallen prey to Venetian influence, they are sold sloth in exchange for supposed security
You've already been BTFO, son.
Try learning.
(17) anti-Nazi posts later.
This thread is dangerous because it's what Zig Forums is all about.
i often say to normies how we should have never got invovled and there is 0 evidence that hitler wanted anything other than poland. focus on economic benefits of not getting involved.
We're living in Weimerica today. There is no difference.
There's a lot of fuckery going on in WW2 on the German side. Traitors, spies, and likely triple agents. From the outside looking in you might see men like Gehlen as an opportunist traitor or playing the long game of subversion in the U.S. I don't even think highly connected esoteric connected aristocrats like Serrano knew all the answers and he'd probably tell you as much. Whats interesting to note is that roughly around the time that the Germans within the U.S. post-WW2 started dying America has been relatively halted in its technological process. Could've been a post-war plot to destroy America internally by forcing it to depend on German brilliance which is why they led almost all major industries after the war inside the U.S. Notice our technology today is just riding the coat tails of the 70's and 80's? It's an actual old German tradition dating back many centuries and is brilliant if that's the case.
Gehlen is a tricky fucker though due to him basically being the entire foreign arm of the CIA in his time, and International Jewry being the other. Signs point to him being one of those highly placed traitors in the plot to kill Hitler and sabotage the war effort but there's not enough I think to paint him into those corners. Maybe someone else can spill the beans with him. Both Canaris and Gehlen are the hardest to truly decipher and put into a good or bad category.
that dude is my step grandfather>>12635619
we have a technology bottleneck no question, and with Putin saber rattling his star wars lasers we might be able to see some crazy shit, such things could also lead to total world stability militarily, if the 3 most capable nations can agree, nothing the rest of nations could ever do would ever matter
They've now been trained to believe that for so doing you must be evil and therefore they will attempt to murder you.
Chinese have lazer canon guns now too, lol. We're all fucking dead
Mason e-celeb, meant to separate poor rednecks from their money and create lists, but I'm being redundant.
Oh yeah, I forgot. He is a Freemason of the Order of Illuminated KKK.
this is your problem
I personally have had success in saying that the united states should have stayed neutral, and that we gained almost nothing from that war except for the job of "world's cop".
Polls from before pearl harbor showed that the vast majority of americans wanted no part in another European war.
/v/ go…
Just teach your children that wars are for the dumb kids. Mine did can't imagine being raised to believe in "muh country" unless you enemies can realisticly threaten your kin dying for politicians is insane.