Canadians using e-celebs as government "influencers"


(we know about Juden Peterstein)

"It's like the new era of celebrities, if I can say (that). People look up to us and they'll take our advice," she said.

"Younger people don't really watch television anymore and don't really connect to ads like that because they don't really speak to them," she said.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is the future, Hollywood will go the way of the dinosaur since technology and communication propaganda is on its way. E-celebs will be the new ZOGbots of the media world. Pushing and shilling propaganda, not just political but also for corporate financial competition too. Especially with AI on the horizon we will pretty much live in massive age of information deception and evil beyond our wildest measures.

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Reminder that Metokur is a Zionist.

Wouldn't doubt it, but I don't remember him saying that. Where did he exactly state that he's an Israel shill?

Reminder that the (((opiod epidemic))) will persist so long as chinks and Jews have thier way. The blaming of people for lack of sympathy is gaslighting. The addicts need to be institutionalized, not accepted.

Opiod Epicdemic is CIA NATO opperation from Afghanistan, I understand the ISISrael part but what about the Chinese part?

chinks are pumping out fast quantities of synthetic drugs like amphetamines and fentanil and carfentanil etc

I they're the biggest manufacturers of fentanyl, which pfizer or whoeverthefuck buy from, then sell with their brand.

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One of the great things about the entire country being on opiates, we all have a huge tolerance for the crap and it will be superhuman by the time they start trying to poison our water supplies with the crap. Once it hits the water we just stop taking our normal elephant killers and we're ready to grease some gooks.

Does a moose shit in the woods? How the fuck do you think you even know about these cunts? Their kickass 'content'? hahahaha. NOTHING original out of any of these cunts and there's no fucking such thing as, 'grass roots'. Just another jew fallacy.

REALLY? When it's yellow niggers poison that is doing the killing. Love the autism but now you have to kill yourself.

God forbid we have something nice, enjoyable and apolitical in this day and age.

Look into search engine optimization, anons. You too can become social influencers ;)

Yes because the Canadian Government would fully sponsor a man who says things that are completely against Cuckdeau's main policies and even debate bills at the house of Commons
OP is a faggot.
Jordan Peterson is a self described centrist and he is the most right wing voice in Canada (that's not a literally who) next to fucking Don Cherry.

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Crowder and Gavin are leafs. Crowder has a weird way of always popping up in my youtube feed. I felt him being pushed but thought it was a marketing thing only.

Zig Forums already is, nigger.

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The archive link isn't responding for me. Do you have the original link, or

I know the talking walls in Fahrenheit 451 was really more allegorical for the lugenpresse and the talmudivision. But I'd like to point out that I think that analogy, to all those who are familiar with the book anyway is actually closer to this experience that e-celebs have with their fans. We have a generation of lonely, purposeless nihilists experiencing a quarter life crisis as they have to come to terms with the lies peddled to them. And how a lot of them are doing that is pure rampant escapism, this form is most interesting though.

Because they're essentially simulating friendship - in a way more destitute and pathetic than "Online Friends" were at the turn of the MSN era. Hell plenty of people reading this probably have "Online Friends" but this is different. These are people who couldn't/can't manage that degree of socialization anymore and so the walls talk to them, the walls are their family.
And they'll take it's advice.

Not sure about his Zionist connections, but like almost all white e-celebs stuck in the ironybro market he's definitely got a non-white wife. It's funny how they always tend to make it to the top.

Moly is a crypto who is deep into the lolberg shit.
Southern is possibly one as well.

Look up the opium wars.
Even though White americans are not all anglos, they blame them just the same.

Crowder is a Zionist. McAnus is a pseudo-homo with a injun wife and squawlets.

Bradbury knew what he was talking about.
minorities. Don't step on the toes of the dog?lovers, the cat?lovers, doctors, lawyers, merchants,
chiefs, Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, second?generation Chinese, Swedes, Italians, Germans,
Texans, Brooklynites, Irishmen, people from Oregon or Mexico. The people in this book, this
play, this TV serial are not meant to represent any actual painters, cartographers, mechanics
anywhere. The bigger your market, Montag, the less you handle controversy, remember that! All
the minor minor minorities with their navels to be kept clean. Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock
up your typewriters. They did. Magazines became a nice blend of vanilla tapioca. Books, so the
damned snobbish critics said, were dishwater. No wonder books stopped selling, the critics said.
But the public, knowing what it wanted, spinning happily, let the comic?books survive. And the
three?dimensional sex?magazines, of course. There you have it, Montag. It didn't come from the
Government down. There was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no!
Technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure carried the trick, thank God. Today, thanks
to them, you can stay happy all the time, you are allowed to read comics, the good old
confessions, or trade journals."


cringey nazi post

Thanks for bumping fam.
Have another.


Do you even read bro?

You are equally retarded.

If this wasn't Zig Forums Zig Forums I might be inclined to give a shit. I appreciate the (You) so you can have one too.

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Which is why you're seeing past their prime actors becoming protesters.


Who gets to meet with (((Aleksandr Dugin)))? And Molyneux is a lying/hypocritical Jewish millionaire.

her real name is Lauren Simonsen, Simonsen is kike's name.

I still think Soythern and Molyjew are useful-idiots who do it for free

Literally the kike capital of Canada since the first fucking day of British Rule.

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Go back to reddit.

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>wanting a gun with a shitty trigger and gasses you in the face I guess it's perfect for the kikes

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Imagine believing that Faith Goldy isn't a jew and is a woman.

The history of this building marked the beginning of my redpilling process.

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Redpill me on the Alan Memorial Institute, user. I know they did MKULTRA LSD torture there (and Peterstein just happens to go around telling people to take high doses of LSD).

Did you just come down with the last rain?

And we don't like this, because?
In other news what is the alternative to being an e-celeb in an era when all media is e-for-electronic? I don't say this to defend molytwit but in general. WHAT is the alternative?
Dead people with only books left behind, and who don't make videos or do blogs or podcasts? Yeah that'll work.

So who are the non-jewish, non-kiked anti-zogbot influencers of the right, Zig Forums? I need some guidance here.

There are none, you have to go back to your basement and wait for Hitler to come back or else be that leader yourself because everything else is controlled opposition, but don't be an e-celeb by using any post 1910 methods of mass communication. This will totally help the cause and is in no way salami tactics and psychological warfare.

How new are you? Molymeme is just a shekel grubbing kike and Lauren Simonsen is 100% a Mossad agent


So ecelebs are officially confirmed as shills?

a war we will win

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Stefan Molyneux has retweeted me 6 times in the last few days

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