Tuck Buddies


I'm a liberal (or used to be?) but seriously, get the rope

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Other urls found in this thread:


Interesting how they never use nigger kids in these ads yet the fucking niglets are everywhere else.

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Is this not child abuse in the current year?

Also, a trans 5yo is like a vegan cat - we all know who is making the life decisions…

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…I…um…what the fuck?

Fuck it. Get the damn rope.

That image of the kid doing the one-eye "sign" is the same image used on one of NXIVM's site





Kill yourself. No one said Illuminati, but whatever the Bavarian Illuminati merged into Freemasonry to form (((Modern Freemasonry)))

Also, the one-eye sign isn't the problem here, but the fact that it is THE SAME FUCKING IMAGE AS USED ON THE NXIVM SAID, A CHILD RAPE CULT YOU IDIOT

Damn, I can't properly use English

I read it wrong man. My fault.
But yeah, that's just from the website. Which is conservative leaning, I couldn't find image on the actual "Tuck Buddies" website anywhere. Is it just a pic from the news outlet?

This fucking clown world.

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Yep, fuck this world. When does it end man? When does it fucking end?

What is left to say after the prosthetic penises?
Smells like a slide thread.

Just realized "Tuck Buddies" is a play on words from "fuck buddies"

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Hm, I didn't even click on the Archive link, it seems to be just the header for the news article, strange though.

It'll be the end for most of these children whose identity will be completely destroyed by gender dysphoria and lead them into their suicide. For us it'll end soon as well, how I'm not sure but it won't be great.

Wtf are they doing to our kids man. No kid that grows up in a normal family displays gender confusion. This shit was unheard of decades ago. How we have fallen from grace

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Years ago kids would wear Captain America underoos (and they were told the difference between fantasy and reality)

Well most threads created on here are by people who do not have the same interest at heart as we do. But we're at fault, including me, because we're not letting others create our threads, our platforms, our movements and sit idly by.

Holy shit, I didn't even consider that. It makes it more sinister than it already is, considering it's teaching kids to be retards at such an early age.

because we're

Its definitely agenda related, but also I imagine niggers are free of this insanity. I feel like the gay shit and tranny freaks are aimed mostly at whites and carried out by insane white Marxists.

Wtf are they doing to our kids man

not my kids … let them have the already dead

Human Extinction when?

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exactly … they adopt kids who would have no hope and give them hope as well as mental disorders

but they work in the coffee shops and gas stations

someone has to do it


when you get a real gun

Whenever possible pull your kids out of public anything, this society is diseased and broken.
Never fund or support anything for "education" you're just fueling this sort of influence on the most vulnerable and if it's directed at the inner city scum you might as well throw your money in a fire.

So, why is CaldronPool using NXIVM's image[1] in its article[2]? The Etsy shop[3] doesn't include that image at all

[1]: nxivm.com/project/education/
[2]: caldronpool.com/tuck-buddies-underwear-to-help-boys-as-young-as-five-hide-their-gender/
[3]: etsy.com/au/shop/TuckBuddies

Are you in agreement? :)


I know I'm fucked in the head, but it's definitely coming time to end this by force.

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Wiemar Now

The key will be hanging them in public without getting caught

You need to find yourself a campfire to stare into and rethink your life, son. You give your own people truth or give them nothing. Understand, shills have inherent value to new board recruits. Anons didnt just wake up one day and know the shill through and through. War with them. They adapted. We adapted. Everything escalated. Bothering with them at this point is a waste of time for us, but if new people do not learn how to identify and defend themselves against obvious shill tactics, this world will take several subsequent shits inside of them.

So I heard they want to get their cocks cut off. Lets go cut their cocks off. Longer to get there than actually get it done. Got bolt cutters and everything.

Compose yourself five fucking minutes ago lest you wind up carrying around one of my turds in your pocket the rest of the day. That black pilled bagelian quitterspeak might as well be in Hebrew.
And if you’re really some kind of thin-wristed commie tip taster, I’ve got news for you: demoralization doesn’t have any effect on the people that populate this fine board beyond instantly motivating them to lose both shoes directly inside of your weathered faggot asshole. You cannot demoralize people who do not allow themselves the luxury of hope in the first place.
I recommend you go right on ahead and frolic yourself back over to halfchan, find a nice black cock thread and slit wrists inside of it. user has shit to do.

You are not fucked in the head, you are RIPE. The only thing these people understand is force. The only way to stop this shit is to stomp this shit. I absolutely promise you beyond a shadow of a doubt, you do it correctly the first time, there will be no second time. If they want to keep fucking around with small children after a house call from user, they’re going to have to learn how to do it with their cock in a ziplock bag.

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You're a fragile little bitch if this is enough to get you fuming

I wonder what the WW2 soldiers would say if they saw what they fought for.

Nice trips. I'm curious, though, what would it take for you to be disgusted with our society, if not the outright perversion and mutilation of our children?

Is that Mike Enoch's wife? The divorce hit her really hard, huh.

Weimar was a massive shithole.

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Nice try.

Quick reminder that no one will ever do anything to stop this.

What the fuck man

The tuckers tuck it in, that's ancient homosexual slang. Pic related.

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Could Islam actually save us from a nightmare like this or would it cave in to modernity?

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Cute, what does your husband's look like?

It would be fine if it wasn't for the semitic/religious bullshit and the shitskins.

You can thank jews and atheists mocking and demoralizing Christianity for that. Now no one will seriously commit to Christian morality because they want their cummies while feeling "smart". Enjoy Hell, everybody.

Islam is the same shit. They fuck kids too, despite forbidding it.
It's the same idea as the Weimar had it:
You can dig up any history book and find a lot of cultures that did the "Ban X, allow good goys to do it anyway".
It keeps people dependant on appeasing their superiors so they can keep wathever has been forbidden.
Heck, in medieval France, the fucking BREAD was forbidden once in a small village. The burgeois ate it nevertheless, and if you pointed it out, it's because you wanted some for yourself, you disgusting bread-eating peasant! Down to the dungeon!
Meanwhile, the Burgeois did what the local Noble told them to do, or risk jail time for those crumbs in their beards.

It's a control mechanism, nothing more. Often, it involves degeneracy, because it's the easiest and most predicable method of control.

Islam would do exaclty the same shit, except in their cause would be "Believe in Allah and die for him when we tell you to, or you can't sodomize that kid!"
Also applies to drugs, drinking and smoking. If you ever see a Muslim doing those things, you better be fucking carefull, that's someone doing fucked up shit for his Iman to absolve.

Sure, if you want to live in a closed society of clans were we all marry our 1st cousins

And here comes Jamal to spam the thread and demoralize.

And imagine that, with Jamal comes the sandnigger telling us how good it would be if we all became sandniggers.

To be precise: Everything is anunakki worshipping neanderthal-ape hybrids subjecting the other hybrid humanoid species of the world to trauma based mind control as part of an evil demonic incest mafia ordered to exterminate all human races by Enlil. Weishaupt's Illuminati was merely funded by their Priory of Sion and was a small part of the so-called-jews infiltration and co-option of Hermes' once proud order of freemasonry. Woop woop.

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wanna post that pdf?

Am i the only one here who knows the slur "tucker" ? It's a somewhat common albeit slightly dated term, that started as an insult, but was then adopted by the tuckers, just like queer and fag.

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not that user but here, it's a great read
it's about 65mb so can't embed

Has America finally surpassed the Weimar Republic in degeneracy? Those guys weren't nearly as many, or last very long.

How does it feel supporting the molestation of children?

I don't know since I'm not a degenerate nor a progressive

Right, you just enable their worldview and power structure by presenting yours - the one literally designed to be subverted.

They're bringing in Islam for a reason you god damn cockRtwo

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There's nothing anti-liberal about the death pentalty, user

spoiler: Nope.

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Not sure if that's Islam or just Pakistan. Would be interesting to know stats of other countries

Whatever helps you sleep, Moishe.

Found the assblasted pedo faggot.

I would just nail their limbs to the trees just like we did in Vietnam. 12 gague. Flechettes. You can use pliers, a coat hanger, and wax to reseal the shell.

Normal people would never buy this, only deranged leftists who are already pozzing their children. so who gives a fuck?

Here's another (You)

There aren't sandniggers where I live (thankfully). But can't they smoke regardless?

Polite sage for offtopic.

Really underrated post.

2019 is going to be great

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Because the owner who is making the 'tuck buddies', Searah Deysachs, owns the same site that peddles fake dicks to 'transkids', and a sex toy site is associated with his name too:


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Well stop being one.

Most of the social leaders on the left pushing the most extreme marxist bullshit are, in fact, shit-skin muslims from places like Turkey.

I guess it's bad for the white race because none of these pale traps will be impregnating white women, but I guess on the plus side, it might be easier for us to impregnate white women. On the downside, it will also be easier for Tyrone.

On the plus side, since women are on a path to irreconcileable roastiness, and the feminists will prevent us from enjoying lolis, traps might actually pass 5% of the time instead of 1% of the time if they're started on hormones/castration before puberty instead of after, so we will have quintupled the amount of resources to pump our cum in as we try to enjoy the collapse of society and rapidly alternate between disgust and queasy orgasm.

Could we possibly start some kind of "lesbian" fad where biological females want to engage in "tribadism" with these trannies and somehow get pregnant by them? Even with masculinity destroyed, I feel like racism could still save our tribe if it was extreme enough. Masculinity will always respawn eventually, you can only have so many people too delicate to do labor before society collapses.

If white traps end up having niggers do all the labor, they need to be sure to have all the guns or else they will rise up and rape/kill the traps due to larger muscles.

I have more, some bar descriptions. Karl's Lounge is a dry establishment for underage male prostitutes in crisp, ironed sailor outfits, the Monte-casino is little more than a gay bar that caters to straight couples… And the rest are just fucked up.

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Degenerate and all but I’ve seen this for days. What is happening to Zig Forums?

this is why that kids youtube app is so fuckin dangerous.

Most traps are actually just "lesbians with dicks"

"This time amerifats will surely take their guns!" says increasingly desperate user for the thousandth time in 30 years.

Funny you should mention that. There's a basic linear correlation between the abandonment of Christian mores and Biblical virtues, and the rise of feminism and other degeneracies through the years. Go figure.

Why the fuck did I click this fucking thread. I knew it was about tucking, but didn't expect it was about FUCKING FIVE YEAR OLDS TUCKING BECAUSE OF THEIR GOD DAMN PARENTS FFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff