All Jews are Satanic

How can I prove this?

Well, let’s look at the Jewish God, which is Yahweh. Yahweh, before Zoroastrian influences made Judaism purely monotheistic, was a God within the Semitic pantheon. See the added pic.

The Greek equivalent of the Semitic Yahweh is Chronos. The Roman equivalent for Chronos, and thus also for Yahweh, is Saturn.

Saturn is a different spelling of the name Satan. 666 codes for ‘Stur’ in Aramaic. The planet Saturn is the sixth planet in our solar system. SATURday is the 6th day of the week.

The poles of the planet Saturn contain hexagons, which is another word for a six sided polygon. All Abrahamic religions are centered around this hexagon in various ways. This means that all Abrahamic religions are fundamentally Saturnic and thus Satanic.

Let’s look at Christianity. The cross is exactly what you get when you look at what you need to fold a cube. Also, Christ hanging on the Cross represents the esoteric figure of Saturn. The concept of ‘Good God’ versus ‘Bad Demon’ is what we, in our modern world, know as the Hegelian dialectics, i.e. controlled opposition, i.e. two sides of the same coin. Christianity, like Islam, is fundamentally Saturnic.

Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism, however, is a mixture of Jewish and Roman theology, the Roman theology in question having the name Mithraism. Mithraism is also the reason why Sunday is the Day of the Lord, much to the disliking of the Saturnists/Satanists/Yahweh followers, instead of Saturday. Why do you think Saturday has become part of the weekend?

The Islamic faith is literally centred around Mekka and, more specifically, the Kabbah, which is, unsurprisingly, a black cube, which is an obvious reference to Saturn. The word ‘cube’ and Kabbah are indeed related.

They share their origin in the Saturnic cube. It’s no surprise that the word for Jewish mysticism (remember: Jews follow Yahweh, who is Saturn’s Semitic equivalent) is Kabbalah. Understanding this, it is no surprise that the flag of the Zionist state of Israel sports the Saturnic (= Satanic) hexagon. It is in praise of Yahweh, which is the Semitic equivalent of Saturn (= Satan).

It is highly noteworthy too, that the Masons, who consider themselves to be above the Abrahamic faiths, are completely Saturnic, albeit less obvious, for it is Freemasonry after all. This is no surprise, considering Freemasonry is almost entirely based of the Kabbalah.

Saturn (= Satan) and Chronos are European gods by definition, albeit Southern European. If we look at the north of Europe, we find Odin to be the equivalent of Saturn (= Satan). The change in religion that Christianity brought was not fundamentally the removal of the old religion, but the reinstatement of Saturn (= Satan) as the supreme God. Jupiter/Zeus/Thor was worshipped as the Supreme God, albeit in a polytheistic manner, before Christianity came about in Europe.

The scare the followers of Saturn/Satan/Yahweh have about the return of Europeans to paganism is fundamentally about the return of Europeans worshipping Jupiter, instead of Saturn.

Personally, I hold Neptune to be the highest God. This is because of spiritual factors that have been with me from birth, but also because of the relationship in Sumerian mythology between Enki (Sumerian equivalent of Neptune) and Enlil (Sumerian equivalent of Jupiter).

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Wow, more schizoposting! This is surely a productive use of our time. This will save the white race and wrestle political power away from the Jews and their shabbos goyim.

You start by proving there's a Satan, faggot.

666 is meaningless, you uneducated lout. 616 is the number of the beast.

Unironically, yes. Esoteric information isn’t necessarily schizophrenic, although I agree it can sometimes definitely seem like it is.

You’re more or less asking about the aliens in control of planet Earth, if you’re asking this. There are definitely some signs that we, as humans and especially non-Saturnists, are being kept in the dark deliberately. From the top of my head:

Feel free to add to the list.

Will research. Thanks, user.

What we need is to buy land for European Reserves so we can start building our civilization back up from ground one. We need to start building our own towns and build walls around them and make strict rules for who can live there.

Is everybody ever crucified Saturn?

Just remember, USA is abandoning PIssrael. All these worthless shill threads won't cover that fact up.


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Christ was not crucified on a cross, but on a tree. The Book of Revelations, which is the only New Testament Book that was not edited by the Council of Nicea in 325, mentions only the word ‘three’ (dendra), not the word ‘cross’. The cross, however, was later edited in for Saturnic (= Satanic) significance. See third pic in OP.

How exactly is my OP pro Israel? Also, do you really think Rothschild slave zionist pedo cryptokike Trump is going to be though on Israel?

Who knows

Must have had some pretty good telescopes 3000 years ago to see that hexagon on saturn…

Look up:

All divine figures (= aliens, I think at this point) that gave certain knowledge to mankind, which we would have never been able to come up with ourselves.

As to how exactly aliens gave this knowledge to humans, I am not yet certain, just as I am uncertain about the exact physical and mental attributes of these aliens. This is all stuff that needs a lot of further studying.

According to one erroneous manuscript which is contradicted by others from around the same period. The number 666 is referred to in other scriptures, such as the weight in talents of Solomon’s gold collection. 616 is insignificant. An error. That’s it.

Using what? Toilet paper shekels? Using their system to fight their system doesn’t work.

Ancient Roman accounts state that poor old Yashua got crucified, and that involved hanging on a cross.
Judeo Christian texts tell us that “sons of God” (aliens) came down to the earth. That doesn’t mean that God is an alien.

Not this retarded shit again. You have been debunked a billion fucking times you retarded golem. The cross wasn't a religious symbol until Constantine abolished crucifixion as a punishment in the 4th century, and then it was only a symbol for his empire's bullshit mommy religion. It took centuries of war for the paganized, judaized catholics to spread it around beyond Rome. Any fucktard theory about muh hurr durr cross being related to actual Christianity is as niggered as your DNA.

That is a rendering user.

Anyone who believes Jews have power is a schizo poster itself

That’s exactly what I was saying. See:

No, it did not automatically mean the cross. Also, an omnipotent creator God is metaphysically impossible, because this God also needs to have a point of creation. If God is eternal, isn’t it much more logical to say that the universe is eternal, instead some being in another realm?

All descriptions of Yahweh (= Saturn (= Satan)) in the Old Testament coming down to speak with the Israelites, among whom was Moses, for example, are much more logical, if you consider that Yahweh/Saturn/Satan is an alien from a culture with far more advanced technology.

Hmm, sort of. Depends on the definition. If you take "satanic" with the laveyan (((levi))) definition, as someone who worshipps none but himself, jews do strike a huge likeness to satanists, considering that they are the one and only people of the book, god's chosen people.

YWVH is an amalgamation of Chronos and Vulcan, thus him being a "volcano demon", since he takes the worst parts of Vulcan and merges them with Chronos. Chronos is the ultimate god before the one itself, and he is almost the definition of greed, considering his story with Gaia and their sons. Vulcan is the creator god, the one who, ironically enough, took the pieces of Chronos and forged the new universe from them. The entity described in the book of Genesis is almost entirely Vulcan, with some jewish particularities.

"Satan" is enemy in aramaic. The holder of this title is not someone nescessairly evil, considering that one of YHWH's most faithful angels, Mastema, once held this title to test Job's devotion to YHVH. The whole Job affair does remind me a lot of Saturn's greed, he wants all for himself, even the faith of the people.

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Odin is Hermès, Mercury, and Thoth mr. op.

Yes and israel has six letter. Cohencidence? Revelation 2:9

Also, Isn’t Uranus the oldest god in Greek mythology (outside of the primordial gods which are more like cosmic forces including Gaia, nyx, Thanatos, and chaos)? And isn’t Saturn more like ninurta from the Sumerian religion than someone as powerful as enlil or enki? (Even then Abzu and Tiamat are the supreme gods in that religion.

How the fuck is Odin Saturn?

Fuck is going on? Odin is clearly Zeus and Thor Hercules.

Crosses are made from trees. Hung on a tree is allusion to OT prophecies, and Moses raising up the bronze serpent to heal Israelites. Stop attempting to reinterpret religions to fit your agenda. Come up with a new cult, if you need the attention for your (((esoteric))) knowledges.

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Friendly reminder that 'Satan' and 'Yahweh' are the two sides of the same (((Abrahamic))) coin. There is no Satan in European Paganism. Our Pagan ancestors didn't fight imaginary enemies.

If you are Pro European you must focus your attention on real problems such as mass non white christian migration, race mixing, desertion and other christian degenaracy. The real enemies Jews and their slaves.. Followers of rabbi Yeshua bar yosef.

Don't let christcucks have their way. Avoid these superstitious Jew worshipping faggots. Name the Jew. Blame the Jew.

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Uranus/Caelus/Abzû all seem to be the same primordial, ethereal God, from which, together with Tiamat/Gaia/Terra, the other Gods were created, i.e. either the head alien from the book of Enoch/Metatron, that refused to let the other aliens, which we know of as the 12 Archangels/12 Titans, back in the spaceship, after they procreated with humans, when it was their duty to watch after Earth, or it is simply some metaphysical God that only arose in certain traditions.

Ninurta is not Saturn/Anu at all, nor is she Ishtar/Rhea. Ninurta is the daughter of Enki/Jupiter and is also known as Demeter.

Also, three other names for Saturn are Ra (Egyptian), Anu (Sumerian) and El (Semitic, allegedly).

Jacob, son of Isaac, is named Israel by Yahweh (= Saturn (= Satan)(= Ra)(=El)) in the Old Testament. It’s no coincidence.

>Hmm, sort of. Depends on the definition. If you take "satanic" with the laveyan (((levi))) definition, as someone who worshipps none but himself, jews do strike a huge likeness to satanists, considering that they are the one and only people of the book, god's chosen people.

No, I mean that, because jews worship Yahweh as the only true God, the jews worship that God which we can simultaneously identify as Saturn/Chronus/El/Satan/Ra/Anu.

That’s merely your interpretation. Truth is that the book of Genesis is very, very similar to the Mesopotamian Epic of Creation, just like Mesopotamian Atrahasis is almost identical with Hebrew Noah.

Interesting. You are right that Satan is not a specific given name for a God appearantly, but Saturn, who is Yahweh, clearly is identified as ‘the’ Satan in the New Testament. This begs the question who the New Testament Supreme God is. Perhaps it is just Saturn himself playing a game of Hegelian dialectics, perhaps something else is going on.

>(((Mods))) anchored this thread


Saturday is the 7th day of the week.