Forget the United States of Niggers, let’s evac to Alaska


Let’s all move there to start and maintain a BASED existence. With enough support we can secede from the Jewnited States. Will eventually and easily take over Canaduh.

It is the way.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm game how can I emigrate to the states though?

Plenty of Mongolians, though, especially the more north you go.
You will never form an ethnostate in the US. However,
you will create ethnocities.
Think Chinatown for every culture. In the pnw there are plenty of Hispanic cities and Germanic cities already. What they need is laws designating 80% of certain ethnicity, 20% of everybody else.

Over my dead ass white boy.
Shoots arrow

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It seems wonderful, and shipping on Alaskan King Crab legs would be considerably cheaper or maybe even unnecessary.

How are we going to afford it though, start a Zig Forums deadliest catch? Except we go fishing for CIA glow in the Dark comments, that we then sell back to the kike NPCs as the dankest of maymays, making the kikes jealous of their own memes in our hands being productive.

Running away from your problems won't solve them. Eventually, the bullshit that you were trying so hard to run away from will eventually make it to Alaska (which already is there btw with the gang problems and rampant drug use). You might as well stay where you are put and figure how to band together with your fellow whites in your community instead of leaving them to die as individuals.

With the right kind of white people and laws in place it's possible. The U.S. would be a threat unless it balkanized since the fed won't allow a state to secede without a war.

Running away from your problems is a Nigger tier move only the weak Flee from Hard times a man stands up for himself and for the betterment of his community if you wanna go to Alaska that's nice it's beautiful up there but if you can't go out side in your own town with the Fear of *what and who ever * you ain't gonna survive in the Wilderness but if you must go remember as you lie down at night that you are no better than the Mexican illegals ghetto trash you are running away from
Seriously though
Here have a taco Emoji you filthy Nigger Mexican 🌮.OP suck muh Freedom loving Patriot Cock ,,
Nay saying bitches

If we pray to Tengri hard enough, we could get a big, beautiful Alaskhaganate and also a +50% damage bonus against city-dwellers and mudslimes and a +100% damage bonus when riding horses.

You're like asses & elbows if asses & elbow's IQ dropped by 20 points.

Thanks i need that boost 20% less im Honored

If you're white and non-latin american/slav, you can't.


we also accept the shittiest of the poo indians, especially if you cant code for shit but have a paper that says you can

obviously thats what your post said, my bad, been drinking and had to get some poo hate out

Oh fuck you guys this guy called in on America First a few weeks ago sperging out about all whites moving to Alaska and Nick Fuentes made fun of him so hard. Guy did you not take a step back and reevaluate how goofball it sounds when a twenty year old kid is making fun of you for wanting to run away from the brown wave?

You had me at almost. Just send me a couple plane tickets, give me the address to my new house, and i'll be there in a jiffy.

LIE YOUR ASS OFF IF YOU ARE WHITE JUST COME TO VIST AND STAY FAKE YOUR DOCUMENTS OBEY THE (((LAW))) AND by that i meant Everthing after breaking the (((Law))) from illegaly Staying :^)

First of all, you're too late. There already is a consolidation plan and that is the Pacific Northwest movement.
There are already thousands of White nationalists in the Northwest with dozens of organizations and infrastructure.
Secondly, Alaska would be a bad place to flee to.

NWF is a plausible idea but not until you read this.

1. Harold Covington has been a failure as a leader of White advocacy groups.
2. Harold Covington gave information to BATF informants that caused two members of his own organization to be sent to prison in the early 1980s.
3. Harold Covington is partly of Jewish ancestry, and looks and behaves accordingly.
4. Harold Covington has conducted vicious smear-campaigns with the apparent purpose of increasing his own following by destroying leaders of other groups.
5. Harold Covington was caught in the hoax of claiming that would-be presidential John Hinckley had been a member of the NSPA.
6. Harold Covington is dishonest in general and has some very strange tendencies.

I mean there's going to be a million shills in this thread telling you how it's running away and on some level - they're right. It is.

But at the same time, I still think there's objective value in colonizing the North further before shitskins finally start showing up from pure desperation once the cities start to degrade economically, it's probably already starting.

The North is our natural base of operations and having "user Strongholds" up there can't hurt - unless it splits us up too much as it's unlikely the North is a theater in the information war.

Why not?
In about 100 years, that territory will be 100% swarthy muds.

Yeah, no.
The way the remnants of the NWF shill here seems like they are extremely desparate for people.
I would estimate 500-750 actual white nationalists dedicated to the NWF plan there.

The state has such a small population that white minority status will happen much quicker than a more inhabited state.
It also seems that the whites are "going native" and miscegenating with the eskimos.

Two reasons.
1. The US was formed for "white men of good character". 'White' means nothing, and the founders thought it meant a specific combination of Celtic and Geranic-speaking people from England. Thus, with the inclusion of women as citizens, the US is a multicultural federation of states.
2. Even if you could argue for genetic European-ony states, getting there requires removing people physically or persuasively. Even if Africans go back to Africa and the like, many will still remain and will require "removal".
Therefore, it is only reasonable to create smaller groups such as ethnocities. It is legally protected to buy land and limit people of other races from buying it or living on it, especially if the purpose of the land is to replicate an authentic cultural experience for minority groups, such as Germans or the French.

and 95% of land is federally owned


he dead



I have seen you in many threads pushing this same thing.
Having one city state with no resources or cropland is completely retarded.
Do you know how fucking easy it is to starve out a city?
Without territory, you aint shit.


Not to mention baste Harold's novels read like they were written by a 6th grader.

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Yeah, does OP really believe that the US will easily give up territory that will allow them to easily attack Russia and china?

The whole reason that Alaska is a state is because of first strike capability against Russia, and oil.
As much as I think Covington was a seedy character, his plan is unironically more realistic.
The pacific northwest is pretty much a backwater with almost no geopolitical significance or significant fuel deposits.

Fuck off with your disinformation jew fed. Every city, except for major metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and New York, will be an ethnocity. Multiculturalism means multiple cultures, not one single mud culture.
Get bent nigger. Your story is shit.

I forgot to mention that it was made a state to prevent the ground invasion of N. America as well.

You can frack your land for gas but the best option in compost. The combustion engine was invented to burn compost alcohol. Also, solar power is good for energy and with salt-water batteries, especially the ones with nickle or other metal powder added, you can have a non-combustible battery that lasts forever. The metal always holds charge and the water and salt is refilable forever. Hemp is legal, now, too, and grows quite fast for fuel and raw materials. If you live too far north you will have to have artificial dark and light periods because the sun changes.

Imaygine mah shawk.

You forgot to include state basic income. It’s not much but better than nothing.

You're not very bright, are you? Running away will only make the situation worse. It might seem fine now, but those dirty hordes of subhumans will eventually show up at Alasak's own borders demanding whatever providence is accumulated at that point.


Ugh my black ass know where not to go when I get there. Y do they carry on like this? Ugh

Nigger you are too obvious. Nobody filters Tor users only jews and feds announce they did in hopes that others will, too. Yet they use Tor skinned with a vpn and pretend they are "real nazi, goy, beleeb me".
Anons must seperate identity from ip.
Stupid jews.

lol No

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yall silly!!! its not where u from its where u at

It is the same thing as the faggot in every south Africa thread that goes
Well, what, do you not think that these problems won't follow you?
Do you honestly think that the world enemy (which has stated that they want all white people gone) will just leave you alone if you flee?

If I don't know where I come from.
How do I know where to go ?
It's not where you're from.
It's not where you're at.
It's where your going.
And I am going home.
to the land of the lost souls

That can be arranged.

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Need a richfag to fund an Alaska expedition to seed a new empire.

Precisely. Fleeing does nothing but show the enemy you're weak. This thread is looking more-and-more like a demoralization shill attempting to convince whites to abandon the land they fought featherniggers for..

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Fuck off, faggots. The male to female ratio is already terrible here. 250 pound polar whores think they're hot shit as it is. Don't need you guys making it worse.


I lived in anch town for years loved it up there but there are alot of shitskins in N Mountain veiw,Spenard,Boniface and a variety also with natives getting drunk and acting retarded,samoans,tongans,islanders all acting like nigga thug life every kind of chink and per cap a prostitution mecca for under age whore street walkers,drugs gang shootings you name it Fiarbanks is the same way not quite as bad though, now granted you drive 20 min out you are in wilderness but For its pop Anchorage is HAM best best is move to the matsu valley or knik river area.Also its expensive to live there so unless you already have a trade skill which will pay you davis bacon their no little shit job is going to pay your bills,rent and food.

Why flee when killing all the enemies is better and easier for superior beings such as White Men?

OP is actually on to something here. This is probably the best and most realistic idea I have heard in awhile. Non-whites literally cannot function in really cold/dark climates. Their bodies can't take it.

I would argue that if we make Alaska the white ethnostate we need a new political party and we need to stop being Republicans. The Republican Party is the party of usurious, "free market", greedy white cucks, whose Christian cowardice and lust for money and non-white labor will never be quenched.

If we continue to be, and support Republicanism, we'll be picked apart and the ethnostate will fail. The Republican's failure to pass any pro-white legislation during their two years of unlimited power, plus this gov't shutdown, and the fact that there will be no wall, is absolutely unforgivable. They will never come back from this and electing a Republican House of Reps is absolutely impossible at this point forward.

Demographics are destiny and the Republican Party chose shitskins over whites. We also need to create a NEW European Pagan religion that is extremely misogynistic and patriarchal. Christianity is pure and utter cancer. It is a dumb shitskin's religion and a slave-cult.

Covington dying and leaving manuals as to how to do it is the best thing that could've happened. Now he can be lionized. Even in his books he essentially wrote himself out of the entire conflict.

The largest group of non-whites in the state are the natives who handle the cold better than any of us.

You are right about that,I ve seen the northern ones get fucking heat storke visiting family when its 60 degrees out.If you send them to florida they would fucking die in the winter lol.They have anti freeze blood and if not drinking really not so hard to get along with tbh very freind, family oriented but there is an island called tyonek no non natives are allowed there and they are all eachothers cousins the inbreeding is literally part of native culture along with child molestation.

Local fauna doesn't count.

WHite men call them muks because thats how their languange sounds uk tuk mluk chuk its funny

Ice Poseidon visited there and they weren't so friendly.

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All bullshit aside Alaska rocks They have 4 seasons to June,July ,August and WINTER.

correction its not an island its right accross the cook inlet and only way in is by boat or plane fucking siri natives get huge 15 grand checks from the gov a few times a year and come into anchorage and bloiw in on booze

the reason for so many shitskins move to is Alaska gives permanent fund dividend to all residence that have been there a year around oct anywhere from 900 to a grand depending on the price of oil plus the welfare and free housing they get for their ten shitlets.Free shit and here they come.Fuckers all at the mall during that time bying useless nigger shit too instead of essentials like white do.



not true, there are tons of nogs in Anchorage, which is where pretty much everybody lives. Alaska is like 60% white if you count the eskimos

it's less retarded than NWF but it still can't work, USA is done for. time will tell if the same is true elsewhere (besides, I can't speak for anywhere else), but I think you're in denial if you think there is hope for America

That's what he gets for talking to a street fixture.

Non-whites don't possess the innate qualities that lead to advanced civilization building, but they're living in advanced civilizations. They're literally out of their element. I have no animosity towards races that have been removed from their natural habitat and then don't act right. What can be expected? They should have been left alone, or replaced. This mixing is just an awful fuckup.

In what way? Are you suggesting whites simply won't survive here? 'Cause that's all that matters. Preservation of the country as we know/knew it means fuckall.

That's because there are no other options. I worked as a pilot in Alaska and the only women that stay in Alaska are natives. The rest all leave and never come back. If I stayed I probably would be with this cute eskimo girl that worked the plane dispatch but I left. Alaska kind of sucks. Sad, because she was pretty much perfect wife material the only negative was she's a mongolian ice nigger. I really doubt I'm going to find a wife on the West Coast who is white and can skin an animal in a shelter she built off the land. Moments like this makes me wish whites weren't an endangered species so it really wouldn't matter if a few of us went native. Although, I suppose technically speaking an Eskimo girl is a more endangered species than us.

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I think Alaska is likely to always have it's own distinct group of people because of this. It will never fit in with the rest of the world. It's not ever gonna be a white ethnostate, but it should be protected as one of the few unraped landmasses.

And it shouldn't be. A lot of the natives live in remote homogeneous communities with nothing of real value. It would be pointless and cruel to genocide them or remove them. It's a huge state, bigger than Western Europe really and incredibly difficult to traverse. You could have two Ethnostates within it and quite feasibly never come into contact with each other without modern means like plane or ship.

Why not just go to Maine which is whiter, almost as desolate, but has a normal four seasons

There's always been this meme about winter being the niggers ultimate enemy, but we still see them living in Scandinavian countries, which I thought were covered in fucking snow.
What's the secret? Is Sweden not as cold as I heard?

fucking why?

Sweden actually invited and forced the niggers in.

What the fuck?

Every western government is batshit insane.

Batshit fucking insane.

Electricity, grocery stores, indoor plumbing. You know, basically all the modern amenities that can allow people to stay indoors comfortably for most of the cold months. When they need to go outside they can wear a warm jacket that is cheaply available or provided free by the cucks that dragged the niggers to the tundra. Niggers "thrive" (big exaggeration) in shitty Africa/Australia type environments and the urban jungle. Plop an urban jungle in the middle of an iceberg and the nigger is in at least half familiar surroundings.

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Passed the whites who don't want them there, I assume.

The (((Swedish Government))) wasn't content with the nigger population being concentrated in no-go urban zones. They looked at the country demographics and saw whites simply just fled the city and started building up in more rural areas. Oh no they can't have this, they needed to fracture the whites so they had no place to flee too. To discombobulate them. SO they took the incoming rapefugees and bused them all around the country sticking them wherever they could to make sure every corner of the nation got infested with some shit skin. The same thing is being done in America. Obama literally made it a policy to fill buses with Mexicans and drive them to the whitest areas then turn them loose. He even stated on TV this was being done to (((diversify))) areas forcibly.

I am not moving to a frozen, mosquito ridden, hellhole.

Where are all your people, injun savage? Oh right, we killed them off. You already lost.

Covington wasn't white. He very clearly had high non-European admixture.

There was an alarming lack of mosquitos this last summer. Something is wrong.

You don't want Slavic girls in your Aryan nation? KYS Kike.

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You get a government rebate check every year. It won't be for long once word spreads.

Mining companies don't seem to think so.

they have mexicans and somalians there too. also getting guns in there is probably a hassle because canada is a nations of faggots. solid pass for me.

not with HUD you wont. buying land in an area and putting a bunch of trailers out there is most likely. so far the trend is that cities brown.

thanks boomer

that not what he said. he's saying they only allow non-white immigration, unless you win a "diversity lottery" even then it is very hard. you have to have skills, at least 10k in cash, pass medical tests etc. and they dont give you welfare like the muds.

they make it basically impossible for anyone but subhumans to come here

Ilive there for 5 years and we all have guns in fact kept shit from escalating when they see little mufafa or tyrone got fucking whacked doing stupid shit and the cops did nothing you donnt know what you are talking about Alaska is off the chain always has always will yet all ppl up there are cool non political but if you jump bad better know who you are fighting so you can wipe them out in one night not have to worry about scragglers becuase they will come back on your as if you was in the wrong and if youy in the right everyone knows you now

The gang issues in Alaska are because big oil and other resource extraction industries hired laborers from ghettos as part of mandatory diversification bullshit, gave em a free ride to Alaska and a place to stay and they were stuck when work died out (seasonally) or they were fired

A war is exactly what is needed, one state goes and the whole thing falls apart like dominoes

no they where there before that and came for the permanent fund dividend and gig\bs

they were looking for a way out of shitholer staus from cali and migrated for the free money from the pfd

I have relatives that have lived there their whole lives and will never leaver they love it and I loved it when I was there for 5 yrs and plan on going back soon

its gets real white real fast 15 min driving out then its us against the natives if you know how to deal with them or got a racemixer in you bunch like I said before they are all about family first and friends meaning I can walk through as a known friend thats visiting they get pissy if you want to hunt that they hold sacred

I know alaska more than your tv shows I lived it

I hunted anyway and they called me a raper then wanted to sleep with me.I declined and they got even more pissed off I litterally had to fuck a bitch 9use a condom) to keep them off my Aryan ass
and bitch was my gf as far as they was concerned still did my own thing yet left alone and if fucked with omg talk about come out of the woodwork no that I needed their help but it came in handy 5 years anchorage i know them all they know me