This explains why Georgie is a hack!
George RR Martin Is a Jew
No wonder his works are so perverse.
At this rate, I'm not even the slightest bit surprised anymore.
It all makes sense.
That explains the debauchery and sadism.
Yeah, that makes sense.
If he was more Jewish his writing would suck less.
You guys couldn't be THIS retarded, right?
How so?
GoT is edgy shit for plebians who would feel more comffy watching Caligula wirtten by a hack who plagiarised even the RR of Tolkien's name
what's so surprising about this fat slob being a kike?
Antisemitism is the ultimate blue bill, you see Jews everywhere and turn into a unproductive waste of sperm that drives away moderates and anyone with a brain.
It was the Jew who saw himself in a lamp shade and bar of soap.
Old news, so exciting.
only a cianigger can talk like a narcissistic jock
Wow, aint that some shit?
It's amazing isn't it?
Very high quality thread, thank you for contributing
"moderates" who still have the zogbot firewall to repel any redpill about the Jew are not wellcome here for the simple fact that anyone with a brain can spot the Jew and his Jewery
I thought he was a jew from the start so not much has really changed. Short, fat, big ass nose, the typical jewish oligarch characteristic trait. Not to mention his whole book is nothing but a mish-mash rip off of history with dragons thrown in built around Freudian pseudoscience regarding sex and incest in-particular. His work falls into historical sci-fi and it's not even that impressive for the sci-fi category, historical, or the mixture of both. The only difference that I can see is his ability to weave dozens of storylines together while alternating between them all relatively well.
Give me any book from the Horus Hersey any day of the week over his shit.
George RR Martin’s work is promoted by kikes.
Just like (((Neil Gaiman)))’s Sandman…
Really there comes a point where there are some people who just don't have the will to live and you have to kick their asses off the lifeboat.
George RR Martin’s Promotes Jewish Agenda…
Why do we care?
But the kikes are already a mixed euro arab mutts so nless than 10% actual semitic blood flow for his veins
The enemy, the great manipulator, is not the Jews. It is The Cult of Dionysus at the birth of western civilization.
These are the people of Gog and Magog, found in Europe, as foretold in the bible. They descend from the Japhetites,
a Hebrew term for white people. The Greeks were the first (civilized) white people. This is what Christianity foretold in
the book of Revelations. These Satanists are what our religion was made to save us, the not-elite white people, from.
Those destroying our Nations are not Jews! They are white people fooling us into hating the Jews for their own profit!
They are truly evil! They destroy their own nation for their own profit and scapegoat another one to distract us!
More and more people are becoming incels as they take our women for their own pleasure! This trial is what God
chose for the Jewish people, and it is our trial to unmask it! And fight the true Enemy! THE DEMOCRATS.
Member when a jew showed dick to kids on tv?
Ok how the fuck did that slip by me for so long? Look at the cunt jesus christ. His stories were fun but there was so much POZ mixed in there. Side note he's the one responsible for making Dr Who a chick when he wrote an episode offhandedly meantioning timelords could change sex.
It's important to understand the extent of jewish subversion in the media, and this may have helped someone connect some dots. I mean I've virulantly hated the tribe for years but I still somehow didn't realise one of my old favorite authors was an oven dodger.
You are a fucking idiot Kys.
It is possible that his (((DNA test))) results are bogus simply because the jews want to claim a guy who is big and hot right now as their own, but it wouldn't surprise me. The kike producers who handled the TV show pozzed the fuck out of it with faggots and stronk feminists and he did nothing to stop it.
No, fuck you. Take your Japhites, gog and muhgog, and greek gods with you. That is boomer fantasy. The reality is this fat kike son of a bitch is a sadistic jew pornographer and perverter of virtuous mythopoeia.
It's possible and also possible as a shield against all the REEE rape complaints. But knowing the character of jews, and knowing the content of his books and the reason he wrote them if he isn't geneticly a jew he is one spirtutally. Like there was a whole page dedicated to a detailed account of some characters diarrhea or some shit. You don't get much more jewish than that.
You may be right. The elite are disproportionately Jewish. I haven't given it enough thought. I'm sorry. But bear in mind that it is strange the the Ashkenazi Jews are the elites of the Jews, and yet are the whitest. They could be Greeks masquerading as Jews, but not part of the original tribes.
Someone doesn't fall for your retarded psyop so you sperg out. Sounds familiar…
you what?
No. All jews are sadists. Just look in their holy books, they're worse than Aztecs.
really makes you think…
Noah isn't a world global retard, that's the Vatican speaking through your Jew cult. Look up the word "eretes" in the bible.
Shemites aren't even real. And if they are they're not you.
Fuck (((Druid/leaf))) and their shit esoteric threads that create these new cunts.
Global word.
It was local
Jews have a genital mutilation ritual on babies to make absolutelly sure that all Jews without exception, regardles of their ethnicity, become degenerate psychos
I hate this fat talentless faggot and want him to die tbh.
Oh my sweet summer child…
I meant as in the characters meantioned as a sidenote in the episode. I'm sure he was jeking it furiously at the idea of throwing that in.
What if George is connecting to the collective unconscious or the akashic records and channeling it into his stories. What if they portray the future?
Why would the Jews spread a religion that names them as the Christ-Killers?
The problem is that we have all lost our way during modernism. Christian doctrine has brought our civilization so far, but it cointains the tale of its own end. If we embrace The Lord we can stop both immigration and imperialism as well! All nations of the world will rejoice, IN THEIR RESPECTIVE HOMELAND, not having been forced to immigrate thanks to false wars started by the Dionysian Cult to wreck their nations.
The Jews are the descendants of the Canaanites and Phoenicians. Source: Study of comparative religion in the middle east during the bronze and iron age.
As for whether the origins of the Ashkenazim are a dirty mix of the Khazars and some Mediterranean populations is still up in the air. Although I do tend to think this is the most likely conclusion.
Interesting how desperately the kikes are shilling this thread with anti-Greek BS. Makes a fellow wonder why.
Fine, then. But then they weren't Jews. They were Turks.
Same reason they flood countries with jew hating sand niggers. Because the Jewish elite create and use anti-semitism to control and manipulate the Jewish proles who have been indoctrinated from birth to think everyone not Jewish is out to get them. You think white people have the Holocaust propaganda drilled into their brains 24/7? It's nothing compared to how hard they push that shit onto their own kids in order to teach them that the whole world is out to get them so it's perfectly okay to get them first.
b-but Apedre said quarter heebs don't count?
He looks look an actual gnome with the face of a goblin, I think it's safe to say he's an actual legitimate kike.
One single look at any of his "creations" and you can spot the jew.
There is never a (((coincidence))). If it looks jewish, it IS made by a jew. Always.
Jews will be killed first. There is nothing that you can do about it. The genocide of jews has already started.
You know what other tribe comes from the east? Hungarians. George Soros is a Hungarian. …The Jews have Israel now and there is chaos. And yet… If I accept what I'm saying then the Jews of Israel barely even exist anymore.
Nevertheless. I think I'm crazy. I stumbled upon your forum I've been thinking these thoughts for a while. I can't really communicate. But I'm quite sure I'm in hell. Nevertheless I will share my insights.
But yet, if we lose would they not cease to be protected from Iran and Turkey and other possible enemies? They need us. If we die, then they die too.
It is part of a universal death cult that Europe has been the vehicle of. It drove Europe's MATERIAL success. But the things that really keep us alive are IMMATERIAL and they are being destroyed. These temptations that surround us were made to test us! We must learn to live better together not acquire more things! Other wise we will cease reproducing!
The Death of God as described in the Phenomenology of Hegel is the loss of a moral center, we are all tribes now because we all have our own moral ethos. There is no longer truth, only interpretation. But the Christian God is not unfamiliar with death. God HAS died, and it was Men who killed him. But HE returned! The Messiah will return! Pray for salvation or as the conflict rises you too will be destroyed in the Apocalypse!
The Christ cannot exist without the Anti-Christ. Satan too does the work of God in testing the worthy.
It manifests itself as leftism, a drive for self-destruction. But have all leftists been Jews? Dionysus himself is a God of Revolution. Believe me, there will be a war. Do arm yourselves, do fight. But there will come a time when a decision will have to be made. Kill them, or don't. Remember this message when it comes to that. As for illegal immigrants, it would be better to deport than to kill.
These Turkish Jews conquer people by infiltration, Hitler just conquered by people by subjugation. Much like Atilla the Hun.
(checked for vindication)
I too have long suspected he was (((one))).
You want to read his earlier vampire novel Fevre (sic) Dream, it's about vampires admitting they leech on the civilisation of man, calling them cattle who build things for the use of vampires, there's a "good" vampire called Joshua (stand-in for Yeshua) who tries to help the (for no good reason, hideously ugly) human protagonist and bring both sides together. It's a mess of jewy neuroses. He also did a short story shilling for veganism where everyone ate mushrooms, I was a lad when I read the mushroom story, it seemed fucked up to ne even at that age. I mention it because it shows he dabbled with writing-as-propaganda early on. At least Fevre Dream is pretty solid writing, until you grow up and wise up to the subtexts.
Moderates are a myth. Those are just fence-sitting NPCs waiting out the battle to see which side to join.
Choose one.
Projecting Jew detected.
I bet he's against pulling the troops out, though.
of all the IP's available to choose from jewBO decided to pick up this guy's stuff and spend exorbitant amounts of money on it
Not only that, his family is a long time part of the UK Scientology organization. But he did fess up about his Jew background in Violent Cases and especially Mr Punch. He even relates a family tale of his great grandfather getting the shit kicked out of him for selling fake carbolic soap to miner's wives while they were away at work. Doesn't even hide that he's from untrustworthy gypsy/jew/merchant stock. Cl;early they saw Scientology for the big scam it was and enthusiastically got on board.
But yeah, his writing is pretty much THE originating template for modern pozzed writing, all the way back to his pre-Sandman work. Every main female character is a smug, impossibly wise proto-Mary Sue, with the occasional fashionable abuse backstory/victimology so popular with today's SJW crowd.
I even have an old Comic Relief Day comic, that was supposedly based on an unproduced TV script, where a super PC (and current year) diversity candidate in a wheelchair tours around the UK with Rowan Atkinson (standing in for Patriarchal Whitey) and giving finger wagging white-guilt lectures from a position of unassailable moral superiority (because non-white and crippled).
Everything that is the norm today (that's destroying our various cultural mediums with pozzed shit), he was pioneering back in the late 80s/early 90s.
TBF, his heroes like Douglas Adams and contemporaries like Terry Pratchett had a very similar set of sensibilities in their work. The men are always weak, or unstable/unreliable, while the women are fiercely intelligent, motivated and self-goal oriented. So it wasn't just him. But something about Sandman pretty much created the "Tumblr Personality Type" within fandom. But thankfully (so far), that "Gaiman Style" has failed to transfer into true mainstream success and he's remained largely contained in the comics world like some sort of SCP meta-entity. He sneaks in the occasional Dr Who episode, or a weak cameo or namedrop on BBT. But that's about it. His name-above-the-title TV shows are largely unwatched even among genre fans, and has an effect like full-blown mosquito repellent to normies.
Moffat was all over that in "Curse of the Fatal Death" back in the 90s. Check it out. It's pretty good, but clearly he never let go of the idea. And it was obvious from day one of New Who where it was going to end up. Progressives have a very very limited bag of tricks.
Were the British always this faggoty? If not how did they get that way so much sooner than the rest of the soy generations?
Come back when you will write something similar or better in the is genre. I would read this with pleasure (i am not kidding).
Show me a book like Taro Gomi's "Everyone Poops". You can't do it, therefore it's good.
When Tolkien fiction works are great and they stand above they are different subgenre. Everything is lumped together as "fantasy".
GoT is unique as epic novel written from point of view of kings and aristocracy. It is opposite to "usual" fantasy which is written from the point of view of "adventures". Low life no names who are no welcomed in the castle. They could only watch outside. This pattern of road adventure was perfected in LoTR and everyone copied it after. GoT lets readers inside castle and be teh kings.
It is not bad, but not close to how much promoted it gets
Also G R R M is fatass who, the vary day he realized how many shekels he made of his book, stoped working on them
As for serial fiesta for (((diversity))), every main male character died and it's all about (((magic))) now along with promotion of porn
Funny thing that most females in GoT books crashed disastrously.
Only Arya Stark was lucky to evade fail but she was removed from action into training (oh wait, she was too dumb to name Tywin and Jeffry, she named noname henchmen who hurt her feelings haha).
His wifes band is called the Dresden Dolls
They do like to rub it right in.
somehow i don't remember this scene
Sanctions are coming.
Masonic hoodwink.
bet you still watch the last series
>Neil Gayman's (((wife))) Amanda Fucking Palmer
You can get an STD just from looking at her. My take is that he's into small boys and she is a beard.
I've never been able to sit though an episode of GoT, it's way too pozzed.
$0.02 has been deposited in your JIDF account, sayanim.
That's a most interesting use of reversal but the mason is the one pushing the psyop, not
every fucking show you watch or book new age book you read is jew poop leading you to one direction and that is to accept the illusion kikes paint for you with the multicult mass immagration goy just kill your self because its moral lol if that isn't a laugh on hypocrisy well then your doomed these jews are working in tandem to destroy whites period if you participate in their slanderous smut based of projection and false promises or jew marxism you deserve to die.
Actions speak louder than words, jude.
they are reduced to shilling lies easily pick apart when we give truth that cannot be challenge unless by clown world absent reality jew brainwashed then its all npc from there on out as in no critical thinking just jew talking points spewed on media they control that should not control Theyu are not the voice of the people they infect .
notice I can only talk here once a weak or two if I get frisky otherwise I lose everything and it consumes me in the fight yet we are not yet fighting on our terms yet we are fighting the anti white bring in shit skins till you whites don't exist war and what really pisses me of is the women traitors then I realize they are nothing but cannon fodder for our seeds that the jew is attacking by idiots letting their kids sit in front of a tv
all mine never watched tv I kept them busy outside and plan to make another line I'm doing my fucking job.
kick off I will do that job too merciless.
there is no "we" user
if you wnat to fight do it as individual
d&c shill fuck off scaird bitch was talking about ppl i know all ready to kill you
Do you really get paid to troll game of jew porn threads or are you actually that much of a cuckold loser and are butthurt your jewish inbreeding projection drama is even more jewish than you had previously known
no bitch jew we do it united against you and you can not stop us
you think niggers are going to raid you ahahahha you never met poor angry whites on a mission little jew bitch
Oh, (((we))) don't need you to unite, you need to unite so you can hide your sorry ass behind other strong people who want to fight against all this shit, you just want to feel safe but not willing to work for it yourself
this is commie logic
we dont need commies we will destroy you all is that heartbreaking to your wine drinking ass bitch
im very strong and can kill a woman or beta by strangulation if bigger i knock them out then strangulate them or we could use guns then definitely you lose bitch