I have seen more videos on youtobe in the last month about those nordic woman killed in mooroco than in the entire year of alt right youtobers, and more importantly many of them middle class whites showing the faces mocking the cultural relativism and muuu racism
Thats the positive new , the bad one is that i dont see the movement evolving enought to survive they are basically wateres down version of pol but without bringing nothing more than to the table than normalize white interest
We are entering a new phase that we arent prepared to deal with
Middle class white nationalism is awakening
Nuffin happenin.
Wake me up when we have some criminal ork being lynched by normies at daylight in the middle of the streets.
This but unironically. That's going to be a really fun thread.
I think the next logical step once a lot of whites are half redpiled should be to desthone the left and ocupy their place
We are the one being displaced of our own homeland, degraded and humilated by the kikemedia , using institucionalized racism against us like afirmative actions
We are the real victims but we keep falling for power phantasies of white supremacism that destroy any chance of conecting with the middle class white leftist , niw that they seem that are starting to wake up we should embrace muu human rights and playing by their own game
Are you a pollster or just a narcissist? Your little subjective anecdote means nothing.
It isn't up to a political party, a politician, the next voting season, a YT video, a shadowy user shitposting a great LARP for his followers, a media talking head bucking the system with RP's, etc …. What we see will be organic and it will be the rise of the silenced majority
You think im lying?
I have seen around 10 videos half of them of college normie tier milenials with hundred of thousands of views in recently created chanels , and the one who dont show thenself is quite clear that they are college educated for how they speak and what vales they have
There is a growing comunity of " alt right" middle class historians ,comedians….. that have lost the shame of being cathalogated as white nationalism,the movement is growing but like i say they dont bring nothing new
It actually doesn't matter if the Normans wake up. All that really matters is a successful partisan organization learns how to wage an assymetrical war in the way that the Government and Business Class has to negotiate with - either negotiate with force, or negotiate with concessions.
There is not going to be a mass awakening and there is not going to be a SHTF. Just a slow build up of dancing sparks til you're used to the temperature and find yourself within a roaring flame.
Both conjectural and not really supported by the growing evidence. Particularly the 2nd point. TSHTF could be triggered in literally innumerable ways. Only God is restraining the literal powderkeg that the world is.
I think this board is run by Jews, 24/7365 days a year
Imagine how powerless the powerful will be without power. Strike while the iron is hot.
Because the videos were so graphic and surreal. The only thing better is for them to learn the horrible fates of the niggerlovers in Haiti back in the day.
Show everyone you know it, watch as before they were striped and rape by the shitskins they slowly saw her and she cries for her mum
Learn to speak English before trying to write a blackpill thread.
Fuck off retard, you are 'safe in Israel'. Your nations aren't invaded by subhuman parasitic filth. This is going to require subtlety and shifting the blame and murder…yes, flat out murder of ALL our enemies. You are high as fuck if you think they aren't 'there to stay in our nations' and parasite off them and off our flesh and blood.
At their death do us part. We want the semites GONE.
They need to be exterminated off the planet.
Yeah, same. Normies I know who last year were still talking about islamophobia and other made-up crap are this year beginning to realise, that if the Muslim world isn't a giant Sweden, maybe bringing millions of Muslims to the west is going to change things for the worst. Maybe the poor dumb airheads didn't die in vain.
Did you guys tell them about the time a little white girl got brutally horribly painfully sawed worse than those girls and literally turned into kebab meat?
Good times. Too bad we didn't have a video but it would have probably been so horrifying it would have broken the whole internet.
They weren't airheads they had a higher likelihood of dying in their own nations due to a astronomical increase in violent crime. The State Department lists Morocco as being 'safer' than Western European nations with their subhuman teeming masses of military aged subhuman invaders. See Rotherham.
Yeah and no one believed it because it's too far-fetched for most normal people to comprehend and no proof or video.
There are other videos…I used to watch them it is just that no one else gave a fuck to see the ways the kikes and their 'subhuman brothers' have murdered our people. Also EVERY GANG RAPE they ever did was videotaped and recorded and distributed in the subhumans nations…but the police were able to censor them on our side.
Anyway…one of the more startling ones is the one of the 'girlfriend' who rejected her 'boyfriend' so he raped her and beat her half to death and then rolled her up in a carpet that was doused in petrol and slowly roasted her alive (it took a long time to die and she couldn't move or struggle or get away). Try to find that video online if you want to 'educate' people about the kikes and their semitic 'brothers'.
Now is a good time to start bumping that shit, we have an opening.
Corruption has increased to an unknown degree in Morocco, as the US-consul’s leaked report tells.
An American businessman had 162 mln euros invested in a building project. A company that was linked to the king heard about it and insisted on cooperation. The American declined the royal offer and from that moment on the works were stopped regularly by government instances. Finally the king’s company proposed a compromise. The American made a contact between the royal company and their own excellent connections in the Golf states. In exchange the palace agreed with “only” 5 % of the profits. The project was realized then.
The official report cites a former ambassador of the States, who complains “the disgusting greed of the king’s ambiance”
An anonymous official from Omnium Nord Africaine (ONA), a holding of the royal family, is cited in the same report. He says that only three people in Morocco are of importance. The king himself, his personal secretary and the leader of the royalist political party PAM.
Mohammed VI is one of the most corrupt monarchs in the globe. He owns 80% of Morocco’s economy: The biggest Moroccan bank Attijari wafabank, the biggest grocery store Marjane, the biggest car dealerships, the biggest mining company in Morocco MANAGEM, and of course the most fertile lands etc etc etc. All these companies are under control of ONA SNI, the Royal Holding, which belongs to the king and his family. All the while, he makes Morocco’s poor population pay his staggering bills for his castle spendings, his travel expenditures, and pretty much everything else. At the mean time he makes the government borrow money from the International Monetary fund to sponsor his own trivial projects that do not benefit Moroccans at all such as Mawazine, TGV and the latest sattelite launch. Him and his family drove the country to poverty and the result is an economy that is indebted at at a staggering 80% of GDP to the IMF.
So why is he still in power? Well Morocco’s human rights record is extremely poor; the King jails people left and right like Nasser Zefzafy, expels people, and pushes honest journalists into exile such as Ali Lamrabat.
And their statistics and data, they will do anything at any cost to make themselves look good because their industry depends on it but make no mistake it is all lies. A shitskin is always a shitskin.
Hopefully everyone (outside of Zig Forums) understands how we got to this point
Both the j00 and his Arab cousins are Black cube worshiping cults; and the Christian chooses to worship the j00
Fine…don't call them airheads. They were raised their entire life in security and basically closely confined captivity. Calling them 'airheads' would be like mocking a dog who was tortured and slaughtered by a subhuman or an animal who caught it just because it had never been hurt by a human being and it was trusting and friendly.
It is more truthful anyway.
Nope, original Christianity was corrupted by jews because they needed a way to produce a martyr slave cult in our population that would result in our efficient slaughter but original christianity had nothing to do with the jews it was a Indo-European belief system. Everyone on the planet who knows anything about 'christianity' knows that it is an amalgam of OUR BELIEFS (pagan) with judaism…so I am not buying that bullshit user. We need to carefully parse the semitic beliefs from OUR BELIEFS and reinstitute pure Indo-European Christianity and Aryan values.
The end goal is for everyone to embrace enlightenment. Dripfeed the redpills, and they will find their way here. Just remember, this is most likely how a lot of us got started, only these guys are… Late.
Don't think redpills are going to help as long as subhumans crawl the earth.
Make sure you cap the highlights, it'd be a shame if some Anons missed the shitposting because they were too busy playing minecraft
Time to up the ante then…they have provided us with natural fodder in terms of making sure that too many diverse cultures flooded our lands to pillage them and murder us. We need to take advantage of these natural enemies and the hatred that lies between them to foment war for them. Just make sure that you get ours out of the way and start smoking this filth and weeding it off the planet. The best disasters look like a 9/11 accident…plausible deniability.
I wish it didn't have to be this way.
This is the way of the physical reality user. There is nothing wrong with defending and protecting what you love or looking out for your own race even if it means the extermination of the rest of the Globe. Because we were made soft we are the only organism on the planet who no longer looks out for their own, in terms of world domination, FIRST.
Crimes as bad or worse than the Morocco incident happen almost daily to whites and nobody gave a shit until the internet. Most of the stories are far more graphic than that the only difference being the era of technology they video tape their crimes making it more visceral.
All it really does is desensitize people further. Without action that's exactly the intent on letting the things they've been covering up come out as they eventually would at a time when people would no longer get in the streets and do something.
This video is re-sensitizing people to reality, it's something we can tangibly observe. We need to get on that and stop worrying why., just use it to add other atrocities that got ignored. I'm doing my bit with everyone I know, and keep looking for loopholes to drop the video and start the conversation.
I get it user. We're out here.
Why care about your anecdotes?
Mission accomplished. Judeo-Christianity is a highly accepted oxymoron.
We are only concerned with Indo-Christianity user.
Deus Vult my dudes.
ou can't separate cucktianity from judaism or the (((bible)))
it's a non-Aryan cult that has no connection to our traditional mythos or rites.
Not true at all user. It is our beliefs that have been corrupted and I can prove it to you by the jews own words. 3,000 years ago they plotted against us so that the 'earth' would be theirs and there would never be another Golden Age, because Aryans would be utterly destroyed from the Earth by martyrdom and race mixing with subhumans. This was how they planned on winning the war…however, that is not going to happen…because certain people were born to ensure that it could not happen.
There will be an end of the jews, there will be an end of this Age and there will be a return of the Golden Age.
Fuck off, subhuman.
kikes invented christianity, deal with it semite.
Fuck off JIDF, we know your tricks
Nope, it's mind poison down to its core, born a sinner.
Actually he is correct partially. Nero granted Pharisee Jew Paul the certificate/charter to found a new religion that was an amalgamation of Indo-European belief and judaism (since he was a jew). Pharisee ben Zaki was granted the certificate at the same time from Nero to found 'judaism'. Thus the Pharisees conquered the faith of our people and whoever was left over after the slaughter in Rome by Titus and (((Josephus))). It is a complicated era, but under no circumstance does it have anything to do with Indo-European Christianity which was pre-existent in many places long before Paul was granted the charter. This was attested by Romans complaining in written form about Christians 200 years before Christ was born and what a 'bother they are to empire'…in other words 'Christianity' TRUE NOBILITY must be removed before there can be a global empire because it will always work to subvert empire and emphasize the relationship of Man and God.
I didn't say you're lying, I said it's just an anecdote. Anecdotes are merely anecdotal.
Ten videos! Every minute 300 hours of video are uploaded to youtube. Those ten videos are a statistically insignificant rounding error as a measure of anything.
Oh really? Name five of each.
Yeah and Jews contributed to the the inner workings of the computer you're using, you should just throw it away. Christanity was the reason why white Europeans were the master race and the keyword is "were". The taking away of Christianity led to that downfall.
Christianity held us back. But we will have no such limitations next round. :^)
Why don't we just start some men's clubs in our commnities and from there we show how we live as we believe. There are many men out there that want something more with their life, that may look at the programs in city hall that are available. Otherwise, start at your local bar.
christianity is part of the NWO and destroyed the white race, christianity is more to blame than judaism
you will never astroturf this board
go back to your hell hole >>>Zig Forums
The important determinant here is that white women, particularly GenZ, millenial women are frightened and know that far from being liberated by the left's agenda, they're being locked up in prison, afraid to go anywhere after dark even in previously safe places like in France for example. You can't be a "Liberated Woman" if you're barricaded in your little apartment after nightfall.
And I know you all think little of women and are unsympathetic to them but whatever you think women are really important arbiters in this society; something like 85% of consumer choices are made by women. Women hold the purse strings of society. The self righteous boomer and Gen X woman is fading into irrelevance, the Millenial women are rising. The right wing shift will not only come from males.
ProTip: You're better off using the term 'Traditional', as opposed to "White Nationalist", and understanding that when you hear the term 'Race' the context is actually about culture
Write the terms "empathetic" and "altruistic" on a piece of paper. Tie the piece of paper to a helium balloon and send it on a trip to the Sun. Now, develop a love for your own; not the trash, the finest among them not defined by socioeconomics, but characteristics and attributes. Choose the finest and preserve them for after the purge. Stay off the radar.
In 2018, "Christians" are feckless, irrelevant cowards squarely in the ass pockets of Talmudic statism; rendered inane by their very inaction. They all want to go to heaven but are afraid to die.
Bill Maher was correct when he said "muzzie's aren't cowards".
Let's take this apart.
Christians have two billion followers, control entire nations, control universities, political parties, the entire EU, America, Russia, most of Latin America etc, main promotors in aid for Israel and Africa.
What is Satanism, the belief in Satan a Christian Angel from the Bible, what is Satanism but a Christian cult?
Is anyone seriously promoting it? No.
Is anyone seriously promoting Christianity, yes they are. Still the biggest religion in the world, more Christians then Muslims and Leftists combined.
I think this proves Christianity is the source of all our problems.
Alright, you are saying an almost non-existant cult from the 60's/70's that is primarily being followed by edgy teenagers and weird artsy fartsies is somehow being heavily promoted and a religion that is followed by 1/3 of the world population is not.
Go ahead, make my day, prove it's not Christianity behind everything.
Less than 10 minutes of exposure to mainstream media disproves your point about the promotion of Satanism. You speak in the same types of lies the Bible speaks of about satan, twisting facts into untruths.
No it doesn't, it makes all sense people.
The ones behind the NWO are all Christians.
Christians are the main elements, then we have Judaism, Islam and leftism, which are all Christian derived cults, including talmudic judaism which came into being after Christianity.
Says the person who thinks satanism is behind everything.
I think it goes like this:
The Christians powerstructure: Catholic Church, Christiandemocrats, Mormon Church, etc. control and directly influence Jews, Muslims and Leftists, it makes sense, there are so many Christians, how could they not be the ones controlling everything.
Cristianity? Shut up already lying bastard the thing that would put europe on the map again was embracing our true graeco roman roots in the reinssance and like greeks and roman once did conquer the bring the world to a new era of scietific propsperity
While greeks were thinking in rational term jews were thinking in magical terms , psintific method , phylosophers, democracy , literature, poesy, literacy rate over 15% when in egypt was under 1% ( novermind israhell) , olympic sports…… thats what we embrace after 1000 years of semitic spirit corrupting the european soul
You have not shame subhuman
Post screenshots and links to support this claim in your next reply.
What is the element that combines both democrats and republicans in America, their lipservice too Christianity, what is the biggest political group in the EU? Not the leftists but the Conservatives and Christiandemocrats, who controls Russia? The Orthodox Church, etc.
Holy crap, user. Satanist and satanism might have more funding and powerful support (of governments and politicians) than Christianity. I am thinking of the issue in AU with the OTO and their ability to jail anyone who challenges their 'pedophilia'. I would go so far as to say that Satanism, not Christianity is the dominant religion worldwide. Many 'christians' think they are following 'christianity' when in fact their pastors and church leaders are Satanists…like PRACTICING SATANISTS…it is the one reason I don't go to church anymore. Outside of my own personal observations, and I could dig up examples that made my point like Boystown, etc if I tried (but if I cared that much I should make it into a different OP rather than derail this one). 'Christianity' hasn't been practiced in any reasonable measure for the last 200 years outside of small communities of Amish, Mennonites etc and they have their problems as well.
Alright, almost everyone of these guys including Obama where either openly Christian or atleast pandered to Christians.
Christians control everything and Jews, Muslims and Leftists are their servents.
2 billion christians! How many are satanists!
I'm with this user.
Ohhhh you just don't understand what defines a Christian. Ok, well it isn't something that occurs on the 'outside' or something that someone 'declares'.
We could really make Christianity great again user. We could make it the dominant religion in the world again and usher in the Golden Age.
Many of these men provided us with the freedoms we still enjoy today.
He everybody, Christians control the entire world and dominate everything, but when you define Christianity differently then they don't, Also.
Not really communists, not really muslim, not really Jews.
You already are the biggest religion in the world by a far margine, more Christians then Muslims, or leftists of all stripes.
You're not even worth debating. Lurk more.
Like living together with blacks…
Right, because all you can do is claim somehow satanists control the world, when there is no prove of it, not evidence, while every town and city in the Western world has atleast one church…
Gosh…. where are all the satanic temples, oh wait someone build a statue of satan somewhere for the lulz, this means satanists control everything.
Ugh…not understanding that the vast majority of that is Satanism? I tried to explain it to you already…and at this point I think you need to consider making an OP since this is getting good traffic but it is completely off topic.
You are right, a bunch of Christians promoting degenerate shit is somehow satanism, even though satanism is a christian cult.
So, Satanism is just another offshoot of Christianity like Baptism, Catholicism, Mormonism, Lutheranism, Evangelism, …?
Satanism doesn't have anything to do with Christianity. That would be like saying that jews are a cult of pure Christianity. It is ridiculous, though they are parasitic benefactors from the goodness and patience (indeed the entire Earth is as well) of Christianity, they are not 'part of Christianity'.
What's the difference between Satanism and Christianity?
Also you need to make your own OP for this…to increase visibility and avoid derailing further.
They are polar opposites.
Worshipping an angels that is mentioned in your own holy book somehow has nothing to do with your religion even though he is mentioned in your own texts as one of your angels.
No it's like saying Mormons are a Christian cult because they share a lot of concept and holy books.
The cult barely exists, meanwhile more then 2 billion christians.
No, they belief in Satan, so do Christians, therefor they are not polar opposites.
Good works
You are not understanding the underlying belief of the two religions. One is an outward manifestation of Will to Power and the other is an inward manifestation of Faith in God. You literally couldn't get more opposite than this.
Right, edgy Nietzsche teamboyism, another major world religion….. Nietzscheans totally control the world you guys, not the more then 2 billion Christians.
This is Brain Damage: The Thread, user. Stop replying to this guy, he can barely speak English let alone form coherent thoughts. You're bumping a pile of shit that has been off topic for over 20 replies.
I agree with you. Will stop.
You are misunderstanding the two fundamental principles again. This has nothing to do with Nietzsche (other than he was clever enough to coin a phrase), this principles are from the foundation of this planet until now. One is extroverted and the other is introverted.
Godcucks, you're religion, even if it was the most pro-white thing in existence, would still be fantastical, nonsensical garbage unthinking retards controlled by better men.
Damn kikes, I bet they did this.
Yeah guys, the more then two billion christians who control entire continents are totally not behind everything. It's da satanists (Satan being a Christian angel)
According to Wikipedia, the most valid and trusted source of information in the entire galaxy, Satanism and Luciferianism are not one in the same but two different ideologies. Both are "fallen angels" spoken of in the buy bull. Why does modern Christianity see the terms Luciferianism and Satanism as interchangeable terms?
That's pretty fucking spooky.
Satan is the planetary God who the Earth belongs to…so not 'fallen' at all. Lucifer was cast down to Earth…so 'fallen' but not without a purpose, like it was a 'punishment'.
The bible clearly references Satan in Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-19. The "fall" is characterized as 'Pride'.
The bible disagrees with you. No, this is not tit-for-tat argument as much as it is a longing for clarity. (((Someone))) has sold a slow-roasted, home-style, sauteed to perfection, steaming pile of major league bullshit with the interchangeability of the two terms