Trump Considers Declaring National Emergency to Build Border Wall
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Anyone else feel like all the back and forth is political theater? Really sick of hearing this shit.
He wants the wall because he wants the second term. Should have done that before currying favor with the swamp. "If you can't beat them" only goes so far.
Reaction of the swamp, however, will be curious.
Trump is ponzi salseman that is always 1 step in front of people wanting to hang him for fraud. He is getting worried that he has to pay off a few investors or he will loose them all
You mean the Jew?
where the wall at?
They'll wait him out until tax season. Then he'll fold like the faggot hes always been.
Bitch Betta have my wall.
better get used to it until 2020 because since he did nothing about illegal voting and voter fraudd he allowed the (D) rodents to steal the House and now it will be nothing but jew screeching orange man bad from them even moar while they try to pass marxist/communist anti american bullshit legislation only to be slapped down by the senate.
Just use the army engineers corps to build the wall as a matter of national security to keep out foreign invaders.
This is good (inb4 picture of Trump at wailing wall etc), if he'd done this right away they'd have got their American Spring Soros was hustling for, screeching about muh martial laws drumpf and incoming nazi empires (which remind yourself most people would think was a Bad Thing). this way he's demonstrated normal routes won't work and the levels of obstruction he has to handle, and his base have lost none of their enthusiasm for the wall.
This. If we can declare was on fucking drugs. We can declare war against illegal immigration.
Fuck a national emergency.
He needs to declare martial law to get these mexicans out and whores off the nigger streets at night.
Fuck that. Marshal law is for fucking putting the globalist bastard traitors into Gitmo until they are trialed for execution.
Enough with talking. Start acting violently and bulldozing any (((law))) that prevents White Men's goals to be achieved, while also killing the enforcers of said (((laws))).
Martial for shits sake
8 States have already declared emergencies for the "opioid epidemic". Trump could just reference those 8 declarations and combine it with the other national security issues stemming from the border. It's already well established that Mexico and China are responsible for the production and distribution of the fentanyl analogues which are causing the lethality featured in this opioid crisis.
Don't build the W word
I bet you were waving your limp wrist left hand while typing this out with your right. Yea it's getting boring, but he's dealing with some sick people, you're talking about individuals who have a vision of the future they want to enforce on the whole world and doing their best to accomplish it.
They're fake fuck puppets, running on instinct, there's a higher power directing the swamp , so waiting for their reaction is futile, in other words, they're NPC's, don't even bother with their reaction.
Tell us how job numbers came in very strong today, manufacturing jobs are coming back, those same jobs some lump of shit called Obama told us they're not coming back. If Trump is a ponzi salesman what was obama? A heroin and meth dealer/distributor?
They want this, it's mostly white people getting fucked hard, you're talking highly addictive opiates prescribed to the masses, think it over, opiate of the masses, in pill form, they're ruining normal people and loving every minute of it. Something needs to be done, destroying lives just to usher in a new era of shit people like those in Idiocracy.
You do realize that picture isn't meant to be flattering, OP?
Why the fuck hasn’t he done an executive order or something sly. No he waits to go to Congress until it’s run by the democrats and then has to shut down the government.
Yep. It would be nice if Trump could take that (((malicious))) calamity and turn it into something worthwhile, like justification for the Wall. Same deal with the powers granted by the "Patriot Act"…have it do something fucking patriotic for once…Secure the border and our sovereignty!
Well we finally got the shutdown after a few times where he said "I'll shut down the govt over wall funding" but never did, so maybe he'll actually do this. But I don't really care until he actually does it, especially since given his track record I'm half expecting him to end the shutdown at some point without wall funding.
He could declare martial law given how much violent crime they bring in alone. Simply declare war on Mexico itself or shut down the government to the breaking point.
At this point the dark side is objectively the good guys. The republic fucked over the galaxy to invaders where as they would not have stood a chance against the empire at its peak.
Q predicted this.
>(((legal experts)))
shitposter in chief, may my digits honor thee
I’m down
Well Mr. President, what are you waiting for?
I've been waiting either for this or for ordering the National Guard to do it for like 9 months now.
When will he end legal immigration? Never
No country "ends" legal immigration, even Israel wants its own godless people back, the issue is not ALL immigration it's keeping it to a high quality which by default means mostly European and ending the flood of low quality gibseekers.
Wall is needed between U.S. and China.
China stole a lot of technologies.
And they are stealing now.
Your country is still full of spics thanks to legal immigration and even if Trump did build the wall it wouldn't change that.
I hope you mean ethnically european.
Then one day someone will open the door again to the goblin hordes. We don't need more people - we need to invest in our fucking children.
Kikes will ignore this post
This just goes to show how utterly useless and lacking in agency even the people here are. They're literally nothing but receptacles with no function other than the dumping ground of superior men.
At this point I'm honestly starting to think Trump is like Revolver Ocelot where he's a quadruple agent. Who he really works I still can't let though.
Empty words. Action means substance.
Why didn't he consider it 2 years ago?
I remember when Trump trolled his retarded MAGApede spastic base with "lock up Hillary" memes
Is that a 4d reference, user?
Enough. Trump has had two years and achieved very little. His platform was immigration, both illegal and legal. He has failed on both counts and does nothing. Trump swindled many of the American right, but he did also bring immigration into the spotlight, similar to how Farage, AfD and others have made immigration a hot issue in politics. It was barely if ever brought up before.
RBG is retiring this month.
Trump gonna nominate a new SC justice.
He wanted to wait out the mid terms before he went full Franco on the constitution.
He didn't do it two years ago because the judicial system was packed with Obama era justices both on the SC and the Federal courts.
He's been very very busy getting justices into the SC and the Federal courts.
Change comes slowly sometimes though that's hard for retards and IDF internet shills to accept I know.
Does anyone actually believe he'll build a wall?
Does anyone actually believe that Mexico will pay for it?
Does anyone actually believe that Hillary will be locked up?
Does anyone actually believe that Trump is against Israel, and doesn't want war with Iran?
Must be hard work moving those goalposts, Ari.
Guess not
A wall wouldn't do shit anyway. Kikes will still let shitskins into the country and make us pay for 'em.
Go look up the use and history of walls. As of now the south border is way to open to even stop most crossings. It's like people like you have no clue about history or see a small leak in a damn and say "It's ok it's only a small leak, ignore it".
Call me when it's done. Until then, it's circus.
We don't even have a fucking roof, you idiot.
He considers, threatens, and complains about a lot of things twitter but he never actually DOES anything. He was forced into shutting down the government because even the most hardcore Trumptards would have abandoned him if he cucked to senate democrats again. The slow boil will continue unabated for his remaining 2 years in office.
don't get people's hopes up with fake news, user. Give us proof.
Shit is fucking absurd. Our president, and his family moving in perfect time to the kikes rhythm. Wearing their fucking religious symbols. People are braindead to not see how utterly dominated this country is by jewery.
It is that easy.
The congress will howl, but once the emergency is declared, they have nothing to say.
Border security is clearly a matter for the military and its commander-&-chief, so the declaration would be legitimate.
Also, you could cite the number of illegals entering the country every year, and justify that we're being invaded.
Even better, once the declaration is made, he can institute whatever border policies he feels is necessary to secure the country, which means altering immigration requirements and ending chain migration, and possibly even anchor babies (unnecessary, if the border is secured).
Bump because kikes are making duplicates to shill their shit.
Are you telling me you don’t want Marshall Matt Dillon calling the shots?
Trump will become undisputed Sovereign of The United States
(archive doesn't work)
He might have to. The republicucks are getting nervous due to the shutdown and neither Democrats nor Trump will budge If they all band against him, he'll either have to bow (and be fucked forever) or declare these powers.
Of course, the faggot put DACA extensions on the table for a wall, but the democrats just assume they'll get that without the wall as well. I hope he keeps the shutdown going though, it's creating more and more chaos.
Get your head examined you larping Q-nigger.
The next step is shutting the border down completely. Just like the government shutdown, he warned them he is going to do it. In the meantime, EBT is gone in three weeks. All those niggers who betrayed him at the midterm get zero gibs. Get your popcorn ready for the kang of all chimpouts
That seems like a weird thing to worry about, considering the rest of the circumstances.
He may as well. Congress won't fund it.
Autists, can the "Steel Slat Barrier" be rebar for a giant wall on the border? Any chance?
Can he declare a national emergency to remove every Democrat and every Jew from office?
ah, comfy to return to the memetic core of his presidency.
who cares? Its what his border patrol wanted. Why second guess them, Although I'd vote for building TWO fences, with a kill zone between.
Dew it.
That's the kind of acceleration that might be the best, no matter the outcome.
The guy has been setting up the background processes required for this play. Until the SC and district courts were seeded with his picks, he was powerless.
You saw what one Judge could do…
Trump was a lone wolf in a swamp of NWO - both republican and democrat. He's been preparing his battlefield.
and the court system is something he's be an expert in thanks to the fact that his big sister is a Federal Court judge
Senior Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
It's so odd that we don't hear much about her..
"he'd be" , not "he's be". srry.
Literally nobody cares. Public opinion doesn't matter. It's worthless. It can be shaped into anything as long as the suits on television tell the npcniggers what to thing.
It's time to stop pushing this bad meme that nothing needs to be done ever because the only thing that's "safe" and "devoid of infiltrators" is posting memes o Zig Forums and doing nothing else.
I agree that we shouldn't push that meme. I'm not sure why you thought I was.
giving them just enough rope to hang themselves
Memes are important though, particularly in the USA, particularly among the young. In the early 80's we entered into the era of the "sound byte".
Now we're in the era of the meme war and the struggle of ideology is fought out in cool graphics by autistic jack offs with their souls filled with hate and rage.
Hillary felt the bite; it's "Alex Jones, Pepe, and white supremacists"….
2016 was a glorious time. 2020 could be even greater.
memetics isn't just memes on the 'net. It is the modification of how people see the world.
In our hearts… the "wall" was simply an esoteric metaphor that mere non-whites couldn't understand. What real whites wanted was a wall of people from all places and colors holding hands to make this country great again! The melting pot was the real redpill ♥
How can you build an esoteric metaphor? Either you're a shill or a shitskin.
mein sides are literally orbiting earth now
Why don't we sell South Carolina and South Dakota to a Central American country for cents on the dollar? That way, it will insult South Americans seeing "South" states go to Central countries. Then ?????. After which, we profit.
That’s all projection, since the average leftist has wet dreams about controlling the entire internet and manipulating the minds of his fellow NPCs and foreign hordes, since he’s too dumb to think for himself and believes that everyone would easily be turned into bugmen if they just read the right things online.