I theorize kikes do evil because they are brain damaged because they are blind to not see the shameful acts they themselves do. Prove me wrong.
Are Kikes mentally damaged so they feel no shame?
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less empathy than whites and asians. they don't feel shame because because of this. empathy is necessary to feel shame. that's genetic but also cultural (lots of pedophila, abuse, etc.). the aforementioned cultural components create mental damage in young kikes. it begins at birth when they have their cocks mutilated which permanently changes their brain structure due to trauma.
I've never seen nor heard one exclaim shame or guilt for anything they do. I think they see it as a sign of weakness.
jews don't feel shame or empathy because they're not human beings.
They are blood progeny of satan himself and they were left as God's challenge to us.
Their extermination bringing about the return of Christ is in two of the three world controlling religions.
Their own religion is our enslavement and then the anti-Christ returns.
Let's get the Muslims activated and bring about the end of days. Whether you're atheist or not, it'll be a lot of fun.
You could be on to something. I can confirm that they have absolutely no ability to feel shame. The trait has been bred out of them.
It's not brain damage if they were created to be that way.
Greed, inbreeding, the clever ones surviving hostile environments for over 2000yrs now, they're genetically predisposed to being scumbags and looking out for themselves and their loved ones only, they're basically parasites, and we're stuck with the highly evolved form of the parasite after they've hopped around for 2000yrs wrecking havoc. They're not all bad, but a lot of them are.
You're wrong but not in the way you may assume someone would claim. Jews do evil because they do not believe they are subject to any consequences because they believe moral purity is bought. You only have to look at their concept of sin and how to get rid of sin.
Contrary to what christians believe, and despite them inheriting the foundation of their religion from jews, a sin is a moral debt that must be paid. Jews created this system so that when they commit a moral transgression, all they have to do is wave a chicken around their head. That's not an exaggeration. It's called Kapparot, and the symbolic usage may as well be real considering how jews believe they are without fault after doing this ritual.
The basis for the ritual is simple, and goes back to the bible. In the bible, jews would take an animal, transfer their sins to it, and sacrifice it. Because the animal died for their sins, they are free from sin. Now do you see the connection there? Jews believe as long as they sacrifice an animal, they are free from any moral debt. In their deliberately deluded minds, they cannot be held accountable for any heinous crime because they already paid for their sins - an animal died for their sins. Sound familiar?
Jesus as the sacrificial lamb from god is the ultimate sacrifice, as christians back then and now pray to this sacrifice so they are forgiven for their sins. This saves on the cost of an animal and the mess associated with killing one. Truly, an innovation on the jews' part. Basically a get out of sin free card, with an emphasis on free because it is without cost.
What you attribute to mental illness is irrelevant considering that they have religious systems centered around viewing morality through quite literal debt. Their predisposition towards mental illness does seem like that would be a simple explanation for their evil, but what about the jews that are cognitively competent and still commit awful things? Do we just assume they're insane too? Do we just assume they suffer from psycopathy?
The answer again, is that whether or not jews are insane is irrelevant in a practical sense. Because their attitude towards morality is that someone will pay for their transgressions with their life so that the jew is innocent. Being guilt-free and being without shame is only a chicken-wave away. They do not experience guilt or shame because they are without sin (after a chicken wave). Truly, god's chosen.
Probably a result of all the inbreeding.
They don't feel shame the way we do. I think they do experience what they call shame but it's very different from how we experience that concept. I don't understand it enough to explain anything useful about it. I think wrapping your head around the idea of them seeing fundamental emotions and social concepts in an alien way compared to us is key to understanding them. They're very different from us, and once you get a feel for that you're suddenly on even ground with them.
Greed is good. Anyone who tells you the opposite is FUCKING MORALIST SCUM!!!
Their god is also born out of this brain damage. Then their holy men invent ways to circumvent and to cheat the damaged part of their brains.
The god they pray to now yes. The God the originally prayed to is more debatable because he comes across as more noble if a dick but let's be fair most gods are dicks to their followers. Anyway the Jews are funny because they basically went and found a new god to worship because they were sick of their god getting fucking pissed at them and punishing them all the time for being a bunch of disobedient psychopaths.
Remember even God couldn't stand the Jews.
It isn't necessarily damage if they evolved that way. The brain damage causes other issues in addition to the evil. Sage for shit thread.
greed is moral
t. moralist scum
Your both retarded. Moralism is what separates us from kikes and greed is definitely immoral.
Doesn't change the fact that they all must be killed for existing.
Based reply>>12637279
Check out her channel…
The basic is this…the so called jewish race is a nomadic group that uses crime to gain power and race mixing to assimilate and overthrow their hosts. They did this for thousands of years, while participating in any form of depravity known to men. Most damaging to themselves where inbreeding, race mixing and a religious fanaticism build around rejecting morals. This created all sorts of psychopathic traits and countless deeply rooted sicknesses. Thanks to their rootlessness all this could go on total unchecked, since you need a healthy civilization to spot the sick parts inside, which is why children naturally attack the weak. The more the so called jews succeeded in their crimes, the more they got fought back, which led to the most vicious tactics of self preservation one can imagine. One of those is circumcision; an act to devoid themselves of pleasure to combat the highly addictive effects of sexual desire, a tool they ruthlessly used to attack their enemies with. The invasion of Palestine and the creation of the Israel terror state gave room for another layer of this problem…thanks to it the so called jews where now able to actively breed psychopathic behavior in a secured environment full of jews. They deliberately celebrate the most vicious ones, the most successful criminals and the most radical religious fanatics, breeding them, putting them into positions of power, spreading them across their global power systems, to enact more crime and deliver more destruction onto the human races and this planet.
Sorry bro, this is incorrect. Shame comes from a conflict between your ideal self and your actual conduct/thoughts/actions. You were likely thinking of guilt.
In most cases, it's a distinction without a difference. The majority of people want to feel like they're good and empathetic, and feel shame when they fail to act in accordance with these values. Key word: values, and you have many others that form your self concept.
Eg: If you fail to speak up against some cucks on your college campus, or you're a mud who forgets to pray 5 gorillion times a day, you will feel non-empathetic shame.
TL;DR: People like Soros are capable of shame but not guilt, and their values are so twisted and degenerate that they feel shame under way different circumstances than you would (eg: fucking up an investment opportunity or not doing enough to further the globalist cause).
They believe that are God's chosen and therefore have the privilege of treating sin like financial transactions. They have been mentally damaged through their own arrogance and hypocrisy; the Golden Calf being the prime example of Hebraic flirtations with Satanism.
They probably just don't like you.
Read "The Culture of Critique" by Kevin McDonald. You'll find most of what you need.
You don't have to because medical science proves you right
Take Jewess Ariel Ricker, of the refugee trafficking agency "Advocates Abroad" is a fanatic Zionist-Nationalists while she floods the EU with Muslims.
These Jews have literally no self-awareness of their crimes and how that will cause the backlash that they fear so much. And they will deny how they provoked it.
It's like a mental illness where the kleptomaniac is not self-aware of the stealing or why suddenly everybody is mad at them.
They project, that is all they do. gilad.co.uk
Another slide thread!
no, its just cognitive bias.
its okay to lie and do crimes to the goyim, the talmud and other books literally say so.
Kikes are capable of feeling shame. I once knew a rich kike.. I rused him into looking at his inventory system when he should have been looking at his book keeper. Book keeper fucked his shit up so bad that he directly lost a substantial amount of money and was blacklisted by all of his vendors. Was forced to liquidate everything he owned because he got fucking financially annihilated.
I wish I had a recording of his face when he realized that I had outsmarted him. They absolutely can feel shame.
So why do they feel shame about being outsmarted but not about the evil shit they do? Because they see you as animals.
don't let that be your only takedown
jews are over 30x more likely than the general population to suffer from the mental disorder.
worse, they see the damage but feel it's predetermined and necessary
They are raised and schooled from birth, that they are the chosen race. The only race "given the law." God's chosen people. And everyone else is for their use. They obviously make "good decisions"