Zig Forums, you can't help the men unless they're biologically more like men than women

Here's an article from blogger RooshV. rooshv.com/the-decline-in-testosterone-is-destroying-the-basis-of-masculinity
Call me a shill, whatever. This is what you're dealing with when you try to tell people things that are "controversial" and "racist" and "sexist". If your levels are artificially low, you're probably part of the problem. Go against what Ashkenazi Jewish people are trying to destroy and subvert: glorious art, health, harmony. And health is a big factor. Maybe make this thread useful, and share what makes you feel like more of man. Not degeneracy

Attached: probably still false somehow, seeing it comes from a mainstream media article.jpg (2300x2096, 140.08K)

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I recently start weight lifting routine again and I've started eating an all testosterone diet. I've gone from being neutral in emotion being around leftists to feeling a very strong urge to hurt them badly. their presence disgusts me; their very being is reprehensible. slovenly, degenerate, physically impure, self-hating scum. yes, testosterone affects your mindset in an extremely powerful way.

Roosh is right when he speaks about the war on testosterone and masculinity. they want and need low test beta soyfaggots that are tolerant and passive pushovers. they are creating fake men which they need if they are to conquer us totally because real men will fight to the death if they have to.

Crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing lamentation of their women.

What foods would you recommend for an all-testosterone diet?


Not appeal to authority but am chem major. From lots of research, I eat only grass-fed beef (1 kg per day), butter (250 g per day), eggs, sardines and salmon, and small amounts of berries. Any vegetables are fermented because body cannot process vegetables otherwise.

combine that with 2 tabata sessions per week, deadlifts, benchpress, and squats. go as heavy as possible.

I've 10x my testosterone.

Great, that sums up my life pretty accurately.

Lift, eat cooked red meat and fuck raw white women.

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But what about not being a meathead fuckbag?

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Testosterone, obviously..

low test detected. modern mind believes being intellectual is something synonymous with being low test. think modern intellectual. intellectuals of past were tougher than modern soldiers, for example evola. evola was going to become a professor of engineering but dropped out of phd program because he didn't want to become bourgeoisie. became artillery officer in the war. shelled the shit out of people. walked around in air raids to test his fate. obviously IQ north of 150. same goes for many others. you sound like a woman.

Ok it's embarrassing but what are anonymous imageboards for?

I got mine tested and it was at 250ng/dL which the (((testing standards))) said was normal but turns out is actually very low. Anything below 300ng/dL is not good and not manly. Glad I did my own homework on the actual levels instead of going by the lab's recommendation. If you go by standards a few decades back that number should ideally be around 500-800ng/dL. That's with regular exercise and probably too much computer and I'll admit I drank soylent for the convenience after I researched it and determined that soy isolates didn't have the severe estrogen mimicking effects that regular soy has. No bully pls I did lift weights regularly, but my diet sucked even aside from the soy (no veggies ever) and I was starting to watch porn again regularly and play video games. Sleep schedule was fine. Some depression and stress due to being isolated.

I can't say which aspects were impacting my testosterone the most, but I'm working on fixing it. Going for more intensity at the gym, cut out all soylent and am trying to cut out the porn and video games and any other time online which obviously I'm posting this so I'm not 100% strict about it. Trying to make sure I get enough food each day composed of more proteins and fats and eating whole fruits and vegetables each day. I also went through all my household and hygiene products and did research on what endocrine disruptors to look for which it turns out was in a lot of stuff I was using and was an easy fix. Also I'm looking for opportunities to do competitive things, specifically against other men where it will be a challenge but not impossible - those activities are linked to significant testosterone production. Team competition is good for this too from what I've read. Also doing things like shooting guns - there was a study where just handling a gun increased testosterone in men who had never even seen one up close before.

I'm giving this about 6 months to get settled in my new habits and I'm getting tested again so hopefully I'll see a significant change. What I've read from other men is I'll be able to reach my target of 500ng/dL without much worry and my real goal of 800ng/dL is certainly possible if I'm diligent.

And if that doesn't work then fuck it there are supplements but that's a last resort.

He's probably he'll "get too bulky" if he lifts a weight, too.

Forgot to mention I was also consuming ground flax seeds every day for fiber but it turns out that stuff has similar effects to soy so that might have had an impact too.

an overlooked but essential part of masculinity is learning to fight. learning to fight gives you primitive sense of control and dominance that can't be learned otherwise. people can sense it in you, especially other fighters. when you know how to fight, others fighters will ask what martial art you practice because they can sense it. women will notice it too and it turns them on because they need protectors and again it can't be faked. it also increases confidence and more comfortable in everything you do.

Test levels fluctuate wildly. This guy had two tests done last year on his levels and the first one came out well below what you'd expect of a musclebound giant, but the second was normal. The results of any test will tell you more about the behavior you've engaged in in the last few hours of your life than they will about your overal testosterone production.

Forgot vid.

Only if their families are directly threatened. Otherwise nobody will get off their ass. Since most of the males are filled with soy, we are not left with a whole lot of bachelors in fighting shape. Feel free to change my mind.

I’m not saying that testosterone is bad, but if you look at the societies that have the most testosterone they’re not very functional. If Tolkien’s elves are the standard for how a master race should appear, then meatheads and soyboys both lose.

I'm aware but I'm not trying to get tested every day and I'd rather err on the side of being healthier and more of a man.

Good point. I've done some martial arts in the past but it was always so god damn light on the sparring I don't really count it. I never got a sense of mastery so this is probably a good idea.

That's why I'm aiming for the levels that were normal for White men when White men were busy being prosperous. Which means more.

10x? Are you serious?

Appreciate it. I'll have to look to find grass-fed, but we have a couple farmer's markets nearby, so it might be easier that way. I don't usually like sardines either, but since my wife is one of the rare ones who can actually cook, I'm pretty sure she'll enjoy the challenge of finding recipes that incorporate them. Thank you.

I'd argue that those males are not real men; pacifism and individualism are not masculine. Evola would argue they are both inherently materialist philosophies because they are both fundamentally concerned with the material world and the feminine is fundamentally materialistic (root word of mother is matter, root word of father is narrative (something metaphysical)). You cannot even define being a man without using metaphysical concepts like honour, courage, etc. Man's role in the world itself is something that is metaphysical. He is the driving force of the narrative of history and progress, reaching for ideals.

Yes, bare in mind that all that is all I consume. I never touch any processed food nor do I drink anything except reverse osmosis water. I consider myself to be at what should be a normal level.

ROFL. That's potentially a shit load of money per week. Depending on where you live in the US it could cost you hundreds of dollars per week.

This. Intellectuals of the ancient world were typically soldiers or at least trained in the art of war. Intelligence and wisdom were considered and still are masculine virtues.

Wrestling, dagger, and sword fighting are the keys to genuine martial arts. Pugilism is important too but you can never really count on stopping an attacker just by hitting them. Knocking someone out is difficult, even in ufc gyms.

A Man is not complete until he starts to kill his enemies violently.

I can but it from Aldi for $8 per kilo. $56 per week at that rate. Bear in mind, I only eat 1/2 kg on days I exercise. it's a small price to pay for good health.

What martial arts would you guys recommend? Would it be better if I concentrated on something like boxing instead?


Some boxing is okay but more a few concussions and you'll lose a few IQ points. it's good and so is anything that incorporates full contact sparring. if it has been succefful in the ufc, it's good. take bjj, boxing, sambo, wrestling, judo, thai boxing or kick boxing. the rest is garbage.

Sparring is critical no doubt, but don’t be led into a false sense of security. High kicks are a bad habit, along with exchanges that don’t involve controlling your opponent with at least some form of grappling. Likewise sport martial arts often fail to include weapon retention as well (which do work- if you train like you mean it, doesn’t mean it’s easy). But ultimately it’s still important to be familiar with weapons, which was the focus of the classical martial arts.

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depends. knife fighting is a farce. unless you're fighting a retard, they're going to butcher you. but yea, still learn but don't let it be a false sense of security. if you live in an area where you are actually facing weapons, you should be packing your own and wearing armour.


High levels are associated with intelligence and clear thinking. As IQ has gone down in the white world, so has test. Victorian England had higher test than US and an avg IQ of 120. Were they dysfunctional? No. I wouldn't compare to nonwhite countries. Different genes. You can't compare.

Tolkien might consider elves to be master race, but it's clear it's the middle men i.e. rohirrim who were blessed with aryan genes.

The men with the highest testosterone also usually have the highest levels of estrogen as well (endomorphic soma types) as a balancing mechanism. The reverse is the same with women. Are high estrogen levels ok when that person also has high t?

Uh, the Dunedain would be the aryans of the race of men in Tolkien’s world.

I cannot eat eggs because I have a soy allergy and chickens are so heavily fed on soy that the proteins make it through to their egg yolks. If you're going to keep eating eggs, you have to buy the disgustingly expensive soy-free ones at specialty grocers like Whole Foods for $10 a dozen.

no, indicative of some problem. normal ratio is about 800 ng/dl to est 60 pg/dl. 1 ng = 1000 pg. if you eat a diet native to your people (mine being brit and scandi) you should have normal ratio.

chart should match up well with your genes including chance of having vegetarian allele.

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Or \pasture raise some chickens.

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What were your before and after levels?

300 ng/dl now 1500 ng/dl. not actually 10x but getting there.

Do you all know about the 2d4d ratio? It lets us see how manly we are as pertains to testosterone exposure in the womb and on, with just a simple glance at the ol handeroonie.
You can see it right now.
Take your hand, hold it flat in front of you, like the same hand you make when you sieg heil. Just hold it flat with your fingers extended straight. Look at your ring finger and compare its length to your index finger.
If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, you're naturally high test. The longer it is, the higher the test. If your index finger is longer, then you're a low t beta cuck faggot piece of shit, but you probably already knew that, didn't you.
The science is legit. It's also correlated with intelligence, because mother nature don't play no games and when she says "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING CUCK BETA SOYBOY FAGGOT", she means it 10000%.
Sorry to all the manlet beta faggot cucks who were fucked since the womb. Blame your mother for ever spreading her legs to the faggot beta soyboy manlet fucking cuck that is your faggot beta soyboy manlet fucking cuck father.

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That seems like it'd get really boring really fast. No milk or grains at all? I like steak and eggs, but holy shit that's a lot to give up. Nobody should drink the carbonated jew, of course, and beer is for weak cucks, but no milk or grain at all, ever? Why don't we just buy testosterone for fish or something like that. I dunno how but I'm sure there's a way to get testosterone.

You seem upset about something? If you need to talk about your feelings we can't stop you.

Yeah, they're called steroids.

It sounds simple but even just lifting and getting married has raised my test and confidence significantly. The male cycle seems to be eat -> stress -> sex -> think -> sleep
can be anything from fat cro magnon style steaks to Valhallan feasts, but not modern soyshit
battle, gym, manual labour, etc.
self explanatory but must be with a woman, this cannot be simulated with fapping
contemplate what your next move is, why you're doing it, how you can improve things
as much as you need - sleep isn't something to skimp on. Don't listen to Arnie when he says "6 hours - sleep faster". I only feel ok after about 9 hours, if less I'm groggy, if more I get headaches. Not sure why

I heard that this was correlated with autism, but high test + intelligence isn't really that different from mild Aspergers in how it presents

I read a little about this and I think it has to do with milk being high in fats that leech particularly well from plastic. The crap that leeches out even in BPA-free plastic binds to your androgen receptors and screws everything up. They figured this out in some study when they found organic milk coming back with worse levels of one of the chemicals they were testing for since they weren't expecting that.

I get milk in glass bottles which should help, but there's still processing done that includes heating the milk to pasteurize it and most likely running it through plastic tubing while it's hot. So it's probably not the best but I'll accept it since I'm getting rid of so many worse offenders.

Disclaimer: this was all from memory and shallow research so double check if you want to be sure.

on the one hand it's a staple of white culture, but on the other it's civilisation in a bottle. Is it possible to be a nomadic bronze age rapist while drinking beer? sources seem to indicate no

7.5 cm ÷ 7.9 cm = 0.94



Not if your dad is a Gen X skinnyfat faggot. My boomer grandpa could probably kick his ass.

Pasteurized and homogenized dairy are different from "raw" healthy milk. Get it raw and grass fed if possible. Our bodies have trouble with the former types and many races have large intolerance, they can handle raw dairy which has enzymes that predigest it for us. Pasteurized is dead, previously nutritious food, homogenized is man made altered unrecognizable at the molecular level. If it's raw dairy can easily become a staple of ones diet, like our ancestors had.

Nah, dunedain might be superman in strength and longevity, but Rohirrim got the fierceness and god tier aesthetics.

read/listen to the protocols of zion. they straight say jews were the ones to get alcohol into the goiyms culture, to make them stupid

Beer is shit, wine, grape wine is the true nectar.

alcohol basically fries your dna, even one drink. literally no reason to drink it.

What are you supposed to drink if not bottled water when the tap water is all contaminated?

if the tap isn't too awful you can use a filter on it. otherwise you can shell out the dough for glass bottles
there's also boxed water , i'm not sure how good it is

Of course racial question is always out of question.

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muh pnes begs to dickfer

That is just vodoo science. In Victorian England there was no IQ testing.

Important things not being considered:
There was a health craze in the 1980s with a focus on going to the gym.

There is a 'health' craze today that centres around the consumption of low-protein foods; vegetarianism, veganism and a general opposition to red meat.

The West was more 'white' in the 1980s than today, and whites are on average naturally stronger than non-whites. Immigration is going to, on average, reduce the average strength of men by some amount.

Physical jobs are a much smaller segment of the work sector. Whilst there are an awful lot of builders and labourers today; there are a hell of a lot more sedentary office bums.

All these things are worth considering.

i should probably just kill myself

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How the fuck did you end up here?

im even a libertarian which is like the most cucked ideology, fucking NAP like i cant even advocate gassing the jews

They had reflex testing and reflex speed is highly correlated with G. You're just wrong.

Jews are aggressors. You can defend yourself however you like.

JFC!!! If it makes you feel better, a higher ratio is correlated well with educational attainment. This is genetic though so not much you can do. My parents were also vegan but I don't have your problems. DNA.

every grandpa tells their grandson he's a pussy.
back in 1000 BC men were 12 feet tall and had 3 foot long dicks and could benchpress 5000 pounds

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1. Its correlation not direct measurement. Low accuracy.
2. I am pretty sure reaction time tests were not high accuracy either and used different measurement methods in 1840 comparing to the 2019 this introduces bias too.


They are a good proxy. If you look at their times, they are much higher than the average modern ones and they didn't have video games or anything back then. Their high level of achievement in terms of STEM also suggests a high average IQ. The tests then were accurate enough for the data to be considered accurate measurement.

Cope harder fucking degenerate fuck.
It's one thing to be addicted to something, and another thing entirely to romanticize it. Alcohol has always been the scourge of the Christian world.

< I'm shilling this fagcel, weirdo semite with no GF but i'm totally not a shill.
< Its lack of testosterone that is the problem, not being a weak, lazy sac of shit.
< Totally not that people are increasingly pozzed in the post.-modern west either.
The Fagcelsphere can fuck off.

< Listen to this anecdotal tale…

Doesn't matter how much testosterone you inject yourself, vegan = faggot. Hitler probably lost the war because being a vegan made him unable to think optimally.

Do you ever believe, fall for these one weird trick ads? This is exactly the same thing, pure bullshit to convince naive viewers that they found the solution.

Exactly. They'll get agitated if there is a direct threat but much less agitated about their country becoming a poz-ridden shithole. Muh masculenetee doesn't help and it's promoters are hopeless faggots with issues.
You gotta have something more extensive that that, waaay more extensive. Start with Patrick Little and Lincoln Rockwell, were they fagceltow faggots bitching about low T and precious body fluids? Thought so.

This is the only way the jew has ever survived in a host.

0.00 has been deposited. Please see your ShariaBlue supervisor after your shift and turn in your badge.

Do bodyweight exercises, lifting heavy weights too often will destroy your joints and bones.

Fuck doing actual exercice, I could totally be like that if I took those Alex Jones masculinity pills and the Complete R9k Life Advice book! -D

Does this actually compare ethnicities in 1985 to the same ones today, or does it compare the average man of a nation to the average back then?
Because I could see a pretty big error in this if it's comparing, say, a population heavily affected by 5 foot afghanis who are so non masculine they get mistaken for children, to a northern european population in 1985 consisting mainly of 6 foot and over men.

Keep in mind that the 80's was also the hey day of action movie heroes like Arnold who everybody wanted to be like.

What does this mean?

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How is some faggots virtue-signalling their masculinity on the internet supposed to be an argument instead of the pathetic joke that it is? -D

< I got this one weird trick and some Roosh science! Just listen to my anecdotal tales!
Still (X).

< This is a totally legit test, fellow Polacks. I don't need any links to proove it.
Your post is proof your kind is not to be taken seriously.

My dad can plank on his hands still even after getting the big C and recovering and being old and has strong bricks for hands that could put dents in skulls. He's a real survivor with killer instinct even killed people in the war.

I don't have any of these things I am the only person in my family to get a degree though I think I was coddled too much… I am training kickboxing though so I should harden up after a while.

This is a bot goys watch it and learn from it

Good goy!

I'm super beta and afraid of asking the doctor for a blood test for my testosterone. Is there a good excuse I can use for getting one? I live in Australia where we have socialised healthcare.

Just ask for one, being afraid of shit like this is literally only keeping your testosterone low. How are you gonna save the white race if you can't get a blood test, nigga?

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Doesn't raw milk have a shitton of bacteria and other crap in it?

The dunedain were the numenoreans while everyone else be living in caves

Yes, and so do you. Healthy gut flora is a pillar of health.

Still not sure if that's a good idea, I'd be more willing to drop milk entirely than drink it raw. There's so much (((science))) trying to push both sides of it so I don't know what to believe.

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Pedos in Congress banned pro-hormones supplements. Pro-hormones is now in the same category as hard drugs like heroin.

Point me to one (((scientist))) pushing raw milk.

Go back to facebook

probably shouldn't be trying to talk to others about this.