Are there any good redpilled songs like this? Also general Zig Forums music thread
Nazi death metal degeneracy not welcome.
Are there any good redpilled songs like this? Also general Zig Forums music thread
Nazi death metal degeneracy not welcome.
Other urls found in this thread:
t. buttblasted metalfag
You know that place everyone says is bad? Return to it.
Pierce couldn't listen to Nazi Metal and yet he appreciated its existence.
Be like Pierce
Got one for you:
I'm still working on it.
Metal is distinctly Aryan. Way to go, OP. You made this a Metal thread by specifically requesting it not be present. Welcome to the internet.
I like the ones that go beep woop beep boomz clap boomz clap boomz.
Dave Mustaine is more Aryan than OP ever will be, and thrash metal is the greatest genre ever devised.
Very redpilled aryan music.
This is about the 1707 Act of Union but can be related to any country that the Jews have taken over.
Ain't I Right - Marty Robbins
A feast for the ears and eyes.
Also this Johnny Rebel collection on Jewtube keeps deleting all Johnny Rebel music.
Kill yourself.
If you know where it will end, you will never know where to start, but if you know where to start, you will never know how it ends.
We know Dave is a jew but we don't care
90% of the music available is jewish and a great deal of it is kabbalistic and freemasonic unsurprisingly as music is meme ground zero.
Only posting because it's Saturday.
Music threads are garbage.
Somebody posted this in one of the other music threads, and I can't stop watching it.
Really gets the juices flowing. Thanks for sharing, user.
is there a link for this?
doesnt get much better than this
Well, at least he didn't wear for the illegal immigrants and holohoaxers.
They are the lucky ones.
It's not like they pretend their whole design has been the genocide of the Aryan peoples wherever they found them. They're like an aggressive virus.
Bad Ass!
Dave is Jewish only in technicality. He's so wise and so devoted to his French blood that he is undoubtedly on the side of whites. He also writes songs about government overreach, the new world order, Tolkien, the third world, drug use (both positive and negative), religious extremism, conspiracies, and gun rights, so any way you slice him he's a boon to a variety of non-kosher ideologies: conservatism, classical liberalism, nationalism, libertarianism, and even some more Zig Forums-conscious ones.
Besides, he's one of the most talented rhythm guitarists to ever live, so anyone who doesn't like him is either double gay or is a 12 year old pretending the brief feud with Metallica in 1983 even matters. Of course, those people will also invariably deny that the entire thing was (((Lars Ulrich's))) fault, and they use 'muh dave asshole' as a pilpul tactic to deny that Megadeth is an amazing band. Sour grapes.
Metallica is also good, and I respect James Hetfield a lot (he's pretty similar to Dave in several respects), but their (((drummer))) is a basic bitch and all of Megadeth's drummers have been better.
In this song he literally names the Jew as the cause of the 2007 American housing market crisis.
nobody listens to nazi metal. to reach the youth you need to give them something that uses the musical patterns of the decadent garbage, but lyrics that are meaningful. I think the stuff that goyim goddess does is a pretty good proof of this concept. The nignog rap garbage is garbage primarily because of the meaningless babble lyrics. Its incredibly catchy and stays in the mind.
Here's an example of Goyim Goddess making music that is close enough to what people listen to to be relevant:
Imagine how much Justice and everything after would have been if Lars had died in the bus crash instead of Cliff.
Dude. I got you
Fucking fantastic, you mean? Lars singlehandedly led the writing on a lot of the 90s material, and look at how much it sucked. Load and Reload have like three good songs between them, and all those were James' work, like King Nothing. It's also worth nothing that Robert Trujillo himself has said in a few interviews that he's less talented than Cliff and can't play a lot of the faster bass tracks, which is why Metallica has stopped doing some of their old material live. The stuff since Death Magnetic has been better, but Lars' new fetish for blast beats has restricted the composition a little - which I think is honestly a benefit to Trujillo, but it means James has to write around that. Luckily Metallica is a band that does well with simplicity, and I feel like drop D contributes to that a bit.
James also knows nations are female, per this song, which is almost a requirement for being a non-Jew. Being a rare mix of Celtic and Germanic is cool, too.
Anything made by mr bond, he posts all of his songs on his minds page (free speech Facebook clone) and has download links to his albums in his profile description.
I second Mr Bond, basically Zig Forums the music.
Here's a link where you can get all his music in a convenient zip.
Also in the same caliber is RWDS music.
Both make very redpilled remixes of songs.
The link for Mr Bond didn't copy
He was talking about why everybody should join the SS and get a black suit and start feeding the poor germans at christmas in berlin.
What the actual fuck? French extermination (this time for real) when?
okay, douchebag
wagner is all you need
This is about as redpilled as it get:
I had a colleague of mine talking about anal sex once. The girl in question was the kid sister of one of my best friends. Not gonna deny that she was pretty hot, but I didn't want this guy sharing the intimacies of anal sex with my best friend's kid sister. He was a fat fuck to boot.
Iced earth is heavily red pilled. Their whole wicked saga is based and red pilled as fuck
Years later they saw each other again at a party. They kissed but she was pregnant with another man's child. Who'd asked her to marry him two weeks before. No one knows I know. Not even they do. I suppose I'll chalk it up to youth sins.
NotSoc metal is so cringe, goddamnit guys get some some talent.
I think not listening to shitty mainstream leftist propaganda music (and watching their videos) is a lot more important than listening to something "Zig Forums." I also question the wisdom of lowering yourself to the mainstream's musical level in order to make counter-propaganda. This Goyim Goddess track is the same low quality shit even if it's a parody. Elevating the quality of pop music outside of lyrics should be seen as important too. It isn't just the messages in the arts that have been getting worse, but also the arts themselves (there seems to be a correlation between going left and going to shit). When people are surrounded by bad art, bad music, bad movies and bad architecture, it debases them. It signals cultural decline.
If you look at Japan–a wealthy, capitalist, liberal, media-saturated but non-Western society–there has been much less of a decline in their arts (except for live action movies), and also much less of a decline in their overall culture. Just compare recent top 10 singles.
The latest Oricon chart from Japan (top 10 starts at 6:18):
The latest Billboard chart:
Oricon top 2017 (30:05):
Oricon top 2018 (26:00):
Billboard top 10 2017:
Billboard top 10 2018 (15:50):
I think there's a clear difference in musical complexity and variety, even with AKB48 and its million subgroups having such a hugely disproportionate presence on the charts (this is somewhat artificial as due to certain reasons the diehard fans will buy multiple copies of the same single). A lot of these American ones barely have music and are barely distinguishable from each other, just the same-sounding beats and heavily medicated rapping over and over again.
You lost me at Japan. There's another layer here right? I got banned randomly from 4channel for the second time. The first time I thought it was for expressing my opinion, so I felt good about myself. Dangerous and all that. But today it was just so random. I didn't have anything to do with it. I posted in a Harvey Weinstein thread. It degrades my first ban. I thought I had an opinion, but no, it's just random shit happening. I would choke a jannie.
What do you mean?
infinitechan is more edgy right? You don't have to explain when you make a joke. But normies (such as myself) are gaining footing here as well.
Sorry the gore don't work no more.
Did you forget to take your meds?
you can't find Zig Forums on google. I have to go to wikipedia to find a link. That's about as far as I'll stray from the trodden path.
Zig Forums is mainstream. Enjoy the world watching you bitch about conserving art.
I went looking for the 'legendary' oldfags once. My computer died on me. Pulled the plug and restarted and the computer was fine, no permanent damage was done. But they're pretty easy to find, you can google them, hard to get into. I think it was legit.
Kill yourselves.
>bob dylan (((zimmerman))) is as redpilled as it gets
>a cover made for (((Sons of Anarchy))) is as redpilled as it gets
You shut your dirty mouth! It's about hopes, dreams, aspirations and wishing all the best for your kid who you've thrown into this world unwantingly.
Now look here: there is a Jack Nicholson thread going on on 4channel right now and I feel I need to be a part of it. They are lost without me. So if any of you could tell me how I can work my way around a ban that would be mighty fine of you. They're naked without me. You dig?
Need more music like the embedded. Any musically creative anons should try to make stuff that incorporates actually National Socialist stuff, such as songs, soundbites from speeches, etc.
This is bad music, and the only people interested in it are some people who are already down with national socialism/nazism, which have the worst possible reputation. I also don't think the point should be to fetishize Hitler's Germany. It's a fetishization arising from the holocaust narrative of Germany as an empire of cartoon evil. Germany was just a normal European country that decided to kick out the jews and focus on self-improvement.
Consider on the other hand the opening sequences to Attack on Titan:
This is high quality and cool and what people actually want to see and hear (the first one has 68 million views and the third over 36 million). It doesn't have anything to do with natsoc, but it's set in what appears to be Germany, it has the theme of a society under siege from outside (by ravenous monsters), and the main characters are heroic soldiers in cool uniforms with a special salute and flag. The lyrics are all about duty, self-sacrifice and fighting. AoT isn't some Zig Forums propaganda effort, but if you want to make propaganda then this is how you do it.
Johnny Cash was a chug and a self confessed crazed needle injecting speed freak; he grovelled to the convicts in prison, the worst ones too. Rapists, murderers, drug dealers, pimps, thugs, performing for them at his famous Folsom Prison album. One of his last big hits was "I hurt myself" by Kurt Cobain about a neurotic junky who practices masochistic self mutilation. He's apparently the antithesis of everything this place claims to aspire to. He's filth, just like chugs that drink cocktails made with KoolAid and Lysol cleaning fluid and then get on a crowded rush hour evening bus to liberally blast liquid shit into his pants to the horror and revulsion of the commuters sharing that space with him. I hate him. He's scum. The SS should round up individuals like this and take them to a piece of wasteland for a quick 9mm parabellum behind the ear and a swift kick of the jackboot into a freshly dug backhoe slit trench.
Haha you just made this entire thread worthwhile
Thanks, I needed that.
Good old Carl Klang
No problem. Kikes claim its a fake one, however its an old discarded song from 50's album. Now they claim Elvis was a jew as well, it is pathetic.
It's a slide. Fuck off.
Handel sets Milton's poem Allegro et il Penseroso to music
Not really NSBM but its BM by mostly NS guys
What's happening in this?
Something that's actually not cringey, but gets the blood pumping. All in High Old German.
Forgot embed
Alfadhirhaiti is good too
This. Hielung is amazing.
You're wrong kike. Music like this was appealing to me as a normie, and become even more appealing as I continued down the path. The target audience is children who like edgy things and to excite the situation. Jews don't care about people our age, we're set in our ways, they work tirelessly to target the minds of children. You are overthinking it. What sounds good, sounds good. Making Hitler funny. Making Hitler edgy. Making Hitler memes. That's what children gravitated to, and how we came to be where we are. You'd know this if you were here in the early days of 4chan.
Yeah I must be a jew for not liking a song just because it samples natsoc field recordings or some shit. You obviously like it but it's still low quality and wouldn't be anything without its natsoc associations. It's just preaching to the choir and doesn't communicate anything, or at least nothing positive. Meme images, which is what you seem to be conflating this song with for some reason, are much more effective.
An example of good music is the Soviet/Russian national anthem. It inherently sounds impressive and heroic and makes the Soviet Union/Russia seem attractive:
Unlike your amateurish song that sounds like it was made by losers for losers and was re-uploaded from a 2006 video. If you want to convince people that something is good then you have to make it look good.
Also, I know video gaming is frowned upon, but I came across a French band called Chaitivel who recorded a new period appropriate soundtrack for the game Kingdom Come: Deliverance. All atmospheric minstrel music. They have several albums.
Fuck off you niggers
You mean Hurt, by Nine Inch Nails? Trent Reznor? If this entire post isn't bait then you are one dumb motherfucker.
KJ is honestly one of the most redpilled bands out there. If I remember correctly, they even used to straight up flirt with fascism in some of their songs and interviews.
And yet, it does not appeal to the youth of today. Which is unfortunate, but the truth. The youth is born into, a yearning for easy pleasure. Easy pleasure in games, in food, in music. And as such, the music you describe, is too long, too slow, too grandiose for them to comprehend, it offends their stunted senses. Thus one must CRACK that deafened, mutilated state with something catchy, something simple, something pleasurable.
This is what I enjoy now. I enjoy the music you describe. But it took stages, and propaganda has always had stages.
I don't see why it wouldn't appeal to young people today. They still play video games and watch movies and TV shows with orchestral soundtracks:
And it doesn't require some kind of special education to decipher the Soviet anthem. It even plays the best part right at the start. But I was just using it as an example of something high quality that makes something, whatever it is, seem attractive. Attack on Titan was an example of that too.
Different example. An almost recruitment ad-type commercial for Halo ODST vs. a real recruitment ad for the real British army. The Halo one is awesome, the British one is lame as shit with evil wyte ppl oppressing a strong woman of color and the army doing some worthless humanitarian missions for the benefit of other countries.
And to get back to animation, the animation that's cool today is not some shit like Steven Universe, Teen Titans Go or She-Ra, but anime like Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball, Fullmetal Alchemist, One Punch Man, My Hero Academia, Sword Art Online, Cowboy Bebop and Akira (which inspired Kanye West's music video for Stronger). It's not like the youth are rejecting it because they prefer to eat shit and can't digest anything better than the trash shoveled out by American studios, and the way to reach them is to feed them more shit but with some different political messaging. Music shouldn't be any different. And if you lower yourself to the level of shit, then where are you going to go from there?
The fuck is this shit
the wiggers are getting woke
Because reality says so. Hitler is the most character assassinated person in the history of man. He and his government are the purest representation of evil in the Western mythos. That's how things are whether you like it or not.
Listening to "nazi" music, shaving your head, wearing urban camo pants, decorating your walls with swastikas and generally obsessing over the iconography and superficial characteristics of nazis is the kind of useless fetishism and larping that should fuck off.
What was that you said about twisting things to create ridiculous arguments? You missed the point on purpose.
What are you even doing here, kike?
More trickery. I said nothing about any of this. You are inventing things.
That behavior is real and this thread has promoted "nazi" music. What exactly do you think was the "real" target I was cunningly avoiding?
So you think it's a worthless idea that when trying to convince people of buying into something it's good to make it look charismatic, cool, appealing, inspiring, convincing, beautiful etc.? Sounds like you want people here to think that they should be promoting things in a shitty way that will leave people apathetic or repulsed. Maybe you also think the nazis shouldn't have been such sharp dressers and should have instead looked like slobs or thugs. That really gets people's respect.