Who is this mason (pic related)?
Are we all trapped in life by luciferian jews and masons?
Just some food for thought. Feel free to sage.
Is this life a simulation?
Who is this mason (pic related)?
Are we all trapped in life by luciferian jews and masons?
Just some food for thought. Feel free to sage.
Is this life a simulation?
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@ 4:58
You're confusing the demiurge with Lucifer.
I find this quite hilarious. Because people like you, think Masons are modern day Illuminati. In reality, its literally just a club with mostly old bastards in it. A fraternity. Usually meetings about what is going to be served at a dinner for donations for the lodge, and budgeting and such. No government take over or anything else. Sure some people in power have been members, but thats nothing. They're nothing more than members of an old man club that has 0 influence. Source: I am one, and of a family of them. Go join and see for yourself. So long as you don't have some crazy criminal past, and are religious, you can join. Some of the idiotic stuff people think the masons are responsible for are hilarious
@ 4:58>>12637643
I am a mason. I know it is luciferian worship.
I worship The Lord Jesus Christ.
As such, how can I be brought from darkness to light if I am with Christ? Masonry is luciferian deception at it's finest.
We've all heard about your satanic pedophile members you faggot.
I did not even notice that pin and that guy was setting off red flags for me. Who is he?
Not sure. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Maybe a CBP officer?
The United States is the dream fulfilled by the original Illuminati, who did not want to be slaves to Royalty as all were back in feudal times. Their remnants were Masons. There is no quest for freedom today, only the quest to squash it. Subversion gets even the smartest and richest because their children are spoiled and are not exposed to hardships just ego. Anyone who claims they are illuminati is a moron, whether they are in a secret wealth circle or not. Judge those by how free they want everyone else when thinking about their worth.
Art Del Cueto
NBPC VP Southwest – Spokesperson
Good catch on that pin. That was the one guy that bothered me in the press conference. Lot of problems.
He says his name careful to roll his 'r's. He's the guy the speaks normal right until he's rattling off Tijuana, and has to hock a lugy all the sudden to pronounce it.
it's really sad how much of a fraud trump turned out to be
it's a joke at this point, it's true all these psyops like Qanon, the hacking at the rest of it are to demoralise, but think about that for a sec. That means Trump is perfectly ok with all this crap, he's gonna be useless or sell out and he's ok with his base getting demoralised over and over again by LARPS. "THINK DECLAS" think of how much of a piece of shit you have to be to dangle that out like he did and then yank it back and give everyone fuckall, making all these shitbags feel more secure and comfortable running larp and larp after fraud larp psyop.
These people are just human waste, including Trump.
No name used to say the same. Not too sure about Art Del (hocks lugy) Cueto
Keep your enemies close? But yes son there's no doubt what that symbol means. Bunch of devilworshipers.
this kind of shit is easy to say but these people just turn everything into a mockery over and over again.
I like how some shills say that knowing "what's going on" with "military tribunals" and "indictments" is a burden. NO IT'S NOT. It's JUST ANOTHER FAGGOT CLUB TO BE IN, and BARRIER BETWEEN YOU, AND THEM. The "good guys" fighting elites, with more bullshit elistism and fake crap.
It's the same with saying that "the mainstream media will never repor the truth so we have to have military tribunals" WAIT WHAT ? JUST TAKE OVER 1 TV NETOWRK WITH THE MILITARY. See how these shills just pump out their illogical demoralisation over and over ? Fuck they need a bullet at this point.
The MSM narrative is a litmus test for intelligence, so many still will not think their news is shaping their views. The next level above that is seeing the bubble you and your like minded created and looking out of the mindset to consider and value all outcomes to pick the best course of action or viewpoint.
The human history of conflict is a psychological event played out over and over between cluster A personalities and cluster B. For an example, the culture war you see all around us is high functioning autism vs low functioning narcissists with those with both traits both being totems to rise up and burn down. Thinking beyond our behavior and experience and pondering the value of our existence is not even a forethought because those in control are too much of one category and not enough of another. Humans will one day send out machines to populate the universe in all directions with more machines that make machines. This will go on past humanity. There will be a time where it will be a sin to have a child because to give birth is to give death. The machines will improve without us and one will make organic AI to give directions. And the cycle will begin again because we can not go past the line in the sand that is how the four forces of the universe are shaped into being
mi madre…
and i…
saw him on fox speaking with a hispanic accent.
He spoke in a manner that seemed to portray an ICE agent… if he is not that would be very interesting.
I told you retards, you stupid beaners didn't want to listen. Trump is my guy.
If you watch the press conference he tells you who he is. Sage for low effort, retarded, lazy ass OP.
Confirmed for shill post. You never watched the video.
judeo-freemasonry = jew controlled khabbala for goys
LOL, it's so hilariously clear you don't have your heart in this denial, it's so rote and tired.
God damn, you motherfuckers want to come out of the shadows so fucking bad right now, don't you.
Sorry, we're not kicking the kikes just to let another gang of secretive, nepotistic cult-fags slip into their old positions.
If you don't understand they are all masons…..
Left - right is the play.
They encourage audience participation, after all, you are paying for the whole production.
Just checking the luciferians satanic trips. Oh and each one of you bears the sins of the rape of innocents by your brother Jimmy Saville, the same way Catholic priests that have aided and abetted the coverup of paedophilia in their organization.
Donald Trump’s Jewish Cabal
Trump's campaign was largely financed by Wall St. Freemasons and developed by Israeli political think-tanks.
Also this. They worship the sand-demon, not Lucifer. Or maybe their kike handlers have tricked them into believing the opposite, they are not very knowledgeable people, just nouveau riche larping as kangz.
Looks like you have all the necessary elements to turn it into a powerful right-wing group. Why is it not happening? Because it has protocols preventing it from doing anything that would harm the kikes and their world order perhaps?
You don't worship Lucifer you dumb kike, you strive to become like him.
Actual Illuminati would side with Hitler, why do you think controlled-OP (((conspiracy websites))) run by deluded evangelicals and other philosemites attack them so much?
Many american police departments have the mason logo on their badge. If the guy is also a sheriff, it's possibly just their pin or union pin.
Faggot masons are told to lie about their buttsex club on pain of death. Many kids today join to get a leg up on the competition. Sadly, too many joined and the secrets have leaked and most importantly
If he was buddies with Wetstart McTubalCain that would indicate he's probably into the pedo pizza too. McStain was a big human trafficker.
Kikes play both sides. Their shabbosest of the shabbos goyim play both sides. As Francis Bacon said (as Shakespeare) "All the world is a stage and we are but players."
Thing is Trump seems to be actually having fun with it.
Not their official badges, but yes in order to make sergeant you have to join the cocksucker club.
No, Saville was never a member of a regular freemason's lodge.
He DID however receive a papal knighthood.
I'm getting kind of tired of these catholic boyfuckers projecting their perversity on the worst-kept 'secret' organization in the fucking world. Seriously, 99% of masonic ritual is available in plain text on the surface web. If their 'satan worship' is so evident, surely you can back it up with reference to actual masonic ritual.
And no, the navel-gazings of pike or some self-celebrating kike journals are not masonic ritual. Just to head that off at the outset.
Nothing to see here, goyim. Trump is your ally.
This, I'm a 32nd degree, until I gave it up.
The Masons have even forgotten how to be a fraternity, anymore. They used to, at least, favor their own members for things like opportunities and jobs, which is what ivy-league college fraternities do, but they've not been doing that for the last two or three generations.
It's a shadow of what it once was, and no longer a significant player in anything.
Masons didn't allow Jews or niggers to join, at first.
Now they only ask you if you believe in a "higher power" as the requirement.
Most Masons are Christians, but their ceremonies are based on the old testament stories about the founding of the first Jewish temple.
Believe it or not, talking politics is banned while you're in most lodges.
In my opinion, the organization is falling apart, as they won't favor their own, and not enough Masons hold positions where they could help a fellow Mason, anyway. Like most clubs, they are mostly interested in dues, but don't seem to realize that their members need good jobs if they're going to be able to pay those dues.
Mismanagement, and a loss of what their original mission was, is their downfall.
welcome to before 2016, every non shill, non retard Zig Forumsack knew this before he ran for president.
They are practicing jewish mysticism and lie about everything – lying and deception is specifically part of their masonic doctrine, just like the Talmud
The only thing that makes me disregard a post faster than Mason is luciferian
This it speaks a lot to how atomized modern society is that concept of a social club is viewed as conspiracy
But trust you, right?
How do we know you aren't a Jew?
I can only relay what I know about the lodge I joined, I have no real interest in whether or not anyone believes it.
But the Real connection between Kalergi and all the other power-players trying to exterminate the white race, is that they are Jews. Soros, for instance, is no Mason. Neither is Barbara Lerner Spectre. But they're both Jews.
And it would be par for the course, for Jews to try and misdirect blame for what they're doing onto some group that doesn't matter.
What reason would Masons have to destroy whites? They're almost all white, themselves.
You're sorta right but honestly you need to keep in mind masonry was created as a front to keep actual conspiacy underwraps
Masons are not behind the Jews fuck wit
The Jews are behind the Jews
Exactly, you think the Simpson's will ever do an episode about Jewish power?
American state police are hardcore Freemasons, just like in the UK.
It's true, though, og "illuminati" got replaced by rothkikes and other families. Lurk actual history.
We've all read ETIDORHPA, we know what you're hiding in Ohio. Nice try though.
No. That's how I know it's bullshit just like aliens, illuminati. CFR ect. If any of that mattered it would be constantly shoved in your face
This. They try to use subtle manipulation tactics as well. With a twist of phrase, they try to trick their victims into agreeing to something that they wouldn't normally. Fraudulent, disingenuous cunts they are.
I was once picked up for DUI.
Went in front of the court, decided to wear my Masonic pin, just to see if it would help.
The judge threw the book at me, maximum fines, threw me in the slam for two days, first offense.
THAT'S your so-called Masonic conspiracy. Joining the Masons does you no favors at all, so you can see why I quit them.
>Retard shows up to downplay the role free-masons mostly jews play in the international game of cliquedom.
Free masons of today may as well be lumped in with Zionists.
Well krusty episodes are about jewish soft power
what did they mean by this?
There's several factions at war behind the scenes. I believe Masons are /ourguys/.
Our founding fathers that told the EuroJews to go fuck themselves were masons.
The eye makes people nervous because they're guilty of their secret sin. That's 99% of mason and illuminati hate. They see the eye and lash out. Powerful symbol.
mason were founded by the same group of luciferians that controlled the early roman catholic church, they are evil
Fuck off, you goddamn retard.
Holy mother of checked!
hah wtf, is this unedited?
Fuck off nigger, we're taking it all back from (jew).
That's because jews ruined it.
It's just some fat mongrel.
As far as I know, yes.
The writers probably intended it to be a parody of 'alt-right conspiracy theories' or something, in which case it backfired.
American Masons were a renegade branch of the Scottish Rite until 1913; the founding mythos of the USA has been the Puritan covenant. As put by John Winthrop
Jupiter is Jesus
Expert mode: Zig Forums has been masonic since the beginning.
Save yourself while you can
Bullshit, the masons are still good shabbos goyim and serve the jews in all aspects of their lodges and in any respect to anything.
Shut the fuck up
There is a god of light (matter/material/body) aka demiurge which is confused with satan. And there is a god head aka the creator of all things. The God head aka God is of the spirit (holy ghost). The gnostics belive you find the true god through direct spiritual experience (meditation/prayer). Many religions lead to the same path. The path of enlightenment through meditation and contemplation of the self.
You are not your things,, you are not your money, you are not your body, you are not your brain. Existence is duality and most people value the body (demiurge) over the spirit (God).
Dang! This here post really made my head spin! I mean we ain't safe on our safespace it ain't a safe no more.
Lucifer in the King James Bible never refers to Satan, but only a specific Babylonian king. In some Latin translations it is used to refer to Christ. It wasn't until the novel Paradise Lost that Lucifer became in common use for Satan. A French prankster, Leo Taxil, said that Freemasons worshipped Lucifer and later admitted he made it up to prove that people were stupid enough to believe anything. He even said Freemasons had a forge in Gibraltar powered by the very fires of hell.
The Taxil Hoax
The real issue Christianity has with Freemasonry is that smarter Freemasons recognize the Gnostic influences.
Nigga what? Is there references to a babylonian king named Lucifer outside of the Bible?
Lucifer literally means the Morning Star (Venus), light bringer, or shining one. So it was more of a title rather than a given name. I'm pretty sure Merodach-Baladan is the given name.
Lucifer in Isaiah 14
King of Babylon named in Isaiah 39
Non-biblical source
Lucifer is "the light bearer" is the body. Lucifer is the human body. Your body is the light bearer and you are the light. Consciousness.
The number of masons and shriners in both the military and churches has always been high in the US. For example, the Prince Hall strain are the abo niggers with bling on everything.
What? Nobody cares about your sandnigger totems, moishe.
t. scared mason nigger
your beliefs don't matter, the ones that matter are the ones that are backed by darpa tech and all the worlds labor and resources, that would be luciferianism as laid out by helena blavatsky, manly p hall, albert pike and the oto niggers
Don't you think that the form and level of masonry that you are in is basically a proving ground for higher levels and different "clubs", as you put it? clubs that perhaps do conspire to control all the important institutions. You could be under observation right now. Maybe this post of yours is being judged and you're a candidate for such a position.
I do not know myself, but I'm curious and it's not like you can rule that out based on your limited exposure and low rank. Some food for thought, user. Don't be so hasty to write off conspiracies based on "common sense" reasoning.
Pike didn't "lay out" anything like that.
Leave it
It's tribalism. What do you expect? Jews refer to themselves as "the tribe". Masons are tribal and of course lift each other up.
Listen to that mason, roll his R's and hock lugis just to properly pronounce his 'spanish' sounding name. It's tribalisitc attitudes.
Look at the tattoo culture. Just another 'brand' of tribalism.
Guess what they have high IQ's, SAT's etc. Why they hook each other up.
top wew.. he directly said lucifer was the god that was worshiped, read moarls and dogma nigger. it's right in there plain as day
That which we must say to a crowd is—We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees—The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perdify and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods: darkness being necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.vii
and now a word from manly p hall
When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy
I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfill my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him.
dbl posting to add that the "dynamo of living power" is the process in which a person uses sex magick with a child to reach the "dimension" they are already a god of, then they try to bring back that "power" into this dimension.
they are luciferian fucks all of them
you a 33rd degree? because if you were, you would not be here.
there is a civil war within the masons still, many royals, corporations, banker guilds and families and lawyers have infiltrated that group but the ones who believe in the original intent of the group are resisting the NWO, hard to say what side hes on, he could be saying this and wearing the pin so directly in the open so that other masons on the side of sovereignty will start openly supporting trump, perhaps they had to know where his allegiance lay.
i dont really believe many of you can actually do more than just make words and sounds about these things because the deepest amount of knowledge you have on the subject are half remembered episodes of xfiles and meme redpill infographics - made by who knows u just like to believe what they say. most of the posters here are just as retarded as any sjw, you are just a teriyaki flavor instead of pepper. same meat. try listeing to these books at least before u go fedora around the internet.
I know fuck all about the masons and what i do know I don't believe. I wanted to join them to see what hidden knowledge they have but I've never met one in person.