Kangz in ancient Scotland in new William Wallace movie

Outlaw King movie: Why are Blacks in 1300 AD Scotland?

I'll tell you why: Because jews want us to believe our ancient ancestors tolerated the presence of foreigners in ancient Europe, and that Blacks have just as much a historical right to be in Europe as Europeans do. Look at the scene: Kangz enriching a European village with their (((vibrant culture))).

Trying to kick back and enjoy a movie full of White people that is based on European history, and what do I see not just over 20 minutes into the movie, (((cultural enrichment))). The movie is made by Netflix, so I guess I'm not surprised, but I'm still pissed.

Will post clips of any other instances of anti-White social engineering as I continue to watch it, as well as any other blatant (((degeneracy))).


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Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking British re-writing history.

t. 3 grandparents came from Scotland

People have to be stupid to believe this. Why the fuck would some silk road looking niggers go to scotland? Maybe a Jew/arab looking thing… MAYBE but even native merchants were a low tier in society. So the idea some black merchants could shuck and jive in a center of a town is absurd. These fuckers probably wouldn't have been let into the gates or segregated to a specific section of town.
How? I would have turned it off immediately after that scene. I can't tolerate this shit.

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So far there have been zero non-Whites since the jiving kangz posted in OP.

There was a sex scene that was extremely degenerate in that it was basically hardcore pornography without showing the genitals. Otherwise the movie is actually pretty good so far, about halfway done.

I'm a sucker for medieval movies.

It's funny because the entire movie is basically Scots cursing the eternal Anglo.

Netflix = jew propaganda tool

They infested everything

This is for post-modernists and niggers because only those two groups will buy this steaming load of anti-white horseshit. Postmodernists because they're nihilistic relativists, and niggers because they are uneducated and easily fooled. It's mostly for niggers though. And it demoralises any white who isn't retarded (imagine being a Scottish war vet and watching this).

Finished the movie. There were no other non-Whites throughout the entire movie. In fact, there were some good bits of Scottish culture depicted in the movie, particularly some folk songs. Attached is a folk song from the end credits you might enjoy, anons.

It's almost as if some jew took a look at script and decided "this is far too White, find somewhere to shoehorn in some Africans", and the producers had to comply to get the movie published by (((Netflix))). I'm actually surprised they didn't make it worse, it seems like the bare minimum amount of multicultural poz was included by the makers of the film, relatively speaking.

The insidious nature of the Blacks they did manage to sneak into the movie should not be underestimated, however. It's still social engineering that aims to normalize presence of non-Whites in European lands, and portrays them as harmless jolly minstrels that bring (((enrichment))). It still affects the minds of the viewers subconsciously.

7.5/10 movie, btw.

kek, yeah, I thought their garb looked rather strange as well.

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Accepting any poz whatsoever is how we have incrementally found ourselves where we are. One nigger on this planet is one too many, let alone one in the stories created for my people.

Oh jew!

Because the international jew wants scotland to push for independence and remain part of the European Union to fuck up Britain for choosing to leave.

I was just reflecting a bit, and something that really disturbs me is that European culture is becoming a consumer product, and our lands like an amusement park for foreigners.

They swarm by the millions to marvel at the creations of our people, walking through our cathedrals and ancient cities, taking selfies while they gawk at the local Europeans like they are watching animals on a safari.

Now those same ungrateful, unworthy, and alien creatures are taking up permanent residence in those same hallowed spaces, and wallpapering over our ancient culture with their foul excrement.

Now our own culture is being packaged into consumable products and sold back to us as the foundations of our civilization are being steadily eroded, and the stories of our heroes and our ancestors are being progressively reshaped into fairy tale-like stories of a legendary people that never actually existed.

I hadn't considered that social engineering angle, European D&C. I wonder how well that plan would actually work in the long term, it seems like the EU is on a steady course to be BTFO.

They are. They absolutely are. My last boss was Sri Lankan and was telling me about his European tour: "Oh, Paris, London, they were all so great… I went to Poland, nothing but white people and they all kept staring at me". I went home with a smile on my face. They think they're entitled to consume us as they please but get offended when they experience us in non-consumer format.

Never change, Poland.

The international jew simply spreads its efforts into any avenue it perceives to erode our society, as a gas expands to fill a chamber, with the goal only to benefit themselves at our expense. To ascribe planning to their more effective plans is like ascribing intelligence to a particularly infectious virus.

In a medieval historic context, that's the only time having some darkie around makes some twisted plausible sense to me. If they are a silk road nigger on a busy silk road trading location. Probably somewhere in the far east away from central and western Europe. In reality, a Kang like this if not murdered while traveling probably would have been segregated with other undesirable traders or not even allowed into the city. Although this is really all speculation, certain societies may have been tolerable who really knows? Most wouldn't have seen a nigger and thus wouldn't have any bias towards them other than common outsider suspicion only much higher because nigger.

But this is all bullshit, the reason why it's confusing to wonder why a 1300 AD scotsman would react to a silk road nigger jiggaboo chanting on a dung pile is because it never happened. It's so nearly impossible for it happen that it's very difficult to imagine and so speculative. It's the equivalent of wondering how people today would react to an alien encounter. I don't know? You don't know… know one fucking knows. It's stupid.

I'm drunk fuck niggers.

I'm going to hit with you a pretty obvious redpill. While I agree that the culture is being packaged for foreigner amusement. The truth is that if you are going to make a movie with a loose historical basis you pretty much have no other options. No one except Europeans really amounted to much in history. The only other option left is Asians and ya they have plenty of interesting material for movies but it's more limited and linear.

European history has a very distinct development and identity. You can look at a Roman Legionairre and know oh this is a movie in Antiquity. You can see a Knight and know oh this is the middle ages. Etc. Asian history is not as distinct in this regard. This makes it very easy to package a movie based on European culture. Want a movie about knights? Easy, there is a whole "set piece" already made. Pilgrims? No problem. Victorians… hundreds of stories.

Want to a movie with African culture? Well it would basically be a Nat Geo documentary or Zulu. No distinct time period either, they did the same shit for thousands of years. Zulu is only distinguishable because the British are shooting them.

Another way of looking at this is that by including something so historically preposterous in the movie, it undermines the historical validity of that retelling of European history as a whole. It's almost as ridiculous as if a Scotsman suddenly brandished a Titleist nine iron at an Englishman during a brawl, or if a UFO (as you mentioned) landed during the middle of a battle to lend a hand to the English.

Let's take a moment to reflect on the irony of the fact that a large amount of the consumer products based on our culture focus exclusively on our war-like and violent nature, the movie this thread is about being a good example, not to mention the world wars. When we finally reach the end of our rope and once again embody the pinnacle of the European non-consumer format, they are going to be astonished indeed.

It's about Robert the Bruce isn't it? Because Robert the Bruce was born in England, as a Norman. Robert De Brus.

Some powerful forces are trying hard to rewrite history.
Is any history we are told actually true? Makes you think.

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You should see the latest British Army recruitment advertisement.
It basically involves a black girl (((trapped in a supermarket job))) getting ragged on by her white co-workers, but staying cool calm and collected in the face of their racism, because she has a higher purpose….
Joining the military and helping quell any racist white uprisings.
They are non-stop with this shit, watching talmudvision in Britain for 5 minutes would blow most peoples minds on this board.

I see it as narcissism. They get offended when they can't just extract from you goodfeelz and resources. Imagine going to Japan and expecting them to bend to your will and then getting offended when they react negatively. That's white most nonwhites do.

What a strange cohencidence every movie about history is filled with (((diversity))). What did Mr.Orwell say about rewriting history and stuff?

Exactly. Which is why they try to make it quick so you glance over it like subliminal messaging. If you are dumb brainwashed cog you're brain doesn't function properly and will pick it up as MULTICULTURALISM YES. However, if you aren't completely dense your brain will notice the quick flash of the silk road nigger and think wtf no that's not right. Then if they aren't completely zogged out they'll be agitated the rest of the movie.

In other medieval based productions, they have tried to have main character niggers and it almost never works. For example, that King Arthur show had a black lancelot and I think a black princess. Anyway, it got a ton of bad reviews because people know Lancelot isn't black.

Want to have nig nogs in a medieval movie with loose historical basis? Well the only decent example I can think of is Kevin Costner's Robin Hood. That movie is a historical travesty in many regards but at least they went through exposition to make Morgan Freeman in England plausible. Ironically this movie got me into history as a kid. Looking back god is it horrible but at least it's kind of fun?

I saw a U.S. Army ad that was completely in Spanish. It's not even subtle anymore. (((They))) are trying to reshape the military in our countries to more easily accept orders to gun down whites.

jew puke disregard the parasites NEXT

New showtime movie about ww2 germany has a blonde-haired blue-eyed NSDAP soldier fall in love with a german-speaking african girl. They entire movie is how Hitler is responsible for preventing their love. The girl even says "but I am German" and the previews advertise "inspired by true events" such as that the war happened. I fucking hate these jews.

The irony is that Hitler's Germany would have actually been more tolerable to that relationship than FDR's America.

>It basically involves a black girl (((trapped in a supermarket job))) getting ragged on by her white co-workers, but staying cool calm and collected in the face of their racism, because she has a higher purpose….
I've got to see this, can you help me find it on jewtube? I just went to try to find it, and look what I found. A British army ad featuring a Black woman as an "IT technician". LMAO. Das rite.


You weren't kidding, they are directly trying to recruit non-Whites.

That's horrifying tbh. The replacement of Whites in the military and law enforcement is one of the things that terrifies me the most. There should be an entire thread about this exposing the explicit agenda to accomplish this, including exposing the propaganda that's being used.

I refuse to watch any movie of television show where Blacks are present as characters in historical European contexts where it makes no sense (such as being knights etc.). I would have instantly stopped watching Outlaw King if the Blacks had been anything other than background characters for three seconds (though it is annoying that the "music" they were playing was so audible, come to think of it I'm sort of angry about this), and the fact that they were depicted as traveling foreigners made it somewhat more tolerable (if they had been regular townsfolk, even in the background, I might have deleted the video file instantly). I mean, their brief presence in that form caused me to pause the movie, extract the clip, and make this thread, and I spent the rest of the movie analyzing it for more bullshit of that nature, not really enjoying it as much as I would have otherwise (as you mentioned).

I forgot about that movie, you're right, they actually made a reasonable effort to have Freeman's presence make sense. They don't even bother with that any longer, we are well past the point of normalizing the presence of Blacks in White entertainment, our history is now being completely rewritten.

I will mention something else that I am profoundly disturbed by, and it ties in with the replacement of Whites in historical movies by Blacks. I can't remember which movie it was, could have been a King Arthur movie in fact, but not only were there Black knights, but there was all sorts of fantasy bullshit thrown in (I think giant elephants or monsters of some kind). What disturbs me about this is that they are beginning to treat historical European events as fairy tales, adding in fantasy elements that totally compromise the historical veracity of the stories, which I think is being done intentionally erase our culture.

What the actual fuck. We should make a list of all of these movies.

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Ya honestly looking back at Costner's Robin Hood despite how bad it is, the way they fit in Morgan Freeman should be applauded compared to today where it's just HERES A NIGGER ITS NORMAL DEAL WITH IT.

It was a King Arthur movie. Or probably more accurately a Kangz Arthur movie.
Never heard of that movie, looks dumb as shit.

Also in related to military recruitment. Check this out from the U.S. Army
Not surprised when I click through that most of the related videos always seem to land on the free shitty benefits the military offers like healthcare and community college. Sure veterans should get these benefits but patriots don't join for them. It's all fucked.

I haven't been watching movies for a very long time now. After some time you just start to see them for what they really are: propaganda and nothing more. Even the classics. I used to be a movie buff back in a day but not anymore.

I'm going to start writing down all the shoehorned diversity in European setting movies I can remember and make a list. Maybe someone with the right programs can make one of those infographics with it.

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Nigger you're going to run out of storage space before you're half way through.

How times have changed. I worked on the 1996 movie "Michael Collins" directed by Neil Jordan, about the Irish fight for freedom from 1916 to 1922.
Anyway, there were a few days when the public was invited to volunteer to be extras to bulk up the crowd scenes. The film was shot in Ireland, which in those days was white, without any mass immigration.
On one day, about a thousand people showed up, which was great.
Unfortunately, the only nigger in Ireland also showed up, a negress.
It was hilarious.
She kept pushing herself to the front of scenes and the first assistant director had to continually get rid of her, pushing her out of camera with excuses like "your shirt is too white, there will be too much camera glare".
What the assistant director really wanted to say was "Fuck off you nigger, there were no blacks in Ireland in 1922".
How times have changed. At least 20 years ago there was an effort to be historically realistic, and not try to shoehorn diversity into everything.
Nowadays they would jut let the nigger stay.
Fucking appalling.
For example, I was dragged to the cinema to see the film "Murder on the Orient Express".
Within seconds of the film opening, there was a shot of 1930s Jerusalem with…a nigger policeman in it.
I thought, what the fuck?
In the 1930s Palestine was a British colony with police from Britain, Ireland, Australia, Canada, and locally recruited Arabs.
There weren't any niggers.
A few minutes later the nigger policeman is given a few lines, where he hands the hero a vital piece of evidence.
I think he had a London accent.
Seriously, if there was a nigger in London in 1937, and he applied to join the colonial police in Palestine, they would have told me "Fuck off and eat a crate of bananas, you nigger".

Oh god I just watched that Kang Arthur clip I posted it. It really is like a fucking conspiracy to cheapen European culture. The part that is supposed to be emotionally sad has like some gaelic music being played over it followed by a jump cut of the negro yelling. It's already a stupid movie but with all the race propaganda. This is too much. This is how people develop ulcers and blood pressure problems.

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Ah shit you brought up a good point. Due to labor laws today it's probably impossible to exclude all the wonderful (((diversity))) without getting a lawsuit when having a public casting.


I looked it up. Ancient history means 3,000 BC to 500 AD.

Welcome to Clown World user.
Is there a term like "Lugenpresse" for films that lie about history?



Wow, that's even worse than I imagined. They are literally recruiting Muslims and telling them that Islam will be respected and defended by the British army. Mind boggling.

Yes. That is the movie. I downloaded that movie a while ago, watched up until that exact scene in the clip you posted, then closed VLC and deleted the video file from my disk. Not only was I mad about Kangz larping as Europeans, the inclusion of pure fantasy elements such as giant elephants (ripped off from Tolkien, btw) made my blood boil, because they are mocking our actual history and reshaping it into fairy tales.

I absolutely can't enjoy entertainment any longer the way I used to. Watching it is now more like an active exercise in consciousness to notice and decipher the social engineering.

Please do. I might make a video montage.

Interesting story user.
Reading this was like being punched in the gut when I realized you were referring to 1996. How the fuck have things deteriorated so rapidly?

Yes, I mean, what else could it be? It's pure mockery, and it's social engineering. Think of the young Whites growing up watching that garbage, not to mention the effect it must have on non-Whites (entitlement, narcissism etc.).

Thanks user.


Just watch these Bongs Army Recruitment ad, What amazed me wasn’t Black I.T. girl or Infantry Cunt or Woman Bricklayer (work in construction never seen one ever) but they actually advertise Blue Collar Trade Jobs as something meaningful in the UK , US Military ads always got you in some white collar job out of the elements and the Trades are like “ewwww, yuk I’m not running around outdoors with a gun to be a plumber”
Funny Funny

You might find the odd bit of Dutch degeneracy in the 1600's, raping an imported negress for example but other than that, not really.

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I am surprised William Wallace is played by a white man. For that reason, the movie is probably considered right wing in Europe.

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De original Britons wuz Black until dem muthafuckin' crackaz came out da caves and took away da magical power of melanin and displaced 'em.

Worse than that.
They want you to believe western folk music was invented by niggers.

Fucking Netflix, for fuck's sake, when will you morons learn to boycott?

My god, why are you watching ANY fucking movies or television, at this point? Don't you have self-improvement to get to?

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Looks like the Brit army is having trouble finding people to die for Israel…

This does NOT inspire any confidence in me for NatSoc's.

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It's interesting that besides that scene, the entire cast of the movie was white.
You just know that after the movie was finished some kike went ahead and said "good movie, but it's missing something".

for a netflix movie I enjoyed it too, especially the bits with stannis

Why do you fags give this kike shit any fucking attention is what I want to fucking know. You fags cry about Jewflix all the fucking time and then you still push their faggot shit for free

What's with this increase in people calling niggers blacks, go back to reddit you faggot.

That's because this is how it starts. They sneak in the extras. Then they start writing a character whose backstory they can defend under "plausible deniability." Then they cast King Richard the Lion Hearted as a Nigger. Then he's only ever cast as a Nigger. Then your dumb as kids jew rotted brains think he was actually a nigger. This is how it starts. BUT not how it finishes.


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Clown world.

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That's the music from the Halo 3 ODST trailer

This would only make sense if it was just some "rich" nigga with a ton of gold passing through to be a faggot, it's happened but this isn't even that. They couldn't even bother to give any hints to them potentially being sailors or nig-traders, nope, just Africans livin' and lovin' all dat peace yo, in the middle of "OOGA BOOGA MEDIEVAL VIOLENCE".

At this point, they deliberately do it in such subtle ways that it can only be seen to as normies as an insulting level of ignorance when protesting this faggotry.

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Netflix is a jewish propoganda tool, not a buisness.

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Such a beautiful strong diversity…


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Nice try kike. Bernays family created.

muhfugga nomsayn

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Netflix has been losing money year over year for a while.
Why does that graph say otherwise?

Non-whites don't just think like this. White, urbanites do as well. Everything they do, they consume. They must 'travel' and 'experience' The culture becomes a shopping mall. No one is entitled to seeing your home and no one is especially entitled to stay there. Mass tourism is fucking disgusting.

9/11 onwards is where this shit started getting really bad. Of course, in the UK there were colonial niggers in London since the fifties and this is precisely why Enoch Powell made his Rivers of Blood speech because he saw the outcome of such disgustingness

I wonder what would happen to her if the twitter lynch mob found out about that thing in her house

Quick reminder that no one, anywhere, is ever going to stop this.

Because you're too mentally defective to read the graph, you fucking idiot.


How? "Income" means after expenses. So I don't subtract red from black, I just take the black as is. If the black were revenue then I would take red from black and see a loss. The labeling of it is retarded, probably wrong and reeks of kikery.

BUMP because today OP wasn't a dumb faggot.

Speaker: Jesse Owens
While at the Olympic Games, I had the opportunity to meet the King of England. I had the opportunity to wave at Hitler, and I had the opportunity to talk with the King of Sweden, and some of the greatest men in Europe. Some people say Hitler snubbed me. But I tell you, Hitler didn't snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.

It's probably some accounting trick, like future promises of other networks and users to buy their shit. These scams always fall down when the future buyers fail to materialize.

Well at least he's nailed that inbred look that most of the aristocracy have.


Poetic. Didn't Theodor Adorno say the same thing though?


It's amazing how so many anons on here still don't get this.

This is interesting…

Directed by
David Mackenzie

Produced by
David Mackenzie
Gillian Berrie

Written by
David Mackenzie
Bathsheba Doran
James MacInnes
Mark Bomback
David Harrower


What are the chances its THAT Balfour?



as Charlotte’s father, Howard.

A unexpected love story is at the heart of “The Mystery of Love and Sex” at the Out Front Theatre Company in West Midtown.

>The dramatic comedy, written by English playwright Bathsheba Doran and set in Atlanta, explores the friendship between Charlotte and Jonny, who have been best friends since they were 9. She’s Jewish; he’s Christian. He’s black; she’s white. Their differences intensify their connection until desire complicates everything in a surprising way.

>The play, which contains full nudity, is making its Southeastern premiere with its run Feb. 1 to 18. Director Amber Bradshaw spoke to the AJT about the show.

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Who the fuck is Sam Gold?
Oh, another jew, of coursh.

I fucking bet it was!

>She lives with her wife and two children in New York City.

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An image is worth a thousand words.

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Oh, right, 100 internets to the man who can find me a picture of this kike dyke monstrousity with its two children.

Again, images speak louder than words…

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… But sometimes words speak pretty loud too.

>The effectiveness of David Harrower’s “Blackbird” as a work of drama lies in its ability to subvert traditional notions of morality. Although Harrower does not by any means attempt to justify child molestation (an impossible task that would waste the audience’s and the playwright’s time), he does reject the simplistic notion that a romantic relationship between an adult and a child is inevitably that of a heartless manipulator and an innocent victim. The reality, Harrower demonstrates, is, in some cases, far more messy, complicated and horrifying.

>In calling attention to the ability of language to spread stereotypes, Harrower encourages the audience to rethink the stereotypes about pedophilia that, as exemplified by Ray and Una, only obscure true understanding. The power dynamic in Ray and Una’s relationship is not consistent with the child-as-hapless-unaware victim and adult-as-uncaring-manipulative-victimizer assumption promoted by the conventional wisdom of society.

There are people who pay to see this shit.

"Net Income" doesn't equal "how much more money they had in the end of the period compared to what they had in the beginning". That's called "cash flow". You can lose a niggerload of money (have negative cash flows, as you can see on the charts), yet have positive net income.

For example, if you buy shit, that goes on the balance sheet under assets (for kikeflix it's "Content assets", which are presumably rights for distributing their jew propaganda for shekels), then they aren't considered an expense at purchase, they are are considered as an expense and depreceation, over a longer period of time.


accounting fuckery.

Don't complain. This is comedy. They don't know what unscientific fools they are. But we can laugh.

Remember that quirky nigger in Robin Hood, Prince Of Thieves? At the time I just thought he was in there to spice things up or whatever, didn't really make much sense to me, but now I see that it's all part of a very long program.

Just to add context when he made that speech including the phrase "the black man shall have the whip hand over the white man in his own country" it was unthinkable that blacks would be in the police, councils, parliament and the judiciary. They laughed at him, they didn't shout racist.
Then (((TV))) came and all of a sudden they were actors and newsreaders, and from there they have indeed gained the whip hand over the white man in his own country, and not just blacks.
Thanks jews.

Dude I was literally just telling my girlfriend most of this less than two hours ago. Sometimes I think we do have a hivemind to a degree and I refuse to consider that a bad thing.


I am tired and sore


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